995 resultados para Student Collaboration


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Université de Montréal, Faculté des Études Supérieures. Ce rapport de stage intitulé : La collaboration interprofessionnelle, a été évalué par un jury.


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Travail d'intégration présenté à la Faculté de médecine en vue de l’obtention du grade de maîtrise en physiothérapie


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Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M. Sc.) en sciences infirmières Option Expertise-Conseil


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Dans les classes spécialisées auprès des élèves en trouble du comportement (TC), l’enseignant et le technicien en éducation spécialisé (TES) sont encouragés à travailler en collaboration afin de soutenir l’adaptation scolaire et sociale des élèves auprès desquels ils œuvrent chaque jour. Toutefois, malgré les nombreux avantages à travailler ensemble pour atteindre un but commun visant ici la réussite des élèves, la collaboration interprofessionnelle comporte néanmoins de nombreux défis qui, s’ils ne sont pas relevés avec professionnalisme, peuvent affecter les élèves. L’objectif de cette étude est de vérifier s’il existe un lien entre la qualité de la collaboration entre ces deux professionnels et l’adaptation sociale en classe spécialisée des élèves ayant un TC. Une méthodologie s’appuyant sur un devis de type corrélationnel a été privilégiée. Des enseignants titulaires de classe accueillant des élèves TC ont complété un questionnaire visant à évaluer l’adaptation sociale de leurs élèves en classe alors que les TES associés à ces classes ont été invités à compléter un questionnaire visant à qualifier la collaboration établie au sein de leur duo avec l’enseignant. Au total, 71 duos de professionnels provenant de 9 écoles du grand Montréal ont participé à cette étude. Bien que la qualité de la collaboration varie de façon significative selon les duos de professionnels, les résultats ne permettent toutefois pas d’établir une relation. D’après cette recherche, il n’y a donc pas de lien significatif entre l’adaptation sociale des élèves en classe et le niveau de collaboration de l’enseignant et du TES. Ces résultats, contraires à notre hypothèse de départ, sont discutés à la lumière des écrits scientifiques portant sur le sujet. Les forces, limites et considérations pour les futures recherches sont également discutées.


