979 resultados para Motor neurons


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La sclérose latérale amyothrophique (SLA) est une maladie neurodégénérative charactérisée par la perte des neurones moteurs menant à la paralysie et à la mort. Environ 20% des cas familiaux de la SLA sont causés par des mutations de la superoxyde dismutase 1 (SOD1), conduisant vers un mauvais repliement de la protéine SOD1, ce qui a comme conséquence un gain de fonction toxique. Plusieurs anticorps spécifiques pour la forme mal repliée de la protéine ont été générés et utilisés comme agent thérapeutique dans des modèles précliniques. Comment le mauvais repliement de SOD1 provoque la perte sélective des neurones moteurs demeure non résolu. La morphologie, le bilan énergétique et le transport mitochondrial sont tous documentés dans les modèles de la SLA basés sur SOD1, la détérioration des mitochondries joue un rôle clé dans la dégénération des neurones moteurs. De plus, la protéine SOD1 mal repliée s’associe sélectivement sur la surface des mitochondries de la moelle épinière chez les modèles de rongeurs de la SLA. Notre hypothèse est que l’accumulation de la protéine SOD1 mal repliée sur les mitochondries pourrait nuire aux fonctions mitochondriales. À cette fin, nous avons développé un nouvel essai par cytométrie de flux afin d’isoler les mitochondries immunomarquées avec des anticorps spécifiques à la forme malrepliée de SOD1 tout en évaluant des aspects de la fonction mitochondriale. Cette méthode permettra de comparer les mitochondries portant la protéine SOD1 mal repliée à celles qui ne la portent pas. Nous avons utilisé un anticorps à conformation spécifique de SOD1, B8H10, pour démontrer que la protéine mal repliée SOD1 s’associe avec les mitochondries de la moelle épinière des rat SOD1G93A d’une manière dépendante du temps. Les mitochondries avec la protéine mal repliée SOD1 B8H10 associée à leur surface (B8H10+) ont un volume et une production excessive de superoxyde significativement plus grand, mais possèdent un potentiel transmembranaire comparable aux mitochondries B8H10-. En outre, la présence de la protéine mal repliée SOD1 reconnue par B8H10 coïncide avec des niveaux plus élevés de la forme pro-apoptotique de Bcl-2. L’immunofluorescence de sections de moelle épinière du niveau lombaire avec l’anticorps spécifique à la conformation B8H10 et AMF7-63, un autre anticorps conformationnel spécifique de SOD1, démontre des motifs de localisations distincts. B8H10 a été trouvé principalement dans les neurones moteurs et dans plusieurs points lacrymaux dans tout le neuropile. Inversement, AMF7-63 a marqué les neurones moteurs ainsi qu’un réseau fibrillaire distinctif concentré dans la corne antérieure. Au niveau subcellulaire, SOD1 possèdant la conformation reconnu par AMF7-63 est aussi localisée sur la surface des mitochondries de la moelle épinière d’une manière dépendante du temps. Les mitochondries AMF7-63+ ont une augmentation du volume comparé aux mitochondries B8H10+ et à la sous-population non marquée. Cependant, elles produisent une quantité similaire de superoxyde. Ensemble, ces données suggèrent qu’il y a plusieurs types de protéines SOD1 mal repliées qui convergent vers les mitochondries et causent des dommages. De plus, différentes conformations de SOD1 apportent une toxicité variable vers les mitochondries. Les protéines SOD1 mal repliées réagissant à B8H10 et AMF7-63 sont présentes en agrégats dans les fractions mitochondriales, nous ne pouvons donc pas prendre en compte leurs différents effets sur le volume mitochondrial. Les anticorps conformationnels sont des outils précieux pour identifier et caractériser le continuum du mauvais repliement de SOD1 en ce qui concerne les caractéristiques biochimiques et la toxicité. Les informations présentes dans cette thèse seront utilisées pour déterminer le potentiel thérapeutique de ces anticorps.


