991 resultados para Swedish Core Affect Scale


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Expedition 302 of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), also known as the Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX), successfully penetrated a sequence of Cenozoic sediments draping the crest of the Lomonosov Ridge in the central Arctic Ocean. The cumulative sedimentary record spans the last 57 m.y. and was recovered from three sites located within 15 km of each other. Merging the recovered cores onto a common depth scale that accurately reflects their stratigraphic placement below the seafloor is a fundamental step toward interpreting this unique sedimentary record. However, the lack of overlapping recovery in adjacent holes and intervals of high core disturbance complicated traditional methods of stratigraphic correlation. Here we present a revised composite depth scale for the ACEX sediments, generated in part by performing a regional stratigraphic correlation with sediments recovered from previous expeditions to the Lomonosov Ridge. The revised depth scale also reassesses the offsets for cores in the upper 55 meters below seafloor, where no overlapping recovery was acquired, and proposes modifications to these depths.


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Lonestone abundances in CRP-1 were investigated using three methods: core examination at Cape Roberts Camp, analysis of digital core images and follow-up core examination. For all images of split-core, we determined size and depth of every detectable lonestone larger than 3 mm. Lonestone abundance decreases exponentially with clast size. Although no significant depth-dependent variations in lonestone size distribution were detected, a strong 0.5-0.7 m abundance periodicity, of unknown origin, is evident within diamicts. Lonestone volume percentage was estimated from size distribution: most size classes contribute approximately the same volume to the total. Sizes >16 mm have rare enough lonestones that their counts are nonrepresentative when based on short intervals of split core. This problem does not affect total counts significantly, but the volume analysis needs to be confined to <= 6 mm lonestones to avoid instability induced by rare and nonrepresentative larger lonestones. If lonestone abundance can be used as an indicator of glacial proximity, then our CRP-1 lonestone abundance logs confirm the overall character of previously inferred variations in relative distance to the ice margin. Large-scale changes in lonestone abundance also reflect the CRP-1 sequence stratigraphy, with individual sequences generally characterised by basal lonestone-rich diamict overlain by lonestone-poor sands and muds. The relationship between glacial proximity and lonestone abundance within diamicts and within sand-mud intervals is, however, less certain. For example, two or three gradual lonestone increases may indicate regressions during glacial advances, in contrast to the more common CRP-l pattern of dominantly transgressive sequences.


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There is much uncertainty surrounding the mechanisms that forced the abrupt climate fluctuations found in many palaeoclimate records during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS)-3. One of the processes thought to be involved in these events is the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC), which exhibited large changes in its dominant mode throughout the last glacial period. Giant piston core MD95-2006 from the northeast Atlantic Ocean records a suite of palaeoceanographic proxies related to the activity of both surface and deep water masses through a period of MIS-3 when abrupt climate fluctuations were extremely pronounced. A two-stage progression of surface water warming during interstadial warm events is proposed, with initial warming related to the northward advection of a thin warm surface layer within the North Atlantic Current, which only extended into deeper surface layers as the interstadial progressed. Benthic foraminifera isotope data also show millennial-scale oscillations but of a different structure to the abrupt surface water changes. These changes are argued to partly be related to the influence of low-salinity deepwater brines. The influence of deepwater brines over the site of MD95-2006 reached a maximum at times of rapid warming of surface waters. This observation supports the suggestion that brine formation may have helped to destabilize the accumulation of warm, saline surface waters at low latitudes, helping to force the MOC into a warm mode of operation. The contribution of deepwater brines relative to other mechanisms proposed to alter the state of the MOC needs to be examined further in future studies.


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Morningness scales have been translated into several languages, but it lack of normative data and methodological differences make cross-cultural comparisons difficult. This study examines the psychometric properties and factor structure of the Composite Scale of Morningness (CSM) in samples from five countries: France (n = 627), Italy (n, = 702), Spain (n = 391), Thailand (n. = 503), and Australia (17 = 654). Strong national differences are identified. A quadratic relationship between age and CSM total score was apparent in the Australian data with a downward trend after age 35 yrs. There was no age effect in air), sample in the range from 18 to 29 yrs. Factor analysis identified a three-factor solution in all groups for both men and women. Tucker's congruence coefficients indicate that: (1) this solution is highly congruent between sexes in each culture, and (2) a morning affect factor is highly congruent between cultures. These results indicate there are national differences in factorial structure and that cut-off scores used to categorize participants as morning- and evening-types should be established for different cultural and age groups.


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Sea surface temperature (SST), marine productivity, and fluvial input have been reconstructed for the last 11.5 calendar (cal) ka B.P. using a high-resolution study of C37 alkenones, coccolithophores, iron content, and higher plant n-alkanes and n-alkan-1-ols in sedimentary sequences from the inner shelf off the Tagus River Estuary in the Portuguese Margin. The SST record is marked by a continuous decrease from 19C, at 10.5 and 7 ka, to 15C at present. This trend is interrupted by a fall from 18C during the Roman and Medieval Warm Periods to 16C in the Little Ice Age. River input was very low in the early Holocene but increased in the last 3 cal ka B.P. in association with an intensification of agriculture and deforestation and possibly the onset of the North Atlantic Oscillation/Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation modes of variability. River influence must have reinforced the marine cooling trend relative to the lower amplitude in similar latitude sites of the eastern Atlantic. The total concentration of alkenones reflects river-induced productivity, being low in the early Holocene but increasing as river input became more important. Rapid cooling, of 1-2C occurring in 250 years, is observed at 11.1, 10.6, 8.2, 6.9, and 5.4 cal ka B.P. The estimated age of these events matches the ages of equivalent episodes common in the NE Atlantic- Mediterranean region. This synchronicity reveals a common widespread climate feature, which considering the twentieth century analog between colder SSTs and negative North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), is likely to reflect periods of strong negative NAO.


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