865 resultados para Língua portuguesa Português falado


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The aim of this study was to verify the reliability of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the instrument Cerebral Palsy: quality of life questionnaire for children: primary caregiver questionnaire (CP QOLChild: primary caregiver) translated and culturally adapted. Thus, the translation and cultural adaptation of the instrument was made, and then the procedures to verify its reliability were performed. The translated and culturally adapted questionnaire was answered by 30 caregivers of children with cerebral palsy and inter and intra-observer analysis followed. The data allowed the authors to identify an internal consistency rangering from 0.649 to 0.858, intra-observer reliability from 0.625 to 0.809 and inter-observer reliability from 0.498 to 0.903. The analysis suggests that the instrument has acceptable psychometry.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study approaches the expression of causality in the clause combining in Portuguese, considering, as fundamental, the thread that exists between the performance, in the socio-interaction, and cognitive trigger, based on intersubjectivity. Given that grammar is responsible for the functional organization of those relationships, the study examines the conjunctions traditionally considered as causal, especially those constructs invested with effects that go beyond the strict direction cause-consequence. After evaluating the proposal of formation of causal conjunction blocks with similar behavior, in contrast with others, we arrive at the discussion of the functional uniqueness of the conjunction porque (because).


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The aim of this paper is to evaluate the Acordo Ortogrfico da Língua Portuguesa within a historic context that continually demands simplification and unification to the orthographic fixations. The theoretical and methodological orientation is based on the metaorthography and the linguistic historiography directed towards the language orthographic issue. With this focus, a review of the Portuguese language orthographic agreements is done, paying attention not to the details of the several changes, but to the directions that governed all these orthographic agreements, concluding with an evaluation of the historical validity of this new measure.


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Ps-graduao em Letras - FCLAR


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OBJETIVO: Traduzir, adaptar culturalmente e validar o "Knee Society Score" (KSS) para a língua portuguesa e verificar suas propriedades de medida, reprodutibilidade e validade. MTODO: Avaliados 70 pacientes de ambos os sexos, em estudo clnico transversal, idade entre 55 e 85 anos, osteoartrose primria submetidos a artroplastia total de joelho, com o questionrio KSS pelo avaliador 1 (ingls) e aps 30 minutos pelo avaliador 2 (português) no pr- operatrio e aps trs e seis meses de ps-operatrio. RESULTADOS: O ndice alfa de Cronbach e a diagramao de Bland-Altman no detectaram diferena entre as mdias das duas avaliaes no pr-operatrio (p=1,000), com trs meses (p=0,991) e seis meses de ps-operatrio (p=0,985) na pontuao do joelho e na nota da funo do joelho, p=1,000 nos trs perodos. CONCLUSO: A verso brasileira do Knee Society Score, o Escore da Sociedade do Joelho, mostrou ser um instrumento de fcil compreenso e aplicao; vlido e confivel para medir a pontuao e funo do joelho de pacientes brasileiros submetidos a ATJ. Nvel de Evidncias: Estudos diagnsticos - Nivel de Evidncia I, Teste de critrios diagnsticos desenvolvidos anteriormente em pacientes consecutivos (com padro de referncia "ouro" aplicado).