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La sclérose latérale amyotrophique est une maladie neurodégénérative fatale caractérisée par la dégénérescence progressive des neurones moteurs centraux et périphériques. L’un des premiers signes de la maladie est la dénervation de la jonction neuromusculaire (JNM). Les diverses unités motrices (UM) ne présentent toutefois pas la même vulnérabilité à la dénervation dans la SLA: les UM rapide fatigables sont en fait les plus vulnérables et les UM lentes sont les plus résistantes. Alors que des études précédentes ont démontré dans plusieurs modèles animaux de la SLA de nombreuses variations synaptiques, les découvertes ont été contradictoires. Par ailleurs, le type d’UM n’a pas été tenu en compte dans ces divers travaux. Nous avons donc émis l’hypothèse que la présence de la mutation SOD1 pourrait affecter différemment la transmission synaptique des UM, en accord avec leur vulnérabilité sélective. En effectuant des enregistrements électrophysiologiques et de l’immunohistochimie, nous avons étudié la transmission synaptique des différents types d’UM du muscle à contraction rapide Extensor Digitorum Longus (EDL; rapide fatigable (FF) MU) et du muscle à contraction lente Soleus (SOL; lente (S) and rapide fatigue-résistante (FR) MU) de la souris SOD1G37R et leur congénères WT. Pour identifier le type d’UM, un marquage par immunohistochimie des chaînes de myosine a été effectué. Un triple marquage de la JNM a également été effectué pour vérifier son intégrité aux différents stades de la maladie. À P160, dans la période asymptomatique de la maladie, alors qu’aucune altération morphologique n’était présente, l’activité évoquée était déjà altérée différemment en fonction des UM. Les JNMs FF mutantes ont démontré une diminution de l’amplitude des potentiels de plaque motrice (PPM) et du contenu quantique, alors que les JNMs lentes démontraient pratiquement le contraire. Les JNMs FR montraient quant à elles une force synaptique semblable au WT. À P380, dans la période présymtomatique, de nombreuses altérations morphologiques ont été observées dans le muscle EDL, incluant la dénervation complète, l’innervation partielle et les extensions du nerf. La transmission synaptique évoquée des UM FF étaient toujours réduites, de même que la fréquence des potentiels de plaque motrice miniatures. À P425, à l’apparition des premiers symptômes, l’activité synaptique des JNMs S était redevenue normale alors que les JNMs FR ont montré à ce moment une diminution du contenu quantique par rapport au contrôle. De manière surprenante, aucun changement du ratio de facilitation n’a été observé malgré les changements flagrants de la force synaptique. Ces résultats révèlent que la fonction de la JNM est modifiée différemment en fonction de la susceptibilité des UM dans l’ALS. Cette étude fournit des pistes pour une meilleure compréhension de la physiologie de la JNM durant la pathologie qui est cruciale au développement d’une thérapie adéquate ciblant la JNM dans la SLA.


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The present study deals with the Cholinergic Receptor subtypes functional regulation in spinal cord injured monoplegic rats: Effect of 5-HT GABA and bone marrow cells.Spinal cord injury causes permanent and irrevocable motor deficits and neurodegeneration. Disruption of the spinal cord leads to diminished transmission of descending control from the brain to motor neurons and ascending sensory information. Behavioural studies showed deficits in motor control and coordination in SCI rats. Cholinergic system plays an important role in SCI, the evaluation of which provides valuable insight on the underlying mechanisms of motor deficit that occur during SCI. The cholinergic transmission was studied by assessing the muscarinic and nicotinic receptors; cholinergic enzymes- ChAT and AChE; second messenger enzyme PLC; transcription factor CREB and second messengers - IP3, cAMP and cGMP. We observed a decrease in the cholinergic transmission in the brain and spinal cord of SCI rats. The disrupted cholinergic system is the indicative of motor deficit and neuronal degeneration in the spinal cord and brain regions. SCI mediated oxidative stress and apoptosis leads to neuronal degeneration in SCI rats. The decreased expression of anti oxidant enzymes – SOD, GPx and neuronal cell survival factors - BDNF, GDNF, IGF-1, Akt and cyclin D2 along with increased expression of apoptotic factors – Bax, caspase-8, TNFa and NF-kB augmented the neuronal degeneration in SCI condition. BMC administration in combination with 5-HT and GABA in SCI rats showed a reversal in the impaired cholinergic neurotransmission and reduced the oxidative stress and apoptosis. It also enhanced the expression of cell survival factors in the spinal cord region. In SCI rats treated with 5-HT and GABA, the transplanted BMC expressed NeuN confirming that 5-HT and GABA induced the differentiation and proliferation of BMC to neurons in the spinal cord. Neurotrophic factors and anti-apoptotic elements in SCI rats treated with 5-HT and GABA along with BMC rendered neuroprotective effects accompanied by improvement in behavioural deficits. This resulted in a significant reversal of altered cholinergic neurotransmission in SCI. The restorative and neuro protective effects of BMC in combination with 5-HT and GABA are of immense therapeutic significance in the clinical management of SCI.


