444 resultados para actuation


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Bio-molecular non-covalent interactions provide a powerful platform for material-specific self-organization in aqueous media. Here, we introduce a strategy that integrates a synthetic optically-responsive motif with a materials-binding peptide to enable remote actuation. Specifically, we linked a photoswitchable azobenzene moiety to either terminus of a Au-binding peptide. We employed these hybrid molecules as capping agents for synthesis of Au nanoparticles. Integrated experiments and molecular simulations showed that the hybrid molecules maintained both of their functions, i.e. binding to Au and optically-triggered reconfiguration. The azobenzene unit was optically switched reversibly between trans and cis states while adsorbed on the particle surface. Upon switching, the conformation of the peptide component of the molecule also changed. This highlights the interplay between the surface adsorption and conformational switching that will be pivotal to the creation of actuatable nanoparticle bio-interfaces, and paves the way toward multifunctional peptide hybrids that can produce stimuli responsive nanoassemblies.


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The research focused on the design, fabrication and measurement of a low actuation voltage micro electro mechanical high frequency switch. The fabricated micro switch offers outstanding radio frequency parameters for a very large frequency band, with actuation voltage and switching time less than 20 volts and 3 micro seconds, respectively.


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Artificial muscles are of practical interest, but few types have been commercially exploited. Typical problems include slow response, low strain and force generation, short cycle life, use of electrolytes, and low energy efficiency. We have designed guest-filled, twist-spun carbon nanotube yarns as electrolyte-free muscles that provide fast, high-force, large-stroke torsional and tensile actuation. More than a million torsional and tensile actuation cycles are demonstrated, wherein a muscle spins a rotor at an average 11,500 revolutions/minute or delivers 3% tensile contraction at 1200 cycles/minute. Electrical, chemical, or photonic excitation of hybrid yarns changes guest dimensions and generates torsional rotation and contraction of the yarn host. Demonstrations include torsional motors, contractile muscles, and sensors that capture the energy of the sensing process to mechanically actuate.


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Robotic exoskeletons can be used to study and treat patients with neurological impairments. They can guide and support the human limb over a large range of motion, which requires that the movement trajectory of the exoskeleton coincide with the one of the human arm. This is straightforward to achieve for rather simple joints like the elbow, but very challenging for complex joints like the human shoulder, which is comprised by several bones and can exhibit a movement with multiple rotational and translational degrees of freedom. Thus, several research groups have developed different shoulder actuation mechanism. However, there are no experimental studies that directly compare the comfort of two different shoulder actuation mechanisms. In this study, the comfort and the naturalness of the new shoulder actuation mechanism of the ARMin III exoskeleton are compared to a ball-and-socket-type shoulder actuation. The study was conducted in 20 healthy subjects using questionnaires and 3D-motion records to assess comfort and naturalness. The results indicate that the new shoulder actuation is slightly better than a ball-and-socket-type actuation. However, the differences are small, and under the tested conditions, the comfort and the naturalness of the two tested shoulder actuations do not differ a lot.


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Rehabilitation robots have become important tools in stroke rehabilitation. Compared to manual arm training, robot-supported training can be more intensive, of longer duration and more repetitive. Therefore, robots have the potential to improve the rehabilitation process in stroke patients. Whereas a majority of previous work in upper limb rehabilitation robotics has focused on end-effector-based robots, a shift towards exoskeleton robots is taking place because they offer a better guidance of the human arm, especially for movements with a large range of motion. However, the implementation of an exoskeleton device introduces the challenge of reproducing the motion of the human shoulder, which is one of the most complex joints of the body. Thus, this paper starts with describing a simplified model of the human shoulder. On the basis of that model, a new ergonomic shoulder actuation principle that provides motion of the humerus head is proposed, and its implementation in the ARMin III arm therapy robot is described. The focus lies on the mechanics and actuation principle. The ARMin III robot provides three actuated degrees of freedom for the shoulder and one for the elbow joint. An additional module provides actuated lower arm pro/supination and wrist flexion/extension. Five ARMin III devices have been manufactured and they are currently undergoing clinical evaluation in hospitals in Switzerland and in the United States.


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New actuation technology in functional or "smart" materials has opened new horizons in robotics actuation systems. Materials such as piezo-electric fiber composites, electro-active polymers and shape memory alloys (SMA) are being investigated as promising alternatives to standard servomotor technology [52]. This paper focuses on the use of SMAs for building muscle-like actuators. SMAs are extremely cheap, easily available commercially and have the advantage of working at low voltages. The use of SMA provides a very interesting alternative to the mechanisms used by conventional actuators. SMAs allow to drastically reduce the size, weight and complexity of robotic systems. In fact, their large force-weight ratio, large life cycles, negligible volume, sensing capability and noise-free operation make possible the use of this technology for building a new class of actuation devices. Nonetheless, high power consumption and low bandwidth limit this technology for certain kind of applications. This presents a challenge that must be addressed from both materials and control perspectives in order to overcome these drawbacks. Here, the latter is tackled. It has been demonstrated that suitable control strategies and proper mechanical arrangements can dramatically improve on SMA performance, mostly in terms of actuation speed and limit cycles.


