957 resultados para Oral practice development


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Problématique : De par les fonctions qu’elles exercent à différentes étapes du continuum de soins, les infirmières jouent un rôle de premier plan dans l’offre des services de santé. La qualité des services repose en grande partie sur du personnel infirmier motivé, judicieusement déployé et travaillant dans des conditions qui permettent d’optimiser leur expérience de travail. Cependant, différentes études suggèrent que les modalités actuelles d’organisation du travail ne permettent pas toujours de créer des conditions et des environnements susceptibles d’optimiser le travail des infirmières et leur qualité de vie au travail (Institute of Medicine, 2001; Hickam & al., 2003; Shojania, Duncan, McDonald, & Wachter, 2001). Une meilleure compréhension des conceptions et préférences des infirmières est utile pour guider les actions dans les milieux de soins visant à améliorer l’organisation du travail infirmier. Objectifs : Cette recherche qualitative descriptive a pour but d’explorer les conceptions et préférences des infirmières par rapport aux modalités d’organisation de leur travail pouvant améliorer leur qualité de vie au travail, dans un contexte de centre hospitalier et plus spécifiquement, dans une unité de médecine. Méthodologie : Des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été effectuées auprès de huit infirmières. La technique d’analyse de contenu a été utilisée pour analyser les résultats de l’étude. Le modèle conceptuel de l’organisation du travail de Filion-Côté qui a été utilisé s’oriente autour des processus de soins, la dotation en personnel et l’environnement de travail. Résultats : Cette étude a établi que les conceptions de l’organisation du travail partagées par les infirmières touchent deux principales dimensions soit la définition des rôles et la répartition des tâches ainsi que l’organisation du travail en temps que modes de coordination du travail et d’interaction entre les membres de l’équipe de travail. Cette analyse a aussi démontré que les principales préférences des infirmières sont exprimées à propos des éléments ayant trait à la disponibilité adéquate du personnel nécessaire à l’exécution des différentes tâches, le soutien du supérieur immédiat, le soutien de l’administration au développement professionnel et de la pratique ainsi que l’aménagement des conditions matérielles de travail. On peut aussi constater que plusieurs préférences exprimées par les infirmières donnent écho à leurs conceptions de l’organisation du travail. Conclusion : Cette étude a permis de comprendre les conceptions et les préférences des infirmières par rapport à l’organisation de leur travail. Elle aura ainsi permis d’identifier plusieurs modalités sur lesquels les gestionnaires peuvent agir pour développer des projets d’organisation du travail, soit la dotation en personnels des milieux des soins, le soutien des équipes, la communication et l’aménagement de l’environnement physique des soins. De plus, les infirmières ont elles-mêmes un rôle à jouer pour modifier positivement leur milieu de travail et peuvent influencer plusieurs de ces modalités.