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Nos ltimos anos, a populao portuguesa tem vindo a sentir o aumento do nmero de imigrantes provenientes dos mais variados pases, nomeadamente da Europa do Leste, Brasil, China e Africa. Este facto motivou nas escolas e demais entidades competentes a preocupao por garantir o sucesso e uma boa integrao dos alunos estrangeiros que ingressavam no sistema de ensino português. Com efeito, as escolas portuguesas tm entre os seus alunos uma diversidade lingustica e cultural muito alargada. Dentro de uma sala, podemos encontrar crianas com varias línguas no maternas de origem que interagem entre si e so desafiados a realizar as suas aprendizagens escolares em língua portuguesa. Perante essa heterogeneidade de crianas, necessrio que a preocupao dos docentes pelas aprendizagens dessas crianas passe tambm pelo recurso a estratgias que contribuam e facilitem nelas a aprendizagem de uma língua no materna. Certamente, decisivo que uma criana seja capaz de descodificar e compreender o cdigo da língua do pas onde est inserida, para alcanar aprendizagens significativas, para a aquisio de competncias nas reas transversais. O presente trabalho de investigao tem como objetivo conhecer de que forma os educadores podem contribuir e facilitar a aprendizagem da língua portuguesa em contexto de jardim-de-infncia, em crianas para quem o português no a sua língua materna. Trata-se de um trabalho de natureza qualitativa, realizado atravs de entrevistadas semiestruturadas e na pesquisa de literatura, de forma a descrever a situao em anlise, para posteriormente avaliar. Os resultados obtidos com este trabalho, apontam para a necessidade de realizar mudanas relativamente de prticas pedaggicas e no sistema de ensino português, face s dificuldades de integrao dos alunos oriundos de outros pases. Constatmos tambm uma absoluta ausncia de peas legais e normativas que visem a especificidade da aprendizagem da língua portuguesa como segunda língua. Em suma, podemos concluir que fundamental e necessrio alertar as entidades competentes para a ausncia da legislao referida anteriormente, como tambm no mbito da formao dos docentes para o ensino e aprendizagem de uma língua no materna.


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This documental research in a qualitative and interpretative nature is inserted in the field of Applied Linguistics and its object of study is teachers writing in a literacy event (public exam) held for teachers of Portuguese Language by municipality in Natal city - RN in 2008. Overall, we have aimed to investigate the textual production of these teachers, considering their knowledge about writing, their sayings in relation to themselves and their views on new technologies and teaching. Specifically, we have chosen the following objectives: a) identifying what knowledge about writing have emerged from teachers' written text; b) analyzing the written text production of teachers, considering the knowledge they have revealed about themselves; c) mapping the sayings of the teachers about the teaching profession and new technologies. Our discussion is grounded theoretically by Bakhtin studies of language (BAKHTIN [1934], 1990; [1952-1953], 2000; BAKHTIN; VOLOSHINOV [1929], 1999); in studies of critical literacy as formulated by STREET (1984, 1995, 2006, 2010, 2014); KLEIMAN (1995, 2005, 2006, 2008); (BARTON, HAMILTON, 1998; BARTON; Ivanic, 1991); studies on teacher training in critical educational perspective (GIROUX, 1986; 1987; 1997; 1999) FREIRE, 1999; 2001). The corpus of this study is consisted of written texts by participants of this examination about the Writing Test, in which they were asked to produce an opinion paper. The research has allowed us to realize that, in relation to the writing, despite the recurring negative discourse on literacy teachers, especially the Portuguese ones, these, in the fabric of their texts, both have revealed to have dominion over the formal structure, particularly in respect to prototypical schema of argumentative sequence, as proposed by Adam (1992, 2008) and the mechanisms of textualization postulated by Bronckart (2007), and on those enunciation-discursive strategies relating to opinion genre. The relevance of this research is justified by seeking to understand the teachers writing beyond the language system, i.e, writing as speech, assuming it as a contrapalavra (BAKHTIN, [1934], 1990) to those voices that insist on underestimating literacy teachers and they do so much harm to society, to the extent that foster a sense of disbelief in the qualification of teachers' work and distrust of the social role of these professionals in the preparation of future generations


