965 resultados para Personal Marketing


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The existence, benefit and management of customer–salesperson relationships in the marketing of financial services are topics of increasing interest. Much of the sales and marketing literature implies that because of time spent together, salespeople and some of their customers develop close relationships that are akin to friendships. Evidence from social psychology confirms that strong relationships are founded in deep knowledge of others gained over long periods after sharing personal information. This paper reports on the results of a study of salespeople's assessments of their personal acquaintance with customers and friends in a financial services setting. The results indicate that salespeople do not classify customers as friends on all the dimensions of personal acquaintance. Furthermore, the nature of personal acquaintance differs between ‘good’ customers (those salespeople enjoy serving), and ‘bad’ (those they do not), with the exception of the personal acquaintance dimensions of interaction frequency and personal disclosure. We discuss the implications for practice and make recommendations for future research.


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In a recent issue of TEXT, Matthew Ricketson sought to clarify the ‘boundaries between fiction and nonfiction’. In his capacity as a teacher of the creative nonfiction form he writes, ‘I have lost count of the number of times, in classes and in submitted work, that students have described a piece of nonfiction as a novel’. The confusion thus highlighted is not restricted to Ricketson’s journalism students. In our own university’s creative writing cohort, students also struggle with difficulties in melding the research methodology of the journalist with the language and form of creative writing required to produce nonfiction stories for a 21st century readership.
Currently in Australia creative nonfiction is enthusiastically embraced by publishers and teaching institutions. Works of memoir proliferate in the lists of mainstream publishers, as do anthologies of the essay form. During a time of increasing competition and desire for differentiation between institutions, when graduate outcomes form a basis for marketing university degrees, it is hardly surprising that, increasingly, tertiary writing teachers focus on this genre in their writing programs.
A second tension has arisen in higher education more generally, which affects our writing students’ approaches to tertiary study. The student writers of the 21st century emerge from a digitally literate and socially collaborative generation: the NetGen(eration). From a learner-centric viewpoint, they could be described as time-poor, and motivated by work-integrated learning with its perceived close links to workplace contexts and to writing genres. They seek just-in-time learning to meet their immediate employment needs, which inhibits the development of their capacity to adapt their researching and writing to various genres and audiences.
This article examines issues related to moving these NetGen student writers into the demanding and rapidly expanding creative nonfiction market. It is form rather than genre that denotes creative nonfiction and, we argue, it is the unique features of the personal essay, based as it is on doubt, discovery and the writer’s personal voice that can be instrumental in teaching creative nonfiction writing to our digitally and socially literate cohort of students.


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Research into ethics in personal selling and sales management has increased substantially over the preceding decade by investigating complex dimensions of ethical decision-making in greater depth and with more analytical sophistication. This review of the recent conceptual and empirical literature provides insight into the extent and the direction of this knowledge, recommends managerial action, and discusses areas for future exploration. Future direction is also provided through research propositions. The type of sales practitioner investigated, the main variables examined, and the key findings are summarized in an Appendix.


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OBJECTIVE: Using Australian Football League (AFL) matches as a case study, we investigated the frequency, length and content of marketing strategies for sports betting during two specific settings: 1) at stadiums during four live matches; and 2) during eight televised broadcasts of matches. METHODS: Census of sports betting marketing during Round 12 of the 2011 AFL premiership season. RESULTS: Per match, there was an average of 58.5 episodes (median 49.5, s.d 27.8) and 341.1 minutes (median 324.1 minutes and s.d 44.5) of sports betting marketing at stadiums, and 50.5 episodes (median 53.5, s.d 45.2) and 4.8 minutes (median 5.0 minutes, s.d 4.0) during televised broadcasts. A diverse range of marketing techniques were used to: a) embed sports betting within the game; b) align sports betting with fans' overall experience of the game; and c) encourage individuals to bet live during the game. There were very few visible or audible messages (such as responsible gambling or Gambler's Help messages) to counter-frame the overwhelmingly positive messages that individuals received about sports betting during the match. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: This study raises important questions about the impacts of saturation, integrated and impulse gambling marketing strategies in sporting matches. Future research should explore: 1) how wagering industry marketing strategies may affect the attitudes and behaviours of community sub-groups (e.g. young male sports fans, and children); and 2) which public health and policy strategies, including regulation and harm minimisation messaging, will be effective in responding to wagering industry marketing strategies during sporting matches.


