204 resultados para Veronika
Includes bibliography
This article documents the addition of 268 microsatellite marker loci to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Alburnoides bipunctatus, Chamaerops humilis, Chlidonias hybrida, Cyperus papyrus, Fusarium graminearum, Loxigilla barbadensis, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Odontesthes bonariensis, Pelteobagrus vachelli, Posidonia oceanica, Potamotrygon motoro, Rhamdia quelen, Sarotherodon melanotheron heudelotii, Sibiraea angustata, Takifugu rubripes, Tarentola mauritanica, Trimmatostroma sp. and Wallago attu. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Alburnoides fasciatus, Alburnoides kubanicus, Alburnoides maculatus, Alburnoides ohridanus, Alburnoides prespensis, Alburnoides rossicus, Alburnoides strymonicus, Alburnoides thessalicus, Alburnoides tzanevi, Carassius carassius, Fusarium asiaticum, Leucaspius delineatus, Loxigilla noctis dominica, Pelecus cultratus, Phoenix canariensis, Potamotrygon falkneri, Trachycarpus fortune and Vimba vimba. © 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
El presente Boletín Fal recapitula las principales ideas compartidas durante el taller de expertos de alto nivel sobre “transporte y política aérea” celebrado del 15 al 18 de junio de 2015 en la ciudad de Santiago de Chile. El evento fue organizado por la Comisión Latinoamericana de Aviación Civil (CLAC), la Junta de Aeronáutica Civil de Chile y la Comisión Económica para América Latina (CEPAL).
This FAL Bulletin reviews the main ideas shared at the workshop of high-level experts on transport and aviation policy, held from 15 to 18 June 2015 in Santiago. The event was organized by the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (LACAC), the Civil Aviation Board of Chile and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
In Europe, 6 of the 11 genospecies of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato are prevalent in questing Ixodes ricinus ticks. In most parts of Central Europe, B. afzelii, B. garinii, and B. valaisiana are the most frequent species, whereas B. burgdorferi sensu stricto, B. bissettii, and B. lusitaniae are rare. Previously, it has been shown that B. afzelii is associated with European rodents. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify reservoir hosts of B. garinii and B. valaisiana in Slovakia. Songbirds were captured in a woodland near Bratislava and investigated for engorged ticks. Questing I. ricinus ticks were collected in the same region. Both tick pools were analyzed for spirochete infections by PCR, followed by DNA-DNA hybridization and, for a subsample, by nucleotide sequencing. Three of the 17 captured songbird species were infested with spirochete-infected ticks. Spirochetes in ticks that had fed on birds were genotyped as B. garinii and B. valaisiana, whereas questing ticks were infected with B. afzelii, B. garinii, and B. valaisiana. Furthermore, identical ospA alleles of B. garinii were found in ticks that had fed on the birds and in questing ticks. The data show that songbirds are reservoir hosts of B. garinii and B. valaisiana but not of B. afzelii. This and previous studies confirm that B. burgdorferi sensu lato is host associated and that this bacterial species complex contains different ecotypes.
The epidemic growth of dementia causes great concern for the society. It is customary to consider Alzheimer's disease (AD) as the most common cause of dementia, followed by vascular dementia (VaD). This dichotomous view of a neurodegenerative disease as opposed to brain damage caused by extrinsic factors led to separate lines of research in these two entities. Indeed, accumulated data suggest that the two disorders have additive effects and probably interact; however it is still unknown to what degree. Furthermore, epidemiological studies have shown "vascular" risk factors to be associated with AD. Therefore, a clear distinction between AD and VaD cannot be made in most cases, and is furthermore unhelpful. In the absence of efficacious treatment for the neurodegenerative process, special attention must be given to the vascular component, even in patients with presumed mixed pathology. Symptomatic treatment of VaD and AD is similar, although the former is less effective. For prevention of dementia it is important to treat all factors aggressively, even in stroke survivors who do not show evidence of cognitive decline. In this review, we will give a clinical and pathological picture of the processes leading to VaD and discuss its interaction with AD. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Tropical regions, especially the Amazon region, account for large emissions of methane (CH4). Here, we present CH4 observations from two airborne campaigns conducted within the BARCA (Balanco Atmosferico Regional de Carbono na Amazonia) project in the Amazon basin in November 2008 (end of the dry season) and May 2009 (end of the wet season). We performed continuous measurements of CH4 onboard an aircraft for the first time in the Amazon region, covering the whole Amazon basin with over 150 vertical profiles between altitudes of 500 m and 4000 m. The observations support the finding of previous ground-based, airborne, and satellite measurements that the Amazon basin is a large source of atmospheric CH4. Isotope analysis verified that the majority of emissions can be attributed to CH4 emissions from wetlands, while urban CH4 emissions could be also traced back to biogenic origin. A comparison of five TM5 based global CH4 inversions with the observations clearly indicates that the inversions using SCIAMACHY observations represent the BARCA observations best. The calculated CH4 flux estimate obtained from the mismatch between observations and TM5-modeled CH4 fields ranges from 36 to 43 mg m(-2) d(-1) for the Amazon lowland region.