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All-terrain robot locomotion is an active topic of research. Search and rescue maneuvers and exploratory missions could benefit from robots with the abilities of real animals. However, technological barriers exist to ultimately achieving the actuation system, which is able to meet the exigent requirements of these robots. This paper describes the locomotioncontrol of a leg prototype, designed and developed to make a quadruped walk dynamically while exhibiting compliant interaction with the environment. The actuation system of the leg is based on the hybrid use of series elasticity and magneto-rheological dampers, which provide variable compliance for natural-looking motion and improved interaction with the ground. The locomotioncontrol architecture has been proposed to exploit natural leg dynamics in order to improve energy efficiency. Results show that the controller achieves a significant reduction in energy consumption during the leg swing phase thanks to the exploitation of inherent leg dynamics. Added to this, experiments with the real leg prototype show that the combined use of series elasticity and magneto-rheologicaldamping at the knee provide a 20 % reduction in the energy wasted in braking the knee during its extension in the leg stance phase.


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Objective: This research is focused in the creation and validation of a solution to the inverse kinematics problem for a 6 degrees of freedom human upper limb. This system is intended to work within a realtime dysfunctional motion prediction system that allows anticipatory actuation in physical Neurorehabilitation under the assisted-as-needed paradigm. For this purpose, a multilayer perceptron-based and an ANFIS-based solution to the inverse kinematics problem are evaluated. Materials and methods: Both the multilayer perceptron-based and the ANFIS-based inverse kinematics methods have been trained with three-dimensional Cartesian positions corresponding to the end-effector of healthy human upper limbs that execute two different activities of the daily life: "serving water from a jar" and "picking up a bottle". Validation of the proposed methodologies has been performed by a 10 fold cross-validation procedure. Results: Once trained, the systems are able to map 3D positions of the end-effector to the corresponding healthy biomechanical configurations. A high mean correlation coefficient and a low root mean squared error have been found for both the multilayer perceptron and ANFIS-based methods. Conclusions: The obtained results indicate that both systems effectively solve the inverse kinematics problem, but, due to its low computational load, crucial in real-time applications, along with its high performance, a multilayer perceptron-based solution, consisting in 3 input neurons, 1 hidden layer with 3 neurons and 6 output neurons has been considered the most appropriated for the target application.


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Progress in the development of actuating molecular devices based on responsive polymers is reviewed. The synthesis and characterization of "grafted from brushes and triblock copolymers is reported. The responsive nature of polyelectrolyte brushes, grown by surface initiated atomic transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), has been characterized by scanning force microscopy, neutron reflectometry, and single molecule force measurements. The molecular response is measured directly for the brushes in terms of both the brush height and composition and the force generated by a single molecule. Triblock copolymers, based on hydrophobic end blocks and polyacid midblock, have been used to produce polymer gels where the deformation of the molecules can be followed directly by small angle Xray scattering (SAXS), and a correlation between molecular shape change and macroscopic deformation has been established. A Landolt pHoscillator, based on bromate/sulfite/ferrocyanide, with a room temperature period of 20 min and a range of 3.1


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The last two decades have seen many exciting examples of tiny robots from a few cm3 to less than one cm3. Although individually limited, a large group of these robots has the potential to work cooperatively and accomplish complex tasks. Two examples from nature that exhibit this type of cooperation are ant and bee colonies. They have the potential to assist in applications like search and rescue, military scouting, infrastructure and equipment monitoring, nano-manufacture, and possibly medicine. Most of these applications require the high level of autonomy that has been demonstrated by large robotic platforms, such as the iRobot and Honda ASIMO. However, when robot size shrinks down, current approaches to achieve the necessary functions are no longer valid. This work focused on challenges associated with the electronics and fabrication. We addressed three major technical hurdles inherent to current approaches: 1) difficulty of compact integration; 2) need for real-time and power-efficient computations; 3) unavailability of commercial tiny actuators and motion mechanisms. The aim of this work was to provide enabling hardware technologies to achieve autonomy in tiny robots. We proposed a decentralized application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) where each component is responsible for its own operation and autonomy to the greatest extent possible. The ASIC consists of electronics modules for the fundamental functions required to fulfill the desired autonomy: actuation, control, power supply, and sensing. The actuators and mechanisms could potentially be post-fabricated on the ASIC directly. This design makes for a modular architecture. The following components were shown to work in physical implementations or simulations: 1) a tunable motion controller for ultralow frequency actuation; 2) a nonvolatile memory and programming circuit to achieve automatic and one-time programming; 3) a high-voltage circuit with the highest reported breakdown voltage in standard 0.5 μm CMOS; 4) thermal actuators fabricated using CMOS compatible process; 5) a low-power mixed-signal computational architecture for robotic dynamics simulator; 6) a frequency-boost technique to achieve low jitter in ring oscillators. These contributions will be generally enabling for other systems with strict size and power constraints such as wireless sensor nodes.


