961 resultados para MERCADO IMOBILIÁRIO


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Esta dissertação estima e discute a capitalização do imposto de propriedade no preço de imóveis, isto é, quanto um aumento de IPTU reduz os preços de imóveis e vice-versa. Por um modelo de diferença em diferenças e algumas tentativas de falseamento, obtiveram-se fortes evidências de capitalização, onde, em média, 100% de variação no imposto altera por volta de 30% o preço dos imóveis. Com isto, políticas de isenção ou redução de IPTU com fins sociais podem ser questionadas, pois dificultariam o acesso à moradia das famílias mais pobres, contribuindo para o processo de favelização. Ao mesmo tempo, maiores patamares do imposto poderiam ser utilizados não somente para elevar as receitas municipais ou como contrapartida ao uso de serviços públicos locais, mas também para tornar os preços dos imóveis mais acessíveis, reduzindo a pobreza e estimulando o crescimento das cidades.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo mensurar, através da metodologia de opções reais, o valor de opções e do método de pagamento definidos no contrato de aquisição de uma companhia.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo verificar a relação entre a inflação e o retorno dos fundos de investimento imobiliário no Brasil, uma vez que é amplamente difundida a crença de que imóveis tem seu valor corrigido pela inflação ao longo do tempo. Os indicadores de preços imobiliários utilizados foram IFIX, FIPEZAP e o IVG-R, testados contra as variáveis macroeconômicas de diferença entre as expectativas dos indicadores de inflação, representado pelo IPCA, e câmbio, e também contra as variáveis de risco de prazo, representada pela diferença entre o retorno aos títulos do tesouro com vencimento em 1 mês e em 30 anos, e a volatilidade dos mercados financeiros, representada pelo índice Ibovespa. Os resultados revelam que o retorno dos fundos de investimentos imobiliários e a variação dos índices de preço de imóveis utilizados têm pouca correlação com os índices de inflação e mais relação com as outras variáveis do modelo.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo subsidiar o investidor de Fundos de Investimento Imobiliário na escolha de uma carteira de aplicação de FIIs, visando obter performance igual ou superior ao índice de referência do setor (IFIX). Tal subsídio é constituído, inicialmente, por uma metodologia que considera que o conceito de Carteira Eficiente (Risco/Retorno) preconizada por Markowitz pode trabalhar em conjunto com a dimensão do conceito das Finanças Comportamentais, liderada por Daniel Kahneman, constituindo as bases de orientação do investidor. Acrescentamos o caminho metodológico com as indicações, sugeridas por Bazerman e Moore, no processo de tomada de decisão, que reduza os efeitos de heurísticas e vieses.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é ajudar o investidor que optou por investir seus recursos no mercado imobiliário a tomar sua decisão de investimento com base nas características endógenas facilmente identificáveis no prospecto dos Fundos de Investimento Imobiliários (FIIs). Foram selecionadas aquelas consideradas importantes pela literatura e foram construídos alguns modelos para testar sua influência na rentabilidade. Inicialmente, foi construído um modelo completo, com todas as variáveis, que apresentou resultados pouco relevantes, já que a maioria das variáveis não apresentou significância. Em seguida, um modelo reduzido foi montado com as variáveis que mais contribuíam para a rentabilidade, obtendo-se resultados relevantes. Através desse modelo, observou-se que FIIs que investem em desenvolvimento imobiliário, com foco no mercado residencial e com baixas taxas de administração, geraram maiores rentabilidades ao investidor.


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Este estudo tem por objetivo identificar as principais variáveis que afetam o spread de Certificados de Recebíveis Imobiliários (CRI) no mercado nacional no momento da emissão do título. Dentre as principais variáveis estudadas estão o volume de emissão, prazo dos títulos, existência de rating, tipo de emissão, dentre outros. Para o trabalho foi utilizada uma base de dados de acompanhamento do mercado realizado pela ANBIMA e contou com 535 emissões, realizadas entre 2005 e 2015, de CRI indexados ao IGP, IPCA, DI e TR, além de títulos pré-fixados. Foram elaboradas cinco regressões pelo método dos Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários (MQO) stepwise sendo que as amostras foram separadas de acordo com o tipo de indexador (IGP, IPCA, DI e TR) e uma que englobou todas as emissões. Os resultados se mostraram distintos para cada regressão realizada e as variáveis explicativas do spread que se mostraram significativas na maioria das regressões foram o volume de emissão e a variável representativa da percepção internacional do cenário brasileiro. A evolução apresentada por este estudo com relação aos trabalhos disponíveis na literatura é de expandir as análises realizadas com outros títulos mobiliários, como Debentures e Fundos de Investimento em Direito Creditórios, para os CRIs.