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Cette recherche quantitative, de type descriptif corrélationnel, a pour objectifs, d’une part, d’identifier les différents types de collaboration école-famille, les types d’implication parentale et les styles éducatifs des parents et, d’autre part, de déterminer leurs liens avec la réussite scolaire des élèves du primaire au Burkina Faso, notamment ceux en classe de Cours Moyen deuxième année (CM2) selon leur genre et zone de résidence. Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, nous avons adopté une approche écosystémique qui a permis d’aborder à la fois les relations entre les parents et les enfants (microsystème) et celles avec l’école (mésosystème). Ceci, dans le but de mieux cerner les dynamiques relationnelles qui se déroulent entre ces différents milieux de vie de l’enfant et de déterminer leur influence sur ses résultats scolaires. À cet effet, des questionnaires évaluant la perception des participants sur les dimensions de la recherche, à savoir la collaboration école-famille, l’implication parentale et les styles éducatifs des parents, ont été passés à 615 parents d’élèves de CM2 provenant de six régions administratives du Burkina Faso, dont deux fortement urbanisées (régions du Centre et des Hauts-Bassins) et quatre principalement rurales (régions du Sahel, de l’Est, du Plateau Central et du Centre Est). Une douzaine d’écoles publiques réparties entre ces régions ont été retenues dans le cadre de la présente recherche. Les données ainsi recueillies ont été analysées avec un logiciel de traitement statistique (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences : SPSS) qui a permis de faire à la fois des analyses descriptives et orrélationnelles (test du khi-deux). Les résultats descriptifs révèlent la présence de différents types de collaboration école-famille (information, consultation, coordination et concertation), d’implication parentale (rôles, communications, bénévolat, soutien aux apprentissages à domicile, prises de décisions et collaboration avec la communauté) et de styles éducatifs (démocratique, autoritaire, permissif et négligent). Ensuite, les résultats corrélationnels montrent que les relations école-famille ne permettent la réussite scolaire des élèves que si les parents entretiennent des relations régulières et réciproques d’information, de consultation, de coordination et de concertation avec les maîtres de leurs enfants autour de sujets relatifs au rendement scolaire, au comportement, aux activités culturelles, etc. S’agissant de l’implication parentale, il ressort que celle-ci ne favorise la réussite scolaire que si les parents s’impliquent de façon continue ou permanente dans les rôles (achats de fournitures scolaires, d’habits, etc.), les communications avec l’école (au sujet du rendement scolaire, du comportement, etc.), les activités de bénévolat (nettoyage, apport d’agrégats, etc.), les apprentissages à domicile (devoirs, leçons, etc.) et les prises de décisions (association des parents, conseil d’établissement, etc.). Pour ce qui concerne la collaboration avec la communauté à travers l’usage des ressources communautaires (centres de lecture, bibliothèques,etc.), même une faible implication à ce niveau favorise la réussite scolaire. Enfin, en ce qui a trait aux styles éducatifs des parents, les résultats indiquent que les styles démocratiques et autoritaires sont ceux qui favorisent la réussite scolaire, mais avec une légère domination du style démocratique. En conclusion, nous constatons que la collaboration école-famille, l’implication parentale et le style éducatif démocratique favorisent tous la réussite scolaire à des niveaux différents. Mêmes faibles, des relations réciproques entre l’école et la famille sont susceptibles de favoriser la réussite scolaire des élèves du primaire dans le contexte burkinabé. Par contre, pour l’implication parentale, il faut généralement des engagements continus des parents. Le style démocratique se présente comme celui qui favorise le plus la réussite scolaire. Mais les zones de résidence (rurales) ont plus d’influence sur toutes ces variables que le genre. D’où l’importance de favoriser ou de promouvoir de véritables collaborations entre l’école et la famille en vue de permettre une plus grande réussite des élèves, surtout en zones rurales. Les actions de plaidoyer ou de lobbying devraient ainsi aller dans ce sens; elles peuvent être menées à la fois par les parents à travers leurs structures associatives, les institutions ou organismes oeuvrant dans le domaine de l’éducation, et par la communauté des chercheurs.


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This paper reports on a collaborative project between staff and students in the Department of Typography & Graphic Communication at the University of Reading The Partnerships in Learning and Teaching (PLanT) project here described is a direct response to student needs for better online support materials. Methodologically, the project embeds user-centred design principles within an iterative process of design development and participant research. This process has underpinned the development of a prototype for an online interface called Typo-Resource. The resulting initial prototype addresses the usability and user experience dimensions of an online learning resource, moving beyond providing tutor-identified sets of resources to a multifaceted, collaborative, and visual platform for peer learning.


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In the contemporary tourism industry, the competitive game is between destinations. Tourism operations struggle to remain competitive on the international market and their success depends to a large extent on other complementary and competing tourism organizations at the destination. It is the sum of the total tourism offerings at the destination which determines its attractiveness. This research explores tourism collaboration process as a means of generating destination competitiveness. The focus of the research is on the enhancing factors which contribute to the success of the collaboration and to the development of quality tourism products. The research studies the case of Biking Dalarna, a collaboration of different organizations at five biking destinations in Dalarna, Sweden. Its purpose is to develop biking tourism in the region and to make Dalarna into Sweden’s leading biking destination. It is a qualitative research; the empirical data was collected through in depth interviews with representatives of six Biking Dalarna member organizations. The qualitative data collected from the participants provides inside look into the members reflections and experience of collaborating. The findings of this research demonstrate how collaboration has improved the biking product in Dalarna and promoted solutions to development problems. The research finds the good relationship between the collaborating actors and the involvement and leadership of the regional tourism management organization as the most contributing factors to the success of Biking Dalarna. The research also suggests that a third desired outcome of collaboration, improved marketing attributes was yet to be achieved in the case of Biking Dalarna.


