995 resultados para Liquid deposition


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Polymeric sensors with improved resistance to organic solvents were produced via the layer-by-layer thin film deposition followed by chemical cross-linking. According to UV-vis spectroscopy, the mass loss of polyaniline/poly(vinyl alcohol) and polyaniline/novolac-type resin based films deposited onto glass slides was less than 20% when they were submitted to successive immersions (up to 3,000 immersion cycles) into commercially available ethanol and gasoline fuel samples. Polyallylamine hydrochloride/nickel tetrasulfonated phthalocyanine films presented similar stability. The electrical responses assessed by impedance spectroscopy of films deposited onto Au-interdigitated microelectrodes were relatively unaffected after continuous or cyclic immersions into both fuels. After these studies, an array including these polymeric sensors was employed to detect adulteration in ethanol and gasoline samples. After principal component analysis, it was possible to conclude that the proposed sensor array is capable to discriminate with remarkable reproducibility ethanol samples containing different amounts of water or else gasoline samples containing different amounts of ethanol. In both examples, more than 90% of data variance was retained in the first principal component. For each type of sample, ethanol and gasoline, it was found a linear correlation between one of the principal components and the sample's composition. These findings allow one to conclude that these films present great potential for the development of reliable and low-cost sensors for fuel analysis in liquid phase.


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Micro-scale, two-phase flow is found in a variety of devices such as Lab-on-a-chip, bio-chips, micro-heat exchangers, and fuel cells. Knowledge of the fluid behavior near the dynamic gas-liquid interface is required for developing accurate predictive models. Light is distorted near a curved gas-liquid interface preventing accurate measurement of interfacial shape and internal liquid velocities. This research focused on the development of experimental methods designed to isolate and probe dynamic liquid films and measure velocity fields near a moving gas-liquid interface. A high-speed, reflectance, swept-field confocal (RSFC) imaging system was developed for imaging near curved surfaces. Experimental studies of dynamic gas-liquid interface of micro-scale, two-phase flow were conducted in three phases. Dynamic liquid film thicknesses of segmented, two-phase flow were measured using the RSFC and compared to a classic film thickness deposition model. Flow fields near a steadily moving meniscus were measured using RSFC and particle tracking velocimetry. The RSFC provided high speed imaging near the menisci without distortion caused the gas-liquid interface. Finally, interfacial morphology for internal two-phase flow and droplet evaporation were measured using interferograms produced by the RSFC imaging technique. Each technique can be used independently or simultaneously when.


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BACKGROUND: Engineered nanoparticles are becoming increasingly ubiquitous and their toxicological effects on human health, as well as on the ecosystem, have become a concern. Since initial contact with nanoparticles occurs at the epithelium in the lungs (or skin, or eyes), in vitro cell studies with nanoparticles require dose-controlled systems for delivery of nanoparticles to epithelial cells cultured at the air-liquid interface. RESULTS: A novel air-liquid interface cell exposure system (ALICE) for nanoparticles in liquids is presented and validated. The ALICE generates a dense cloud of droplets with a vibrating membrane nebulizer and utilizes combined cloud settling and single particle sedimentation for fast (~10 min; entire exposure), repeatable (<12%), low-stress and efficient delivery of nanoparticles, or dissolved substances, to cells cultured at the air-liquid interface. Validation with various types of nanoparticles (Au, ZnO and carbon black nanoparticles) and solutes (such as NaCl) showed that the ALICE provided spatially uniform deposition (<1.6% variability) and had no adverse effect on the viability of a widely used alveolar human epithelial-like cell line (A549). The cell deposited dose can be controlled with a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) over a dynamic range of at least 0.02-200 mug/cm(2). The cell-specific deposition efficiency is currently limited to 0.072 (7.2% for two commercially available 6-er transwell plates), but a deposition efficiency of up to 0.57 (57%) is possible for better cell coverage of the exposure chamber. Dose-response measurements with ZnO nanoparticles (0.3-8.5 mug/cm(2)) showed significant differences in mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory (IL-8) and oxidative stress (HO-1) markers when comparing submerged and air-liquid interface exposures. Both exposure methods showed no cellular response below 1 mug/cm(2 )ZnO, which indicates that ZnO nanoparticles are not toxic at occupationally allowed exposure levels. CONCLUSION: The ALICE is a useful tool for dose-controlled nanoparticle (or solute) exposure of cells at the air-liquid interface. Significant differences between cellular response after ZnO nanoparticle exposure under submerged and air-liquid interface conditions suggest that pharmaceutical and toxicological studies with inhaled (nano-)particles should be performed under the more realistic air-liquid interface, rather than submerged cell conditions.


