867 resultados para Media-education


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Trabalho sobre as distinções e convergências entre a Comunicação Comunitária e a Mídia-educação. O método de pesquisa foi o qualitativo e a técnica a pesquisa bibliográfica. Um primeiro levantamento foi feito em todas as publicações de teses de doutorado e dissertações de mestrado publicadas no site da Capes1 - Coordenação para o Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Ensino Superior, do Ministério da Educação, entre os anos de 2000 a 2009. Pelo levantamento, observou-se o fomento nas pesquisas nos anos de 2008 e 2009, concentrando as análises nestes anos. Para filtrar o conteúdo foram usadas as palavras-chave: Comunicação Comunitária; Mídia-educação, Educomunicação e Comunicação e Educação. Constatou-se que a Comunicação Comunitária e a Mídia-educação trabalham com o intuito de alcançarem os mesmos objetivos, mesmo por vias e métodos distintos, tornando-se áreas convergentes.


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Desde hace ya varias décadas se ha extendido un lema convertido en habitual año tras año: que los museos necesitan cambios y que, éstos, deben seguir produciéndose en el futuro para que estas instituciones sigan siendo significativas en la sociedad, es decir, para los ciudadanos a quienes representan y sirven. La cuestión de cómo afrontan los cambios es lo que verdaderamente ha dado lugar a reflexiones interesantes en el campo de la museología. No existe un enfoque único para una cuestión tan compleja, ya que está compuesta de múltiples capas que, en muchas ocasiones, son difícilmente acoplables. Sin embargo, en términos generales, podemos apuntar que va a ser en la exposición donde los nuevos planteamientos tendrán su desarrollo.


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Der Beitrag basiert auf dem Grundsatz, dass alle Angebote einer Hochschule auch für Hochschulangehörige mit Behinderungen zugänglich sein müssen. Dies setzt die barrierefreie Gestaltung von Hochschulen – und somit auch ihrer medienpädagogischen Angebote – voraus. Ausgehend von der Formulierung medienpädagogischer Aufgaben unter dem Aspekt der Barrierefreiheit und einer Beschreibung der Situation behinderter Studierender an bundesdeutschen Hochschulen zeigen wir am Beispiel sehbehinderter und blinder Studierender auf, wie der Weg zu einer barrierefreien Medienpädagogik beschritten werden kann. In diesem Zusammenhang stellen wir den Dortmunder Arbeitsansatz vor, der vom Dortmunder Zentrum Behinderung und Studium entwickelt und erprobt wurde. Ziel unseres Beitrags ist es aufzuzeigen, wie im Bereich der Medienpädagogik bestehende Benachteiligungen sehgeschädigter Studierender durch ein am Prinzip der Barrierefreiheit orientiertes Reformkonzept in Verbindung mit entsprechenden Dienstleistungsangeboten und strukturellen Re- und Umorganisationen hochschulinterner Prozesse in allen Bereichen der Hochschule aufgehoben werden können. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Das Institut für Ökonomische Bildung (IÖB) an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg ist u.a. mit der wissenschaftlichen Durchführung des Projekts „Ökonomische Bildung online“ befasst, mit dem die Entwicklung eines vollständigen internetbasierten Studiengangs, differenzierter Fort- und Weiterbildungsprofile für Lehrkräfte an allgemein bildenden Schulen und die Vorbereitung des Exports des Studiengangs nach Russland erreicht werden soll. Ein vertraglich fixiertes Hauptaugenmerk bei der Entwicklung dieser Angebote liegt auf der Nachhaltigkeit, d.h. nach Ablauf der Projektförderdauer (7/2001–12/2004) sollen sich die Produkte auf dem wachsenden Bildungsmarkt selbst refinanzieren. Wie versucht werden soll die Nachhaltigkeit zu erreichen, ist Gegenstand dieses Artikels. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei Maßnahmen der Qualitätssicherung, die m.E. aber nicht bei der Betrachtung der Produkte an sich, d.h. der Inhalte und Kurse selbst beschränkt bleiben kann, sondern auch die Ausrichtung an der Marktsituation, die Bedürfnisse der Zielgruppen, die Kooperationsbeziehungen, die Finanzierung und die Technik ins Blickfeld nehmen muss. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Im Wintersemester 1996 wurde am Lehrgebiet Praktische Informatik I mit einigen wenigen Kursen und ebenso wenig Studierenden die Virtuelle Universität (VU) der FernUniversität in Hagen gestartet. Heute arbeiten mehr als 25.000 Nutzer aktiv mit dieser Plattform und können aus über 300 Kursen aller Fachbereiche ihr individuelles Studienprofil auswählen. Die Virtuelle Universität (VU) hat allerdings nicht nur enorme Veränderungen von Lehren und Lernen bewirkt, auch die Organisation als Ganzes erfährt inzwischen durch die VU einen Strukturwandel. Viele Publikationen beschäftigen sich mit den technologischen, didaktischen und auch juristischen Aspekten des Wandels; aber kaum jemand beschreibt die kompletten Auswirkungen durch den Einsatz eines solchen Systems und doch wird genau danach sehr häufig gefragt. Nicht nur Studierende, auch Lehrende, Verwaltungsangestellte und Techniker werden vor neue Herausforderungen gestellt. Im folgenden Papier werden die Erfahrungen aus dem Projekt Virtuelle Universität der FernUniversität in Hagen zusammengefasst. Am Beispiel des Projektes soll gezeigt werden, wie ein Initiativprojekt eine ganze Organisation in seinen Bann zog und vielfältige Veränderungen in allen Bereichen bewirkt hat. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Sammelrezension von: 1. Gerhard Tulodziecki: Medienerziehung in Schule und Unterricht. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 2. Aufl. 1992, 205 S. 2. Wolfgang Schill/Gerhard Tulodziecki/Wolf-Rüdiger Wagner (Hrsg.): Medienpädagogisches Handeln in der Schule. Opladen: Leske + Budrich 1992. 327 S.