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Abstract At Ångström Laboratory, one of the largest campuses at Uppsala University, the Library and the Student Services Office merged in November 2012. This merger is a pilot project to improve service for students and faculty. Ångström Laboratory has around 900 staff and almost 10,000 students, of whom most also spend time at other campuses. In this paper we describe the background and the implementation of the pilot project. One of the main reasons for moving together was the wish to gather together all kinds of student services, including the distribution of written examinations in one place. The central location and open environment of the Library made it a good choice. The heart of the Library and Student Services is an open office consisting of two service desks located in the library area. There are silent study areas; computers for searching and printing, an area for relaxing with newspapers and journals, meeting rooms and offices for the staff. The result is a lively place with a cosy atmosphere. As the Library and the Student Services still belong to different parts of the University we are now starting to find out how best to collaborate. To understand more we log all the questions we get and the services we deliver. We also have meetings together and use the same lunch room to get to know each other and our different functions. We will define which matters can be solved in common, and how we can back each other up when necessary.


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As a result of ever diminishing teaching resources, an increasing number of architectural educators are setting group design projects, rather then spreading their time thinly over a large number of individual projects. This allows them to co-ordinate longer and more in-depth review sessions on a smaller number of assignment submissions. However, while the group
model may offer an authentic learning model by reflecting design in practice, the approach is not without its obvious shortcomings as a teaching archetype for the assessment of the knowledge and skill competencies of individual students. Hence, what is clear is the need for a readily adoptable andragogy for the teaching and assessment of group design projects.
The following paper describes the background, methodology and findings of a Strategic Teaching and Learning Grant funded research project carried out in the year 2005 at the School of Architecture and Building at Deakin University. The project aimed to inform a change of classroom/studio practice governing the assemblage, teaching and assessment of student design teams. The development through these changes of cooperative and student centred learning principles focused on effective design collaboration and fair assessment should, it will be argued, lead to an enhanced group-learning experience in studio, which will subsequently and ultimately enhance professional practice.


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Information technology has transformed the “heartland” of education around the world. Classrooms are global, students international, but traditional methods and their adjacent challenges persist or are exacerbated in online schoolhouses. There is reason to believe that team performance of online students completing team projects can be significantly improved by the active participation of a facilitator. What could explain such improvement? Given the communication barriers that learners can experience using e-learning technologies, the skill of a teacher at facilitating an understanding of e-collaboration and the prescient need to facilitate collaborative skills at all times is essential to a successful educational result. There may also be generational learning style issues to consider. One practical, proven tool is progress reporting. This paper reviews the literature and reflects on author experiences in the online education of Management students at universities in the United States and Australia to draw theoretical connections with communication, leadership, and punctuated equilibrium relevant to contemporary educational practice. The implications of effective facilitation of student teams for Management education and management of student performance are explored.


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Collaborative group work has increasingly been adopted as a learning and assessment tool at tertiary level, yet despite the prevalence of group
activities within the language classroom, feedback from university faculties is that international students struggle in this area. While the problem is
one of communication, language proficiency is only part of the picture. Diverse cultural expectations and students’ individual personalities play a significant role. In light of this, Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI) decided to focus on successful participation in group work as a specific learning outcome in the EAP stream. Beginning with the recognition that having students work in groups was not, by itself, sufficient to equip them with the necessary skills for successful
collaboration, it was decided to develop a program designed to instill in students a more conscious awareness of group dynamics and of their own adopted roles and behaviours within groups. Our central aim was to encourage students to take responsibility for fostering a group dynamic
that benefited from the diversity of the student population and to raise students’ confidence in tackling academic group work.