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BACKGROUND: Due to its antibacterial properties, silver (Ag) has been used in more consumer products than any other nanomaterial so far. Despite the promising advantages posed by using Ag-nanoparticles (NPs), their interaction with mammalian systems is currently not fully understood. An exposure route via inhalation is of primary concern for humans in an occupational setting. Aim of this study was therefore to investigate the potential adverse effects of aerosolised Ag-NPs using a human epithelial airway barrier model composed of A549, monocyte derived macrophage and dendritic cells cultured in vitro at the air-liquid interface. Cell cultures were exposed to 20 nm citrate-coated Ag-NPs with a deposition of 30 and 278 ng/cm2 respectively and incubated for 4 h and 24 h. To elucidate whether any effects of Ag-NPs are due to ionic effects, Ag-Nitrate (AgNO3) solutions were aerosolised at the same molecular mass concentrations. RESULTS: Agglomerates of Ag-NPs were detected at 24 h post exposure in vesicular structures inside cells but the cellular integrity was not impaired upon Ag-NP exposures. Minimal cytotoxicity, by measuring the release of lactate dehydrogenase, could only be detected following a higher concentrated AgNO3-solution. A release of pro-inflammatory markers TNF-alpha and IL-8 was neither observed upon Ag-NP and AgNO3 exposures as well as was not affected when cells were pre-stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Also, an induction of mRNA expression of TNF-alpha and IL-8, could only be observed for the highest AgNO3 concentration alone or even significantly increased when pre-stimulated with LPS after 4 h. However, this effect disappeared after 24 h. Furthermore, oxidative stress markers (HMOX-1, SOD-1) were expressed after 4 h in a concentration dependent manner following AgNO3 exposures only. CONCLUSIONS: With an experimental setup reflecting physiological exposure conditions in the human lung more realistic, the present study indicates that Ag-NPs do not cause adverse effects and cells were only sensitive to high Ag-ion concentrations. Chronic exposure scenarios however, are needed to reveal further insight into the fate of Ag-NPs after deposition and cell interactions.


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A set of optimized deposition conditions for the inner wall coating of fused silica tubes with amorphous selenium was elaborated. The method is based on the vapor transport deposition of pure elemental selenium on a cooled substrate held at liquid nitrogen temperatures. Morphological and structural examination of the deposited layer was performed by optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction studies. Neutron activated selenium was used to monitor the deposition pattern and its stability under high gas flows. Monte Carlo simulations allowed the estimation of the different Se species composing the amorphous phase, at the given experimental deposition conditions. The versatility of the coating method presented in this work allows for the coating of tubes of different lengths and diameters, opening the way for several applications of amorphous selenium films in various fields.


