942 resultados para Sesquiterpene dimer
The Asteraceae, one of the largest families among angiosperms, is chemically characterised by the production of sesquiterpene lactones (SLs). A total of 1,111 SLs, which were extracted from 658 species, 161 genera, 63 subtribes and 15 tribes of Asteraceae, were represented and registered in two dimensions in the SISTEMATX, an in-house software system, and were associated with their botanical sources. The respective 11 block of descriptors: Constitutional, Functional groups, BCUT, Atom-centred, 2D autocorrelations, Topological, Geometrical, RDF, 3D-MoRSE, GETAWAY and WHIM were used as input data to separate the botanical occurrences through self-organising maps. Maps that were generated with each descriptor divided the Asteraceae tribes, with total index values between 66.7% and 83.6%. The analysis of the results shows evident similarities among the Heliantheae, Helenieae and Eupatorieae tribes as well as between the Anthemideae and Inuleae tribes. Those observations are in agreement with systematic classifications that were proposed by Bremer, which use mainly morphological and molecular data, therefore chemical markers partially corroborate with these classifications. The results demonstrate that the atom-centred and RDF descriptors can be used as a tool for taxonomic classification in low hierarchical levels, such as tribes. Descriptors obtained through fragments or by the two-dimensional representation of the SL structures were sufficient to obtain significant results, and better results were not achieved by using descriptors derived from three-dimensional representations of SLs. Such models based on physico-chemical properties can project new design SLs, similar structures from literature or even unreported structures in two-dimensional chemical space. Therefore, the generated SOMs can predict the most probable tribe where a biologically active molecule can be found according Bremer classification.
Protein folding, refolding and degradation are essential for cellular life and are regulated by protein homeostatic processes such those that involve the molecular chaperone DnaK/Hsp70 and its co-chaperone DnaJ. Hsp70 action is initiated when proteins from the DnaJ family bind an unfolded protein for delivery purposes. In eukaryotes, the DnaJ family can be divided into two main groups, Type I and Type II, represented by yeast cytosolic Ydj1 and Sis1, respectively. Although sharing some unique features both members of the DnaJ family, Ydj1 and Sis1 are structurally and functionally distinct as deemed by previous studies, including the observation that their central domains carry the structural and functional information even in switched chimeras. In this study, we combined several biophysical tools for evaluating the stability of Sis1 and mutants that had the central domains (named Gly/Met rich domain and C-terminal Domain I) deleted or switched to those of Ydj1 to gain insight into the role of these regions in the structure and function of Sis1. The mutants retained some functions similar to full length wild-type Sis1, however they were defective in others. We found that: 1) Sis1 unfolds in at least two steps as follows: folded dimer to partially folded monomer and then to an unfolded monomer. 2) The Gly/Met rich domain had intrinsically disordered characteristics and its deletion had no effect on the conformational stability of the protein. 3) The deletion of the C-terminal Domain I perturbed the stability of the dimer. 4) Exchanging the central domains perturbed the conformational stability of the protein. Altogether, our results suggest the existence of two similar subdomains in the C-terminal domain of DnaJ that could be important for stabilizing each other in order to maintain a folded substrate-binding site as well as the dimeric state of the protein.
Hepatitis C is a worldwide public health problem. The available therapies are limited by their partial effectiveness and with meaningful side-effects. Sesquiterpene lactones (SLs) are a group of natural products with a wide variety of chemical structures and biological activities associated. There are few studies about the influence of the molecular structure of SLs for the anti-hepatitis C virus activity. In the present work, SLs are investigated in a subgenomic RNA replicon assay system and were analyzed using multiple linear regression along with self-organizing maps with DRAGON descriptors in order to identify the structural requirements for their biological activity and to predict the inhibitory potency of SLs. Characteristics such as stereochemistry and electronic effects demonstrated to be important for their anti-HCV activity, and the SOM produced a clear separation betwenn active and inactive compounds. Therefore, it is possible to use this map as a filter for virtual screening to predict the anti-HCV activity of SLs.
Two novel sesquiterpene lactones were isolated from crude extract of the Eremanthus seidelii leaves. Reliable structural elucidations to these lactones were established by 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopic techniques and high-resolution electrospray mass spectrometry data. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The biotransformation of the sesquiterpene lactone tagitinin C by the fungus Aspergillus terreus MT 5.3 yielded a rare derivative that was elucidated by spectrometric methods. The fungus led to the formation of a different product through an unusual epoxidation reaction between C4 and C5, formation of a C3,C10 ether bridge, and a methoxylation of the C1 of tagitinin C. The chemical structure of the product, namely 1 beta-methoxy-3 alpha-hydroxy-3,10 beta-4,5 alpha-diepoxy-8 beta-isobutyroyloxygermacr-11(13)-en-6 alpha,12-olide, is the same as that of a derivative that was recently isolated from the flowers of a Brazilian population of Mexican sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia), which is the source of the substrate tagitinin C. The in vitro cytotoxic activity of the substrate and the biotransformed product were evaluated in HL-60 cells using an MTT assay, and both compounds were found to be cytotoxic. We show that soil fungi may be useful in the biotransformation of sesquiterpene lactones, thereby leading to unusual changes in their chemical structures that may preserve or alter their biological activities, and may also mimic plant biosynthetic pathways for production of secondary metabolites.
In this work is described a complete H-1 and C-13 NMR analysis for a group of four sesquiterpene lactones, three previously unknown. The unequivocal assignments were achieved by H-1 NMR, C-13{H-1} NMR, gCOSY. gHMQC, gHMBC and NOESY experiments and no ambiguities were left behind. All hydrogen coupling constants were measured, clarifying all hydrogen signals multiplicities. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nella tesi sono trattate due famiglie di modelli meccanico statistici su vari grafi: i modelli di spin ferromagnetici (o di Ising) e i modelli di monomero-dimero. Il primo capitolo è dedicato principalmente allo studio del lavoro di Dembo e Montanari, in cui viene risolto il modello di Ising su grafi aleatori. Nel secondo capitolo vengono studiati i modelli di monomero-dimero, a partire dal lavoro di Heilemann e Lieb,con l'intento di dare contributi nuovi alla teoria. I principali temi trattati sono disuguaglianze di correlazione, soluzioni esatte su alcuni grafi ad albero e sul grafo completo, la concentrazione dell'energia libera intorno al proprio valor medio sul grafo aleatorio diluito di Erdös-Rényi.
Atmosphärische Aerosole beeinflussen den Strahlungshaushalt und damit das Klima der Erde. Dies geschieht sowohl direkt (Streuung und Absorption), als auch indirekt (Wolkenkondensationskeime). Das sekundäre organische Aerosol (SOA) bildet einen wichtigen Bestandteil des atmosphärischen Aerosols. Seine Bildung erfolgt durch Reaktionen von Kohlenwasserstoffen mit atmosphärischen Oxidationsmitteln (z.B. Ozon, OH-Radikalen). Eine Klasse dieser Kohlenwasserstoffe sind die Terpene. Sie werden in großen Mengen durch die Vegetation emittiert und gelten als wichtige Vorläufersubstanzen des biogenen SOAs. In den Reaktionen von Monoterpenen und Sesquiterpenen mit atmosphärischen Reaktionspartnern wird eine große Vielfalt an multifunktionellen Reaktionsprodukten gebildet, von denen bis heute nur ein Bruchteil identifiziert werden konnte. In der vorliegenden Arbeit soll im Speziellen die Bildung von organischen Peroxiden und oligomeren Verbindungen im biogenen SOA untersucht und Nachweise einzelner Moleküle erbracht werden.rnFür eine Identifizierung von organischen Peroxiden aus der Oxidation einzelner Monoterpene und Sesquiterpene mit Ozon wurden die Reaktionsprodukte direkt in eine bei Atmosphärendruck arbeitende chemische Ionisationsquelle überführt und massenspektrometrisch untersucht (online-APCI-MS). Hierdurch konnten organische Hydroperoxide in der Partikelphase nachgewiesen werden, welche sich durch eine signifikante Abspaltung von H2O2 im Tandem-Massenspektrum (MS/MS) auszeichneten. Des Weiteren sollte die Bildung von höhermolekularen Verbindungen („Dimere“) im SOA des α-Pinens untersucht werden. Hierfür wurden zunächst die Reaktionsprodukte des Cyclohexens, das als einfache Modellverbindung des α-Pinens dient, mittels