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Society and information economy have changed every aspect of our life in society: the economy, trade, business, industry, media, education, health, our entire culture. More than twenty years, Dr. Jerrold Maxmen2 said all medical functions may be performed in future by a team of paraprofessionals and computers: the clinical histories, physical examinations, laboratory tests, diagnoses, treatment and prognosis, and preventive functions, public health, research, education and health administration.The consequence is that doctors have less political power and consumers more opportunity to control the operation and structure of the health care system.


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O presente trabalho buscou analisar o atual discurso jornalístico sobre educação, no contexto da internet como nova mídia, levando em conta os efeitos das mensagens difundidas e no que contribuem para o processo histórico e cultural do meio em que vivemos, trazendo como estudo de caso, uma pesquisa realizada no Portal do Jornal Zero Hora – um dos veículos de comunicação com maior circulação do Brasil. Buscando empreender uma pesquisa bem sucedida, e, como uma forma de nortear o que nos propusemos a desenvolver no papel de pesquisadores, definimos perguntas que nos orientaram no decorrer deste trabalho, entre elas: Como se dá o discurso educativo no Portal Zero Hora? Como o discurso jornalístico no Portal Zero Hora contribui para disseminar assuntos relacionados à educação? As informações veiculadas no Portal Zero Hora contribuem para a formação contínua do professor? A partir do arcabouço teórico e metodológico planejado, partimos para a pesquisa empírica que se utilizou de uma vasta revisão bibliográfica e de técnicas e métodos quantitativos e qualitativos, buscando respaldo nas Teorias do Jornalismo, as quais contribuíram para o sucesso dos resultados. Das teorias, nos alicerçamos da Análise de Conteúdo e Análise de Discurso, Teoria do Agenda-Setting e Teoria de Knowledge Gap, com base na fundamentação teórica de autores. A investigação concluiu que o meio online exerce um papel importante na difusão de notícias da área educacional, contribuindo na construção da realidade social e no desenvolvimento e enriquecimento cognitivo, cultural e informativo das pessoas em sociedade. Constatamos que a divulgação de informações na mídia online colabora na formação de processos comunicacionais, possibilitando reflexões que incentivam às transformações no contexto da educação.


