961 resultados para Learning Objects


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Reusing Learning Objects saves time and reduce development costs. Hence, achieving their interoperability in multiple contexts is essential when creating a Learning Object Repository. On the other hand, novel web videoconference services are available due to technological advancements. Several benefits can be gained by integrating Learning Objects into these services. For instance, they can allow sharing, co-viewing and synchronized co-browsing of these resources at the same time that provide real time communication. However, several efforts need to be undertaken to achieve the interoperability with these systems. In this paper, we propose a model to integrate the resources of the Learning Object Repositories into web videoconference services. The experience of applying this model in a real e-Learning scenario achieving interoperability with two different web videoconference services is also described.


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Reusing Learning Objects saves time and reduce development costs. Hence, achieving their interoperability in multiple contexts is essential when creating a Learning Object Repository. On the other hand, novel web videoconference services are available due to technological advancements. Several benefits can be gained by integrating Learning Objects into these services. For instance, they can allow sharing, co-viewing and synchronized co-browsing of these resources at the same time that provide real time communication. However, several efforts need to be undertaken to achieve the interoperability with these systems. In this paper, we propose a model to integrate the resources of the Learning Object Repositories into web videoconference services. The experience of applying this model in a real e-Learning scenario achieving interoperability with two different web videoconference services is also described.


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Systematic evaluation of Learning Objects is essential to make high quality Web-based education possible. For this reason, several educational repositories and e-Learning systems have developed their own evaluation models and tools. However, the differences of the context in which Learning Objects are produced and consumed suggest that no single evaluation model is sufficient for all scenarios. Besides, no much effort has been put in developing open tools to facilitate Learning Object evaluation and use the quality information for the benefit of end users. This paper presents LOEP, an open source web platform that aims to facilitate Learning Object evaluation in different scenarios and educational settings by supporting and integrating several evaluation models and quality metrics. The work exposed in this paper shows that LOEP is capable of providing Learning Object evaluation to e-Learning systems in an open, low cost, reliable and effective way. Possible scenarios where LOEP could be used to implement quality control policies and to enhance search engines are also described. Finally, we report the results of a survey conducted among reviewers that used LOEP, showing that they perceived LOEP as a powerful and easy to use tool for evaluating Learning Objects.


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Evaluating and measuring the pedagogical quality of Learning Objects is essential for achieving a successful web-based education. On one hand, teachers need some assurance of quality of the teaching resources before making them part of the curriculum. On the other hand, Learning Object Repositories need to include quality information into the ranking metrics used by the search engines in order to save users time when searching. For these reasons, several models such as LORI (Learning Object Review Instrument) have been proposed to evaluate Learning Object quality from a pedagogical perspective. However, no much effort has been put in defining and evaluating quality metrics based on those models. This paper proposes and evaluates a set of pedagogical quality metrics based on LORI. The work exposed in this paper shows that these metrics can be effectively and reliably used to provide quality-based sorting of search results. Besides, it strongly evidences that the evaluation of Learning Objects from a pedagogical perspective can notably enhance Learning Object search if suitable evaluations models and quality metrics are used. An evaluation of the LORI model is also described. Finally, all the presented metrics are compared and a discussion on their weaknesses and strengths is provided.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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ACM Computing Classification System (1998): K.3.1, K.3.2.


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2013


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Deakin University Library designed a series of six modules to provide interactive, online learning for a first year nursing unit, Understanding Research Evidence. The modules were developed in response to the changing learning requirements of students in the digital age. Delivered using Smart Sparrow software, the modules were designed to assist students in the development and consolidation of their understandings of evidence-based practice (EBP).The development of the modules represents a shift from unilateral communication to interactive content. Previously, online support had largely consisted of static material that was not presented in the context of curriculum. The Library has now developed integrated content that allows for interactivity, but which may also be customised for other purposes or units across all health disciplines.Feedback and data collected from the modules indicate an encouraging degree of engagement with the content. Data also allows the Library to ensure the continuous improvement of the modules. Library staff have also reported on their improved capacity and confidence in creating learning experiences that integrate core information and digital literacy competencies with students' curriculum. Staff also report improvements in their ability to use technologies to create online learning objects.


