868 resultados para Teacher training college


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Abstract This article aims to show an overview about how the elementary schools are working on reading in school environment in the last decades in Mato Grosso do Sul.   To achieve this goal, twenty three students´ reports enrolled in the second year of Languages at a Federal University were analyzed.  The reports were prepared by the students after they have read the Irandé Antunes text "The reading and its functions", this text was used as mainstay of corpus establishment on this study because Antunes discusses about the problems related to reading in school environment. This work is justified because, although several searches related to reading theme developed in many universities in the country, we noticed that old practices prevail in most schools regarding Portuguese lessons. Based on the reports in which students describe their reading histories in the period they were enrolled in the elementary and secondary school, it was possible to describe the problems that arise in school environment related to reading work. We use as theoretical assumptions Irandé Antunes, Sírio Possenti, João Wanderlei Geraldi and Ezequiel Theodoro da Silva´s words. We brought to the fore matters involving the reading and its relation to the family, grammar supremacy in favor of reading, the neglect of reading in school environment, the textbook presence, and last, indications of reading strategies that we consider successful in school where Portuguese lessons happened according to the Languages´ students in the period they studied elementary and secondary school. KEY-WORDS: Reading; School; Teacher


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On this qualitative and interpretative paper, we analyze what contributions of Scholarship Program Initiation to Teaching (PIBID), funded by CAPES, has given to the formation of their fellows in UNIOESTE, considering the enactment of Law 12,796, of 4 April 2013 amending the text of the Guidelines and Framework Law 9394/96 to include the PIBID, now considered in the country a program of Public Policy which aims to encourage the training of professional teachers to act in public basic education. We conducted semistructured interviews with academic students of the subproject Spanish PIBID UNIOESTE to verify the potential of the program and how they evaluate their participation in PIBID regarding your training. We’ve used as the theoretical studies regarding initial teacher training (GATTI (2010, 2012), GATTI; BARRETTO; ANDRÉ (2011)), studies evaluating subprojects PIBID program (MATTHEW; KADRI EL, Silva (2013)) and official documents such as National Curriculum Guidelines for Teacher Education (2002), the National Policy on Education Professionals Teaching of Basic Education (2009) and decrees that provide for the PIBID. The analysis reveals a very positive perception of the contributions PIBID in teacher training.


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El V Seminario de "El aula como ámbito de investigación sobre la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la lengua" se celebró en la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), dando continuidad a los seminarios ya celebrados en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, en la Universidad de Valencia, en la Universidad de Valladolid y en la Universidad de Braga (Portugal).


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A universalização do ensino de base de seis anos, em Cabo Verde, legitimada a partir da adopção da Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo de 1990 veio acentuar o desequilíbrio já existente entre as necessidades do sistema e o número de docentes qualificados. Os modelos tradicionais, presenciais, adoptados mostram-se incapazes de uma resposta eficaz seja porque a dispersão territorial e populacional dificultam o acesso aos centros de formação, seja porque o ensino convencional está desfasado das realidades social, tecnológica e geográfica de Cabo Verde e das exigências do mundo actual em que as novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação obrigam a uma mudança do paradigma na formação em geral. A abrangência do tema e o seu carácter multidisciplinar levou-nos a seleccionar um tema específico - a mediação pedagógica, em contextos de profissionalização à distância, de professores da ilha de Santiago/Cabo Verde - que nunca foi objecto de investigação sistematizada. Utilizamos a técnica de inquérito por questionário dirigido a um universo de 138 formandos e 15 formadores de uma Escola de formação de professores na cidade da Praia, com o objectivo de identificar os factores que condicionam a aprendizagem dos formandos e de analisar as representações dos respondentes relativamente ao modelo, suportes e meios de comunicação a distância. É clara a preferência por um modelo misto de aprendizagem – “blended learning”. Baseados nos resultados obtidos, foram definidos as linhas estruturantes e os princípios orientadores que devem subjazer à elaboração de um programa de formação profissional de professores em bLearning, susceptível de implementação em Cabo Verde. É validada a tese de que o conhecimento das características, necessidades e expectativas do formando é incontornável para a identificação do modelo adequado ao perfil do formando. São referidas algumas implicações que poderão trazer contributos relevantes para a dinamização da discussão sobre as novas abordagens de formação e procura de solução para a problemática de formação de professores, em Cabo Verde. O presente trabalho ambiciona ser um contributo para o debate sobre a formação de professores com recurso a mecanismos de formação à distância, alternativa pedagógica adequada à especificidade do arquipélago.