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OBJECTIVES: To investigate how gamblers interact with, and respond to, downstream social marketing campaigns that focus on the risks and harms of problem gambling and/or encourage help seeking. METHODS: Qualitative study of 100 gamblers with a range of gambling behaviours (from non-problem to problem gambling). We used a Social Constructivist approach. Our constant comparative method of data interpretation focused on how participants' experiences and interactions with gambling influenced their opinions towards, and interactions with social marketing campaigns. RESULTS: Three key themes emerged from the narratives. (i) Participants felt that campaigns were heavily skewed towards encouraging individuals to take personal responsibility for their gambling behaviours or were targeted towards those with severe gambling problems. (ii) Participants described the difficulty for campaigns to achieve 'cut through' because of the overwhelming volume of positive messages about the benefits of gambling that were given by the gambling industry. (iii) Some participants described that dominant discourses about personal responsibility prevented them from seeking help and reinforced perceptions of stigma. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Social marketing campaigns have an important role to play in the prevention of gambling risk behaviours and the promotion of help seeking. Social marketers should explore how to more effectively target campaigns to different audience segments, understand the role of environmental factors in undermining the uptake of social marketing strategies and anticipate the potential unforeseen consequences of social marketing strategies.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo identificar a importância do uso das ferramentas do marketing para a obtenção de vantagens competitivas no mercado de shopping centers, aliada às principais formas de atuação e características desejadas pelo mercado de um gerente de marketing de shopping center. o estudo teve como base perspectivas teóricas e práticas. Efetuou-se um contra-ponto entre referenciais teóricos relacionados ao tema e uma pesquisa exploratória qualitativa, desenvolvida através de entrevistas pessoais em profundidade, compostas por perguntas abertas e direcionadas a superintendentes e gerentes de marketing de dez shoppings regionais, selecionados na praça do Rio de Janeiro. No referencial teórico foram abordados temas como Administração, Marketing, Plano de Marketing, e discussões sobre as principais ferramentas de trabalho para a gerência de marketing de shopping center. Quanto ao resultado das entrevistas, foram observados itens como a experiência de varejo dos entrevistados, marketing, características e competências necessárias a um gerente de marketing, ferramentas do marketing, até itens como a importância de um posicionamento/diferencial competitivo e a visão de ambos os públicos sobre um shopping center. Dentro de um contexto de gestão de negócios a importância do marketing é ressaltada, tanto por teóricos quanto por entrevistados, sendo o público investigado unânime em identificar a relação estabelecida entre um bom trabalho de marketing e a conquista da fidelização do cliente, além da visão de ser o marketing uma verdadeira ponte para a definição de imagem buscada pelo shopping. O marketing precisa ser uma maneira de pensar que esteja presente em cada funcionário da empresa. A diferença entre marketing institucional e promocional passa, principalmente, pela dicotomia imagem do shopping e ações que envolvam promoções. Na perspectiva dinâmica atual, a função gerencial ganha novas dimensões e a compreensão do trabalho do dirigente jamais pode ser feita exclusivamente pelo estudo da decisão em si, já que seu comportamento é determinado por fatores internos e externos à organização. A vivência em diferentes áreas de atuação ou mesmo em diferentes setores do shopping é essencial ao profissional de marketing. A ela deve estar aliada a formação técnica, além de características como: criatividade, liderança, caráter, percepção, iniciativa, organização, capacidade de articulação e informação/conhecimento sobre o mercado e suas mutações. O profissional de marketing tem que ser, ao mesmo tempo, um pesquisador de mercado, um psicólogo, um sociólogo, um economista, um comunicador e um advogado. O Plano de Marketing e a Pesquisa são citados como as principais ferramentas de um gerente de marketing de shopping center. Shopping center, na visão dos entrevistados, é mais do que um centro de compras, lazer / entretenimento e serviços, é um local de busca de sonhos e aspirações das mais variadas. Este estudo pode, ainda, ter sua continuidade efetuada, enfatizando-se, por exemplo, questões que discutam as formas de otimizar os resultados do uso das ferramentas do marketing em shopping center.