In this paper, nighttime light data are suggested as a proxy for spatial distribution of vehicles running in urban and nearby areas. Nighttime lights focus on human activities, in contrast to traditional Earth observing systems that focus on natural systems. It is the human activity being visible in the form of brightness of nocturnal lights. Two available nighttime lights dataset were used in this work. The first one was provided by the U.S. Air Force Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS), henceforth, DMSO-OLS. The second one is the NASA-NOAA Suomi National Polar-orbiting Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite, henceforth, Suomi-NPP. To validate the new proposed methodology, hundreds of urban areas of South America were analyzed in a high degree of resolution. The results of this study showed that night-time lights are very well correlated with vehicle fleet, population, and impervious surfaces but with strong spatial variability. The results of this study suggest a better understanding of the human activities in the context of a vehicular-based city conception.
This work aims to study the urban heat island on North region of Parana state, Brazil and the influence of land use and urban settlements on the intensity and frequency of occurrence of these events. Through atmospheric modeling whith WRF/Chem model two simulations were made with different land and use files, one with the original land use another obtained from a composition of MODIS-Landsat imagery. The simulations showed good skills compared to observed data. Urban areas presented higher temperatures. Landsat land use has represented better urban heat islands (UHI), the gradient between urban and rural areas was well demonstrated and the correlation coefficient was above 0.92. The model underestimated the maximum values and overestimated the minimum compared with observed data in both simulations.
The objective of this work were apply and provide a preliminary evaluation of the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) performance, for Londrina region. We performed comparison with measurements obtained in meteorological stations. The model was configured to run with three domains with 27,9 and 3 km of grid resolution, using the ndown program and also was realized a simulation with the model configured to run with a single domain using a land use file based in a classified image for region of MODIS sensor. The emission files to supply the chemistry run were generated based in the work of Martins et al., 2012. RADM2 chemical mechanism and MADE/SORGAM modal aerosol models were used in the simulations. The results demonstrated that model was able to represent coherently the formation and dispersion of the pollution in Metropolitan Region of Londrina and also the importance of using the appropriate land use file for the region.
Symbiotische Mikroorganismen aus dem Termitendarm Es ist eine bekannte Tatsache, dass die Hauptaufgabe der Darmflora der niederen Termite im Abbau von Holz liegt. Im Laufe der Millionen Jahre alten Entwicklung der Termiten hat sich in ihrem Darm ein Ökosystem aufgebaut, das aus Protozoen, Archaeen, Bakterien und Hefen besteht. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die teilweise Erforschung der symbiotischen Zusammenhänge in diesem ökologischen System. Es wurden dabei zwei Gebiete genauer untersucht: Cellulolytische Bakterien im Darm von niederen Termiten Die bisher vorherrschende Meinung sah in den Protozoen die Hauptkomponenten des Celluloseabbaus in Termiten. In dieser Arbeit gelang es 164 cellulolytische Bakterienstämme aus sieben niederen Termitenarten zu isolieren und zu identifizieren. Diese Vielzahl cellulolytischer Bakterienarten könnte ein Indiz dafür sein, dass Bakterien beim Holzabbau von Termiten eine effizientere Rolle spielen als angenommen. Oberflächenbakterien von Mixotricha paradoxa, einem Flagellaten aus dem Darm der niederen Termite Mastotermes darwiniensisMixotricha paradoxa ist ein Beispiel der seltenen Form einer Bewegungssymbiose zwischen Protozoen und Bakterien. Der Flagellat wird von Spirochäten, die auf seiner Oberfläche befestigt sind, vorangetrieben. Zusätzlich leben noch stäbchenförmige Bakterien auf der Hülle. Drei Spirochätenarten und das stäbchenförmige Bakterium konnten identifiziert und lokalisiert werden. Es wird angenommen, dass alle drei Spirochätenarten Mitglieder der Bewegungssymbiose sind.
Questa tesi, nata da alcuni incontri avvenuti in questi tre anni di università, si propone di favorirne un altro. Nella traduzione di Fettnäpfchenführer Russland: Was sucht der Hering unterm Pelzmantel? di Veronika Wengert, infatti, si intersecano tre mondi, proprio quelli che hanno accompagnato la mia carriera universitaria: quello russo, descritto dall’autrice, quello tedesco, di cui il protagonista è rappresentante, e quello italiano, destinatario ideale della traduzione. Scopo dell’elaborato è quindi proporre a un ipotetico lettore italiano la traduzione dal tedesco di tre capitoli del libro, per me molto significativi per conoscere la cultura russa. Un incontro trilaterale per niente semplice, se si pensa che questo Fettnäpfchenführer, una “guida anti-gaffe per la Russia”, non è ascrivibile in un genere testuale definito e presenta funzioni testuali diverse, nonché molti riferimenti alla cultura tedesca e, ovviamente, alla realtà russa. Dopo un breve excursus su autrice e opera in questione, vengono analizzate alcune teorie della traduzione e altri aspetti interessanti, riguardanti soprattutto l’ironia e i realia. La traduzione italiana è affiancata dal testo originale tedesco, per facilitare il confronto e il riconoscimento delle strategie traduttive utilizzate, che vengono analizzate nel paragrafo successivo. Nella conclusione si ribadisce l’importanza della traduzione come ponte fra culture.
Die akute myeloische Leukämie (AML) ist eine heterogene Erkrankung der hämatopoetischen Vorläuferzelle, die durch unkontrollierte Vermehrung und ein reduziertes Differenzierungsverhalten gekennzeichnet ist. Aufgrund von Therapieresistenzen und häufig vorkommenden Rückfällen ist die AML mit einer schlechten Langzeitprognose verbunden. Neue Studienergebnisse zeigen, dass leukämische Zellen einer hierarchischen Ordnung unterliegen, an deren Spitze die leukämische Stammzelle (LSC) steht, welche den Tumor speist und ähnliche Charakteristika besitzt wie die hämatopoetische Stammzelle. Die LSC nutzt den Kontakt zu Zellen der hämatopoetischen Nische des Knochenmarks, um die erste Therapie zu überdauern und Resistenzen zu erwerben. Neue Therapieansätze versuchen diese Interaktion zwischen leukämischen Zellen und supportiv wirkenden Stromazellen anzugreifen. rnrnIn dieser Arbeit sollte die Bedeutung des CXC-Motiv Chemokinrezeptors Typ 4 (CXCR4) und des Connective Tissue Growth Factors (CTGF) innerhalb der AML-Stroma-Interaktion untersucht werden. CXCR4, der in vivo dafür sorgt, dass AML-Zellen in der Nische gehalten und geschützt werden, wurde durch den neuwertigen humanen CXCR4-spezifischen Antikörper BMS-936564/MDX-1338 in AML-Zelllinien und Patientenzellen in Zellkulturversuchen blockiert. Dies induzierte Apoptose sowie Differenzierung und führte in Kokulturversuchen zu einer Aufhebung des Stroma-vermittelten Schutzes gegenüber der Chemotherapie. Für diese Effekte musste teilweise ein sekundärer Antikörper verwendet werden, der die CXCR4-Moleküle miteinander kreuzvernetzt.rnDie Auswertung eines quantitativen Real time PCR (qPCR)-Arrays ergab, dass CTGF in der AML-Zelllinie Molm-14 nach Kontakt zu Stromazellen hochreguliert wird. Diese Hochregulation konnte in insgesamt drei AML-Zelllinien sowie in drei Patientenproben in qPCR- und Western Blot-Versuchen bestätigt werden. Weitere Untersuchungen zeigten, dass diese Hochregulation (i) unabhängig von der Stromazelllinie ist, (ii) den direkten Kontakt zum Stroma benötigt und (iii) auch unter hypoxischen Bedingungen, wie sie innerhalb des Knochenmarks vorherrschen, stattfindet. Der durch Zell-Zell- oder Zell-Matrix-Kontakt gesteuerte Hippo-Signalweg konnte aus folgenden Gründen