972 resultados para Maria Augusta Bordalo Pinheiro


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Neste trabalho, é descrito o caso de um bezerro mestiço recém-nascido que apresentava atresia anal tipo 2, fístula uretrorretal congênita, bolsa escrotal bífida e pseudo-hermafroditismo masculino. O principal sinal clínico era a eliminação de fezes por meio do óstio prepucial, uma apresentação incomum em casos de fístula uretrorretal em animais machos. Apesar de o quadro de atresia anal ser relativamente comum nessa espécie, os outros defeitos congênitos encontrados são pouco frequentes.


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This thesis describes and analyzes the trajectory of education of an educator-teacher group to become tutor of memorials (final work of the course Normal Superior in Instituto de Educação superior President Kennedy IFESP-Natal-RN). The writing of memorials (self-biographical writing) propitiates to the pupil that writes a reflection on his/her student and professional life, and to whom guides an evolution in his/her professional education. From the methodological point of view, we adopt an etnomethodological perspective of qualitative approach which describes the reality of real citizens inserted in a real situation of education. It is constituted of participants of the research of 32 educator-teachers, deriving of three different areas of academic formation. The instruments of data collection consist of eight life histories, 32 contextualization applications of the participants of the research, interviews with two consultants of the project, as well as some documents. The results of the analyses put in evidence that the education of the educator-teacher goes for two parallel ways: the first deals with the experiences, interactions and elements of daily practice; the second with the academy experiences where the educator-teacher searches the post-graduation courses. The integration of these two ways defines the educator-teacher identity with foundation in knowings that constitute in the exercise of guidance of memorials. The teachers knowings are considered insufficient by the majority and others knowings are mobilized to the knowing to be educator-teacher, memorial tutor. The thesis concludes that the trajectory of the educator-teacher constitutes an educator experience, in the direction of that implies an articulation among the learnings, abilities and knowings, to support the pupil in self-discovery, and that these multiple experiences favor the education of these teachers


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Cette recherche s'inscrit dans la linguistique de texte et vise à identifier, décrire, analyser et interpréter les événements de l'anaphore pronominale et de la répétition, exposer le montant et le pourcentage dês phenoménes respectifs dans Le corpus étudiés, que l accent sur le fonctionnement cohérente de ces phénomènes dans la construction du texte en termes de continuité et de progression thématique. Nous avons utilisé des procédures ethnographiques pour construire notre corpus d'enquête, composé essentiellement de textes produits par les étudiants de 9 ans d'école élémentaire de l'Etat, a la ville de Santa Cruz / RN. La recherche a été menée à partir des études sur l'anaphore pronominale faites par Milner (1982), Koch e Marcuschi (1998), Marcuschi (2000; 2005 e 2008), Koch (2002), Antunes (2005) e Adam (2008), et par des études sur la répétition présentés par Halliday e Hassan (1976), Beaugrande e Dressler (1997), Marcuschi (1992) et Antunes (2005). Comme le support technique, ont également utilisé les notions de cohésion définis par Halliday e Hasan (1976), Beaugrande e Dressler (1997), Marcuschi (2008) e Koch (2003). Dans l'analyse des textes, nous avons constaté que l'incidence de l'anaphore pronominale et de la répétition a été importante parce que les ressources étaient principalement utilisés par les étudiants pour promouvoir l'articulation cohérente des textes. Constaté que dans les textes narratifs ou argumentatifs anaphore pronominale promu l'entretien et la progression thématique prévu. Sur la répétition, nous avons observé que le maintien et la progression thématiques ont été conditionnés à la connaissance du sujet en discussion. Même si nous avons constaté que la répétition excessive de ces phénomènes dans le même texte, bien que la relation de promouvoir la cohésion, peut affecter le degré de caractere informatif


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The construction of a mapping of the practices of reading and writing printed and digital texts, declared by graduating students from the Bachelor s degree in Science and Technology (BCT), has provided us the analysis of the course they are making in such a socio-historical moment characterized by the revolution of the post-paper. In this sense, the general objective of this research is to understand how that construction works under the point of view of those graduating students. For this, our reflection has been guided by the search of answers for some questions which have presented to us: what reading and writing conceptions BCT graduating students have; what reading and writing practices those collaborators develop; what collections they declare to have access to; what differences they declare to have between printed and digital reading and writing along the different social roles they develop; what the reader/writer identity relations of those collaborators are. To achieving the plausible answers, we have gathered a corpus composed by texts of three genres of the argument order: academic profiles (or self-portrait), opinion articles and argumentative letters. Besides, we have made semi-structured interviews and questionnaires in the online tool of the Google Docs. The methodology which supports this academic work is the qualitative research (SIGNORINI; CAVALCANTI, 1998)of ethnographic direction (THOMAS, 1993; ANDRÉ, 1995) in Applied Linguistics (CELANI, 2000; MOITA-LOPES, 2006) and the theoretical contribution comes from the bakhtinian perspective of language conception (BAKHTIN [1929] 1981); the socio-historical writing construction (LÉVY, 1996; CHARTIER, R., 1998, 2002, 2007; COSCARELLI, 2006; CHARTIER, A., 2007; ARAÚJO, 2007; COSCARELLI; RIBEIRO, 2007; XAVIER, 2009; MARCUSCHI; XAVIER, 2010); from the studies of the pedagogy of the writing (GIROUX, 1997); from the literacy studies understood as sociocultural practice, plural and situated (TFOUNI, 1988; KLEIMAN, 1995; TINOCO, 2003, 2008; OLIVEIRA; KLEIMAN, 2008), from the studies about identity in postmodernity (HALL, 2003; BAUMAN, 2005). The results of the analysis have pointed at a multiplicity of reading/writing practices of printed and digital texts developed by the BCT graduating students due to the coexistence of the modality printed and that one derived from the new mobile devices. In that multiplicity, the prevalent idea of the collaborators is that there is a continuum between printed texts and digital texts (not a dichotomy), since the option of reading/writing printed texts or digital ones is always linked to specific communication situations, which involve participants, objectives, strategies, values, (dis)advantages, besides (re)creation of discursive genres in function of the mobile devices to which those collaborators have access in the different spheres of activities that they participate. All of that has caused a deep intersection in the identity traces of college students readers/writers in the 21st century which cannot be ignored by academic formation


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This work has as study object the representations that teachers have about literacy, and schooling, as well as their memories and their reading and writing practices in the formation process of teachers in rural areas of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. We focused our discussion in literacy practices constructed on language workshops, assumed as necessary for the teacher formation, the existence of a pedagogical context that allows developing the appropriate teaching action. These workshops aimed at creating a space of constant reflection and action. The corpus is composed of letters written by teachers in formation workshops and interviews emphasizing questions of literacy, schooling, memories and reading and writing practices. These teachers make use of literacy practices related to the plots which they belong to. This research is informed mainly by studies that discuss the Literacy (Street, 1984, 1995; Barton, 1998; Freire, 1978, 1980, 1990, 1996), focusing its political character and of inclusion to the literate world, the Social Representations (Moscovici, 1978) and the studies on genre as a discoursive practice (Fairclough, 2001). Methodologically, this research is of critical ethnographic nature (Cameron, 1992). The letters are disclosed as identity practices - pictures of life histories of the teachers. The analyses of the interviews, in turn, show the literacy multifaceted character, evidencing innumerable views on the phenomenon


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La reflexión crítica sobre la escuela y los quehaceres docentes ha favorecido la producción y la sistematización de nuevos saberes basados en fundamentos científicos, principalmente sobre las prácticas pedagógicas. En la enseñanza de Lengua Portuguesa, las investigaciones buscan comprender lo qué y cómo se enseña y se aprende durante la escolarización. En esa perspectiva, realizamos un estudio sobre la formación del profesor de Lengua Portuguesa y sus implicaciones en la clase, buscando observar la actuación de los alumnos-maestros en el contexto escolar, durante la realización de las Prácticas. Para tanto, elegimos como objetivo general, investigar cómo la carrera de Filología de la UFRN/CERES/Campus de Currais Novos promovía la formación de futuros profesores para atender a las expectativas de las políticas públicas para la enseñanza de Lengua Materna. Como referencial teórico, estudiamos los PCN, el proyecto político pedagógico de la carrera y autores del área de enseñanza de Lengua Portuguesa y de Educación, entre ellos, Geraldi (1996), Travaglia (1996, 2003), Antunes (2003, 2007, 2009 y 2010), Lomas (2003), Figueiredo (2005), Marcuschi (2001, 2008), Oliveira (2010), Riolfi et al. (2008), Possenti (2003), Alarcão (1996, 2001) Imbernón (2011), Pimenta y Lima (2010) y Schön (1993). El estudio está situado en el ámbito de la Lingüística Aplicada y se caracteriza como investigación cualitativa de naturaleza interpretativista, a partir de un abordaje de inspiración etnográfica del ambiente de las Prácticas. En los resultados constatamos que los alumnos-maestros privilegian la enseñanza prescriptiva, fundamentado en una concepción de lengua como sistema, direccionando la enseñanza de la lengua para la dirección contraria al abordaje funcionalista (lengua / uso), distanciándose considerablemente de la propuesta de formar un alumno crítico y agente de transformación. Respecto a la visión de los alumnos-maestros sobre la carrera, fueron listadas algunas cuestiones relevantes, entre ellas, los contenidos que hacen parte de la carrera, la distribución de la carga horaria de los componentes curriculares, la revisión de las ementas, la oferta de asignaturas de inclusión social, la reorganización de las actividades de la práctica en relación al acompañamiento y orientación a los alumnos-maestros y, especialmente, la desarticulación teoría / práctica que fue considerada como responsable por muchas de las dificultades encontradas por los referidos alumnos en la fase de regencia de clase en la enseñanza de Lengua Portuguesa en los niveles de enseñanza fundamental y media. De ese modo, a partir del análisis de estos significados construidos por los alumnos-maestros sobre el proceso de formación en esa carrera de Letras, constatamos la necesidad de una revisión del proyecto de la carrera, pues éste presenta esas fragilidades que necesitan ser analizadas en función de la mejoría de la calidad de la enseñanza de la graduación


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This study aid to understand the work conditions of street vendors located on the sidewalks of two malls in Brazil Northeast Natal / RN - Both malls Natal Shopping and Via Direta, to analyze their inclusion in the informal economy and to study the supposed autonomy provided by work as self-employment in its both aspects economic and social analyzing the importance on the condition of "masters of their own business" has for the street vendors, as an alternative to not submission to the figure of the boss, that represents the exploitation of one class over another. The theoretical and methodological aspects that support this study was aimed in discussion on the restructuring of production, considering its effects on the world of work, pointing to unemployment as one of the potencies element of excluded processes that exciting workers to engage in the informal market. Informality is presented as a survival strategy and as integrating part of the reproduction of capital. This research was conducted under a critical perspective, whish has been utilized quantitative and qualitative analyses. The results of this study format questions that provided during the research process the socio-economic characterization of workers, main cause of this study, and how street vendors expres their status of workers as self-employed for their work, and the perception that they have on their form of inclusion in the informal market.


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This work aims to analyze the local cuisine as an element of territorial identity from Seridó Rio Grande do Norte State in the contemporaneousness - XXI century, where it takes place one motion, seemly contradictory, yet dialogical, in the way of eating locally is modified by food diversity and yet is lauded as an element of resistance, that is, of identification. Based on the perspective that groups go over time outlining on the territory their eating cultural characteristics, we have noticed that the spatiality from the local cuisine has happened during the territorial structuring process, being susceptible to the social, economical and technological changes, that hover over this space. On the unfolding days it was created a whole semiology around the cookery , incorporating to its territory of living, symbols, images, knowledge, tastes, feelings and smells that legitimate a way of being, better saying, of eating. But not all of the plates that congregate these aspects, only the oldest, the most emblematic. Within the diverse intercrossing of culture at Seridó region, they are the ones that maintain the vinculum from the group with its culture and with its territory, reminding what they are, or at least what they were, conferring them a legitimacy before those to whom they relate. The cookery from the Seridó region, this way is a cultural geo-symbol that turn this space significant and visible, for ordering the inside characteristics from the group before the new socio-cultural models present in the territory


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The present study cross-sectionally investigated the influence of training status, route difficulty and upper body aerobic and anaerobic performance of climbers on the energetics of indoor rock climbing. Six elite climbers (EC) and seven recreational climbers ( RC) were submitted to the following laboratory tests: ( a) anthropometry, (b) upper body aerobic power, and ( c) upper body Wingate test. on another occasion, EC subjects climbed an easy, a moderate, and a difficult route, whereas RC subjects climbed only the easy route. The fractions of the aerobic (WAER), anaerobic alactic (W-PCR) and anaerobic lactic (W-[La(])-) systems were calculated based on oxygen uptake, the fast component of excess post-exercise oxygen uptake, and changes in net blood lactate, respectively. on the easy route, the metabolic cost was significantly lower in EC [ 40.3 ( 6.5) kJ] than in RC [60.1 ( 8.8) kJ] ( P < 0.05). The respective contributions of the WAER, WPCR, and W-[La(])- systems in EC were: easy route = 41.5 (8.1), 41.1 (11.4) and 17.4% (5.4), moderate route = 45.8 (8.4), 34.6 (7.1) and 21.9% (6.3), and difficult route = 41.9 (7.4), 35.8 (6.7) and 22.3% (7.2). The contributions of the WAER, WPCR, and W-[La(])- systems in RC subjects climbing an easy route were 39.7 (5.0), 34.0 (5.8), and 26.3% (3.8), respectively. These results indicate that the main energy systems required during indoor rock climbing are the aerobic and anaerobic alactic systems. In addition, climbing economy seems to be more important for the performance of these athletes than improved energy metabolism.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A Triagem Auditiva Neonatal tem se efetivado mundialmente como meio para detecção precoce da surdez. Na Unicamp, desde 2002, os recém-nascidos na maternidade do Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher são agendados para a triagem auditiva no Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas em Reabilitação Prof. Dr. Gabriel Porto. No entanto, nem todos vêm para a triagem e alguns abandonam o processo de avaliação antes do diagnóstico. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi caracterizar as taxas de adesão de lactentes ao Programa de Triagem Auditiva Neonatal. Tratou-se de pesquisa que utilizou dados contidos nos prontuários dos lactentes que efetuaram a triagem no período de fevereiro a novembro de 2007. Permaneceram no alojamento conjunto do CAISM 2107 lactentes e vieram para a triagem 1310. Dentre aqueles que não passaram na triagem (92 lactentes), realizaram o exame de PEATE-A 73 lactentes. A adesão na primeira etapa da triagem foi de 62,17%, e na segunda, 79,34%. As taxas de adesão são inferiores às preconizadas pelo Joint Comittee on Infant Hearing e encontradas em alguns países desenvolvidos. No entanto, aproximam-se de outras experiências brasileiras de programas de triagem auditiva neonatal. O acompanhamento sistemático às famílias dos lactentes que não passaram na primeira avaliação e a conscientização destas sobre a detecção precoce da perda auditiva e suas consequências podem ter contribuído para o aumento da taxa de adesão na segunda etapa da triagem.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Vitamin A and its derivatives, retinoic acid, tretinoin and isotretinoin, are currently used in dermatological treatments. The administration of high doses of this vitamin provokes congenital malformations in mice: cleft palate, maxillary and mandibular hypoplasia and total or partial fusion of the maxillary incisors. This study compares the tooth germs of the first maxillary and mandibular molars of fetal mice submitted to isotretinoin during organogenesis. Twelve 60-day-old female Mus musculus were divided into two groups on the 7th day of pregnancy: treated group--1 mg isotretinoin per kg body weight, dissolved in vegetable oil, was administered from the 7th to the 13th day of pregnancy; control group--vegetable oil in equivalent volume was administered orally for the same period. On the 16th day of pregnancy, the females were sacrificed, the fetuses were removed and their heads amputated. After standard laboratory procedures, 6-micron thick serial slices were stained with hematoxylin and eosin for optical microscopy examination. The results showed that both groups had closed palates with no reminiscence of epithelial cells; however, the first molar germs of the isotretinoin-treated animals showed delayed development compared to the control animals.


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The purpose of this study was to compare-using cephalometric analysis (McNamara, and Legan and Burstone)-prediction tracings performed using three different methods, that is, manual and using the Dentofacial Planner Plus and Dolphin Image computer programs, with postoperative outcomes. Pre- and postoperative (6 months after surgery) lateral cephalometric radiographs were selected from 25 long-faced patients treated with combined surgery. Prediction tracings were made with each method and compared cephalometrically with the postoperative results. This protocol was repeated once more for method error evaluation. Statistical analysis was made by ANOVA and the Tukey test. The results showed superior predictability when the manual method was applied (50% similarity to postoperative results), followed by Dentofacial Planner Plus (31.2%) and Dolphin Image (18.8%). The experimental condition suggests that the manual method provides greater accuracy, although the predictability of the digital methods proved quite satisfactory. © 2013 World Federation of Orthodontists.