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In der vorliegenden Dissertation geht es um die Dokumentation, theoretische Begründung und Auswertung des in 25 Jahren Praxis entwickelten Curriculums der Bewusstseinsschulung und -weitung der Orgodynamik. Dabei geht es insbesondere um den Vergleich und die forschungsorientierte Verknüpfung verschiedener Traditionen der Bewusstseinsbildung, der ihnen zugrunde liegenden Konzepte und anthropologischen Dimensionen im Schnittfeld pädagogischer, psychologischer und spiritueller Perspektiven. In Anlehnung an das von Fuhr/Dauber (2002) entwickelte Modell, der Praxisentwicklungsforschung, welche die Verflechtung von Theorie und Praxis ansteuert, wird der orgodynamische Ansatz wissenschaftlich dokumentiert und theoretisch begründet. Über eine induktive Vorgehensweise werden die historischen Wurzeln konzeptionell dargelegt, die verborgenen Paradigmen herausgearbeitet, sowie das Curriculum erläutert und ausgewertet. In einem ersten theorieorientierten Kapitel wird das orgodynamische Methodenspektrum in seinem Grundmodell und den vier zentralen Dimensionen (mentale, körperliche, emotionale, energetische Dimension) aufgezeigt und mit theoretischen Hintergrundkonzepten verglichen und verknüpft. Die vier sich überlappenden Methodengruppen der mental, körperlich, emotional und energetisch orientierten Bewusstseinsarbeit werden differenziert dargestellt und in ihrer Beziehung zueinander diskutiert. Anhand eines Modells (Methodenrad) wird die multi-dimensionale Perspektive des Methodenspektrums, in einer nichthierarchischen Zuordnung sichtbar. Im zweiten theorieorientierten Hauptteil werden zunächst die zentralen vier Paradigmen der Orgodynamik (Präsenz, Multidimensionalität, Flow/Fließendes Gewahrsein, Bezogenheit) vorgestellt, theoretisch und praxisbezogen entfaltet und in einer Paradigmen-Landkarte zueinander in Beziehung gesetzt. Dabei werden die kategorialen Ausführungen durchgehend an Praxisbeispielen veranschaulicht und im Blick auf drei vorgestellte Zugänge zur Bewusstseinsweitung (Immersion, Integration und Dekonstruktion) exemplarisch didaktisch kommentiert. Im dritten Hauptteil wird das Curriculum im Zusammenhang mit einer Auswertungsmatrix erläutert. Diese dient als Überprüfungsinstrument. Mit ihrer Hilfe werden die verschiedenen methodischen Zugangsweisen und Arbeitsformen dieses Ansatzes, exemplarisch anhand von 2 Ausbildungswochen, im Blick der Multidimensionalität dokumentiert. Damit wird diese multidimensional angelegte Praxis exemplarisch bis in methodische Details nachvollziehbar und in dialogisch-selbstreflexiver Form überprüfbar. Exemplarisch werden in einem Exkurs erste Itemvorschläge gemacht, welche die wissenschaftliche Anschlussfähigkeit an neuere Forschung im transpersonalen Bereich aufzeigen. Das innere Anliegen der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigt in der Verschränkung von Theorie und Praxis, dass die Paradigmen der Orgodynamik, Präsenz, Multidimensionalität, fließendes Gewahrsein und bewusste Bezogenheit vier pädagogisch umgesetzte Paradigmen für eine Bewusstseinserforschung in der Erwachsenenbildung sind. Stichworte: Multidimensional, Bewusstseinserforschung, Bewusstseinsweite, Präsenz, bewusste Bezogenheit, Flow/Fließendes Gewahrsein, das „Größere“, Immersion, Integration, Dekonstruktion, pädagogische Paradigmen, Erwachsenenbildung, Multidimensionales Methodenspektrum, Orgodynamik, Körpertherapie. ---------------------------


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Actualmente, la investigación científica acerca de la influencia de los factores educativos y familiares en el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua (L2) es limitada. En comparación, los efectos que tiene la L2 en la inteligencia y cognición han sido más estudiados. Por esta razón, el artículo presenta una revisión de la literatura empírica existente que relaciona lo mencionado anteriormente, ampliando así la temática del bilingüismo. Se buscaron artículos en cuatro bases de datos (PSICODOC, ISI Web of knowledge y SCOPUS), usando palabras claves específicas, en el periodo de 1990 hasta el 2012. De 79 artículos encontrados, 34 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión para la revisión. Asimismo, se tuvieron en cuenta dos libros, de los cuales se revisó un capítulo por cada uno según los mismos criterios. En conjunto, los resultados arrojaron importantes datos teóricos y de investigación que relacionan el éxito en el aprendizaje de una L2 con la inteligencia y cognición, según la influencia de los factores educativos y familiares. En conclusión, se identificaron más factores educativos que familiares; lo cual a concepto de la autora evidencia la limitada investigación que se ha hecho sobre los factores familiares en el bilingüismo actualmente.


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The purpose of this study, undertaken in 2003, was to explore the phenomenon of resilience as experienced by Australian crisis care mental health clinicians working in a highly demanding, complex, specialized and stressful environment. For the purpose of this research, the term 'resilience' was defined as the ability of an individual to bounce back from adversity and persevere through difficult times. The six participants for this study were drawn from Melbourne metropolitan mental health organizations – the disciplines of nursing, allied health and medicine. A number of themes were explicated from the participants' interview transcripts – Participants identified the experience of resilience through five exhaustive descriptions, which included: 'The team is a protective veneer to the stress of the work'; Sense of self; Faith and hope; Having insight; and Looking after yourself. These exhaustive descriptions were integrated into a fundamental structure of resilience for clinicians in this role. The study's findings have the potential to inform organizations in mental health to promote resilience in clinicians, with the potential to reduce the risk of burnout and hence staff attrition, and promote staff retention and occupational mental health.


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Objective To explore how different aspects of the professional environment for Australian community pharmacists are perceived to be influencing the effectiveness of continuing education models in improving practice.

Setting Australian community pharmacy.

Methods A convenience sample of practising community pharmacists (n = 15) was recruited using the 'snowballing' technique to participate in one of four focus group teleconferences. Each focus group examined continuing education experiences from different professional perspectives and training needs (recent graduates, experienced practitioners, specialist practitioners and rural/remote practitioners).

Key findings Facilitation of professional development by accreditation bodies, and new challenges resulting from the introduction of cognitive services were seen to promote a favourable environment for continuing education engagement. Complex continuing education delivery models combined with high costs and excessive workloads made it more difficult to engage with continuing education systems or try to apply knowledge to the workplace.