online-APCI-MS und offline durch Flüssigkeitschromatographie und Elektrospray-Ionenfallenmassenspektrometrie (HPLC/ESI-MS) untersucht. Verschiedene Produkte der Cyclohexen-Ozonolyse konnten hierbei als Esterverbindungen identifiziert werden, wobei eigens synthetisierte Referenzsubstanzen für die Identifizierung verwendet wurden. In einem weiteren Experiment, indem gleichzeitig Cyclohexen und α-Pinen mit Ozon umgesetzt wurden, konnten ebenfalls eine Bildung von höhermolekularen Estern nachgewiesen werden. Es handelte sich hierbei um „Mischester“, deren Struktur aus Reaktionsprodukten der beiden VOC-Vorläufermoleküle aufgebaut war. Durch diese neuen Erkenntnisse, über die Bildung von Estern im SOA des Cyclohexens, wurden die Dimer-Bildung einer reinen α-Pinen/Ozon-Reaktion online und offline massenspektrometrisch untersucht. Hier stellten sich als Hauptprodukte die Verbindungen mit m/z 357 und m/z 367 ([M-H]--Ionen) heraus, welche zudem erstmals auf einem Filter einer Realprobe aus Hyytiälä, Finnland nachgewiesen werden konnten. Aufgrund ihrer Fragmentierung in MS/MS-Untersuchungen sowie den exakten Summenformeln aus FT-MS Messungen konnte für die Struktur der höhermolekularen Verbindung mit m/z 367 ebenfalls ein Ester und für m/z 357 ein Peroxyhemiacetal vorgeschlagen werden. Die vorgeschlagene Struktur der Verbindung m/z 367 konnte im Anschluss über eine Reaktion aus Hydroxypinonsäure mit Pinsäure bestätigt werden. Die Identifizierung der Esterverbindung des α-Pinen-SOA erfolgte ebenfalls mit Hilfe von LC-MSn-Messungen.rnDie bisher diskutierten Ergebnisse, sowie die meisten in der Literatur beschriebenen Studien befassen sich jedoch mit einzelnen Vorläuferverbindungen, im Gegensatz zu den komplexen SOA-Proben aus den Emissionen der Vegetation. Im Rahmen einer Messkampagne am Forschungszentrum Jülich erfolgte eine massenspektrometrische Charakterisierung (online-APCI-MS) des SOAs aus direkten VOC-Emissionen von Pflanzen. Durch einen Vergleich der Produktverteilung dieser erhalten online-Massenspektren mit denen aus den Reaktionen einzelner VOCs, konnten Aussagen über die in den Reaktionen umgesetzten VOCs gemacht werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass in stressbedingten Situationen die untersuchten Exemplare der Betula pendula (Birke) hauptsächlich Sesquiterpene, Picea abies (Fichte) eher Monoterpene und Eucalyptus (Eukalyptus) sowohl Sesquiterpene als auch Monoterpene emittieren. Um die atmosphärischen Prozesse, die zur Bildung der Produkte im SOA führen vollständig zu verstehen, müssen jedoch noch weitere Anstrengungen unternommen werden.rn
In this work I reported recent results in the field of Statistical Mechanics of Equilibrium, and in particular in Spin Glass models and Monomer Dimer models . We start giving the mathematical background and the general formalism for Spin (Disordered) Models with some of their applications to physical and mathematical problems. Next we move on general aspects of the theory of spin glasses, in particular to the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model which is of fundamental interest for the work. In Chapter 3, we introduce the Multi-species Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model (MSK), we prove the existence of the thermodynamical limit and the Guerra's Bound for the quenched pressure together with a detailed analysis of the annealed and the replica symmetric regime. The result is a multidimensional generalization of the Parisi's theory. Finally we brie y illustrate the strategy of the Panchenko's proof of the lower bound. In Chapter 4 we discuss the Aizenmann-Contucci and the Ghirlanda-Guerra identities for a wide class of Spin Glass models. As an example of application, we discuss the role of these identities in the proof of the lower bound. In Chapter 5 we introduce the basic mathematical formalism of Monomer Dimer models. We introduce a Gaussian representation of the partition function that will be fundamental in the rest of the work. In Chapter 6, we introduce an interacting Monomer-Dimer model. Its exact solution is derived and a detailed study of its analytical properties and related physical quantities is performed. In Chapter 7, we introduce a quenched randomness in the Monomer Dimer model and show that, under suitable conditions the pressure is a self averaging quantity. The main result is that, if we consider randomness only in the monomer activity, the model is exactly solvable.