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Glutamate excitotoxicity is implicated in the aetiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) with impairment of glutamate transport into astrocytes a possible cause of glutamate-induced injury to motor neurons. It is possible that mutations of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1), responsible for about 20% of familial ALS, down-regulates glutamate transporters via oxidative stress. We transfected primary mouse astrocytes to investigate the effect of the FALS-linked mutant hSOD1(G93A) and wild-type SOD1 (hSOD1(wt)) on the glutamate uptake system. Using western blotting, immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR it was shown that expression of either hSOD1(G93A) or hSOD1(wt) in astrocytes produced down-regulation of the levels of a glutamate transporter GLT-1, without alterations in its mRNA level. hSOD1(G93A) or hSOD1(wt) expression caused a decrease of the monomeric form of GLT-1 without increasing oxidative multimers of GLT-1. The effects were selective to GLT-1, since another glutamate transporter GLAST protein and mRNA levels were not altered. Reflecting the decrease in GLT-1 protein, [H-3]D-aspartate uptake was reduced in cultures expressing hSOD1(G93A) or hSOD1(wt). The hSOD1-induced decline in GLT-1 protein and [H-3]D-aspartate uptake was not blocked by the antioxidant Trolox nor potentiated by antioxidant depletion using catalase and glutathione peroxidase inhibitors. Measurement of 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein (DCF)-induced fluorescence revealed that expression of hSOD1(G93A) or hSOD1(wt) in astrocytes does not lead to detectable increase of intracellular reactive oxygen species. This study suggests that levels of GLT-1 protein in astrocytes are reduced rapidly by overexpression of hSOD1, and is due to a property shared between the wild-type and G93A mutant form, but does not involve the production of intracellular oxidative stress.


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It is generally assumed that the variability of neuronal morphology has an important effect on both the connectivity and the activity of the nervous system, but this effect has not been thoroughly investigated. Neuroanatomical archives represent a crucial tool to explore structure–function relationships in the brain. We are developing computational tools to describe, generate, store and render large sets of three–dimensional neuronal structures in a format that is compact, quantitative, accurate and readily accessible to the neuroscientist. Single–cell neuroanatomy can be characterized quantitatively at several levels. In computer–aided neuronal tracing files, a dendritic tree is described as a series of cylinders, each represented by diameter, spatial coordinates and the connectivity to other cylinders in the tree. This ‘Cartesian’ description constitutes a completely accurate mapping of dendritic morphology but it bears little intuitive information for the neuroscientist. In contrast, a classical neuroanatomical analysis characterizes neuronal dendrites on the basis of the statistical distributions of morphological parameters, e.g. maximum branching order or bifurcation asymmetry. This description is intuitively more accessible, but it only yields information on the collective anatomy of a group of dendrites, i.e. it is not complete enough to provide a precise ‘blueprint’ of the original data. We are adopting a third, intermediate level of description, which consists of the algorithmic generation of neuronal structures within a certain morphological class based on a set of ‘fundamental’, measured parameters. This description is as intuitive as a classical neuroanatomical analysis (parameters have an intuitive interpretation), and as complete as a Cartesian file (the algorithms generate and display complete neurons). The advantages of the algorithmic description of neuronal structure are immense. If an algorithm can measure the values of a handful of parameters from an experimental database and generate virtual neurons whose anatomy is statistically indistinguishable from that of their real counterparts, a great deal of data compression and amplification can be achieved. Data compression results from the quantitative and complete description of thousands of neurons with a handful of statistical distributions of parameters. Data amplification is possible because, from a set of experimental neurons, many more virtual analogues can be generated. This approach could allow one, in principle, to create and store a neuroanatomical database containing data for an entire human brain in a personal computer. We are using two programs, L–NEURON and ARBORVITAE, to investigate systematically the potential of several different algorithms for the generation of virtual neurons. Using these programs, we have generated anatomically plausible virtual neurons for several morphological classes, including guinea pig cerebellar Purkinje cells and cat spinal cord motor neurons. These virtual neurons are stored in an online electronic archive of dendritic morphology. This process highlights the potential and the limitations of the ‘computational neuroanatomy’ strategy for neuroscience databases.