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Examina o valor percebido que os consumidores formam no ambiente de restaurantes na cidade de São Paulo, focando como a administração destes empreendimentos vê o construto valor percebido e como lida com ele na implementação de sua estratégia de marketing. Envolve uma revisão do estado da arte destes conceitos e de suas inter-relações na esfera de marketing, complementada por entrevistas com administradores de restaurantes. Ao final, são feitas análise de conteúdo, comentários e sugestões para pesquisas adicionais neste campo.


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Esta dissertação analisar gestão de marketing no agronegócio, especificamente no contexto da Associação dos Produtores de Soja e Milho do Estado de Mato Grosso (Aprosoja/MT); trata-se de uma iniciativa que pode ser considerada um novo perfil de liderança no sistema cooperativista. O problema de pesquisa é identificar quais são os fundamentos da gestão de marketing da Aprosoja/MT. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo de caso único, com finalidade exploratória e enfoque qualitativo. Durante a coleta de dados, além da análise documental, foram realizadas vinte entrevistas pessoais, primeiramente utilizando o método da teoria fundamentada, para posterior elaboração de um roteiro semiestruturado. Os relatos das entrevistas e o estudo de caso foram interpretados tomando por base o referencial teórico proporcionado por autores como Kotler, Levy, Vargo, Lusch, Zylbersztajn, Bialoskorski e Tejon, dentre outros estudiosos das áreas da lógica dominante de serviços (LDS), do marketing de relacionamento e do marketing do agronegócio. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que a Aprosoja/MT tem uma visão e entendimento bastante avançados sobre os conceitos mais modernos do campo do marketing, não se restringindo ao marketing tático. Dessa forma, pode-se concluir que a Aprosoja/MT opera no nível estratégico do marketing, com forte orientação para o marketing de relacionamento. É possível afirmar que a gestão de marketing da Aprosoja/MT está fundamentada no relacionamento com seus stakeholders, em função do modelo da LDS.


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The present work is about a study of multiple cases with exploratory and descriptiveperspective and qualitative emphasis. Its field of study is constituted by three local companieswith description of social performance, with emphasis in the personal interview with thecontrollers. Its main objective consists of understanding as it has occurred the marketingrelation with the enterprise social performance in the context of these companies located inthe State of the Rio Grande do Norte who carry out social investments. For this, it hassearched to analyze the types and characteristics of the developed social actions, to evaluatethe motivations and objectives of the accomplishment of social actions, to verify theimportance and influence of the social performance in the dynamics of the companies, toverify the level of specific knowledge and information in the areas of marketing and socialperformance in the companies and to evaluate the process of communication (promotion andspreading) of the social performance carried out by the companies. It has been verified thatthe company A directly associates it its social and ambient activities with differentiationbenefits, competitiveness, creation of value, loyalty, relationships, image, prestige,positioning of the company, sale and financial return, beyond benefits in the internal level asbigger motivation of its employees and retention of talents, not existing rejection to theinterlacement of the concepts related to the marketing and the social one. Already in companyB rejection in relating its practical social to the marketing, being observed after posteriorquestionings, that the relation of direct and indirect form exists and those divulgations of theseactions are carried out, contradicting the arguments of the controllers of that the actions wouldnot be carried out to generate media. In company C, it been verified rejection andcontradiction with relation to the concepts related to the marketing, alleging itself that theimage of the harnessed company to its social performance is not used in proper benefit,evidencing itself that this company divulges its action and is marketable benefited, even so isnot this the main objective of its social programs. It has concluded that the association ofthese two concepts is positive and favorable to the development of the businesses and thesocial actions of the companies, legitimizing them and benefiting the involved company,groups in the actions and the society that profits socially from the private social involvement in the social matters


