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Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) is a methodology for optimizing large coupled systems. Over the years, a number of different MDO decomposition strategies, known as architectures, have been developed, and various pieces of analytical work have been done on MDO and its architectures. However, MDO lacks an overarching paradigm which would unify the field and promote cumulative research. In this paper, we propose a differential geometry framework as such a paradigm: Differential geometry comes with its own set of analysis tools and a long history of use in theoretical physics. We begin by outlining some of the mathematics behind differential geometry and then translate MDO into that framework. This initial work gives new tools and techniques for studying MDO and its architectures while producing a naturally arising measure of design coupling. The framework also suggests several new areas for exploration into and analysis of MDO systems. At this point, analogies with particle dynamics and systems of differential equations look particularly promising for both the wealth of extant background theory that they have and the potential predictive and evaluative power that they hold. © 2012 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.


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The comparison of aggregation behaviors between the branched block polyether T1107 (polyether A) and linear polyether (EO)(60)(PO)(40)(EO)(60) (polyether B) in aqueous solution are investigated by the MesoDyn simulation. Polyether A forms micelles at lower concentration and has a smaller aggregation number than B. Both the polyethers show the time-dependent micellar growth behaviors. The spherical micelles appear and then change to rod-like micelles with time evolution in the 10 vol% solution of polyether A. The micellar cluster appears and changes to pseudo-spherical micelles with time evolution in the 20 vol% solution of polyether A. However, the spherical micelles appear and change to micellar cluster with time evolution in the 20 vol% polyether B solution. The shear can induce the micellar transition of both block polyethers. When the shear rate is 1x10(5) s(-1), the shear can induce the sphere-to-rod transition of both polyethers at the concentration of 10 and 20 vol%. When the shear rate is lower than 1x10(5) s(-1), the huge micelles and micellar clusters can be formed in the 10 and 20 vol% polyether A systems under the shear, while the huge micelles are formed and then disaggregated with the time evolution in the 20 vol% polyether B system.


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Asymmetry in the collective dynamics of ponderomotively-driven electrons in the interaction of an ultraintense laser pulse with a relativistically transparent target is demonstrated experimentally. The 2D profile of the beam of accelerated electrons is shown to change from an ellipse aligned along the laser polarization direction in the case of limited transparency, to a double-lobe structure aligned perpendicular to it when a significant fraction of the laser pulse co-propagates with the electrons. The temporally-resolved dynamics of the interaction are investigated via particle-in-cell simulations. The results provide new insight into the collective response of charged particles to intense laser fields over an extended interaction volume, which is important for a wide range of applications, and in particular for the development of promising new ultraintense laser-driven ion acceleration mechanisms involving ultrathin target foils.


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In a previous work, we carried out inelastic neutron scattering (INS) spectroscopy experiments and preliminary first principles calculations on alkali metal hydrides. The complete series of alkali metal hydrides, LiH, NaH, KH, RbH and CsH was measured in the high-resolution TOSCA INS spectrometer at ISIS. Here, we present the results of ab initio electronic structure calculations of the properties of the alkali metal hydrides using both the local density approximation (LDA) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA), using the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) parameterization. Properties calculated were lattice parameters, bulk moduli, dielectric constants, effective charges, electronic densities and inelastic neutron scattering (INS) spectra. We took advantage of the currently available computer power to use full lattice dynamics theory to calculate thermodynamic properties for these materials. For the alkali metal hydrides (LiH, NaH, KH, RbH and CsH) using lattice dynamics, we found that the INS spectra calculated using LDA agreed better with the experimental data than the spectra calculated using GGA. Both zero-point effects and thermal contributions to free energies had an important effect on INS and several thermodynamic properties.