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This volume is the second in a series that addresses change and development in the delivery of vocational and education programs in Queensland. A similar volume was published in 2007. Considerable change was foreshadowed for TAFE Queensland by the release of The Queensland Skill Plan (QSP) in 2006. This volume addresses implementation issues for the Actions identified in the QSP. The chapters focus on a breadth of issues that relate to the changing landscape for teaching and learning in TAFE Institutes. The incorporation of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and e-learning approaches into the delivery of training packages remain key foci for change, as was evident in the first volume of this series. The chapters also consider issues for some client groups in VET, as well as approaches to professional development to build the capabilities of staff for new teaching and learning environments. The chapter by Sandra Lawrence examines the professional development issues for staff across TAFE institutes in the implementation of the Learning Management System. Suzanne Walsh discusses the issues of new “learning spaces” and “Mode 2 learning in the re-development at Southbank Institute. The chapter by Angela Simpson focuses on VET in schools and school-to-work transition programs. Josie Drew, in her chapter, takes up the issues of embedding employability skills into the delivery of training packages through flexible delivery. The chapter by Colleen Hodgins focuses on the organisational challenges for Lead Institutes in relation to the professional development for TAFE educators in light of policy changes. Bradley Jones discusses the changing roles of libraries in VET contexts and their importance. He examines the adequacy of the VOCED database and reflects on the current nature, role, and practices of VET libraries. Finally, Piero Dametto discusses the pragmatics for TAFE educators in understanding the use of digital objects and learning objects within the LMS and LCMS systems that were presaged in the QSP. These papers were completed by the authors as a part of their postgraduate studies at QUT. The views reported are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the Queensland Department of Education, Training and the Arts. Donna Berthelsen Faculty of Education Queensland University of Technology


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Griffith University is developing a digital repository system using HarvestRoad Hive software to better meet the needs of academics and students using institutional learning and teaching, course readings, and institutional intellectual capital systems. Issues with current operations and systems are discussed in terms of user behaviour. New repository systems are being designed in such a way that they address current service and user behaviour issues by closely aligning systems with user needs. By developing attractive online services, Griffith is working to change current user behaviour to achieve strategic priorities in the sharing and reuse of learning objects, improved selection and use of digitised course readings, the development of ePrint and eScience services, and the management of a research portfolio service.


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Resumen: En el dominio de la educación existe gran cantidad y diversidad de material multimedial que puede ser utilizado en la enseñanza y que constituye una importante contribución al proceso enseñanzaaprendizaje. Mucho de este material es accesible a través de diferentes repositorios de objetos de aprendizaje, donde cada objeto tiene metadatos descriptivos. Estos metadatos permiten recuperar aquellos objetos que satisfagan no sólo el tema de la consulta, sino también el perfil de usuario, teniendo en cuenta sus características y preferencias. En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta de un sistema recomendador de objetos de aprendizaje que ayuda a un usuario a encontrar


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Máster y Doctorado en Sistemas Informáticos Avanzados, Informatika Fakultatea - Facultad de Informática


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[EUS] Laurogeita hamarreko hamarkadan, Eusko Jaurlaritzako Berriztapen Pedagogikoaren Zuzendaritzak eta Bartzelonako Unibertsitateko CREA (Gizarte eta Heziketarako Ikerkuntza Zentroa) ikerkuntza-taldeak Ikas Komunitateen proiektua jarri zuten martxan, elkarlanean, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko lau zentrotan. Zentro horiek hezkuntza-proiektu berri bat abiatzeko bidea ematen dute; izan ere, porrot akademiko handia izatearren hautatu dira, ikasle-taldeen aniztasunaren egoerari heltzeko arazo ugari dituztelako edota dauden lekuetan gizarte-bazterkeriarekin loturiko arazo anitz daudelako. Aldi berean, proiektuak eraldaketa proposatzen du, bai eskolarena, baita inguruarena ere, eta, horretarako, eskolako partaide guztiak hartzen ditu kontuan. Emaitza onak ikusi ostean, eta, hezkuntza-berriztapenaren alorrean lehentasuna izanik, ekimena zabaltzen hasi zen hastapeneko zentroez bestelako ezaugarri sozioedukatiboak dituzten eskoletara ere. Esperientzia berritzaile horiek aurrera eramateko gogo handiz agertu ziren, baita ere, «praktika on»en paradigma ez zirenak, eta, emaitzei begiratzen badiegu, dirudienez, etekin onak lortzen ari dira zentroetan. Ikas Komunitateen proiektuak berekin daraman gaitasun eraldatzaileak egokitzeko berezko ahala erakusten du. Egokitzapen horretan, eskolaren —inguruarekin batera— eta proiektuaren arteko sinbiosia lortzen da, hezkuntzako arrakasta- ekintzak sustatuz.


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Esta pesquisa analisa os sentidos circulantes nos textos publicados (postagens) por professores e Moderadora no Fórum de discussão online do Programa Conexão Professor, desenvolvido pela Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Rio de Janeiro (SEEDUC). Parte de dois modos de objetivação das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TIC): uma, em que as TIC são apontadas como revolução tecnológica no contexto da sociedade da informação; e outra centrada na recontextualização educacional das TIC. Situa a distribuição de laptops para os professores da rede estadual de ensino no contexto do Programa citado, buscando apreender ambos nos termos do ciclo contínuo de políticas, de Richard Bowe e Stephen Ball. Trata o Fórum de discussão online como locus privilegiado e os textos nele produzidos, entre dezembro de 2008 e julho de 2010, como corpus. Assume como alternativa teórico-metodológica a Análise Crítica do Discurso (ACD), formulada por Norman Fairclough, elegendo como pontos de entrada: o controle interacional, as escolhas lexicais e a modalidade. Investiga, a partir das pistas discursivas detectadas nas postagens, as relações estabelecidas entre a proposta de incorporação das TIC e a totalidade do trabalho docente. Conclui que os sentidos postos em circulação contestam a centralidade atribuída às TIC, apontando a substituição tecnológica como tendência política atual, expressa pelo deslocamento da ênfase na discussão para o fornecimento de materiais prontos, denominados objetos de aprendizagem


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Previous studies showed that preferred directions in pointing judgments (e.g. imagine you are standing at X, facing Y, please point to Z) were consistent with the sequence participants used to learn locations of objects suggesting that the learning sequence may determine the intrinsic frames of reference in spatial memory. Numerous studies pay excessive attention to the selection of intrinsic frames of reference in spatial memory acquired from viewing an entire layout simultaneously. This research focused on the relationship between the learning sequence and the spatial reference direction in sequentially learning a layout based on the theory of intrinsic reference system. The results indicated that: 1. The intrinsic frame of reference used to specify objects’ locations in memory could not be determined by learning sequence. The learning sequence reflected the encoding of interobject spatial relations aligned with the intrinsic reference directions . 2. when the objects presented sequentially in a random order and the layout geometry structure was either all along or briefly, the preferred heading was determined by the symmetric axis. when the objects presented sequentially in a random order and the layout geometry structure was either not indicated or briefly presented after study, the preferred heading was determined by learning viewpoint. 3. When the objects were presented sequentially along a certain direction, whether the layout geometry structure displayed or not, the effect of the learning viewpoint on selection of intrinsic axis was observed. 4. When participants learned a layout during locomotion, whether the layout geometry structure displayed or not, the initial study perspective was used as a reference direction in memory. 5. Spatial reference direction was determined at the very beginning of learning objects’ locations. Spatial reference direction could not be changed once it had been choosed. These results not only contribute to specify in greater detail the nature of these spatial representations but also extend the intrinsic model of spatial memory.