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Based on the definitions of Public Communication, Political Marketing, Public Interest Information and Communication as a Tool of Governance, the study notes the use of the news section of the websites of the City Christmas and Mossoro, Rio Grande do Norte, in regard to strengthening citizenship and encouraging participatory management, from the characterization of materials like pieces of Political Marketing and Public Communication. Data collection in qualitative research was conducted from August to September 2011 and content analysis showed that the appropriation of public property for personal use is a reality, despite legal requirements to the detriment of strategic communication and governance for results from the dissemination of information of public interest and the establishment of a communication channel between State Government and Society. Elements of this study suggest the need for further research to deepen the discussion


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This paper will address the main concepts os modern marketing: marketing in businnes analysis, internal marketing, marketing plan, and relationship marketing and personal, always drawing a parallel with the reality of the veterinarian


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Programa de doctorado: Nuevas tendencias estratégicas en administración y dirección de empresas


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This chapter presents an evaluation and initial testing of a meta-application (meta-app) for enhanced communication and improved interaction (e.g., appointment scheduling) between stakeholders (e.g., citizens) in cognitive cities. The underlying theoretical models as well as the paper prototype are presented to ensure the comprehensibility of the user interface. This paper prototype of the meta-app was evaluated through interviews with various experts in different fields (e.g., a strategic consultant, a small and medium-sized enterprises cofounder in the field of online marketing, an IT project leader, and an innovation manager). The results and implications of the evaluation show that the idea behind this meta-app has the potential to improve the living standards of citizens and to lead to a next step in the realization and maturity of the meta-app. The meta-app helps citizens more effectively manage their time and organize their personal schedules and thus allows them to have more leisure time and take full advantage of it to ensure a good work-life balance to enable them to be the most efficient and productive during their working time.


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El siguiente trabajo tiene como eje central la influencia que ejerce el marketing moderno en la toma de decisiones del comprador. Este tema surgió luego del planteamiento de una problemática. Para aislar el problema se partió de un cuestionamiento que fue desencadenando preguntas acerca de la manera en que se toman las decisiones de compra y qué es lo que el marketing hace al respecto. A continuación se detallan las preguntas que hicieron posible identificar la situación problemática. ¿Cómo tomamos nuestras decisiones de compra? ¿En qué medida nuestras decisiones son racionales? Si nuestros patrones de consumo responden a comportamientos irracionales, o emocionales, ¿hasta qué punto son predecibles? Si no se puede predecir el comportamiento de compra de consumidores, ¿qué papel debe llevar a cabo la estrategia de marketing de las empresas? ¿Influyen las tácticas de marketing que usan las empresas para alterar el comportamiento de compra del cliente? ¿Qué es lo que se debe hacer para interpretar la irracionalidad de las tomas de decisiones e influenciarlas? ¿En qué medida el marketing influye en la toma de decisiones de compra, si estas ocurren dentro de la cabeza del consumidor y responden tanto a premisas racionales, como irracionales y además a múltiples variables externas? ¿Cómo es posible que el marketing influya en un proceso tan personal, único y complejo como la toma de decisión del comprador? Muchas empresas construyen su estrategia de marketing tratando de predecir el comportamiento del comprador pero la irracionalidad del cliente al elegir un producto y las miles de variables impredecibles que influyen en su proceso de decisión, hacen casi imposible la predictibilidad. Una estrategia distinta es la de INFLUIR en ese comportamiento, mediante distintas técnicas que están siendo estudiadas en la actualidad con resultados muy interesantes. Ante la complejidad del proceso de toma de decisión del comprador: ¿cuál es el papel que debe desempeñar el marketing? ¿Es posible determinar cuál será la respuesta del consumidor? ¿Influyen realmente las estrategias de marketing en la toma de decisión? La hipótesis del trabajo es la siguiente: El comportamiento del comprador no siempre es predecible, pero siempre es influenciable.