261 resultados para Peasants


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The evidence for vernacular-to-vernacular translation is hard to demonstrate in medieval Romance languages. This article analyses a hypothesis published a century ago that there is an identifiable Anglo-Norman source for an Occitan prose text. Both texts spring from a Latin exemplum in which the seven capital vices are personified as the Devil's daughters, married off to seven social categories (the clergy, knights, peasants, etc.). Although the hypothesis is disproved, it remains that the dialogue between Anglo-Norman French and Occitan has been overlooked, and deserves further exploration.


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The problem of a shortage of migrant labor is a new development in China's coastal provinces. We discuss the reasons for this emerging phenomenon using a conceptual framework that extends the traditional Lewis dualistic labor market model to incorporate a migrant labor market. We emphasize that migrant labor shortage in China not only reflects a declining wage gap between what peasants receive and what migrants can earn in the cities, but also the institutional legacies of the planning era such as the hukou (household registration) system which discriminates against migrants vis-a-vis urban residents in terms of access to social insurance and other social services. We proceed to draw on a unique survey of migrants and urban residents collected in Jiangsu to show that migrants receive lower incomes, and they have poorer access to social insurance than those with an urban registration in China's cities. Our findings have important implications for the alleviation of the migrant labor shortage problem.


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This thesis is defined as a reflection on the mechanisms of expression and insertion of the homo situs in the participatory governance in Mozambique. For a better understanding of this social fact, it was settled a periodization which covered the decline of colonialism at the time of the independence, which was proclaimed in June 1975, the civil war that lasted over 16 years and the period of the democratic State, further established. Therefore, we sought to understand the mechanisms and failures of the participation of the homo situs in local development projects that absorbed the needs and problems of these peasants, not mobilizing the skills and social competences of these communities. It would be essential for the homo situs a genuine democratic practice involving a political culture based on the social construction of the territories of the traditional man which was characterized by being procedural and historical, finding in participation its higher base. In this context, it would be desirable that the community development in Mozambique could contemplate and respect the choices of the homo situs. For this purpose, it would be fundamental the consistency between theory and practice, which builds and rebuilds, continually the competence of the peasants, facilitating the possibility of realization of their primordial aspirations. In the research, it became apparent that there is not a continuous process of participation of the rural communities, which appear as participants, only at the time of the implementation of the activities. Therefore, even having the participation of the communities expected by the law, with predictable moments of discussion and necessary conditions for that, the State failed to establish an ongoing process of democratic dialogue with traditional populations, as well as it failed to organize, properly, accurate informational bases to help solve the problems of rural areas. These facts have led to obstacles to the process of conquest of the human and civil rights of the traditional communities


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This project has resulted from a reunion between me and two teachers with whom I had already worked, pedagogically counseling them during the execution of the Project of Youngsters and Adults Schooling at the Agrarian Reform Settlements in the State of Sergipe (PAJA/PRONERA) between 2002 and 2003. The matter that really motivated the research was related to the essential principle that guided the accomplishment of the PAJA s teachers education and professionalization: understanding their reality and knowing their needs, promoting the dialogue between scientific and common sense knowledge. Taking as a reference the fact that the teachers education is not restricted to the academic qualification, that is, that it is a part of the educational process, which, in turn, is a result of each one s personal background, dialectically individual and collective, the access to the teachers reality and needs was accomplished by studying their backgrounds, especially their school and professional career. They, inevitably, focused themselves on the country life s social and cultural context, that could be better understood by living together with the teachers during the twenty-seven days I stayed in the Golfo s settlement, located in the town named Pacatuba/SE. The approach to the teachers lives through their stories and the daily contact proved how much Science is still distant from the peasants routine, sometimes being presented to them as a finished product . That way, the dialog between those two categories and the expectation of the country life s social and cultural conditions, together with the education, in which teachers have an essential role, still remain as a challenge