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[ES] Con motivo de la práctica docente universitaria en la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado con alumnos del grado de Primaria, en el ámbito de las artes plásticas, tuvimos la idea y la oportunidad de reforzar y ampliar los recursos didácticos planteados a priori en la investigación, experimentándolos con un sector más amplio que el de los alumnos de especialidades específicamente artísticas, a quienes iba dirigido en un principio la creación de recursos didácticos relacionados con la tesis titulada: “Escultura pública en Gran Canaria entre 1980-2010: recursos didácticos para la enseñanza de algunos procedimientos usados en ellas.” [EN] In the context of teaching activities to Primary Education students at the Teacher Training College in the field of plastic arts and in reference to the thesis called 1980-2012 Public Sculpture in Gran Canaria, Didactic Resources for the Teaching of some of the Procedures Applied in their Making geared towards students whose specialties were specifically artistic, we had the op ortunity to reinforce and increase the methodological resources considered within the research but with students different to those of the speciality of plastics arts.


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Nowadays computer simulation is used in various fields, particularly in laboratories where it is used for the exploration data which are sometimes experimentally inaccessible. In less developed countries where there is a need for up to date laboratories for the realization of practical lessons in chemistry, especially in secondary schools and some higher institutions of learning, it may permit learners to carryout experiments such as titrations without the use of laboratory materials and equipments. Computer simulations may also permit teachers to better explain the realities of practical lessons, given that computers have now become very accessible and less expensive compared to the acquisition of laboratory materials and equipments. This work is aimed at coming out with a virtual laboratory that shall permit the simulation of an acid-base titration and an oxidation-reduction titration with the use of synthetic images. To this effect, an appropriate numerical method was used to obtain appropriate organigram, which were further transcribed into source codes with the help of a programming language so as to come out with the software.


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El presente artículo, que presenta una síntesis de un trabajo de investigación , se propone explicitar las representaciones sociales que, sobre la formación profesional y el currículo académico en vigencia, sostienen estudiantes y graduados del Profesorado en Educación Especial respecto de su formación académico profesional. Al relevar y gestar una formulación científica sobre las representaciones sociales de los estudiantes y graduados se está realizando un acto fundacional, en el ámbito que nos ocupa, cual es el de darle relevancia estructural a dichas voces en la evaluación de las prácticas académicas que se desarrollan en el ámbito de la formación en educación especial en la UNaM. Efectuar un análisis crítico de la formación profesional en la Universidad, supone evaluar los proyectos curriculares y las prácticas que los estructuran y sostienen. Esto nos introduce en el controvertido universo de la evaluación, altamente determinado desde lo político. Evaluar es poner en valor. Esto solo es posible desde un cierto posicionamiento. Sin embargo, cuando advertimos este fuerte componente político de la tarea de evaluar, no estamos proponiendo renunciar a su utilidad como modo de mejorar la calidad de la educación, sino estamos señalando que toda evaluación se realiza desde un cierto sistema de valores, ideas y creencias, en el que resulta imperioso recuperar las voces de los actores implicados en el entramado de la formación académica, que tensiona fuertemente, el par “teoría profesada"-“teoría al uso" permitiendo mirar y mirar-nos en el proceso-producto del quehacer docente en la universidad. Se trata de una investigación inscripta en el modelo paradigmático interpretativo, con una metodología cuanti-cualitativa.


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Männlichkeiten stehen im Brennpunkt aktueller bildungspolitischer und erziehungswissenschaftlicher Debatten. Betrachtet man die Diskussion um Jungen als 'Bildungsverlierer', birgt bereits Männlichkeit als solche ein Benachteiligungsrisiko. Gleichzeitig gibt es Bestrebungen, dagegen anzugehen: Initiativen für mehr männliche Fachkräfte in Kindertagesstätten oder Schulen wollen durch die bloße Präsenz von Männern mehr Bildungsgerechtigkeit schaffen. Der vorliegende Band nimmt diese und andere Auffassungen von Männlichkeit kritisch in den Blick. Der Band kritisiert essentialisierende Thematisierungen von Männlichkeiten; eine unveränderliche, da, wahre' bzw. , natürliche' Sicht auf Männlichkeit hält sich nicht nur in pädagogischer Praxis und Bildungspolitik, sondern auch in Empirie und Theorie. Oftmals werden hier verkürzte Konzepte von Männlichkeit zu Grunde gelegt. Insbesondere die Verknüpfung von Männlichkeiten in pädagogischen Institutionen mit politischen Fragen von Bildung und sozialer Ungleichheit ruft Diskussionen um Geschlechterdifferenzen auf den Plan. Pädagogische Institutionen sind von besonderer Relevanz, da sie Einfluss auf (beispielsweise legitime und illegitime) Konstruktionen von Männlichkeiten nehmen. Gleichzeitig beeinflussen Männlichkeitskonstruktionen selbst die pädagogischen Institutionen. Die Autorinnen stellen sich der Herausforderung, Geschlecht theoretisch (neu) zu konzipieren und empirisch zum Gegenstand zu machen. Sie eröffnen damit neue Perspektiven auf Männlichkeit als solche. (DIPF/Verlag)