BACKGROUND: Elevated plasma levels of interleukin (IL)-6, C-reactive protein (CRP), and D-dimer belong to the biological alterations of the "frailty syndrome," defining increased vulnerability for diseases and mortality with aging. We hypothesized that, compatible with premature frailty, chronic stress and age are related in predicting inflammation and coagulation activity in Alzheimer caregivers. METHODS: Plasma IL-6, CRP, and D-dimer levels were measured in 170 individuals (mean age 73 +/- 9 years; 116 caregivers, 54 noncaregiving controls). Demographic factors, diseases, drugs, and lifestyle variables potentially affecting inflammation and coagulation were obtained by history and adjusted for as covariates in statistical analyses. RESULTS: Caregivers had higher mean levels of IL-6 (1.38 +/- 1.42 vs 1.00 +/- 0.92 pg/mL, p =.032) and of D-dimer (723 +/- 530 vs 471 +/- 211 ng/mL, p <.001) than controls had. CRP levels were similar between groups (p =.44). The relationship between caregiver status and D-dimer was independent of covariates (p =.037) but affected by role overload. Age accounted for much of the relationship with IL-6. After controlling for covariates, the interaction between caregiver status and age was significant for D-dimer (beta =.20, p =.029) and of borderline significance for IL-6 (beta =.17, p =.090). Post hoc regression analyses indicated that, among caregivers, age was significantly correlated with both D-dimer (beta =.50, p <.001) and IL-6 (beta =.38, p =.001). Among controls, however, no significant relationship was observed between age and either D-dimer or IL-6. CONCLUSIONS: The interaction between caregiving status and age for D-dimer and IL-6 suggests the possibility that older caregivers could be at risk of a more rapid transition to the frailty syndrome and clinical manifestations of cardiovascular diseases.
OBJECTIVES: To determine whether objective measures of sleep correlate with plasma levels of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-6 and the procoagulant marker fibrin D-dimer in caregivers of patients with dementia. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Subjects' homes. PARTICIPANTS: Sixty-four community-dwelling spousal caregivers (69% women, mean age+/-standard deviation 72+/-9) and 36 sex-matched noncaregiving controls. MEASUREMENTS: All participants underwent in-home full-night polysomnography. Demographic and lifestyle factors, depression, diseases, and medication that could affect inflammation, coagulation, and sleep were controlled for in analyses regressing sleep variables and caregiver status and their interaction on plasma levels of IL-6 and D-dimer. RESULTS: Caregivers had higher levels of D-dimer (781+/-591 vs 463+/-214 ng/mL, P=.001) and IL-6 (1.42+/-1.52 vs 0.99+/-0.86 pg/mL, P<.06) and lower levels of total sleep time (369+/-70 vs 393+/-51 minutes, P=.049) and sleep efficiency (77+/-11 vs 82+/-9%, P=.04) than controls. After controlling for age and body mass index, longer wake time after sleep onset (change in coefficient of determination (DeltaR2)=0.039, P=.04) and the interaction between caregiver status and higher apnea-hypopnea index (DeltaR2=0.054, P=.01) were predictors of IL-6. Controlling for age, caregiver status independently predicted D-dimer levels (DeltaR2=0.047, P=.01). Controlling for age and caregiver status, lower sleep efficiency (DeltaR2=0.032, P=.03) and the interaction between caregiver status and more Stage 2 sleep (DeltaR2=0.037, P=.02) independently predicted plasma D-dimer levels. CONCLUSION: Poor sleep was associated with higher plasma IL-6 and D-dimer levels. These effects were most pronounced in caregivers of subjects with Alzheimer's disease. The findings suggest a mechanism that may explain how disturbed sleep might be associated downstream with cardiovascular risk, particularly in older people under chronic stress.