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Portuguese language textbooks, according to what has been preconized on the official document to education, have been configured on discursive genres imported from diverse spheres of human activity. Adverts, genre of ample social circulation, spread from the Advertising sphere to the schools and started being approached by these collectaneas as an object and a tool for teaching. Therefore, this research deals with the approach of ads in Portugese textbooks. These discursive practices matter for the impact or appeal they exert over the (new) consumers, among which High School students; for their representation in the capitalist system, which guides us on our relationships and social practices; and for the mix of languages that end up at their composition, once they encapsulate the spirit of our time, par excellence, the one from the verbal-visual genres. To understand the treatment given to these advertising pieces, from questions/commentaries related to them, two collections were selected by the Programa Nacional do Livro Didtico Textbook National Program (PNLD 2012) among the ones more used by public High Schools in Natal/RN. From Applied Linguistics, from mestizo, nomadic and inter/transdisciplinary identity (MOITA LOPES, 2009), this study falls within the discursive chain of the interpretive tradition of historical-cultural approach (FREITAS, 2010) and names the Bakhtin Circle and its languages dialogical conception as inescapable partners. The data of the colletaneas show that the genre approach can happen as concrete utterance, as linguistic artifact and as hybrid, at work with questions and without questions, with the predominance of its occurrence in the portion of the volume devoted to the study of grammar. In the literature chapters and production/interpretation of compositions, it insert is incipient or it doesnt happen in the volume. Such a provision has implications for multiliteracies (ROJO, 2012) of the citizen student, once the lack or the abundance of critical reading proposals for this genre, that demand from the student the exercise of knowledge that is necessary to the construction of linguistic and social meanings, can be responsible for guide to a more conscious consumerism (material and cultural) by the chief customers of the work under review. The approaches of the genres seems to indicate a gradual transition that such material have undergone, which means, from the focus on clauses to the focus on utterances, or even the approach as linguistic artifact to hybrid and the concrete utterance, in search of overcoming the traditional tendency of taking advantage of formal aspects of the language, to the detriment of enunciative ones, and for coming into harmony with the guidelines and parameters of teaching in contemporary times, bringing the school duties close to the rights in life.


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This investigation aims at identifying, describing, analyzing and interpreting how textbooks on Portuguese Language approach, beginning with the linguistic material, the effects of sense in texts that predominately employ injunctives. The corpus of this study is comprised of six collections of textbooks on Portuguese Language, which are part of the National Program Guide for Textbooks (PNLD) from 2010, adopted by the public schools in the city of Natal and the object of study for the Read/Tell Project of the Educational Observatory of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Textbooks from the 4th and 5th grades, Elementary School, were analyzed 12 copies total. For the analysis, we selected 16 writing proposals of injunctive texts. Our study is based on theoretical discussions by Adam (2001a, 2001b) with regard to the genre of: inciting to action. In addition, we consider the work of Koch and Fvero (1987), Koch and Elias (2009), Marcuschi (2003, 2008) Pery-Woodly (2001), Rodrigues (2013), Travaglia (1992, 2007) and Rosa (2007). With respect to discussions on textbooks, we refer to Choppin (2004, 2009), Batista (2003, 2009), Rojo e Batista (2005), and with regard to Portuguese Language textbooks specifically, we consider Soares (1998, 2001, 2004) and Bunzen and Rojo (2005). The proposals for writing in injunctive texts, in the collections analyzed, are tips/recommendations, instructions on making toys and/or games, travel itineraries and cooking recipes, such that 69% of them appear in the 4 th grade textbooks and only 31% appear in the 5th grade textbooks. With respect to the linguistic elements responsible for the construction of directive speech acts and the effects on sense produced by them, the data shows that 50% of the writing proposals do not exploit linguistic categories that implicate the effects on sense using injunctives, or rather, there is no work done dealing with linguistic analysis, while 33% mention the imperative mode and 17% investigate infinitive verbs. In this dissertation, the textual plans of incitation to act genres were studied and in them the linguistic materiality that vehicles injunction. This study might contribute to the improvement of Portuguese language teaching in what concerns the articulation of grammatical studies to textual sequences/types, mainly in the case of Portuguese language textbooks for the 4th and 5th grades of Elementary School.