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In der Zusammenschau der Forschungsarbeiten, die in diesem Band repräsentiert sind, werden in Bezug auf Männlichkeitskonstruktionen verschiedene institutionelle Logiken identifizierbar, die nicht an die Spezifik der jeweiligen Bildungsinstitution gebunden sind. Pädagogische Einrichtungen von der Kindertagesstätte über die Schule bis hin zur berufsvorbereitenden Maßnahme weisen vielmehr Gemeinsamkeiten im Hinblick darauf auf, wie sie unter Verweis auf Männlichkeit im Sinne von Douglas klassifizieren, legitimieren und stabilisieren. So machen mehrere Beiträge deutlich, wie Männlichkeit in pädagogischen Institutionen als professionelle Ressource konstruiert wird. Andere setzen sich mit pädagogischen Institutionen auseinander, in denen Männlichkeit zum Referenzpunkt für die Entwicklung institutioneller Strukturen wird. Schließlich geben weitere Beiträge Einblick in die pädagogische Orientierung an Männlichkeiten in Institutionen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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[Die Autoren blicken] auf die erziehungs- und bildungswissenschaftliche Forschung an Universitäten und Pädagogischen Hochschulen in Österreich. [...] Ihr Interesse konzentriert sich auf die wissenschaftstheoretische Orientierung an den Institutionen und auf die Themen Förderung und Publikationen von Forschungsprojekten. Sie führten eine kleine Umfrage durch, deren Ergebnisse sie in ihrem Artikel vorstellen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Der Beitrag diskutiert Schwerpunkte und Herausforderungen der Erziehungswissenschaft in der Schweiz. Deutlich zeigt sich die besondere Situation der Erziehungswissenschaft nicht nur aufgrund der föderalen Struktur des Bildungswesens, sondern auch aufgrund einer spezifischen Sozial-, Kultur- und Politikraumgebundenheit der Kantone. Die wissenschaftliche Ausrichtung orientiert sich jeweils stärker an den Nachbarländern (Deutschland, weniger Österreich, Frankreich und Italien) und am angelsächsischen erziehungswissenschaftlichen Diskurs als an einem Schweizer wissenschaftlichen Diskurs. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt der Autor zunächst die historische Entwicklung und Verortung der Erziehungswissenschaft dar und geht dann genauer auf aktuelle Fragen zur Personalentwicklung, Nachwuchs und Forschungsförderung ein. (DIPF/Orig.)


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In this chapter, a rationale is developed for incorporating philosophy into teacher training programs as a means of both preparing quality teachers for the 21st century and meeting the expectations detailed in the professional standards established by the statutory authority that regulates the profession in Queensland, the Queensland College of Teaching is presented. Furthermore, in-service teachers from Buranda State School, a Brisbane primary school that has been successfully teaching philosophy to its students for over 10 years, shares their experiences of teaching philosophy and how it has enhanced student learning and the quality of teaching and professionalism of the teachers. Finally, the implications of embedding philosophy into teacher training programs are explored in terms of developing the personal integrity of beginning teachers.


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This paper discusses the development of provision for the training of teachers in English further and technical education from 1945 to 1956. While these years saw little growth in this provision, they were formative in that the institutional and curricular patterns of teacher training for the diverse fields of technical and further education were developed at this time. The work of the three national centres in Bolton, London and Huddersfield, during the period of the Emergency Training Scheme (ETS) is summarised with particular reference to the influence of the Ministry of Education‟s conditions for ETS colleges and courses. With the ending of the ETS in 1951 the three centres were given permanent status as teacher training colleges which in turn brought them into association with their local universities as constituent colleges of their Area Training Organisations. The consequences of this transfer to the universities for the curriculum and assessment of technical teacher training and the 'policy dichotomy' of teacher training for secondary and technical education are examined.


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The purpose of this qualitative inquiry was to determine how the Practical Nursing and Pharmacy Technician programs in one southern Ontario community college could more effectively accommodate ESL learners' communication needs. The literature review examined (a) linguistic issues, such as language testing and second-language learning theories, (b) organizational matters, such as ESL curriculum and teacher training, and (c) affective issues, such as motivation for second-language learning, learning styles, and the student-teacher relationship. I gathered perceptual data from the programs' administrators, faculty members, and ESL learners. Eleven participants took part in individual interviews or a focus group session. The results suggest that ESL learners need assistance with discipline-specific vocabulary and cultural nuances. College ESL learners' weak communicative competence, together with misleading acceptance standards for ESL learners and limited support available to faculty members and to students, decrease opportunities for successful completion of the programs. The results point to re-assessment of the college's admission policies and procedures, program evaluation practices that consider the needs of ESL learners, discipline-specific language support, and strategies to enhance the ESL student-teacher relationship. The study highlights theory relating to ESL learners' self-perception and engagement, as well as the importance of including the voice of college ESL learners in educational research. The results suggest that despite ESL learners' perseverance in completing their studies, power imbalances remain. The college has yet to implement organizational strategies such as discipline-specific communications and ESL courses and extended language support that could meet the communication needs of ESL learners in the two programs.