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This paper presents a low-actuation-voltage micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) capacitive shunt switch which has a very large bandwidth (4 GHz to 24 GHz). In this work, the isolation of MEMS switch is improved by adding two short high impedance transmission lines at the beginning and end of a coplanar waveguide (CPW). Simulating the switch demonstrates that a return loss (S11) is less than -26 dB for the entire frequency band, and perfect matching at 20 GHz in upstate position. A ramp dual pulse driver is also designed for reducing the capacitive charge injection for considering the reliability of the switch. The simulation results show that the shifting of voltage due to the capacitive charge is reduced by more than 35% of the initial value. Finally, the dynamic behavior of the MEMS switch is simulated by modal analysis and using CoventorWare to calculate the natural frequencies of the switch and its mode shapes. The switching ON and OFF time are 4.48 and 2.43 μs, respectively, with an actuation voltage of less than 15 V.


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This paper presents the design and fabrication of an electrode for low-actuation-voltage electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWOD) devices. The electrode which takes advantage of a novel shape is used to develop an EWOD device. The fabrication process for the electrode and the device development includes laser exposure, wet developing, etching, and stripping. A dielectric layer of 5% (wt./wt.) Polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) is used for the electrode insulation. In addition, a very thin (50 nm) layer of Teflon is coated on the EWOD surface to provide hydrophobicity. It is observed that a thin and high dielectric-constant layer can reduce the actuation voltage in the EWOD device. An actuation voltage of 14.8 V was achieved by the EWOD device.


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Photoresponsive molecules that incorporate peptides capable of material-specific recognition provide a basis for biomolecule-mediated control of the nucleation, growth, organization, and activation of hybrid inorganic/organic nanostructures. These hybrid molecules interact with the inorganic surface through multiple noncovalent interactions which allow reconfiguration in response to optical stimuli. Here, we quantify the binding of azobenzene-peptide conjugates that exhibit optically triggered cis-trans isomerization on Ag surfaces and compare to their behavior on Au. These results demonstrate differences in binding and switching behavior between the Au and Ag surfaces. These molecules can also produce and stabilize Au and Ag nanoparticles in aqueous media where the biointerface can be reproducibly and reversibly switched by optically triggered azobenzene isomerization. Comparisons of switching rates and reversibility on the nanoparticles reveal differences that depend upon whether the azobenzene is attached at the peptide N- or C-terminus, its isomerization state, and the nanoparticle composition. Our integrated experimental and computational investigation shows that the number of ligand anchor sites strongly influences the nanoparticle size. As predicted by our molecular simulations, weaker contact between the hybrid biomolecules and the Ag surface, with fewer anchor residues compared with Au, gives rise to differences in switching kinetics on Ag versus Au. Our findings provide a pathway toward achieving new remotely actuatable nanomaterials for multiple applications from a single system, which remains difficult to achieve using conventional approaches.


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Two-photon initiated photo-isomerization of an azobenzene moiety adsorbed on silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) is demonstrated. The azobenzene is linked to a materials-binding peptide that brings it into intimate contact with the Ag NP surface, producing a dramatic enhancement of its two-photon absorbance. An integrated modeling approach, combining advanced conformational sampling with Quantum Mechanics/Capacitance Molecular Mechanics and response theory, shows that charge transfer and image charges in the Ag NP generate local fields that enhance two-photon absorption of the cis isomer, but not the trans isomer, of adsorbed molecules. Moreover, dramatic local field enhancement is expected near the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) wavelength, and the LSPR band of the Ag NPs overlaps the azobenzene absorbance that triggers cis to trans switching. As a result, the Ag NPs enable two-photon initiated cis to trans isomerization, but not trans to cis isomerization. Confocal anti-Stokes fluorescence imaging shows that this effect is not due to local heating, while the quadratic dependence of switching rate on laser intensity is consistent with a two-photon process. Highly localized two-photon initiated switching could allow local manipulation near the focal point of a laser within a 3D nanoparticle assembly, which cannot be achieved using linear optical processes.