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This PhD work is focused on liquid crystal based tunable phase devices with special emphasis on their design and manufacturing. In the course of the work a number of new manufacturing technologies have been implemented in the UPM clean room facilities, leading to an important improvement in the range of devices being manufactured in the laboratory. Furthermore, a number of novel phase devices have been developed, all of them including novel electrodes, and/or alignment layers. The most important manufacturing progress has been the introduction of reactive ion etching as a tool for achieving high resolution photolithography on indium-tin-oxide (ITO) coated glass and quartz substrates. Another important manufacturing result is the successful elaboration of a binding protocol of anisotropic conduction adhesives. These have been employed in high density interconnections between ITO-glass and flexible printed circuits. Regarding material characterization, the comparative study of nonstoichiometric silicon oxide (SiOx) and silica (SiO2) inorganic alignment layers, as well as the relationship between surface layer deposition, layer morphology and liquid crystal electrooptical response must be highlighted, together with the characterization of the degradation of liquid crystal devices in simulated space mission environment. A wide variety of phase devices have been developed, with special emphasis on beam steerers. One of these was developed within the framework of an ESA project, and consisted of a high density reconfigurable 1D blaze grating, with a spatial separation of the controlling microelectronics and the active, radiation exposed, area. The developed devices confirmed the assumption that liquid crystal devices with such a separation of components, are radiation hard, and can be designed to be both vibration and temperature sturdy. In parallel to the above, an evenly variable analog beam steering device was designed, manufactured and characterized, providing a narrow cone diffraction free beam steering. This steering device is characterized by a very limited number of electrodes necessary for the redirection of a light beam. As few as 4 different voltage levels were needed in order to redirect a light beam. Finally at the Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna (Military University of Technology) in Warsaw, Poland, a wedged analog tunable beam steering device was designed, manufactured and characterized. This beam steerer, like the former one, was designed to resist the harsh conditions both in space and in the context of the shuttle launch. Apart from the beam steering devices, reconfigurable vortices and modal lens devices have been manufactured and characterized. In summary, during this work a large number of liquid crystal devices and liquid crystal device manufacturing technologies have been developed. Besides their relevance in scientific publications and technical achievements, most of these new devices have demonstrated their usefulness in the actual work of the research group where this PhD has been completed. El presente trabajo de Tesis se ha centrado en el diseño, fabricación y caracterización de nuevos dispositivos de fase basados en cristal líquido. Actualmente se están desarrollando dispositivos basados en cristal líquido para aplicaciones diferentes a su uso habitual como displays. Poseen la ventaja de que los dispositivos pueden ser controlados por bajas tensiones y no necesitan elementos mecánicos para su funcionamiento. La fabricación de todos los dispositivos del presente trabajo se ha realizado en la cámara limpia del grupo. La cámara limpia ha sido diseñada por el grupo de investigación, es de dimensiones reducidas pero muy versátil. Está dividida en distintas áreas de trabajo dependiendo del tipo de proceso que se lleva a cabo. La cámara limpia está completamente cubierta de un material libre de polvo. Todas las entradas de suministro de gas y agua están selladas. El aire filtrado es constantemente bombeado dentro de la zona limpia, a fin de crear una sobrepresión evitando así la entrada de aire sin filtrar. Las personas que trabajan en esta zona siempre deben de estar protegidas con un traje especial. Se utilizan trajes especiales que constan de: mono, máscara, guantes de látex, gorro, patucos y gafas de protección UV, cuando sea necesario. Para introducir material dentro de la cámara limpia se debe limpiar con alcohol y paños especiales y posteriormente secarlos con nitrógeno a presión. La fabricación debe seguir estrictamente unos pasos determinados, que pueden cambiar dependiendo de los requerimientos de cada dispositivo. Por ello, la fabricación de dispositivos requiere la formulación de varios protocolos de fabricación. Estos protocolos deben ser estrictamente respetados a fin de obtener repetitividad en los experimentos, lo que lleva siempre asociado un proceso de fabricación fiable. Una célula de cristal líquido está compuesta (de forma general) por dos vidrios ensamblados (sándwich) y colocados a una distancia determinada. Los vidrios se han sometido a una serie de procesos para acondicionar las superficies internas. La célula se llena con cristal líquido. De forma resumida, el proceso de fabricación general es el siguiente: inicialmente, se cortan los vidrios (cuya cara interna es conductora) y se limpian. Después se imprimen las pistas sobre el vidrio formando los píxeles. Estas pistas conductoras provienen del vidrio con la capa conductora de ITO (óxido de indio y estaño). Esto se hace a través de un proceso de fotolitografía con una resina fotosensible, y un desarrollo y ataque posterior del ITO sin protección. Más tarde, las caras internas de los vidrios se acondicionan depositando una capa, que puede ser orgánica o inorgánica (un polímero o un óxido). Esta etapa es crucial para el funcionamiento del dispositivo: induce la orientación de las moléculas de cristal líquido. Una vez que las superficies están acondicionadas, se depositan espaciadores en las mismas: son pequeñas esferas o cilindros de tamaño calibrado (pocos micrómetros) para garantizar un espesor homogéneo del dispositivo. Después en uno de los sustratos se deposita un adhesivo (gasket). A continuación, los sustratos se ensamblan teniendo en cuenta que el gasket debe dejar una boca libre para que el cristal líquido se introduzca posteriormente dentro de la célula. El llenado de la célula se realiza en una cámara de vacío y después la boca se sella. Por último, la conexión de los cables a la célula y el montaje de los polarizadores se realizan fuera de la sala limpia (Figura 1). Dependiendo de la aplicación, el cristal líquido empleado y los demás componentes de la célula tendrán unas características particulares. Para el diseño de los dispositivos de este trabajo se ha realizado un estudio de superficies inorgánicas de alineamiento del cristal líquido, que será de gran importancia para la preparación de los dispositivos de fase, dependiendo de las condiciones ambientales en las que vayan a trabajar. Los materiales inorgánicos que se han estudiado han sido en este caso SiOx y SiO2. El estudio ha comprendido tanto los factores de preparación influyentes en el alineamiento, el comportamiento del cristal líquido al variar estos factores y un estudio de la morfología de las superficies obtenidas.


