997 resultados para The Sublime


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Is there a God? Does my bum look big in this? Why doesn’t my house cost only the materials used to build it? Is Video Art dead? When Peter Hill curated his first Museum of Doubt exhibition at Zeppelin Projects in Brunswick, these were some of the questions his artist friends wrote on one wall of the gallery. Those artists included Jon Cattapan, Phil Edwards, Julian Goddard, Ceri Hahn, and Peter Ellis. Others, who are also in this second outing of The Museum of Doubt, include Louise Weaver, Patrick Pound, Josh Foley and Michael Vale. How do we know what is true or false in any given visual statement? How willing are we to suspend our disbelief? And does that even matter if the artworks can be enjoyed for their own formal beauty, angst, or inquisitiveness?“I have a great sympathy with both doubt and faith as beacons for navigating this sublime universe,” says Peter Hill. “Remembering that the sublime in art, as in life and death, hovers between beauty and terror. Doubt and faith are both on the same side of the same coin – a coin that has “certainty” on the reverse. Most of the problems we face today are caused by individuals and nations being “certain” that they have the answer. Don’t listen to them. Be skeptical. The truth can be approached, as Karl Popper, the great philosopher of science tells us, but it can rarely be found. It can only be falsified.”So bring your doubt and your faith to this Wunderkammer of Super Fictions and enjoy the lightness, the darkness, and the strangeness in the works of: Glen Clarke, Josh Foley, Tony Garifalakis, Grant Hill, Peter Hill, Patrick Pound, Michael Vale, Louise Weaver and Robert Zhao.


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Velum continues material experimentation with edible materials as explored within Formations: New Practices in Australian Architecture 2012. 1 The work employs the central theme of veiling as a ‘second skin’, an intermediary agent simultaneously engaging with Heideggerian themes of ‘nearness and revealing’ (1927, 1954). This second skin creates a liminality distorting everyday objects of popular culture and technological consumption. In doing so, the work puts forth multiple considerations, the figurative play upon consumption itself; the role of the strange and obscure to affect a deepening awareness of our accelerated consumption and experience; and more tangentially, questions surrounding imminent scenarios of hybridity between body and technology. Velum represents a recent focus of the authors’ creative practice, ‘Making Strange’ (Strange Making) published and presented elsewhere. Making Strange explores the sublime process, fundamental to both the final design outcome and the designing experience. The sublime process is seen as a leading, a physiological overpowering of self to a state of intense self-presence, often leading to self-transcendence or state of otherness. As such, the work engages with the body and materials, experimentally and in a trans-disciplinary manner to inform new material practice.


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The grotesque in Finnish literature. Four case studies The topic of the dissertation is the grotesque in Finnish literature. The dissertation is twofold. Firstly, it focuses on the genre tradition of the grotesque, especially its other main branch, which has been named, following in Bakhtin s footsteps, subjective ( chamber ) grotesque, to be distinguished from carnivalistic ( public square ) grotesque. Secondly, the dissertation analyses and interprets four fictional literary works within the context of the grotesque genre, constructed on the basis of previous research and literature. These works are the novel Rakastunut rampa (1922) by Joel Lehtonen, the novel Prins Efflam (1953, transl. into Finnish as Kalastajakylän prinssi) by Sally Salminen, the short story Orjien kasvattaja (1965) by Juhani Peltonen, and the novel Veljeni Sebastian (1985) by Annika Idström. What connects these stirring novels, representing early or full modernism, is the supposition that they belong to the tradition of the subjective grotesque, not only due to occasional details, but also in a more comprehensive manner. The premises are that genre is a significant part of the work and that reading a novel in the context of the genre tradition adds something essential to the interpretation of individual texts and reveals meanings that might otherwise go unnoticed. The main characteristic of the grotesque is breaking the norm. This is accomplished through different means: degradation, distortion, inversion, combination, exaggeration and multiplication. The most significant strategy for breaking the norm is incongruence: the grotesque combines conflicting or mutually exclusive categories and elements on different levels. Simultaneously, the grotesque unravels categorisations and questions our way of perceiving the world. The grotesque not only poses a threat to one s identity, but can also pose a threat to the cognitive process. An analysis of the fictional works is presented as case studies of each chosen work as a whole. The analysis is based on the method of close reading, which draws on both classical and postclassical narratology, and the analysis and interpretation are expanded within the genre tradition of the grotesque. The grotesque is also analysed in terms of its relationship to the neighbouring categories and genre traditions, such as the tragic, the sublime, the horror story and the coming-of-age story. This dissertation shows how the grotesque is constructed repeatedly on deviations from the norm as well as on incongruence, also in the works analysed, and how it stratifies in these novels on and between different levels, such as the story, text, narration, composition and the world of the novels. In all the works analysed, the grotesque reduces and subverts. Again and again it reveals different sides of humanity stripped of idealisation and glorification. The dissertation reveals that Finnish literature is not a solitary island, even regarding the grotesque, for it continues and offers variations of the common tradition of grotesque literature, and likewise draws on grotesque visual arts. This dissertation is the first monograph in Finnish literature research focusing on the subjective grotesque.


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In terms of critical discourse, Liberty contributes to the ongoing aesthetic debate on ‘the sublime.’ Philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) defined the sublime as a failure of rationality in response to sensory overload: a state where the imagination is suspended, without definitive reference points—a state beyond unequivocal ‘knowing.’ I believe the events of September 11, 2001 eluded our understanding in much the same way, leaving us in a moment of suspension between awe and horror. It was an event that couldn’t be understood in terms of scope or scale. It was a moment of overload, which is so difficult to capture in art. With my work I attempt to rekindle that moment of suspension. Like the events of 9/11, Liberty defies definition. Its form is constantly changing; it is always presenting us with new layers of meaning. Nobody quite had a handle on the events that followed 9/11, because the implications were constantly shifting. In the same way, Liberty cannot be contained or defined at any moment in time. Like the events of 9/11, the full story cannot be told in a snapshot. One of the dictionary definitions for the word ‘sublime’ is the conversion of ‘a solid substance directly into a gas, without there being an intermediate liquid phase’. With this in mind, I would like to present Liberty as a work that is literally ‘sublime.’ But what’s really interesting to me about Liberty is that it presents the sublime on all levels: in its medium, in its subject matter (that moment of suspension), and in its formal (formless) presentation. On every level Liberty is sublime—subverting all tangible reference points and eluding capture entirely. Liberty is based on the Statue of Liberty in New York. However, unlike that statue which has stood in New York since 1886 and can be reasonably expected to stand for millennia, this work takes on diminishing proportions, carved as it is in carbon dioxide, a mysterious, previously unexplored medium—one which smokes, snows and dramatically vanishes into a harmless gas. Like the material this work is carved from, the civil liberties of the free world are diminishing fast, since 9/11 and before. This was my thought when I first conceived this work. Now it’s become evident that Liberty expresses a lot more than just this: it demonstrates the erosion of civil liberties, yes. However, it also presents the intangible, indefinable moments in the days and months that followed 9/11. The sculptural work will last for only a short time, and thereafter will exist only in documentation. During this time, the form is continually changing and self-refining, until it disappears entirely, to be inhaled, metabolised and literally taken to heart by viewers.


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A questão abordada nesta dissertação visa o entendimento do que vem a ser a educação justa no contexto da pós-modernidade. A justiça na educação só se tornou uma questão a ser considerada a partir da década de setenta do século XX, quando foram produzidas pesquisas que apontavam que a educação reproduzia desigualdades. Pensadores como o português Carlos Estêvão e o francês François Dubet foram os pioneiros na tentativa de produzir concepções a respeito da educação justa. Estêvão apresenta a educação justa como aquela ligada aos valores da filosofia pública democrática, centralizada nos princípios da liberdade e igualdade. Quanto a Dubet, ele chega à conclusão que os princípios para uma escola justa (DUBET, 2008) são os seguintes: discriminação positiva, garantir um mínimo escolar, utilidade dos diplomas, as desigualdades escolares não podem produzir desigualdades sociais e a escola deve tratar os vencidos. Diante do cenário pós-moderno, outro encaminhamento é preciso, uma vez que a pós-modernidade se caracteriza pelo fim dos grandes relatos (Lyotard) e a destruição dos fundamentos (Vattimo). Com ela, não é mais possível, a modelação ou a padronização humana. Os grandes ideais, a finalidade e os motivos se perderam, restando apenas os átomos sociais. Diante desse cenário, o primeiro passo, em direção a uma educação justa pós-moderna, é o estabelecimento do direito à fala, expressão mais fiel de nossa liberdade. Com a pós-modernidade, temos nossa sensibilidade aguçada para as diferenças, e reforçando nossa capacidade para o sublime. Talvez assim, teremos uma vida sublime, que é a efetivação de nosso direito de sonhar.