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In the limit of small values of the aspect ratio parameter (or wave steepness) which measures the amplitude of a surface wave in units of its wave-length, a model equation is derived from the Euler system in infinite depth (deep water) without potential flow assumption. The resulting equation is shown to sustain periodic waves which on the one side tend to the proper linear limit at small amplitudes, on the other side possess a threshold amplitude where wave crest peaking is achieved. An explicit expression of the crest angle at wave breaking is found in terms of the wave velocity. By numerical simulations, stable soliton-like solutions (experiencing elastic interactions) propagate in a given velocities range on the edge of which they tend to the peakon solution. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt den fluid-kristallinen Phasenübergang sowie den Glasübergang anhand von kolloidalen Hart-Kugel(HK)-Modellsystemen. Die Untersuchungen erfolgen dabei im Wesentlichen mit unterschiedlichen Lichtstreumethoden und daher im reziproken Raum. rnDie Analyse der Kristallisationskinetik zeigt, dass es bei der Kristallisation zu signifikanten Abweichungen vom Bild der klassischen Nukleationstheorie (CNT) kommt. Diese geht von einem einstufigen Nukleationsprozess aus, wohingegen bei den hier durchgeführten Experimenten ein mehrstufiger Prozess beobachtet wird. Vor der eigentlichen Kristallisation kommt es zunächst zur Nukleation einer metastabilen Zwischenphase, sogenannter Precursor. In einer zweiten Stufe erfolgt innerhalb der Precursor die eigentliche Nukleation der Kristallite. rnDurch weitere Analyse und den Vergleich des Kristallisations- und Verglasungsszenarios konnte das Konzept der Precursornukleation auf den Vorgang der Verglasung erweitert werden. Während die Kristallnukleation oberhalb des Glasübergangspunktes zum Erliegen kommt, bleibt der Prozess der Precursornukleation auch bei verglasenden Proben erhalten. Ein Glas erstarrt somit in einem amorphen Zustand mit lokalen Precursorstrukturen. Die Korrelation der gemessenen zeitlichen Entwicklung der strukturellen sowie der dynamischen Eigenschaften zeigt darüber hinaus, dass das bisher unverstandene Ageing-Phänomen von HK-Gläsern mit der Nukleation von Precursorn zusammenhängt.rnEin solches mehrstufiges Szenario wurde bereits in früheren Veröffentlichungen beobachtet. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Messungen ermöglichten erstmals die Bestimmung von Kristallnukleationsratendichten (Kristall-NRD) und Ratendichten für die Precursornukleation bis über den Glasübergangspunkt hinaus. Die Kristall-NRD bestätigen die Resultate aus anderen experimentellen Arbeiten. Die weiteren Analysen der Kristall-NRD belegen, dass die fluid-kristalline Grenzflächenspannung bei der Nukleation entgegen den Annahmen der CNT nicht konstant ist, sondern mit ansteigendem Volumenbruch linear zunimmt. Die Erweiterung der CNT um eine linear zunehmende Grenzflächenspannung ermöglichte eine quantitative Beschreibung der gemessenen Kristall- sowie der Precursor-NRD, was den Schluss zulässt, dass es sich in beiden Fällen um einen Boltzmann-aktivierten Prozess handelt. rnUm die beobachteten Abweichungen des Nukleationsprozesses vom Bild der CNT näher zu untersuchen, wurden die kollektiven Partikeldynamiken in stabilen Fluiden und metastabilen Schmelzen analysiert. Im klassischen Bild wird angenommen, dass die kollektive Partikeldynamik beim Vorgang der Nukleation keine Rolle spielt. Anhand der Resultate zeigen sich Abweichungen in der Dynamik stabiler Fluide und metastabiler Schmelzen. Während die kollektive Partikeldynamik in der stabilen Schmelze von der Struktur entkoppelt ist, tritt oberhalb des Phasenübergangspunktes eine Kopplung von Struktur und Dynamik auf. Dabei treten die Abweichungen zunächst in der Umgebung des ersten Strukturfaktormaximums und somit bei den am stärksten besetzten Moden auf. Mit steigender Unterkühlung nehmen die Anzahl der abweichenden Moden sowie die Stärke der Abweichungen zu. Dieses Phänomen könnte einen signifikanten Einfluss auf den Nukleationsprozess und somit auf die Kristallisationskinetik haben. Die Analyse der Dynamik im stabilen Fluid zeigt darüber hinaus Hinweise auf eine Singularität bei Annäherung an den fluid-kristallinen Phasenübergangspunkt.rnDes Weiteren wurden im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit erstmals Ratendichten für die heterogene Nukleation eines HK-Systems an einer flachen Wand mittels statischer Lichtstreuung (SLS) bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse der Messung zeigen, dass die Nukleationsbarriere der heterogenen Nukleation annähernd Null ist und folglich eine vollständige Benetzung der Wand mit einer kristallinen Monolage vorliegt. Die Erweiterung der Untersuchungen auf gekrümmte Oberflächen in Form von sphärischen Partikeln (Seeds) stellt die erste experimentelle Arbeit dar, die den Einfluss eines Ensembles von Seeds auf die Kristallisationskinetik in HK-Systemen untersucht. Die Kristallisationskinetik und die Mikrostruktur werden abhängig von Größe und Anzahldichte der Seed-Partikel signifikant beeinflusst. In Übereinstimmung mit konfokalmikroskopischen Experimenten und Simulationen spielt dabei das Radienverhältnis der Majoritäts- zur Minoritätskomponente eine entscheidende Rolle.


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For a reliable simulation of the time and space dependent CO2 redistribution between ocean and atmosphere an appropriate time dependent simulation of particle dynamics processes is essential but has not been carried out so far. The major difficulties were the lack of suitable modules for particle dynamics and early diagenesis (in order to close the carbon and nutrient budget) in ocean general circulation models, and the lack of an understanding of biogeochemical processes, such as the partial dissolution of calcareous particles in oversaturated water. The main target of ORFOIS was to fill in this gap in our knowledge and prediction capability infrastructure. This goal has been achieved step by step. At first comprehensive data bases (already existing data) of observations of relevance for the three major types of biogenic particles, organic carbon (POC), calcium carbonate (CaCO3), and biogenic silica (BSi or opal), as well as for refractory particles of terrestrial origin were collated and made publicly available.


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A mathematical model for the group combustion of pulverized coal particles was developed in a previous work. It includes the Lagrangian description of the dehumidification, devolatilization and char gasification reactions of the coal particles in the homogenized gaseous environment resulting from the three fuels, CO, H2 and volatiles, supplied by the gasification of the particles and their simultaneous group combustion by the gas phase oxidation reactions, which are considered to be very fast. This model is complemented here with an analysis of the particle dynamics, determined principally by the effects of aerodynamic drag and gravity, and its dispersion based on a stochastic model. It is also extended to include two other simpler models for the gasification of the particles: the first one for particles small enough to extinguish the surrounding diffusion flames, and a second one for particles with small ash content when the porous shell of ashes remaining after gasification of the char, non structurally stable, is disrupted. As an example of the applicability of the models, they are used in the numerical simulation of an experiment of a non-swirling pulverized coal jet with a nearly stagnant air at ambient temperature, with an initial region of interaction with a small annular methane flame. Computational algorithms for solving the different stages undergone by a coal particle during its combustion are proposed. For the partial differential equations modeling the gas phase, a second order finite element method combined with a semi-Lagrangian characteristics method are used. The results obtained with the three versions of the model are compared among them and show how the first of the simpler models fits better the experimental results.


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In this dissertation we explore the features of a Gauge Field Theory formulation for continuous spin particles (CSP). To make our discussion as self-contained as possible, we begin by introducing all the basics of Group Theory - and representation theory - which are necessary to understand where the CSP come from. We then apply what we learn from Group Theory to the study of the Lorentz and Poincaré groups, to the point where we are able to construct the CSP representation. Finally, after a brief review of the Higher-Spin formalism, through the Schwinger-Fronsdal actions, we enter the realm of CSP Field Theory. We study and explore all the local symmetries of the CSP action, as well as all of the nuances associated with the introduction of an enlarged spacetime, which is used to formulate the CSP action. We end our discussion by showing that the physical contents of the CSP action are precisely what we expected them to be, in comparison to our Group Theoretical approach.


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The dynamics, shape, deformation, and orientation of red blood cells in microcirculation affect the rheology, flow resistance and transport properties of whole blood. This leads to important correlations of cellular and continuum scales. Furthermore, the dynamics of RBCs subject to different flow conditions and vessel geometries is relevant for both fundamental research and biomedical applications (e.g drug delivery). In this thesis, the behaviour of RBCs is investigated for different flow conditions via computer simulations. We use a combination of two mesoscopic particle-based simulation techniques, dissipative particle dynamics and smoothed dissipative particle dynamics. We focus on the microcapillary scale of several μm. At this scale, blood cannot be considered at the continuum but has to be studied at the cellular level. The connection between cellular motion and overall blood rheology will be investigated. Red blood cells are modelled as viscoelastic objects interacting hydrodynamically with a viscous fluid environment. The properties of the membrane, such as resistance against bending or shearing, are set to correspond to experimental values. Furthermore, thermal fluctuations are considered via random forces. Analyses corresponding to light scattering measurements are performed in order to compare to experiments and suggest for which situations this method is suitable. Static light scattering by red blood cells characterises their shape and allows comparison to objects such as spheres or cylinders, whose scattering signals have analytical solutions, in contrast to those of red blood cells. Dynamic light scattering by red blood cells is studied concerning its suitability to detect and analyse motion, deformation and membrane fluctuations. Dynamic light scattering analysis is performed for both diffusing and flowing cells. We find that scattering signals depend on various cell properties, thus allowing to distinguish different cells. The scattering of diffusing cells allows to draw conclusions on their bending rigidity via the effective diffusion coefficient. The scattering of flowing cells allows to draw conclusions on the shear rate via the scattering amplitude correlation. In flow, a RBC shows different shapes and dynamic states, depending on conditions such as confinement, physiological/pathological state and cell age. Here, two essential flow conditions are studied: simple shear flow and tube flow. Simple shear flow as a basic flow condition is part of any more complex flow. The velocity profile is linear and shear stress is homogeneous. In simple shear flow, we find a sequence of different cell shapes by increasing the shear rate. With increasing shear rate, we find rolling cells with cup shapes, trilobe shapes and quadrulobe shapes. This agrees with recent experiments. Furthermore, the impact of the initial orientation on the dynamics is studied. To study crowding and collective effects, systems with higher haematocrit are set up. Tube flow is an idealised model for the flow through cylindric microvessels. Without cell, a parabolic flow profile prevails. A single red blood cell is placed into the tube and subject to a Poiseuille profile. In tube flow, we find different cell shapes and dynamics depending on confinement, shear rate and cell properties. For strong confinements and high shear rates, we find parachute-like shapes. Although not perfectly symmetric, they are adjusted to the flow profile and maintain a stationary shape and orientation. For weak confinements and low shear rates, we find tumbling slippers that rotate and moderately change their shape. For weak confinements and high shear rates, we find tank-treading slippers that oscillate in a limited range of inclination angles and strongly change their shape. For the lowest shear rates, we find cells performing a snaking motion. Due to cell properties and resultant deformations, all shapes differ from hitherto descriptions, such as steady tank-treading or symmetric parachutes. We introduce phase diagrams to identify flow regimes for the different shapes and dynamics. Changing cell properties, the regime borders in the phase diagrams change. In both flow types, both the viscosity contrast and the choice of stress-free shape are important. For in vitro experiments, the solvent viscosity has often been higher than the cytosol viscosity, leading to a different pattern of dynamics, such as steady tank-treading. The stress-free state of a RBC, which is the state at zero shear stress, is still controversial, and computer simulations enable direct comparisons of possible candidates in equivalent flow conditions.


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Small particles and their dynamics are of widespread interest due both to their unique properties and their ubiquity. Here, we investigate several classes of small particles: colloids, polymers, and liposomes. All these particles, due to their size on the order of microns, exhibit significant similarity in that they are large enough to be visualized in microscopes, but small enough to be significantly influenced by thermal (or Brownian) motion. Further, similar optical microscopy and experimental techniques are commonly employed to investigate all these particles. In this work, we develop single particle tracking techniques, which allow thorough characterization of individual particle dynamics, observing many behaviors which would be overlooked by methods which time or ensemble average. The various particle systems are also similar in that frequently, the signal-to-noise ratio represented a significant concern. In many cases, development of image analysis and particle tracking methods optimized to low signal-to-noise was critical to performing experimental observations. The simplest particles studied, in terms of their interaction potentials, were chemically homogeneous (though optically anisotropic) hard-sphere colloids. Using these spheres, we explored the comparatively underdeveloped conjunction of translation and rotation and particle hydrodynamics. Developing off this, the dynamics of clusters of spherical colloids were investigated, exploring how shape anisotropy influences the translation and rotation respectively. Transitioning away from uniform hard-sphere potentials, the interactions of amphiphilic colloidal particles were explored, observing the effects of hydrophilic and hydrophobic interactions upon pattern assembly and inter-particle dynamics. Interaction potentials were altered in a different fashion by working with suspensions of liposomes, which, while homogeneous, introduce the possibility of deformation. Even further degrees of freedom were introduced by observing the interaction of particles and then polymers within polymer suspensions or along lipid tubules. Throughout, while examination of the trajectories revealed that while by some measures, the averaged behaviors accorded with expectation, often closer examination made possible by single particle tracking revealed novel and unexpected phenomena.


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This study explored how the social context influences the stress-buffering effects of social support on employee adjustment. It was anticipated that the positive relationship between support from colleagues and employee adjustment would be more marked for those strongly identifying with their work team. Furthermore, as part of a three-way interactive effect, it was predicted that high identification would increase the efficacy of coworker support as a buffer of two role stressors (role overload and role ambiguity). One hundred and 55 employees recruited from first-year psychology courses enrolled at two Australian universities were surveyed. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that the negative main effect of role ambiguity on job satisfaction was significant for those employees with low levels of team identification, whereas high team identifiers were buffered from the deleterious effect of role ambiguity on job satisfaction. There also was a significant interaction between coworker support and team identification. The positive effect of coworker support on job satisfaction was significant for high team identifiers, whereas coworker support was not a source of satisfaction for those employees with low levels of team identification. A three-way interaction emerged among the focal variables in the prediction of psychological well-being, suggesting that the combined benefits of coworker support and team identification under conditions of high demand may be limited and are more likely to be observed when demands are low.