Ice rafted debris distribution in sediment core CRP-1

Autoria(s): Brink, Jason; Jarrard, Richard D; Krissek, Lawrence A; Wilson, Terry

LATITUDE: -77.007580 * LONGITUDE: 163.755080 * DATE/TIME START: 1997-10-17T01:30:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1997-10-24T02:00:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 15.63 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 147.58 m




Lonestone abundances in CRP-1 were investigated using three methods: core examination at Cape Roberts Camp, analysis of digital core images and follow-up core examination. For all images of split-core, we determined size and depth of every detectable lonestone larger than 3 mm. Lonestone abundance decreases exponentially with clast size. Although no significant depth-dependent variations in lonestone size distribution were detected, a strong 0.5-0.7 m abundance periodicity, of unknown origin, is evident within diamicts. Lonestone volume percentage was estimated from size distribution: most size classes contribute approximately the same volume to the total. Sizes >16 mm have rare enough lonestones that their counts are nonrepresentative when based on short intervals of split core. This problem does not affect total counts significantly, but the volume analysis needs to be confined to <= 6 mm lonestones to avoid instability induced by rare and nonrepresentative larger lonestones. If lonestone abundance can be used as an indicator of glacial proximity, then our CRP-1 lonestone abundance logs confirm the overall character of previously inferred variations in relative distance to the ice margin. Large-scale changes in lonestone abundance also reflect the CRP-1 sequence stratigraphy, with individual sequences generally characterised by basal lonestone-rich diamict overlain by lonestone-poor sands and muds. The relationship between glacial proximity and lonestone abundance within diamicts and within sand-mud intervals is, however, less certain. For example, two or three gradual lonestone increases may indicate regressions during glacial advances, in contrast to the more common CRP-l pattern of dominantly transgressive sequences.


text/tab-separated-values, 992 data points








CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Brink, Jason; Jarrard, Richard D; Krissek, Lawrence A; Wilson, Terry (1998): Lonestone abundance and size variations in CRP-1 drillhole, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica. Terra Antartica, 5(3), 367-374, hdl:10013/epic.28341.d001

Palavras-Chave #16 km ENE Cape Roberts; Cape Roberts Project; Core wireline system; Counting, visual; CRP; CRP-1; CWS; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Ice rafted debris, number of gravel; off Cape Roberts, Ross Sea, Antarctica; Sampling/drilling ice
