661 resultados para Labelling


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A novel combination of site-specific isotope labelling, polarised infrared spectroscopy and molecular combing reveal local orientational ordering in the fibril-forming peptide YTIAALLSPYSGGRADS. Use of 13C-18O labelled alanine residues demonstrates that the Nterminal end of the peptide is incorporated into the cross-beta structure, while the C-terminal end shows orientational disorder


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Derivatives of fluorophore FITC (fluorescein isothiocyanate) are widely used in bioassays to label proteins and cells. An N-terminal leucine dipeptide is attached to FITC, and we show that this simple conjugate molecule is cytocompatible and is uptaken by cells (human dermal and corneal fibroblasts) in contrast to FITC itself. Co-localisation shows that FITC-LL segregates in peri-nuclear and intracellular vesicle regions. Above a critical aggregation concentration, the conjugate is shown to self-assemble into beta-sheet nanostructures comprising molecular bilayers.


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This paper studies the polytope of the minimum-span graph labelling problems with integer distance constraints (DC-MSGL). We first introduce a few classes of new valid inequalities for the DC-MSGL defined on general graphs and briefly discuss the separation problems of some of these inequalities. These are the initial steps of a branch-and-cut algorithm for solving the DC-MSGL. Following that, we present our polyhedral results on the dimension of the DC-MSGL polytope, and that some of the inequalities are facet defining, under reasonable conditions, for the polytope of the DC-MSGL on triangular graphs.


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This study examines supply chain members’ beliefs regarding the opportunities to develop foods produced under an 'eco-friendly' label. The study involved in-depth interviews with 17 Australian senior managers in food organisations who have marketing responsibilities and who have expert product and consumer knowledge (c.f. Clift and Wright 2000, Peattie 2000). The findings suggest that respondents have widely different beliefs regarding the meaning of 'eco-friendly' and believe that claims regarding 'eco-friendly' characteristics are difficult to substantiate. They further suggested that 'eco-friendly' considerations are not a major influencer of consumer food purchase decisions at present and thus 'eco-friendly' production was not a strategic focus of their companies. Respondents felt that 'eco-friendly' labelling would not be successful until consumers’ value 'eco-friendly' food attributes.


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Front-of-pack ‘traffic-light’ nutrition labelling has been widely proposed as a tool to improve public health nutrition. This study examined changes to consumer food purchases after the introduction of traffic-light labels with the aim of assessing the impact of the labels on the ‘healthiness’ of foods purchased. The study examined sales data from a major UK retailer in 2007. We analysed products in two categories (‘ready meals’ and sandwiches), investigating the percentage change in sales 4 weeks before and after traffic-light labels were introduced, and taking into account seasonality, product promotions and product life-cycle. We investigated whether changes in sales were related to the healthiness of products. All products that were not new and not on promotion immediately before or after the introduction of traffic-light labels were selected for the analysis (n = 6 for ready meals and n = 12 for sandwiches). For the selected ready-meals, sales increased (by 2.4% of category sales) in the 4 weeks after the introduction of traffic-light labels, whereas sales of the selected sandwiches did not change significantly. Critically, there was no association between changes in product sales and the healthiness of the products. This short-term study based on a small number of ready meals and sandwiches found that the introduction of a system of four traffic-light labels had no discernable effect on the relative healthiness of consumer purchases. Further research on the influence of nutrition signposting will be needed before this labelling format can be considered a promising public health intervention.


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Sustainable forest management has emerged as a major international forestry issue. This research assessed the potential contribution of certification and labelling to sustainable forest management in Victoria. The results indicate a potential demand for certified forest products and a consumer willingness to pay to ensure forests are managed sustainably.


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Introduction: Cost-effectiveness analyses are important tools in efforts to prioritise interventions for obesity prevention.
Modelling facilitates evaluation of multiple scenarios with varying assumptions. This study compares the cost-effectiveness of
conservative scenarios for two commonly proposed policy-based interventions: front-of-pack ‘traffic-light’ nutrition labelling
(traffic-light labelling) and a tax on unhealthy foods (‘junk-food’ tax).
Methods: For traffic-light labelling, estimates of changes in energy intake were based on an assumed 10% shift in consumption
towards healthier options in four food categories (breakfast cereals, pastries, sausages and preprepared meals) in 10% of adults. For the ‘junk-food’ tax, price elasticities were used to estimate a change in energy intake in response to a 10% price increase in seven food categories (including soft drinks, confectionery and snack foods). Changes in population weight and body mass index by sex were then estimated based on these changes in population energy intake, along with subsequent impacts on disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Associated resource use was measured and costed using pathway analysis, based on a health sector perspective (with some industry costs included). Costs and health outcomes were discounted at 3%. The cost-effectiveness of each intervention was modelled for the 2003 Australian adult population.
Results: Both interventions resulted in reduced mean weight (traffic-light labelling: 1.3 kg (95% uncertainty interval (UI): 1.2;
1.4); ‘junk-food’ tax: 1.6 kg (95% UI: 1.5; 1.7)); and DALYs averted (traffic-light labelling: 45 100 (95% UI: 37 700; 60 100);
‘junk-food’ tax: 559 000 (95% UI: 459 500; 676 000)). Cost outlays were AUD81 million (95% UI: 44.7; 108.0) for traffic-light
labelling and AUD18 million (95% UI: 14.4; 21.6) for ‘junk-food’ tax. Cost-effectiveness analysis showed both interventions were
‘dominant’ (effective and cost-saving).
Conclusion: Policy-based population-wide interventions such as traffic-light nutrition labelling and taxes on unhealthy foods are
likely to offer excellent ‘value for money’ as obesity prevention measures.


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A k-L(2,1)-labelling of a graph G is a mapping f:V(G)→{0,1,2,…,k} such that |f(u)−f(v)|≥2 if uv∈E(G) and f(u)≠f(v) if u,v are distance two apart. The smallest positive integer k such that G admits a k-L(2,1)-labelling is called the λ-number of G. In this paper we study this quantity for cubic Cayley graphs (other than the prism graphs) on dihedral groups, which are called brick product graphs or honeycomb toroidal graphs. We prove that the λ-number of such a graph is between 5 and 7, and moreover we give a characterisation of such graphs with λ-number 5.


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The building sector consumes around 30–40 per cent of the primary energy in most developed countries. The importance of labelling buildings as a national strategy for energy efficiency is well recognized worldwide. The last 10–15 years have seen an emergence of programmes in different parts of the world. As seen in the United States, European Union, South America and Asia, there is a collection of rating systems or tools internationally, designed with the intention of evaluating the design, construction and operation of buildings. This study presents an overview and critical reflection on the progress on building energy labelling techniques in recent years. The scope of labelling, methodology and methods of implementation are discussed in detail.


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Objective : To investigate the effect of front-of-pack labels on taste perception and use of table salt for currently available and sodium-reduced soups.

Design : Within-subject design.

Setting :
Sensory laboratory.

Subjects :
Participants (n 50, mean age 34·8 (sd 13·6) years) were randomly served nine soups (250 ml each) across 3 d. Servings differed in: (i) health label (i.e. no health label, reduced-salt label or Heart Foundation Tick); and (ii) sodium reduction (no reduction – benchmark, 15 % less sodium or 30 % less sodium). Before tasting, participants rated their expected salt intensity and liking. After tasting, participants rated their perceived salt intensity and liking, after which they could add salt to the soup to make it more palatable.

Results :
Reduced-salt labels generated a negative taste expectation and actual taste experience in terms of liking (P < 0·05) and perceived saltiness (P < 0·05). Perceived saltiness of sodium-reduced soups decreased more (P < 0·05), and consumers added more salt (P < 0·05), when soups carried the reduced-salt label. The tick logo and soups without health labels had no such influence on taste perception.

Conclusions :
Emphasizing salt reduction by means of a front-of-pack label can have a negative effect on taste perception and salt use, especially when consumers are able to taste differences between their regular soup and the sodium-reduced soup. Overall health logos which do not emphasize the reduction in salt are less likely to affect perceived salt intensity and therefore are viable solutions to indicate the healthiness of sodium-reduced products.