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This study examines peasant family farming from an agroecological perspective. It intends to analyze the changes resulting from the transition from conventional to agro-ecological agriculture in the daily practices of farmers articulated associated with the Network of Agroecological and Solidarity Farmers of the Curu and Aracatiaçu Valleys Territory, the locus of this empirical research, and a space which has highlighted the social dynamics of agroecological innovation, as well as articulating environmental exchanges and knowledge development. As a way to further that goal, we seek to identify the forms of social organization previously present in the daily lives of these subjects, in addition to grasping the determinants that lead or led them to adopt agroecology, noting the need to verify the forms of resistance, and the strategies adopted by farmers and how they articulate collectively. Through the historical and dialectical methods, we seek to take the implications of technical modernization of agriculture under the conditions of production and reproduction of peasants and thus situate the emergence of agroecology, a focus that is born as a counterpoint to conventional patterns of agricultural development based on the paradigm of the Green Revolution. We structured this study around the trajectory of agroecological farmers that developed and internalized agroecological practices, processes, and organizational forms. For the analysis, we used theoretical and methodological frameworks from literature related to field research. The systematization and analysis of experiments revealed that agroecological transition is a broad process of change, not restricted to technical matters. We observed changes in production practices, diversification of production and feeding practices, ecological awareness, production autonomy, and organizations formed to face the challenges resulting from the imposition of the dominant agricultural development model that combines environmental degradation, land ownership concentration, and wealth concentration


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Nos idos dos anos 1960, a intervenção sobre a cultura popular tornou-se um suposto da ação política de agentes modernizadores da sociedade brasileira. Por meio da Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB), a Igreja Católica elaborou um projeto educacional de dimensão nacional, articulando suas emissoras de rádio no território brasileiro aos centros de educação radiofônica rural e criando, em 1961, o Movimento de Educação de Base (MEB). Os pressupostos teóricos e filosóficos do Movimento transcendiam as questões do aprendizado formal e pautavam-se por estratégias de ação da Igreja sobre os problemas de crescimento econômico e desenvolvimento social das regiões pobres brasileiras. O artigo em questãoversa sobre o camponês que participou do MEB e suas experiências escolares, avaliando os preceitos de educação rural, educação cívica e alfabetização de adultos propostos na ação dos agentes e das instituições modernizadoras do campo brasileiro. Analisamos os processos de assimilação e resistência do camponês aos princípios e projetos modernizantes externos à sua cultura. Novos ritmos de tempo, novas representações e novos significados foram introduzidos pela escola sobre práticas culturais seculares do campesinato brasileiro. No MEB, tal fenômeno resultou tanto na assimilação dos novos estímulos trazidos pela escola, quanto na insurreição de costumes e hábitos interligados às funções ritualísticas e costumeiras do indivíduo e/ou da comunidade rural.


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Comparison of the histories of three leading peasant organizations in the Pontal do Paranapanema region of Brazil-the Partido Comunista do Brasil (PCB) from 1945 to 1964, the Confederacao Nacional de Trabalhadores na Agricultura (CONTAG) from 1964 to 1984, and the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem-Terra (MST) from 1984 to 2004-suggests that continuity is as important as change in understanding Brazilian peasant movements. The MST has been considered a "new social movement" in that it has eschewed partisan politics, incorporated families as members rather than just male heads of household, had a national scope and a participatory decision-making structure, and been attuned to the international struggle over globalization. Placing it in historical perspective makes it clear, however, that this is not the first time that militants have organized around the concept of peasants as a political identity; that while the representation of peasants in the leadership of contemporary rural labor organizations may be greater than in the past, earlier peasant leaders also struggled on behalf of their class; that earlier peasant organizations had, if not a national presence, a substantial presence in the agricultural states of the time; and that attempts at international organization to unite peasant struggles around the globe are not entirely new. This is not to deny the innovative features of contemporary movements but to suggest that the investigation of past achievements will contribute to a fuller appreciation of these movements' conditions and prospects.


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During the past decade, influenced strongly by World Bank land policies, many governments instituted a new mode of recreating the peasantry, one supposedly led by market forces through credit programs secured by land. Supported by large landowner organizations, defended as a conquest by the rural labor movement and combated by member organizations of the Via Campesina, the new mode of peasant renovation has inspired a diversity of interpretations both positive and negative. To evaluate these events, this article seeks to demonstrate the World Bank's intentionality in urging the implementation of market-led agrarian reform in developing countries; discusses the construction of immaterial territories in the context of this policy; analyzes the development of a people's think tank in response to the agitation of the Via Campesina Brazil and the negative impact of the credit system on peasants.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)