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This paper describes a bibliographic analysis of the vision of Marshal McLuhan and the vision adopted by diverse current authors regarding the use of new interactive learning technologies. The paper also analyzes the transformation that will have to take place in the formal surroundings of education in order to improve their social function. The main points of view and contributions made by diverse authors are discussed. It is important that all actors involved in the educational process take in consideration these contributions in order to be ready for future changes.


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This paper describes a bibliographic analysis of the vision of Marshal McLuhan and the vision adopted by diverse current authors regarding the use of new interactive learning technologies. The paper also analyzes the transformation that will have to take place in the formal surroundings of education in order to improve their social function. The main points of view and contributions made by diverse authors are discussed. It is important that all actors involved in the educational process take in consideration these contributions in order to be ready for future changes.


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The aim of this master’s thesis was to examine antecedents of eWOM communication in social media in the higher education context. In order to achieve this goal, eWOM communications of the students’ of international master’s programmes at Lappeenranta University of Technology were studied. The main research question was formulated as follows: What kind of effect do service-, brand-related antecedents, contextual antecedents and moderating factors have on LUT’s international master’s degree students’ eWOM communication in social media regarding their studies? The theory part of the master’s thesis was focused on the discussion of service- and brand related eWOM antecedents, contextual antecedents, as well as moderating relationships between them. The empirical part of the master’s thesis was based on quantitative research method. A web-based survey was carried out among current students of international master’s degree programmes at LUT. Out of 712 e-mail invitations sent, 159 responses were received in total. Thus, response rate was 22%. The results of the study showed that satisfaction, commitment, virtual brand community commitment, need for an advice, positive altruistic concerns, negative altruistic concerns, and attitude towards eWOM communications have an effect on eWOM in higher education context. Several moderating effects on eWOM were determined in the present study as well. On the other hand, it was found that dissatisfaction, loyalty, brand identification, desire to help the organization, need for positive self-enhancement, and social risk perception do not have an effect on eWOM in higher education context.


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Objective: An interprofessional steering committee was created at Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Medicine to examine how social media are integrated in medical and health professional education in universities across the globe, and to propose a strategic plan for integrating social media in the Faculty’s various curricula. This presentation will summarize the steering committee’s work and describe the librarian’s contribution. Methods: The Committee’s project leader first conducted a literature search on best practices of social media in medical and health professional curricula. A reference website was then created (mse.med.umontreal.ca) to provide easy access to a large number of the articles and resources reviewed. A steering committee was constituted and 11 meetings were held over a 9-month period. The Committee comprised 18 members and included assistant deans, academic program directors, professors, communication advisors, undergraduate and graduate students and a librarian. An online survey on social media use by students and professors of the Faculty was conducted, ten pilot projects were put forward and a three-year strategic plan was proposed. Results: A total of 1508 students and 565 professors participated in the survey. Results showed that both groups had a strong interest in learning how social media could be integrated in academic and professional activities. Participants reported concern with risks associated with social media use and expressed the need for a Faculty policy and guidelines. The librarian’s contribution to the steering committee included: writing posts on the website’s internal blog, assisting in the design of the survey questionnaires and writing the final report’s survey results chapter. She also proposed two pilot projects: creating a social media learning portal and an altmetrics workshop. Conclusions: Based on the literature review and the survey results, the Committee affirmed the importance of integrating social media in the various study programs of the Faculty of Medicine. Despite the restricted timeline, this interprofessional steering committee was able to carry out its mandate because of the leadership and expertise of each of its members. As the librarian had the most experience with the use of social media in a professional context, her knowledge was instrumental in assisting the project leader in a group mainly composed of social media non-users.


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