Conclusion Results support findings from previous research that practice development requires a multifaceted approach with continuing education as just one component. Affordable and integrated models of continuing education are required in order to optimise efficacy for participants.


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Early intervention for children with hearing loss involves assistance in oral speech development, optimal use of hearing devices and fostering a holistic partnership between allied health and the children's families. Adequate access to early intervention has been shown to be vital in the positive development of long term language and social outcomes. However, there has been limited research to identify the factors which may influence access. This study aimed to explore whether access to early intervention by children with hearing loss is affected by: geographical location, socio-economic status and ethnic-minority family status.


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One of the key attributes that health professional students and new graduates develop during professional socialisation is clinical reasoning ability. Clinical reasoning is a complex skill that is essential for professional practice. There is limited research specifically addressing how physiotherapists learn to reason in the workplace. The research reported in this paper addressed this gap by investigating how experienced physiotherapists learned to reason in daily practice. This learning journey was examined in the context of professional socialisation. A hermeneutic phenomenological research study was conducted using multiple methods of data collection including observation, written reflective exercises and repeated, semi-structured interviews. Data were analysed using phenomenological and hermeneutic strategies involving in-depth, iterative reading and interpretation to identify themes in the data. Twelve physiotherapists with clinical and supervisory experience were recruited from the areas of cardiopulmonary, musculoskeletal and neurological physiotherapy to participate in this study. Participants' learning journeys were diverse, although certain episodes of learning were common or similar. Role models, mentors and colleagues were found to be influential in the development of reasoning. An important implication for the professional socialisation of physiotherapists and other health professionals and for those involved in practice development is the need to recognise and enhance the role of practice communities in the explicit learning of clinical reasoning skills.


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Queilite actínica é a principal lesão pré-neoplásica do lábio. O carcinoma espinocelular do lábio é incluído nas estatísticas brasileiras junto com os cânceres de boca e, em conjunto, somam 40% dos cânceres de cabeça e pescoço. Há certo desconhecimento médico e odontológico em geral quanto aos fatores relacionados à carcinogênese e à progressão de tumores de boca. Genes de supressão tumoral e proteínas regulatórias de proliferação celular exercem papel na evolução da queilite actínica para carcinoma espinocelular e no comportamento biológico deste. O conhecimento de marcadores de diagnóstico e prognóstico e sua investigação têm utilidade no acompanhamento de tais pacientes.


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TEMA: a literatura aponta para a influência da postura corporal sobre as habilidades orais em crianças com desenvolvimento sensório-motor alterado. em crianças normais existem poucos estudos sobre essa relação. OBJETIVO: estudar em crianças a termo a relação entre habilidades motoras e habilidades motoras orais, desde 1 dia de vida até 24 meses de idade. MÉTODO: 42 crianças foram filmadas com 1 dia, 1 mês, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9,12 e 24 meses nas posições supino, prono, sentado e em pé e durante alimentação com amamentação / mamadeira (até 5 meses), uso de colher para alimentação pastosa (3 aos 12 meses), uso de copo para água ou suco (6 aos 24 meses) e alimento sólido (6 aos 24 meses). Estabeleceram-se escores de quantificação para o desenvolvimento corporal e habilidades orais e utilizou-se o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson para o estudo estatístico, adotando-se nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: os resultados do desenvolvimento motor apontaram para semelhança de dados entre supino e prono e sentado e em pé; para as habilidades orais (durante a alimentação com mamadeira/amamentação, colher, copo, mastigação) constatou-se em cada modalidade de alimentação, homogeneidade de aquisição de habilidades para lábios, língua e mandíbula. Houve associação entre habilidades motoras e orais; resultados apontam que o desenvolvimento motor (habilidades motoras) se deu antes das orais desde o 5° ao 24° mês e que as habilidades de mandíbula em copo e colher ocorreram antes das habilidades de lábios e língua. CONCLUSÃO: houve crescente aquisição de habilidades motoras e orais, variabilidade de habilidades em idades entre 3 e 24 meses e associação entre habilidades motoras e orais.


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Erythroplakia is considered to represent a premalignant condition and is felt to be at high risk to progress to oral cancer development. When the lesion presents with red and white mucosal alterations concomitantly, the term erythroleukoplakia is used. However, in erythroleukoplakia lesions, the red or erythroplakia areas have been shown to be most likely to demonstrate dysplastic changes compared to the white hyperkeratotic areas. We present a case of patient with erythroleukoplakia involving the lower lip that was treating with carbon dioxide laser radiation (CO2) with 0.8 mm focus, 5 W, power density of 2.5 W/cm(2) in continuous. After the surgery, the vaporized surface was protected with a fibrinolisine + chloramphenicol cream. To date, after 6 months, there has been no clinically evident recurrence on the vermilion area. The functional and esthetic results observed were judged to be excellent.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The auditory brainstem implant (ABI) was first developed to help neurofibromatosis type 2 patients. Recently, its use has been recently extended to adults with non-tumor etiologies and children with profound hearing loss who were not candidates for a cochlear implant (Cl). Although the results has been extensively reported, the stimulation parameters involved behind the outcomes have received less attention. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe the audiologic outcomes and the MAP parameters in ABI adults and children at our center. Methods: Retrospective chart review. Five adults and four children were implanted with the ABI24M from September 2005 to June 2009. In the adult patients, four had Neurofibromatosis type 2, and one had postmeningitic deafness with complete ossification of both cochleae. Three of the children had cochlear malformation or dysplasia, and one had complete ossified cochlea due to meningitis. Map parameters as well as the intraoperative electrical auditory brainstem responses were collected. Evaluation was performed with at least six months of device use and included free-field hearing thresholds, speech perception tests in the adult patients and for the children, the Infant-Toddler Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale (IT-MAIS) and (ESP) were used to evaluate the development of auditory skills, besides the MUSS to evaluate. Results: The number of active electrodes that did not cause any non-auditory sensation varied from three to nineteen. All of them were programmed with SPEAK strategy, and the pulse widths varied from 100 to 300 mu s. Free-field thresholds with warble tones varied from very soft auditory sensation of 70 dBHL at 250 Hz to a pure tone average of 45 dBHL. Speech perception varied from none to 60% open-set recognition of sentences in silence in the adult population and from no auditory sensation at all to a slight improvement in the IT-MAIS/MAIS scores. Conclusion: We observed that ABI may be a good option for offering some hearing attention to both adults and children. In children, the results might not be enough to ensure oral language development. Programming the speech processor in children demands higher care to the audiologist. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O presente Relatório de Estágio tem por objetivo descrever todo o processo de aplicação de estratégias para a interiorização e consequente execução na lecionação de uma Língua Estrangeira recorrendo ao mínimo à Língua Materna, realizado no decorrer da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), no âmbito do curso de Mestrado em Ensino de Inglês e de Espanhol no Ensino Básico da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. Essa descrição implica a consequente reflexão expressa e fundamentada neste relatório. Por conseguinte, tentámos fundamentar a nossa posição através de vários posicionamentos teóricos aliados a uma componente prática forte. Deste modo, durante a PES, proporcionou-se, aos alunos, uma interação maioritariamente na Língua Estrangeira (LE) nas aulas da mesma, ainda que estivesse sempre subjacente a grande importância da língua materna na aprendizagem de uma LE. Soará impossível aprender uma LE sem qualquer tipo de exemplos e referências auditivas (como o recurso a audio e video, não se baseando única e simplesmente na intervensão do professor na LE), no entanto, e visto estar a ser dada cada vez mais importância às macrocapacidades de compreensão oral e expressão oral, defende-se uma maior prática oral na lecionação de uma LE na LE.


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AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To explore hospice, acute care and nursing home nurses' experiences of pain management for people with advanced dementia in the final month of life. To identify the challenges, facilitators and practice areas requiring further support.

BACKGROUND: Pain management in end-stage dementia is a fundamental aspect of end of life care; however, it is unclear what challenges and facilitators nurses experience in practice, whether these differ across care settings, and whether training needs to be tailored to the context of care.

DESIGN: A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis to examine data.

METHODS: 24 registered nurses caring for people dying with advanced dementia were recruited from ten nursing homes, three hospices, and two acute hospitals across a region of the United Kingdom. Interviews were conducted between June 2014 and September 2015.

RESULTS: Three core themes were identified: challenges administering analgesia, the nurse-physician relationship, and interactive learning and practice development. Patient-related challenges to pain management were universal across care settings; nurse- and organisation-related barriers differed between settings. A need for interactive learning and practice development, particularly in pharmacology, was identified.

CONCLUSIONS: Achieving pain management in practice was highly challenging. A number of barriers were identified; however, the manner and extent to which these impacted on nurses differed across hospice, nursing home and acute care settings. Needs-based training to support and promote practice development in pain management in end-stage dementia is required.

RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: Nurses considered pain management fundamental to end of life care provision; however, nurses working in acute care and nursing home settings may be under-supported and under-resourced to adequately manage pain in people dying with advanced dementia. Nurse-to-nurse mentoring and ongoing needs-assessed interactive case-based learning could help promote practice development in this area. Nurses require continuing professional development in pharmacology. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.