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El diagnóstico y detección temprana de enfermedades son clave para reducir la tasa de mortalidad, las hospitalizaciones de larga duración y el desaprovechamiento de recursos. En los últimos años se ha impulsado, mediante un aumento de la financiación, el desarrollo de nuevos biosensores de bajo coste capaces de detectar y cuantificar cantidades muy pequeñas de especies biológicas de una forma barata y sencilla. El trabajo presentado en esta Tesis Doctoral describe la investigación llevada a cabo en el desarrollo de sensores gravimétricos basados en resonadores de ondas acústicas de volumen (BAW) de estructura maciza (SMR). Los dispositivos emplean películas delgadas de A1N como material piezoeléctrico y operan en modo de cizalladura, para así poder detectar especies biológicas en medio líquido. El principio de funcionamiento de estos sensores se basa en la variación que experimenta la frecuencia de resonancia al quedar una pequeña masa adherida a su superficie. Necesitan operar en modo de cizalladura para que su resonancia no se atenúe al trabajar en medio líquido, así como ofrecer una superficie capaz de ser funcionalizada específicamente para la especie biológica a detectar. El reto planteado en esta tesis requiere un acercamiento pluridisciplinar al problema que incluye el estudio de los diferentes materiales que constituyen la estructura multicapa que forma un SMR, el diseño y fabricación del dispositivo y del sistema de fluídica, la funcionalización bioquímica de la superficie del sensor, la demostración de la capacidad de detección de especies biológicas y finalmente el diseño y fabricación de la electrónica asociada para la detección de la señal eléctrica. Todas esas tareas han sido abordadas en las distintas etapas del desarrollo de esta tesis y las contribuciones más relevantes se describen en el documento. En el campo de desarrollo de los materiales, se propone un proceso en dos etapas para la pulverización reactiva de capas de A1N que contengan microcristales inclinados capaces de excitar el modo de cizalladura. Se caracteriza la velocidad acústica del modo de cizalladura en todos los materiales que componen la estructura, con el fin de poder obtener un diseño más adecuado del reflector acústico. Se propone un nuevo tipo de material aislante de alta impedancia acústica consistente en capas de W03 pulverizadas que presenta ciertas ventajas tecnológicas frente a las capas convencionales de Ta205. Respecto del diseño del transductor, se estudia la influencia que tienen los con tactos eléctricos extendidos del resonador necesarios para poder adaptar el sistema de fluídica a la estructura. Los resultados indican que es necesario trabajar sobre sustratos aislantes (tanto el soporte como el espejo acústico) para evitar efectos parásitos asociados al uso de capas metálicas bajo los electrodos del resonador que dañan su resonancia. Se analiza la influencia de las diferentes capas del dispositivo en el coeficiente de temperatura de la frecuencia (TCF) del resonador llegando a la conclusión de que las dos últimas capas del reflector acústico afectan significativamente al TCF del SMR, pudiendo reducirse ajusfando adecuadamente sus espesores. De acuerdo con los resultados de estos estudios, se han diseñado finalmente resonadores SMR operando a f .3 GHz en modo de cizalladura, con un área activa de 65000 /xm2, contactos eléctricos que se extienden f .7 mm y factores de calidad en líquido de f 50. Las extensiones eléctricas permiten adaptar el resonador a un sistema de fluídica de metacrilato. Para la detección de especies biológicas se realiza un montaje experimental que permite circular 800 ¡A por la superficie del sensor a través de un circuito cerrado que trabaja a volumen constante. La circulación de soluciones iónicas sobre el sensor descubierto pone de manifiesto que las altas frecuencias de operación previenen los cortocircuitos y por tanto el aislamiento de los electrodos es prescindible. Se desarrolla un protocolo ad-hoc de funcionalización basado en el proceso estándar APTESGlutaraldehído. Se proponen dos alternativas novedosas para la funcionalización de las áreas activas del sensor basadas en el uso de capas de oxidación de Ir02 y su activación a través de un plasma de oxígeno que no daña al dispositivo. Ambos procesos contribuyen a simplificar notablemente la funcionalización de los sensores gravimétricos. Se utilizan anticuerpos y aptámeros como receptores para detectar trombina, anticuerpo monoclonal IgG de ratón y bacteria sonicadas. Una calibración preliminar del sensor con depósitos de capas finas de Si02 de densidad y espesor conocidos permite obtener una sensibilidad de 1800 kHz/pg-cm2 y un límite de detección of 4.2 pg. Finalmente se propone el prototipo de un circuito electrónico de excitación y lectura de bajo coste diseñado empleando teoría de circuitos de microondas. Aunque su diseño y funcionamiento admite mejoras, constituye la última etapa de un sistema completo de bajo coste para el diagnóstico de especies biológicas basado en resonadores SMR de A1N. ABSTRACT Early diagnosis and detection of diseases are essential for reducing mortality rate and preventing long-term hospitalization and waste of resources. These requirements have boosted the efforts and funding on the research of accurate and reliable means for detection and quantification of biological species, also known as biosensors. The work presented in this thesis describes the development and fabrication of gravimetric biosensors based on piezoelectric AlN bulk acoustic wave (BAW) solidly mounted resonators (SMRs) for detection of biological species in liquid media. These type of devices base their sensing principles in the variation that their resonant frequency suffers when a mass is attached to their surface. They need to operate in the shear mode to maintain a strong resonance in liquid and an adequate functionalisation of their sensing area to guarantee that only the targeted molecules cause the shift. The challenges that need to be overcome to achieve piezoelectric BAW resonators for high sensitivity detection in fluids require a multidisciplinary approach, that include the study of the materials involved, the design of the device and the fluidic system, the biochemical functionalisation of the active area, the experimental proof-of-concept with different target species and the design of an electronic readout circuit. All this tasks have been tackled at different stages of the thesis and the relevant contributions are described in the document. In the field of materials, a two-stage sputtering deposition process has been developed to obtain good-quality AlN films with uniformly tilted grains required to excite the shear mode. The shear acoustic velocities of the materials composing the acoustic reflector have been accurately studied to ensure an optimum design of the reflector stack. WO3 sputtered films have been proposed as high acoustic impedance material for insulating acoustic reflectors. They display several technological advantages for the processing of the resonators. Regarding the design, a study of the influence of the electrical extensions necessary to fit a fluidic system on the performance of the devices has been performed. The results indicate that high resistivity substrates and insulating reflectors are necessary to avoid the hindering of the resonance due to the parasitic effects induced by the extensions. The influence of the different layers of the stack on the resultant TCF of the SMRs has also been investigated. The two layers of the reflector closer to the piezoelectric layer have a significant influence on the TCF, which can be reduced by modifying their thicknesses accordingly. The data provided by these studies has led to the final design of the devices, which operate at 1.3 GHz in the shear mode and display an active area of 65000 /xm2 and electrical extensions of 1.7 mm while keeping a Qahear=150 in liquid. The extensions enable to fit a custom-made fluidic system made of methacrylate. To perform the biosensing experiments, an experimental setup with a liquid closed circuit operating at constant flow has been developed. Buffers of ionic characteristics have been tested on non-isolated devices, revealing that high operation frequencies prevent the risk of short circuit. An ad-hoc functionalisation protocol based on the standard APTES - Glutaraldehyde process has been developed. It includes two new processes that simplify the fabrication of the transducers: the use of IrO2 as oxidation layer and its functionalisation through an O2 plasma treatment that does not damage the resonators. Both antibodies and aptamers are used as receptors. In liquid sensing proof-of-concept experiments with thrombin, IgG mouse monoclonal antibody and sonicated bacteria have been displayed. A preliminary calibration of the devices using SiO2 layers reveals a sensitivity of 1800 kHz/pg-cm2 and a limit of detection of 4.2 pg. Finally, a first prototype of a low-cost electronic readout circuit designed using a standard microwave approach has been developed. Although its performance can be significantly improved, it is an effective first approach to the final stage of a portable low-cost diagnostic system based on shear mode AlN SMRs.


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Red blood cells (RBCs), previously fixed with glutaraldehyde, adhere to glass slides coated with fibrinogen. The RBC deposition process on the horizontal glass surface is investigated by analyzing the relative surface covered by the RBCs, as well as the variance of this surface coverage, as a function of the concentration of particles. This study is performed by optical microscopy and image analysis. A model, derived from the classical random sequential adsorption model, has been developed to account for the experimental results. This model highlights the strong influence of the hydrodynamic interactions during the deposition process.


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This paper presents results on the preparation of microcapsules containing liquid organosilica, and their co-deposition with copper in an acidic copper electrolyte onto a carbon steel cathode to form a copper/microcapsule composite coating. Microscopic analyses of the surface and the cross-section of the coating confirm the incorporation of the liquid-containing microcapsules in the coating layer. The influence of microcapsules in the electrolyte on the cathode polarization, as well as that of process conditions on the microcapsule inclusion, is also discussed. (C) 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Most of the hydrogen production processes are designed for large-scale industrial uses and are not suitable for a compact hydrogen device to be used in systems like solid polymer fuel cells. Integrating the reaction step, the gas purification and the heat supply can lead to small-scale hydrogen production systems. The aim of this research is to study the influence of several reaction parameters on hydrogen production using liquid phase reforming of sugar solution over Pt, Pd, and Ni supported on nanostructured supports. It was found that the desired catalytic pathway for H-2 production involves cleavage of C-C, C-H and O-H bonds that adsorb on the catalyst surface. Thus a good catalyst for production of H2 by liquid-phase reforming must facilitate C-C bond cleavage and promote removal of adsorbed CO species by the water-gas shift reaction, but the catalyst must not facilitate C-O bond cleavage and hydrogenation of CO or CO2. Apart from studying various catalysts, a commercial Pt/gamma-alumina catalyst was used to study the effect of temperature at three different temperatures of 458, 473 and 493 K. Some of the spent catalysts were characterised using TGA, SEM and XRD to study coke deposition. The amorphous and organised form of coke was found on the surface of the catalyst. (C) 2006 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Highly lattice mismatched (7.8%) GaAs/GaSb nanowire heterostructures were grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition and their detailed structural characteristics were determined by electron microscopy. The facts that (i) no defects have been found in GaSb and its interfaces with GaAs and (ii) the lattice mismatch between GaSb/GaAs was fully relaxed suggest that the growth of GaSb nanowires is purely governed by the thermodynamics. The authors believe that the low growth rate of GaSb nanowires leads to the equilibrium growth. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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A range of chromia pillared montmorillonite and tin oxide pillared laponite clay catalysts, as well as new pillared clay materials such as cerium and europium oxide pillared montmorillonites were synthesised. Methods included both conventional ion exchange techniques and microwave enhanced methods to improve performance and/or reduce preparation time. These catalytic materials were characterised in detail both before and after use in order to study the effect of the preparation parameters (starting material, preparation method, pillaring species, hydroxyl to metal ratio etc.) and the hydro cracking procedure on their properties. This led to a better understanding of the nature of their structure and catalytic operation. These catalysts were evaluated with regards to their performance in hydrocracking coal derived liquids in a conventional microbomb reactor (carried out at Imperial College). Nearly all catalysts displayed better conversions when reused. The chromia pillared montmorillonite CM3 and the tin oxide pillared laponite SL2a showed the best "conversions". The intercalation of chromium in the form of chromia (Cr203) in the interlayer clearly increased conversion. This was attributed to the redox activity of the chromia pillar. However, this increase was not proportional to the increase in chromium content or basal spacing. In the case of tin oxide pillared laponite, the catalytic activity might have been a result of better access to the acid sites due to the delaminated nature of laponite, whose activity was promoted by the presence of tin oxide. The manipulation of the structural properties of the catalysts via pillaring did not seem to have any effect on the catalysts' activity. This was probably due to the collapse of the pillars under hydrocracking conditions as indicated by the similar basal spacing of the catalysts after use. However, the type of the pillaring species had a significant effect on conversion. Whereas pillaring with chromium and tin oxides increased the conversion exhibited by the parent clays, pillaring with cerium and europium oxides appeared to have a detrimental effect. The relatively good performance of the parent clays was attributed to their acid sites, coupled with their macropores which are able to accommodate the very high molecular mass of coal derived liquids. A microwave reactor operating at moderate conditions was modified for hydro cracking coal derived liquids and tested with the conventional catalyst NiMo on alumina. It was thought that microwave irradiation could enable conversion to occur at milder conditions than those conventionally used, coupled with a more effective use of hydrogen. The latter could lead to lower operating costs making the process cost effective. However, in practice excessive coke deposition took place leading to negative total conversion. This was probably due to a very low hydrogen pressure, unable to have any hydro cracking effect even under microwave irradiation. The decomposition of bio-oil under microwave irradiation was studied, aiming to identify the extent to which the properties of bio-oil change as a function of time, temperature, mode of heating, presence of char and catalyst. This information would be helpful not only for upgrading bio-oil to transport fuels, but also for any potential fuel application. During this study the rate constants of bio-oil's decomposition were calculated assuming first order kinetics.


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Spray-drying represents a viable alternative to freeze-drying for preparing dry powder dispersions for delivering macromolecules to the lung. The dispersibility of spray-dried powders is limited however, and needs to be enhanced to improve lung deposition and subsequent biological activity. In this study, we investigate the utility of leucine as a dry powder dispersibility enhancer when added prior to spray-drying a model non-viral gene therapy formulation (lipid:polycation:pDNA, LPD). Freeze-dried lactose-LPD, spray-dried lactose-LPD and spray-dried leucine-lactose-LPD powders were prepared. Scanning electron microscopy showed that leucine, increased the surface roughness of spray-dried lactose particles. Particle size analysis revealed that leucine-containing spray-dried powders were unimodally dispersed with a mean particle diameter of 3.12 μm. Both gel electrophoresis and in vitro cell (A549) transfection showed that leucine may compromise the integrity and biological functionality of the gene therapy vector. The deposition of the leucine containing powder was however significantly enhanced as evidenced by an increase in gene expression mediated by dry powder collected at lower stages of a multistage liquid impinger (MSLI). Further studies are required to determine the potential of leucine as a ubiquitous dispersibility enhancer for a variety of pulmonary formulations. © 2003 Taylor & Francis Ltd.


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The Photoproduction of neutral kaons off a deuteron target has been investigated at the Tohoku University Laboratory of Nuclear Science. The PID methods investigated incorporated a combination of momentum, velocity (β=v/c), and energy deposition per unit length (dE/dx) measurements. The analysis demonstrates that energy deposition and time of flight are exceedingly useful. A higher signal to background ratio was achieved for hard cuts in combination. A probabilistic likelihood estimation approach (LE) as a method for PID was also explored. The probability of a particle being correctly identified by this LE method and the preliminary results denote the need for highly precise limitations on the distributions from which the parameters would be extracted. It was confirmed that these PID are applicable approaches to properly identify pions for the analysis of this experiment. However, the background evident in the mass spectra points to the need for a higher level of proton identification.


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The deposition by atomic vapor deposition of highly c-axis-oriented Aurivillius phase Bi 5Ti 3FeO 15 (BTFO) thin films on (100) Si substrates is reported. Partially crystallized BTFO films with c-axis perpendicular to the substrate surface were first deposited at 610°C (8 excess Bi), and subsequently annealed at 820°C to get stoichiometric composition. After annealing, the films were highly c-axis-oriented, showing only (00l) peaks in x-ray diffraction (XRD), up to (0024). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) confirms the BTFO film has a clear layered structure, and the bismuth oxide layer interleaves the four-block pseudoperovskite layer, indicating the n 4 Aurivillius phase structure. Piezoresponse force microscopy measurements indicate strong in-plane piezoelectric response, consistent with the c-axis layered structure, shown by XRD and TEM.