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As an example of what happened in Brazil in the 90s, it s noticed in Natal a new system of cooperative housing production which is done by advancing the users resources selffinancing. This system comes as an alternative for the real state market performance since the end of the National Housing Bank (BNH), in 1986. Self-financed housing cooperatives play an important social role by contributing to own housing acquisition by low-income population, without, however, becoming a mechanism of social interest housing production. It is important to consider that Brazil registers a housing deficit of 6.6 million housing units (IBGE 2000/Census), which, compared to 1991, shows an increment of 21.7% to a growth rate of 2.2% a year. This deficit figure has been deepening, mainly with the end of the National Housing Bank (BNH). The self-financed cooperative housing production broadens around the Metropolitan Region of Natal (RMN) and remains as an alternative to the lack of financing in the housing / real state market. In general, the aim of this work is to analyze the role of self-financing housing cooperatives on the housing production in the RMN, in order to identify their role in the real state market, in the own housing promotion and in the housing policy. The Universe of this study is performance of four housing cooperatives - CHAF-RN, COOPHAB-RN, MULTHCOOP e CNH - that work through self-financing. It is considered here an amount of 38 undertakings launched between 1993 and 2002, including 8143 housing units. The methodology adopted consists of bibliographic, documental and field research. As a result, actions like brokerage, marketing, speculation, and the criteria to define places for undertakings and final products, show how close they are to the housing market production. As a matter of fact, this short distance explains why the self-financed cooperative production for social interest housing is still limited. This reinforces the theory that it is necessary to define and implement a subsidized housing policy to serve the low-income Brazilian population


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The city of San Carlos is known to have important centers of research aimed at developing high technologies, which are: Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), the University of São Paulo (USP). Thus, the portion of the population of students who are not from the city of San Carlos, but it has to be present daily to provide their respective courses in San Carlos, has the need to rent property. The housing market, in turn, uses the application of capital to meet the demands of students and business is taking steps that make the production of space and provide new scope of the place, giving new meaning to the settings and new residents. This work goes towards understanding the students, social workers, boosting growth in this market and the influences of space and real estate agents and their actions materialized in space to meet this demand


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The formulation of public policies, particularly those relating to social housing – SH -, follow a dialectical process of construction, which are involved in the figures of the State and tha Market.The combination of the State and Market remains in constant tension and struggle for power, which provides beyond products (policies, programs and projects), periods of crises and disruptions that can give rise to new institutional arrangements. It is possible to verify a change in the relationship between the State and the Market in the formulation of public policies of SH financing, justified by the context of the Brazilian economy growth, especially after 2003, year that began the first Lula Federal Government , and through the international financial crisis (in 2008). Thus, the State and the Real Estate Market has been undergoing a process of redefinition of their interrelations, articulating new arrangements, new scales of action and new logics of financial valorization of urban space. This peculiarity demanded the rapid thinning of speech and the proposals in the reformulation of housing policies, with the primary result within the pre-existing Growth Acceleration Program – PAC -, the release of My House , My Life – PMCMV -, established by Law 1.977 of the year 2009. Given the above, this research has as study object the relationship between financing public policies of SH, promoted by the State, and behavior of Formal Housing Market. It is believed that the established roles for each agent in the new housing finance model introduced with the PMCMV, have been adapted according to the needs of each location to make this a workable policy. It remains to identify the nature of these adaptations, in other words, what has changed in the performance of each agent involved in this process. Knowing that private capital remains where there is more chance of profit, we tend to believe that most of the adjustments were made on scale of State action. The recommendation of easing urban legislation taken by PMCMV points to how the State has been making these changes in activity to implement the production of social housing by this program. We conclude that in the change for PMCMV, the direct relationship for construction and housing projects financing began to be made between the Caixa Econômica Federal bank and the builders. The city was liberated from the direct interlocutor role between all actors involved in the production of SH and could concentrate on negotiating with the parties, focused on the effectiveness of SH public policies proposed by PMCMV. This ability and willingness for dialogue and negotiation of municipal government (represented by their managers), undoubtedly, represents a key factor for rapprochement between State and Real Estate Market in the City of Parnamirim.