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BACKGROUND: Bile acids (BAs) regulate cells by activating nuclear and membrane-bound receptors. G protein coupled bile acid receptor 1 (GpBAR1) is a membrane-bound G-protein-coupled receptor that can mediate the rapid, transcription-independent actions of BAs. Although BAs have well-known actions on motility and secretion, nothing is known about the localization and function of GpBAR1 in the gastrointestinal tract. METHODS: We generated an antibody to the C-terminus of human GpBAR1, and characterized the antibody by immunofluorescence and Western blotting of HEK293-GpBAR1-GFP cells. We localized GpBAR1 immunoreactivity (IR) and mRNA in the mouse intestine, and determined the mechanism by which BAs activate GpBAR1 to regulate intestinal motility. KEY RESULTS: The GpBAR1 antibody specifically detected GpBAR1-GFP at the plasma membrane of HEK293 cells, and interacted with proteins corresponding in mass to the GpBAR1-GFP fusion protein. GpBAR1-IR and mRNA were detected in enteric ganglia of the mouse stomach and small and large intestine, and in the muscularis externa and mucosa of the small intestine. Within the myenteric plexus of the intestine, GpBAR1-IR was localized to approximately 50% of all neurons and to >80% of inhibitory motor neurons and descending interneurons expressing nitric oxide synthase. Deoxycholic acid, a GpBAR1 agonist, caused a rapid and sustained inhibition of spontaneous phasic activity of isolated segments of ileum and colon by a neurogenic, cholinergic and nitrergic mechanism, and delayed gastrointestinal transit. CONCLUSIONS & INFERENCES: G protein coupled bile acid receptor 1 is unexpectedly expressed in enteric neurons. Bile acids activate GpBAR1 on inhibitory motor neurons to release nitric oxide and suppress motility, revealing a novel mechanism for the actions of BAs on intestinal motility.


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Background Event-related desynchronization/synchronization (ERD/ERS) is a relative power decrease/increase of electroencephalogram (EEG) in a specific frequency band during physical motor execution and mental motor imagery, thus it is widely used for the brain-computer interface (BCI) purpose. However what the ERD really reflects and its frequency band specific role have not been agreed and are under investigation. Understanding the underlying mechanism which causes a significant ERD would be crucial to improve the reliability of the ERD-based BCI. We systematically investigated the relationship between conditions of actual repetitive hand movements and resulting ERD. Methods Eleven healthy young participants were asked to close/open their right hand repetitively at three different speeds (Hold, 1/3 Hz, and 1 Hz) and four distinct motor loads (0, 2, 10, and 15 kgf). In each condition, participants repeated 20 experimental trials, each of which consisted of rest (8–10 s), preparation (1 s) and task (6 s) periods. Under the Hold condition, participants were instructed to keep clenching their hand (i.e., isometric contraction) during the task period. Throughout the experiment, EEG signals were recorded from left and right motor areas for offline data analysis. We obtained time courses of EEG power spectrum to discuss the modulation of mu and beta-ERD/ERS due to the task conditions. Results We confirmed salient mu-ERD (8–13 Hz) and slightly weak beta-ERD (14–30 Hz) on both hemispheres during repetitive hand grasping movements. According to a 3 × 4 ANOVA (speed × motor load), both mu and beta-ERD during the task period were significantly weakened under the Hold condition, whereas no significant difference in the kinetics levels and interaction effect was observed. Conclusions This study investigates the effect of changes in kinematics and kinetics on resulting ERD during repetitive hand grasping movements. The experimental results suggest that the strength of ERD may reflect the time differentiation of hand postures in motor planning process or the variation of proprioception resulting from hand movements, rather than the motor command generated in the down stream, which recruits a group of motor neurons.


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Mandibular movements occur through the triggering of trigeminal motoneurons. Aberrant movements by orofacial muscles are characteristic of orofacial motor disorders, such as nocturnal bruxism (clenching or grinding of the dentition during sleep). Previous studies have suggested that autonomic changes occur during bruxism episodes. Although it is known that emotional responses increase jaw movement, the brain pathways linking forebrain limbic nuclei and the trigeminal motor nucleus remain unclear. Here we show that neurons in the lateral hypothalamic area, in the central nucleus of the amygdala, and in the parasubthalamic nucleus, project to the trigeminal motor nucleus or to reticular regions around the motor nucleus (Regio h) and in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus. We observed orexin co-expression in neurons projecting from the lateral hypothalamic area to the trigeminal motor nucleus. In the central nucleus of the amygdala, neurons projecting to the trigeminal motor nucleus are innervated by corticotrophin-releasing factor immunoreactive fibers. We also observed that the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus receives dense innervation from orexin and corticotrophin-releasing factor immunoreactive fibers. Therefore, forebrain nuclei related to autonomic control and stress responses might influence the activity of trigeminal motor neurons and consequently play a role in the physiopathology of nocturnal bruxism.


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Damage following ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) is common in the intestine and can be caused during abdominal surgery, in several disease states and following intestinal transplantation. Most studies have concentrated on damage to the mucosa, although published evidence also points to effects on neurons. Moreover, alterations of neuronally controlled functions of the intestine persist after I/R. The present study was designed to investigate the time course of damage to neurons and the selectivity of the effect of I/R damage for specific types of enteric neurons. A branch of the superior mesenteric artery supplying the distal ileum of anesthetised guinea pigs was occluded for 1 h and the animals were allowed to recover for 2 h to 4 weeks before tissue was taken for the immunohistochemical localization of markers of specific neuron types in tissues from sham and I/R animals. The dendrites of neurons with nitric oxide synthase (NOS) immunoreactivity, which are inhibitory motor neurons and interneurons, were distorted and swollen by 24 h after I/R and remained enlarged up to 28 days. The total neuron profile areas (cell body plus dendrites) increased by 25%, but the sizes of cell bodies did not change significantly. Neurons of type II morphology (intrinsic primary afferent neurons), revealed by NeuN immunoreactivity, were transiently reduced in cell size, at 24 h and 7 days. These neurons also showed signs of minor cell surface blebbing. Calretinin neurons, many of which are excitatory motor neurons, were unaffected. Thus, this study revealed a selective damage to NOS neurons that was observed at 24 h and persisted up to 4 weeks, without a significant change in the relative numbers of NOS neurons.


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The definition of the nerve cell types of the myenteric plexus of the mouse small intestine has become important, as more researchers turn to the use of mice with genetic mutations to analyze roles of specific genes and their products in enteric nervous system function and to investigate animal models of disease. We have used a suite of antibodies to define neurons by their shapes, sizes, and neurochemistry in the myenteric plexus. Anti-Hu antibodies were used to reveal all nerve cells, and the major subpopulations were defined in relation to the Hu-positive neurons. Morphological Type II neurons, revealed by anti-neurofilament and anti-calcitonin gene-related peptide antibodies, represented 26% of neurons. The axons of the Type II neurons projected through the circular muscle and submucosa to the mucosa. The cell bodies were immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), and their terminals were immunoreactive for vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT). Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) occurred in 29% of nerve cells. Most were also immunoreactive for vasoactive intestinal peptide, but they were not tachykinin (TK)-immunoreactive, and only 10% were ChAT-immunoreactive. Numerous NOS terminals occurred in the circular muscle. We deduced that 90% of NOS neurons were inhibitory motor neurons to the muscle (26% of all neurons) and 10% (3% of all neurons) were interneurons. Calretinin immunoreactivity was found in a high proportion of neurons (52%). Many of these had TK immunoreactivity. Small calretinin neurons were identified as excitatory neurons to the longitudinal muscle (about 20% of neurons, with ChAT/calretinin/+/- TK chemical coding). Excitatory neurons to the circular muscle (about 10% of neurons) had the same coding. Calretinin immunoreactivity also occurred in a proportion of Type II neurons. Thus, over 90% of neurons in the myenteric plexus of the mouse small intestine can be currently identified by their neurochemistry and shape.


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The objectives of this study were to investigate the presence of the three neurofilament subunits, ubiquitin, proteasome and 3-nitrotyrosine, in CSF samples of ALS patients. CSF samples were obtained by lumbar puncture from 10 ALS patients and six controls. All samples were analysed by Western blotting. Results revealed that neurofilament heavy subunit was identified in 70% of ALS cases and we conclude that this subunit may be a promising biomarker for clinical diagnosis of ALS.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The silent period is a misunderstood electrophysiological phenomenon leading to several different hypotheses explaining its electrogenesis. It has been studied by different authors and different methodologies giving a wide variability of results, therefore an exact pattern of its normal values does not exist. This work was undertaken to define the normal morphology and duration of the silent period obtained by supramaximal stimulus of the median nerve, during maximum isometric effort of the abductor pollicis brevis muscle against resistance, using 20 adult volunteers without neurological alterations. The normal median duration was 104.6 milliseconds. The same methodology was applied to 20 hands from 20 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. The silent period showed many types of morphological alterations, but the major alteration observed was a tendency to temporal elongation. No correlation between the severity of the carpal tunnel syndrome and the silent period alterations were observed.


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It was studied the trapezius muscle and serratus anterior muscle in 24 male volunteers using a 2-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes, during the execution of four different modalities of military press exercises with open grip. The results showed that TS acted significantly in the modalities standing and sitting press behind neck, while SI acted in all the modalities, i.e., standing and sitting press behind neck and forward, justifying their inclusion as basic exercises for physical conditioning programmes.


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Electromyographic activity of the trapezius muscle and serratus anterior muscle was analysed in 4 different modalities of military press exercises, each of them with 2 grips: open and middle. It was analyzed 24 male volunteers using a 2-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. The TS and SI muscles acted with high and very high activity in all the modalities of military press exercises. Statistically, they did not show significative difference in the performance of the exercises with open and middle grip, justifying the inclusion of this group of exercises with both grips for the physical conditioning programmes.