als möglicher upstream-Regulationsmechanismus identifiziert werden: (i) Dessen zentraler Transkriptions-Kofaktor TAZ wurde in kokultivierten Molm-14-Zellen stabilisiert, (ii) der shRNA-gesteuerte Knockdown von TAZ führte zu einer reduzierten CTGF-Hochregulation, (iii) CTGF wurde in Abhängigkeit von der Zelldichte reguliert, (iv) Cysteine-rich angiogenic inducer 61 (Cyr61), ein weiteres Zielgen von TAZ, wurde in kokultivierten AML-Zellen ebenfalls verstärkt exprimiert. Der Knockdown von CTGF führte in vitro zu einer partiellen Aufhebung der Stroma-vermittelten Resistenz und die Blockierung von CTGF durch den Antikörper FG-3019 wirkte im AML-Mausmodell lebensverlängernd. rn rnDie Rolle von CTGF in der AML ist bisher nicht untersucht. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse zeigen, dass CTGF ein interessantes Therapieziel in der AML darstellt. Es bedarf weiterer Untersuchungen, um die Bedeutung von CTGF in der Tumor-Stroma-Interaktion näher zu charakterisieren und nachgeschaltete Signalwege zu identifizieren.
In this work, a method for the functionalization of biocompatible, poly(lactic acid)-based nanoparticles with charged moieties or fluorescent labels is presented. Therefore, a miniemulsion solvent evaporation procedure is used in which prepolymerized poly(L-lactic acid) is used together with a previously synthesized copolymer of methacrylic acid or a polymerizable dye, respectively, and an oligo(lactic acid) macromonomer. Alternatively, the copolymerization has been carried out in one step with the miniemulsion solvent evaporation. The increased stability in salty solutions of the carboxyl-modified nanoparticles compared to nanoparticles consisting of poly(lactic acid) only has been shown in light scattering experiments. The properties of the nanoparticles that were prepared with the separately synthesized copolymer were almost identical to those in which the copolymerization and particle fabrication were carried out simultaneously. During the characterization of the fluorescently labeled nanoparticles, the focus was on the stable bonding between the fluorescent dye and the rest of the polymer chain to ensure that none of it is released from the particles, even after longer storage time or during lengthy experiments. In a fluorescence correlation spectroscopy experiment, it could be shown that even after two weeks, no dye has been released into the solvent. Besides biomedical research for which the above described, functionalized nanoparticles were optimized, nanoparticles also play a role in coating technology. One possibility to fabricate coatings is the electrophoretic deposition of particles. In this process, the mobility of nanoparticles near electrode interfaces plays a crucial role. In this thesis, the nanoparticle mobility has been investigated with resonance enhanced dynamic light scattering (REDLS). A new setup has been developed in which the evanescent electromagnetic eld of a surface plasmon that propagates along the gold-sample interface has been used as incident beam for the dynamic light scattering experiment. The gold layer that is necessary for the excitation of the plasmon doubles as an electrode. Due to the penetration depth of the surface plasmon into the sample layer that is limited to ca. 200 nm, insights on the voltage- and frequency dependent mobility of the nanoparticles near the electrode could be gained. Additionally, simultaneous measurements at four different scattering angles can be carried out with this setup, therefore the investigation of samples undergoing changes is feasible. The results were discussed in context with the mechanisms of electrophoretic deposition.