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As an example of what happened in Brazil in the 90s, it s noticed in Natal a new system of cooperative housing production which is done by advancing the users resources selffinancing. This system comes as an alternative for the real state market performance since the end of the National Housing Bank (BNH), in 1986. Self-financed housing cooperatives play an important social role by contributing to own housing acquisition by low-income population, without, however, becoming a mechanism of social interest housing production. It is important to consider that Brazil registers a housing deficit of 6.6 million housing units (IBGE 2000/Census), which, compared to 1991, shows an increment of 21.7% to a growth rate of 2.2% a year. This deficit figure has been deepening, mainly with the end of the National Housing Bank (BNH). The self-financed cooperative housing production broadens around the Metropolitan Region of Natal (RMN) and remains as an alternative to the lack of financing in the housing / real state market. In general, the aim of this work is to analyze the role of self-financing housing cooperatives on the housing production in the RMN, in order to identify their role in the real state market, in the own housing promotion and in the housing policy. The Universe of this study is performance of four housing cooperatives - CHAF-RN, COOPHAB-RN, MULTHCOOP e CNH - that work through self-financing. It is considered here an amount of 38 undertakings launched between 1993 and 2002, including 8143 housing units. The methodology adopted consists of bibliographic, documental and field research. As a result, actions like brokerage, marketing, speculation, and the criteria to define places for undertakings and final products, show how close they are to the housing market production. As a matter of fact, this short distance explains why the self-financed cooperative production for social interest housing is still limited. This reinforces the theory that it is necessary to define and implement a subsidized housing policy to serve the low-income Brazilian population


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Mestrado em Gestão e Avaliação Imobiliária


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As an example of what happened in Brazil in the 90s, it s noticed in Natal a new system of cooperative housing production which is done by advancing the users resources selffinancing. This system comes as an alternative for the real state market performance since the end of the National Housing Bank (BNH), in 1986. Self-financed housing cooperatives play an important social role by contributing to own housing acquisition by low-income population, without, however, becoming a mechanism of social interest housing production. It is important to consider that Brazil registers a housing deficit of 6.6 million housing units (IBGE 2000/Census), which, compared to 1991, shows an increment of 21.7% to a growth rate of 2.2% a year. This deficit figure has been deepening, mainly with the end of the National Housing Bank (BNH). The self-financed cooperative housing production broadens around the Metropolitan Region of Natal (RMN) and remains as an alternative to the lack of financing in the housing / real state market. In general, the aim of this work is to analyze the role of self-financing housing cooperatives on the housing production in the RMN, in order to identify their role in the real state market, in the own housing promotion and in the housing policy. The Universe of this study is performance of four housing cooperatives - CHAF-RN, COOPHAB-RN, MULTHCOOP e CNH - that work through self-financing. It is considered here an amount of 38 undertakings launched between 1993 and 2002, including 8143 housing units. The methodology adopted consists of bibliographic, documental and field research. As a result, actions like brokerage, marketing, speculation, and the criteria to define places for undertakings and final products, show how close they are to the housing market production. As a matter of fact, this short distance explains why the self-financed cooperative production for social interest housing is still limited. This reinforces the theory that it is necessary to define and implement a subsidized housing policy to serve the low-income Brazilian population


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Na região nordeste, a emergência de uma sinergia que aqui se denomina “imobiliário-turístico” constitui-se na manifestação de mudanças e inovações no mercado imobiliário, no turismo e nas políticas públicas com significativos efeitos sobre o território litorâneo. O turismo foi tomado como um setor econômico relevante não apenas para atrair visitantes, mas também projetos e empreendimentos como resorts, flats, apartamentos, condomínios fechados, entre outros, voltados para uma demanda nacional e estrangeira interessada em adquirir uma residência secundária. Este trabalho objetiva dar elementos para compreender a forma de participação desse fenômeno no processo de metropolização do litoral nordestino. A análise se dá a partir da caracterização de sua intensidade, estratégias e impactos socioambientais, além da demarcação das consequências socioeconômicas e espaciais, referente a quatro metrópoles estudadas. Para tanto, a pesquisa se baseia em levantamentos de dados, construção de indicadores e análises realizados no Projeto “Metropolização Turística: Dinâmica e reestruturação dos territórios em Salvador, Recife, Fortaleza e Natal. – estudos comparativos para o Nordeste” desenvolvido pelo Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia (INCT/CNPq) – Observatório das Metrópoles. Como contribuição ao aprofundamento do debate se indica elementos para uma gestão do território orientada por eixos socioambientais em um cenário com forte dinâmica imobiliária e expansão metropolitana e turística.   Palavras-chave: