131 resultados para anthropologists


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A presente dissertação trata da atuação de intelectuais (poetas, jornalistas, militantes, estudantes, folcloristas, antropólogos) e artistas populares na formação da chamada “MPB”, Música Popular Brasileira, no Pará. Entre meados da década de 1960 e de 1970, setores intelectualizados da classe média paraense iniciaram uma grande mobilização no sentido de atualizarem a música popular produzida em Belém aos debates políticos e estéticos que a MPB realizava no restante do país. Festivais foram realizados, grupos de poesia e música surgiram, atuações políticas se misturavam com posturas boemias e grande atividade artística. A nova intelectualidade buscava ao mesmo tempo fazer uma música moderna, mas pautada em elementos da cultura popular paraense ou amazônida. Em meio a novos artistas advindos destes setores da sociedade uma revisão da memória da música popular se fazia e antigos nomes eram incorporados a uma tradição. Concomitantemente a isso, o carimbó, que até então estava restrito às cidades e comunidades interioranas, surge em Belém como uma explosão musical e torna-se música consumida pelas rádios, TVs e indústria do disco. A urbanização deste gênero do folclore regional leva a um amplo debate sobre autenticidade, mercado e identidade cultural da região amazônica e do Pará em particular. Neste processo, artistas de extratos populares entram em cena dando sua contribuição à música popular do Norte. O amplo debate nos jornais sobre o carimbó (sua autenticidade ou sua degeneração frente ao mercado) se soma as atuações da jovem intelectualidade. Neste complexo contexto de múltiplas atuações surge uma MPB de feições regionais.


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Baseado na pesquisa desenvolvida junto ao rap gospel/cristão evangélico em Belém do Pará, pude reunir dados que me levaram a refletir sobre questões gerais da antropologia. Desta forma, estruturei a dissertação na perpectiva de uma compilação de ensaios que tratam da questão de como é possivel a utilização da subjetividade, na construção do texto etnográfico. Esta subjetividade (minha e de meus manos do hip hop) emerge do que chamei de experiências, ou, os encontros no campo entre pesquisador, intermediários, interlocutores e informantes. Para a exposição da análise em si, sobre este sistema cultural (rap gospel), em forma de compreensão e interpretação, me vali da analogia com a composição, produção e gravação de um cd, na verdade, é como se cada ensaio contido aqui, constituísse uma faixa do disco Palavras Sagradas, rimas e experiências: Uma tentativa de compreensão sobre cristianismo pentecostal, rap e antropologia, do mc e antropólogo Bruno “B.O.” Borda, com uma faixa bônus inclusive. O rap rap gospel/cristão evangélico proporcionou-me reflexões sobre religião, juventude e relações raciais por um lado, e epistemologia, metodologia e arte por outro, fazendo com que eu apresentasse este trabalho com vistas muito mais de incitação ao questionamento e a dúvida, no melhor estilo filosófico, mantendo o rítimo e a poesia, para propiciar uma leitura mista, que atinja parceiros antropólogos e aliados hip hoppers, no mínimo.


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O presente trabalho analisa as idéias de Malinowski e Paulo Freire, propondo algumas proximidades entre a antropologia e a pedagogia. Dentre as possibilidades resultantes de tal encontro, uma certamente merece destaque: a recomendação de que antropólogos e professores respeitem sempre o "saber-fazer" comunitário e previamente adquirido por seus respectivos outros, alunos ou "nativos", enquanto um verdadeiro ponto de partida para a construção da ciência. Desta maneira, pode-se pensar que em ambas as disciplinas o conhecimento caminha junto a um respeito pela alteridade, lição esta que elas devem partilhar não somente com outras áreas do saber, mas especialmente com a comunidade mais ampla.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study analyzes the translation process into English of neologisms and expressions in the works written by the anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro and in their respective translations, made by Betty J. Meggers and Gregory Rabassa. Our research project draws on Corpus-Based Translation Studies (BAKER, 1995, 1996, 2000; CAMARGO, 2007), Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004) and on some concepts of Terminology (ALVES, 1999; BARROS, 2004; BOULANGER, 1989; CABRÉ, 1993, 1999). Results show that terms do not present similarities within the language related to Brazilian Anthropology, being necessary for the author to look up alternative terminology and to create new concepts that can be used by other anthropologists. The translation of words and expressions developed by the author reflects lexical variation due to the options chosen by the respective translators for the target language. These tendencies may be found in Ribeiro’s translated texts, indicating the difficulty to conceptualize the anthropological Brazilian universe in English.


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The ideas of Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) still stimulate keen interest among language scholars today, be it complementary or contradictory. Saussurean thought has become widespread, in a more or less explicit manner, in undergraduate and graduate education in the humanities. Since the mid-1950s, Saussure’s ideas have been introduced and debated as part of the training of first-language and foreign-language teachers, communicators, anthropologists, sociologists and psychologists. In the majority of undergraduate and graduate disciplines in the areas of Linguistics and Communication, from the moment academics begin to address the nature of human signification and communication, it is impossible to ignore Saussure’s reflections on language and parole. The aim of this study is to reflect on the transmission of the general lines of Saussurean thought in Brazil. For this purpose, an inventory and analysis are carried out of Linguistics manuals originally published in Brazil since the 1970s, with the aim of reflecting on their construction in terms of programming and persuasion, categories of analysis of didactic speech proposed by A. J. Greimas.


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What is known today as “Oral History” is a research methodology which, in Brazil, has been widely used in the field of cultural studies by sociologists, anthropologists, and historians. Oral History was first introduced in Brazil with studies in social psychology and then spread to many other academic spheres, with the field of mathematics education being one of the most recent to adopt this method as one of its theoretical-methodological references. Topics such “What Oral History is” and “How Oral History can be implemented in mathematics education” are the foci of this paper.


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Over the past several decades, the topic of child development in a cultural context has received a great deal of theoretical and empirical investigation. Investigators from the fields of indigenous and cultural psychology have argued that childhood is socially and historically constructed, rather than a universal process with a standard sequence of developmental stages or descriptions. As a result, many psychologists have become doubtful that any stage theory of cognitive or socialemotional development can be found to be valid for all times and places. In placing more theoretical emphasis on contextual processes, they define culture as a complex system of common symbolic action patterns (or scripts) built up through everyday human social interaction by means of which individuals create common meanings and in terms of which they organize experience. Researchers understand culture to be organized and coherent, but not homogenous or static, and realize that the complex dynamic system of culture constantly undergoes transformation as participants (adults and children) negotiate and re-negotiate meanings through social interaction. These negotiations and transactions give rise to unceasing heterogeneity and variability in how different individuals and groups of individuals interpret values and meanings. However, while many psychologists—both inside and outside the fields of indigenous and cultural psychology–are now willing to give up the idea of a universal path of child development and a universal story of parenting, they have not necessarily foreclosed on the possibility of discovering and describing some universal processes that underlie socialization and development-in-context. The roots of such universalities would lie in the biological aspects of child development, in the evolutionary processes of adaptation, and in the unique symbolic and problem-solving capacities of the human organism as a culture-bearing species. For instance, according to functionalist psychological anthropologists, shared (cultural) processes surround the developing child and promote in the long view the survival of families and groups if they are to demonstrate continuity in the face of ecological change and resource competition, (e.g. Edwards & Whiting, 2004; Gallimore, Goldenberg, & Weisner, 1993; LeVine, Dixon, LeVine, Richman, Leiderman, Keefer, & Brazelton, 1994; LeVine, Miller, & West, 1988; Weisner, 1996, 2002; Whiting & Edwards, 1988; Whiting & Whiting, 1980). As LeVine and colleagues (1994) state: A population tends to share an environment, symbol systems for encoding it, and organizations and codes of conduct for adapting to it (emphasis added). It is through the enactment of these population-specific codes of conduct in locally organized practices that human adaptation occurs. Human adaptation, in other words, is largely attributable to the operation of specific social organizations (e.g. families, communities, empires) following culturally prescribed scripts (normative models) in subsistence, reproduction, and other domains [communication and social regulation]. (p. 12) It follows, then, that in seeking to understand child development in a cultural context, psychologists need to support collaborative and interdisciplinary developmental science that crosses international borders. Such research can advance cross-cultural psychology, cultural psychology, and indigenous psychology, understood as three sub-disciplines composed of scientists who frequently communicate and debate with one another and mutually inform one another’s research programs. For example, to turn to parental belief systems, the particular topic of this chapter, it is clear that collaborative international studies are needed to support the goal of crosscultural psychologists for findings that go beyond simply describing cultural differences in parental beliefs. Comparative researchers need to shed light on whether parental beliefs are (or are not) systematically related to differences in child outcomes; and they need meta-analyses and reviews to explore between- and within-culture variations in parental beliefs, with a focus on issues of social change (Saraswathi, 2000). Likewise, collaborative research programs can foster the goals of indigenous psychology and cultural psychology and lay out valid descriptions of individual development in their particular cultural contexts and the processes, principles, and critical concepts needed for defining, analyzing, and predicting outcomes of child development-in-context. The project described in this chapter is based on an approach that integrates elements of comparative methodology to serve the aim of describing particular scenarios of child development in unique contexts. The research team of cultural insiders and outsiders allows for a look at American belief systems based on a dialogue of multiple perspectives.


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This article focuses the relationship between journeys and photographs especially among anthropologists who travel. Having travelled to the Upper Negro River as an advisor of a PhD student, I discuss what digital photographs may mean in a context where verbal communication is impossible. Real or imaginary journeys are a source of images, reports, or travel logs in which it is difficult to discern what is real and what is fiction. After discussing a few famous scientific and literary journeys, the article focuses on some anthropological journeys and concludes that images produced by anthropologists are a result of trained intuition, a sensitive gaze, and memories of former travels. The article includes photographic essays that incorporate pictures I took in February 2012 among the Hupd'äh, in the Upper Negro River region.


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Diese Arbeit ist der Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme der Diskussion um die Rolle des Fachs Eth¬nologie in den allgemeinbildenden Schulen. Eine solche Übersicht zu den im deutschsprachigen Raum veröffentlichten Beiträgen lag bis dahin noch nicht vor. Sie reicht zurück bis zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. Im vorliegenden Papier wurden die grundlegenden Argumentationen dargelegt, mit denen Fachvertreter und -vertreterinnen ein völkerkundliches/ethnologisches Engagement in den Schulen, in Schulbüchern und bei der Lehrerausbildung forderten. Mit einem historisch vertieften Vergleich dieser Argumentationen wurde angestrebt, Kontinuitäten und Brüche in der Diskussion darzustellen. Diese Perspektive ermöglichte zum einen die Darstel¬lung von älteren und kaum mehr rezipierten Beiträgen in einem größeren Rahmen, zum anderen jedoch auch eine Kritik der vorliegenden, oft nur vordergründig verschiedenen Ansätze. Im Schlusskapitel stellte der Autor essentialistische/relativistische und universalistische Ansätze gegenüber und formulierte darauf basierend Ausgangspunkte eines weiteren schulischen Engagements im Rahmen einer vergleichenden Sozialwissenschaft Ethnologie. Im Anhang der Arbeit befindet sich eine chronologische Biblioghraphie all jener Beiträge, die Ethnologen und Ethnologinnen zur Integration ihres Fachs in die Schulen verfassten.


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La tesi riflette sulla necessità di un ripensamento delle scienze antropologiche nel senso di un loro uso pubblico e del loro riconoscimento al di fuori dell’accademia. Viene introdotto il dibattito sulla dimensione applicata dell’antropologia a partire dalle posizioni in campo nel panorama internazionale. Negli Stati Uniti la riflessione si sviluppa dalla proposta della public anthropology, l’antropologo pubblico si discosta dalla tradizionale figura europea di intellettuale pubblico. Alla luce delle varie posizioni in merito, la questione dell’applicazione è esaminata dal punto di vista etico, metodologico ed epistemologico. Inizialmente vengono prese in considerazione le diverse metodologie elaborate dalla tradizione dell’applied anthropology a partire dalle prime proposte risalenti al secondo dopoguerra. Successivamente viene trattata la questione del rapporto tra antropologia, potere coloniale e forze armate, fino al recente caso degli antropologi embedded nello Human Terrain System. Come contraltare vengono presentate le diverse forme di engagement antropologico che vedono ricercatori assumere diversi ruoli fino a casi estremi che li vedono divenire attivisti delle cause degli interlocutori. La questione del ruolo giocato dal ricercatore, e di quello che gli viene attribuito sul campo, viene approfondita attraverso la categoria di implication elaborata in contesto francese. Attraverso alcune esperienze di campo vengono presentate forme di intervento concreto nel panorama italiano che vogliono mettere in luce l’azione dell’antropologo nella società. Infine viene affrontato il dibattito, in corso in Italia, alla luce della crisi che sta vivendo la disciplina e del lavoro per la costituzione dell’associazione nazionale di antropologia professionale.


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The article explores the developments in German-language anthropology in the past decades, focussing on the period after the 1970s. It argues that the recent history of German-language Ethnologie (social and cultural anthropology) is one of catching-up modernization. German-speaking anthropologists are increasingly involved in, and contribute to, broader theoretical debates, publish in English and in international journals, and are actively engaged in international academic networks. The paper discusses how and under what conditions of knowledge production these transformations have taken place. It analyses the changing institutional environment in which German anthropologists have worked and work today, as well as the theoretical impulses from within and outside the discipline that have given rise to the contemporary orientation of German-language anthropology as an anthropology of the 'present'. Finally, and beyond the focus on Germany, the article offers some ideas on the future of anthropology as a symmetrical social science, characterized by a continued strong reliance on field work and a high level of 'worldliness', a basic attitude of systematically shifting perspectives, the critical reflection of the social and political embeddedness of knowledge production, and an engagement with social theory across disciplinary boundaries.