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En estas páginas se pretende proponer un modo de entender lo visto siempre como adaptación inmanente, deseo y simbolización, esto es, entenderlo como imagen. Se hará conforme a un concepto de ‘superficie’ que prolonga la lectura que hiciera Didi-Huberman del concepto de imagen-síntoma de Aby Warburg, y se apoya en textos de teoría psicoanalítica de la mano de Jacques Lacan, en un intento no de arruinar la capacidad de hermenéutica del observador, sino de entender la búsqueda del sentido y de la esencia –del arte por ejemplo– como la investigación sobre un conflicto histórico de pérdidas, crisis y memoria. ‘Superficie’ en tanto que masa átona y sin sentido donde el ojo siempre visiona formas: ver superficie es que el ojo siempre adapte lo visto, deseando abrirlo visionariamente en su significado para recabar su verdad oculta, pero paradójicamente cerrándolo. Porque mirar imágenes supone siempre perder visión respecto de una supuesta totalidad en la que se darían todos los significados en todas sus ambigüedades y en todas sus posibilidades históricas, pérdida sólo decible en su retorno en tanto que resignificación traumática. Aquí postulamos que la ilusión será creer no que las apariencias son ilusorias, sino que más allá de ellas hay “más realidad”. Este planteamiento no sólo ratifica la posición del sujeto, inserto en una superficie/cuadro dada-a-ver, sino que descubre la brecha constitutiva que le rige y que es un “más en él” que él mismo.


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Dissertação submetida à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Encenação,


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Consabido que para uma sociedade organizada se desenvolver política e juridicamente, indispensável se faz a existência de um documento formal, dotado de observância obrigatória, capaz de definir as competências públicas e delimitar os poderes do Estado, resguardando os direitos fundamentais de eventuais abusos dos entes políticos. Este documento é a Constituição, que, em todos os momentos da história, sempre se fez presente nos Estados, mas, inicialmente, não de forma escrita, o que fez com que surgisse, então, o constitucionalismo, movimento que defendia a necessidade de elaboração de constituições escritas, munidas de normatividade e supremacia em relação às demais espécies normativas, que visassem organizar a separação dos poderes estatais e declarar os direitos e as liberdades individuais. Porém, de nada adiantaria a edição de uma Lei Maior sem que houvesse mecanismos de defesa, no intuito de afastar qualquer ameaça à segurança jurídica e à estabilidade social, por conta de alguma lei ou ato normativo contrário aos preceitos estabelecidos na Constituição. O controle de constitucionalidade, pilar do Estado de Direito, consiste em verificar a compatibilidade entre uma lei ou qualquer ato normativo infraconstitucional e a Lei Excelsa e, em havendo contraste, a lei ou o ato viciado deverá ser expurgado do ordenamento jurídico, para que a unidade constitucional seja restabelecida. No Brasil, o controle de constitucionalidade foi instituído sob forte influência do modelo norte-americano e obteve diversos tratamentos ao longo das constituições brasileiras, porém, o sistema de fiscalização de constitucionalidade teve seu ápice com o advento da atual Constituição Federal, promulgada em 05.10.88, com a criação de instrumentos processuais inovadores destinados à verificação da constitucionalidade das leis e atos normativos. Além disso, a Carta da República de 1988, ao contrário das anteriores, fortaleceu a figura do Poder Judiciário no contexto político, conferindo, assim, maior autonomia aos magistrados na solução de casos de grande repercussão nacional, redundando em um protagonismo judicial atual. Nesse contexto, o Supremo Tribunal Federal, órgão de cúpula do Judiciário nacional e guardião da Constituição, tem se destacado no cenário nacional, em especial na defesa dos direitos e garantias fundamentais insculpidos na Lei Fundamental, fazendo-se necessária, desta forma, uma análise na jurisprudência da Corte, no sentido de verificar se, de fato, tem havido evolução no controle de constitucionalidade no Brasil ao longo dos últimos anos e, em caso afirmativo, em que circunstâncias isso tem se dado.


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle (Université de Montréal et Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7)


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Ce mémoire porte sur la représentation de la fureur dans la tragédie en musique "Roland" de Philippe Quinault et Jean-Baptiste Lully, créée en 1685. Il cherche à préciser, dans une perspective historique et rhétorique, les moyens littéraires, musicaux et scéniques par lesquels sont rendus les excès du personnage furieux sur la scène classique du second XVIIe siècle. Le premier chapitre vise à rassembler les figures mythiques de la fureur dans une perspective d’ordre historique, des origines antiques aux diverses reprises dramatiques du répertoire français, en passant par la célèbre épopée de l’Orlando furioso, rappelant ainsi les bases de la topique de la fureur. Il s’intéresse également au développement d’une esthétique de la fureur propre au genre dramatique, ainsi qu’à son rapport au sublime, idéal d’expression classique. Guidé par la question de la représentation et de ses effets sur le spectateur, le second chapitre propose une analyse rhétorique de la scène de fureur dans Roland. L’étude de cette scène en fonction des différentes parties de la rhétorique – inventio, dispositio, elocutio et actio – démontre qu’une dynamique de contraste et d’alternance entre force et douceur se situe au cœur de la rhétorique du dérèglement qui conduit les représentations de la fureur.


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Rian Table and Water Table: Delicate splashes and droplets of water act like primitive lenses bringing transparency to the diffused images of celestial bodies. These two installation pieces are inspired by the beauty of the night sky and invite the viewer to consider the cosmos in relation to ones self and to contemplate the discoveries which have changed our understanding of the universe. Water Table and Rain Table are the two works being presented as part of Periscope. Through the form of the science bench or museum cabinet, luminous and projected images play against glass and water invoking the sublime sense of wonder that we have when we look to the starry night sky. Water Table In 1912 the astronomer, Vesto Slipher made the discovery that “Nebula” were moving at incredible velocities due to the expansion of space itself. This discovery revealed these “Nebula” to be vastly remote and independent galaxies. Water Table speculates on the understanding that when we look into deep space, we also look into deep time. Rain-Table is a new work produced for the festival and makes reference to the first telescopic observations of the Moon made by the mathematician, philosopher and astronomer, Galileo Galilei in 1610. The implication of Galileo’s observations gave rise to a radical new understanding of the heavens and our place in it and the final acceptance that the Earth was not the center of the Universe.


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Rian Table and Water Table: Delicate splashes and droplets of water act like primitive lenses bringing transparency to the diffused images of celestial bodies. These two installation pieces are inspired by the beauty of the night sky and invite the viewer to consider the cosmos in relation to ones self and to contemplate the discoveries which have changed our understanding of the universe. Water Table and Rain Table are the two works being presented as part of Periscope. Through the form of the science bench or museum cabinet, luminous and projected images play against glass and water invoking the sublime sense of wonder that we have when we look to the starry night sky. Water Table In 1912 the astronomer, Vesto Slipher made the discovery that “Nebula” were moving at incredible velocities due to the expansion of space itself. This discovery revealed these “Nebula” to be vastly remote and independent galaxies. Water Table speculates on the understanding that when we look into deep space, we also look into deep time. Rain-Table is a new work produced for the festival and makes reference to the first telescopic observations of the Moon made by the mathematician, philosopher and astronomer, Galileo Galilei in 1610. The implication of Galileo’s observations gave rise to a radical new understanding of the heavens and our place in it and the final acceptance that the Earth was not the center of the Universe.


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A despeito do esforço despendido pelos pesquisadores e estudiosos organizacionais em compreender e acompanhar as mudanças e transformações ocorridas no cotidiano das organizações, sabe-se que ainda existem variáveis que a corrente racionalista positivista, hegemonicamente presente nos estudos realizados no século passado, ainda não conseguiram desvelar. Com o objetivo de avançar em estudos e pesquisas que admitam a subjetividade que permeia os integrantes das organizações, buscou-se identificar, sob a ótica da abordagem estética, como os servidores do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) apreenderam as mudanças na cultura organizacional ocorridas na instituição a partir da década de 90 do século passado. A partir da perspectiva fenomenológica hermenêutica, realizou-se pesquisa tipo etnográfica e, como a pesquisadora pertence ao quadro de servidores da organização estudada, a pesquisa possui também caráter autoetnográfico. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada em quatro órgãos singulares e a coleta dos dados ocorreu por meio da observação participante e em 57 entrevistas. As anotações de campo e as entrevistas foram transcritas e submetidas à análise de conteúdo. As revelações do campo foram apresentadas em 11 categorias que representam os juízos estéticos dos servidores, pertencentes ao grupo pesquisado, acerca das mudanças ocorridas na cultura organizacional nas últimas décadas: o belo, o sagrado, o pitoresco, o gracioso, o sublime o cômico, o feio, a tristeza, o trágico o ritmo, o indizível. O estudo concluiu que o conhecimento adquirido pelos integrantes da organização, a partir de suas experiências sensoriais e seus juízos estéticos, tanto é influenciado quanto possui influência sobre sua cultura.


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This work aims to read the phenomenon of the Sublime as the main aesthetical concern in the work of the Brazilian poet Mario Quintana. The research was based on the dialogical approach used by Mario Quintana to see life & poetry. This search noticed that such aesthetical concern is an answer to the modern age that surrounds the post-war man. Immerse in his aesthetical concerns, Mario Quintana designs, through his poetry, a way to give humanity back to men. In this attempt of rupture, Mario Quintana returns to tradition through astonishment besides laughter


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC