914 resultados para Pension alimentaire
Report on the Iowa Judicial Retirement System as of June 30, 2015 and the net pension liability as of June 30, 2014
Report on the Peace Officers’ Retirement, Accident and Disability System, Schedule of Employer Pension Amounts required to implement Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 68, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions for the year ended June 30, 2015
Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System (IPERS) I-QUE Pension Administration System for the period April 9, 2015 through May 7, 2015
During many years, we thought that food intake was only a question of will. Nevertheless, in the second part on the XXth century, we identified several hormones regulating food intake and energy expenditure. Furthermore, these hormones seem to be implicated in the pathogenesis of obesity and in weight loss following bariatric surgery. This short review highlights the main mechanisms implicated in food intake and energy expenditure and also their implication in obesity and bariatric surgery.
Le texte littéraire, examiné et contextualisé historiquement, offre des voies de compréhension des stratégies mises en oeuvre par une classe sociale afin de se perpétuer en période de crise. Ainsi, en considérant spécifiquement certaines des figures de la réciprocité, nous observons l’importance, non seulement des liens sociaux qui favorisent la reproduction sociale, mais aussi celle de l’alimentation comme moteur d’établissement de ces liens.