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This paper illustrates the way two teacher-researchers are listening to mathematics education students’ voices in a Masters course. Group assignments have their advantages but it is difficult to ensure strong collaboration, high-level analysis and discussion, a good spread of work between group members, and positive social interactions. This research set out to explore one way of attending to these problems in a mathematics education Masters unit. Students submitted (unmarked) individual essays before combining them to create (graded) group assignments. They completed surveys about group work before and after this activity, and some were interviewed. Expecting individual work before group work led to increased levels of engagement, very high quality work, use of skills in analysis and critique, and good levels of student satisfaction.


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This poster presents research-in-progress into the educational affordances of so-called Web 2.0 sites, services, with a particular emphasis on those applications that involve forms of shared human-machine cognition and that promote public knowledge networking. This research involves reviewing many hundreds of Web 2.0 tools and selecting approximately 50 for further analysis and exploration as learning applications. In doing so, the research will generate examples of unusual affordances provided by Web 2.0; it will also present a more structured categorisation of the kinds of uses and benefits of these tools. This approach is valuable because much current research and analysis of the impact of Web 2.0 on education, particularly higher education, has emphasised a relatively limited array of tools – principally blogs, wikis and social networking services – that offer educators and students opportunities for student-led collaborative work. Such opportunities involve strong emphasis on constructivist pedagogy: students’ interactions with each other, mediated via the Internet, are viewed as the positive benefit which networked learning can provide. However, Web 2.0 is far more than just collaboration, and associated shared self-expression. In particular, Web 2.0 includes many examples of services that take one form of input from a user and, rather than just sharing it with others, enable the transformation of that input into different forms, either as visualisations, maps, or other re-representations. Web 2.0 is also starting to see the development of knowledge-work engines that embody the concept of shared cognition, in which the service and the user cooperate in the production of some final knowledge output or which present to users knowledge that has already been processed more extensively than through simple searching. Web 2.0 is also closely associated with the idea that knowledge work is now networked and distributed; it involves users appropriating, creating and sharing knowledge products in a very public way, far beyond the narrow ‘audience’ of a particular course or program of study. The research presented in this poster will provide, firstly, examples of the Web 2.0 tools which emphasise these additional ways of exploiting the Internet for networked learning; secondly, the research will provide a first iteration of the overarching structure of categories and classifications which can be used to assess any proposed Web 2.0 application in terms of its affordances for learning as knowledge networking. By understanding these technologies, truly collaborative networked learning can be developed that blends with the emerging cultures of online behaviour increasingly common to contemporary student populations.


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In this article, we discuss the importance of recognizing students' technology-enhanced informal learning experiences and develop pedagogies to connect students' formal and informal learning experiences, in order to meet the demands of the knowledge society. The Mobile-Blended Collaborative Learning model is proposed as a framework to bridge the gap between formal and informal learning and blend them together to form a portable, flexible, collaborative and creative learning environment. Using this model, three categories of mobile application tools, namely tools for collaboration, tools for coordination and tools for communication, have been identified as pertinent in blending formal and informal learning, and they can be connected seamlessly to provide an effective learning mechanism to support the learning process.


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This paper reports on a study of the review process of the first iteration of a recentlyimplemented higher education program. Specifically, the paper discusses the inaugural review of a two-year graduate level pre-service teaching program at an urban Australian university. The aims of the study into this Master of Teaching program were twofold. First, it sought to gain an understanding of the strengths and limitations of the program from the perspectives of the staff members involved and to explore avenues for positive growth. Second, it examined the extent to which the application of Cooperrider, Whitney, Stavros and Fry’s (2008) Appreciative Inquiry (AI) framework can be used effectively in the review of higher education program reviews to foster connections for student success. The AI model promotes collegial reflective practice and the generation of positive resolutions and thus aligned with the purposes of the review which were to foster collaboration, strengthen staff morale and, subsequently, build a stronger program for students. This paper provides a perceptual account of the AI review process as reported by the three facilitators involved. The discussion and findings included in this paper contribute to international literature in the areas of higher education program evaluation, organisational reform and Appreciative Inquiry.