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Objetivos: A msica, incomum pela sua ubiquidade e antiguidade, constitui uma das atividades humanas que ocupa um lugar significativo nas diversas culturas e vida diria. Geralmente agradvel para grande parte das pessoas, produz numerosos e desmedidos efeitos, na sua maioria positivos para o ser humano. Esta investigao teve como objetivo principal estudar a relao entre alguns dos diferentes gneros musicais e os de traos de personalidade de jovens e de adultos com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 38 anos, fluentes em português. A investigao pretendeu descrever as preferncias musicais em funo da idade, gnero, estado civil e habilitaes literrias; identificar os contextos, os perodos e as atividades mais comuns durante a escuta de msica; reconhecer se a msica uma das atividades de lazer mais importantes para o grupo estudado; conhecer quais as razes mais frequentes apontadas pelos sujeitos para ouvir msica; estudar a perceo que as pessoas tm sobre a influncia da msica na violncia e no consumo de substncias; verificar se os sujeitos consideram as preferncias musicais como um fator importante e revelador de informaes sobre a personalidade; avaliar o impacto e relao das preferncias musicais com a personalidade e verificar quais os pares de emoes mais comuns, sentidos durante a escuta musical, e respetiva intensidade. Metodologia: A amostra foi constituda por 320 indivduos com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 38 anos sendo a faixa etria mais comum a que se situa entre os 24 a 29 anos, maioritariamente do sexo feminino, solteiros, de nacionalidade portuguesa, detentores ou a frequentar um curso superior, nas reas das cincias sociais/servios ou exatas e tecnolgicas. Os participantes aceitaram responder voluntariamente a uma bateria de testes (QCS, EPI, QMQEC e STOMP-PT). Para a caracterizao da amostra, determinaram-se frequncias absolutas e relativas ou valores mdios e desvios-padro. A normalidade da distribuio das pontuaes mdias dos instrumentos foi validada com o teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov com correo de Lilliefors. A consistncia interna estudou-se atravs do Alpha de Cronbach e da frmula de Kuder Richarson. As diferenas entre grupos foram avaliadas recorrendo a uma ANOVA, a intensidade e magnitude das relaes entre variveis determinou-se atravs do coeficiente Eta quadrado (e 2) e com o coeficiente de correlao de Pearson avaliou-se a associao entre as variveis em estudo. Resultados: Observou-se que a msica energtica a mais tpica dos escales etrios mais jovens, sendo que a rebelde trespassa todas as geraes, revelando os mais velhos tambm uma forte preferncia pela msica reflexiva. As escolhas musicais parecem no ser influenciadas pelo sexo e estado civil. Os indivduos menos escolarizados parecem preferir msicas do tipo energtico, excluindo as convencionais enquanto os detentores de maiores habilitaes preferem os estilos reflexivos e rebeldes. em casa, no quarto, ao fim de semana e quando esto sozinhos que os participantes mais ouvem msica, constituindo esta a mais frequente atividade de lazer, por ser uma atividade essencial para a existncia, no apelando violncia e ao consumo de substncias e revelando as preferncias musicais aspetos da personalidade. Encontraram-se diferenas estatisticamente significativas entre as dimenses da preferncia musical e os traos de personalidade, sendo a msica energtica a que mais se destaca na extroverso e a rebelde no neuroticismo. No se obtiveram resultados estatisticamente significativos entre os tipos de msica e as emoes. Concluso: Os resultados devem ser vistos a ttulo de ensaio e como introdutrios, seguindo no entanto os referidos na literatura quer ao nvel das preferncias por idade, sexo e habilitaes literrias, quer ao nvel do contexto onde ouvida, quer ainda entre as dimenses de preferncia musical e traos de personalidade. / Aims: Music, unusual for its ubiquity and age, is one of the human activities that occupies a significant place in different cultures and daily life. Generally pleasant to most people, produces many and huge positive effects in humans. This investigation aimed to study the relationship between some of the different music preferences and personality types of young and adults aged between 18 and 38 years, fluent in Portuguese. The research intended to describe the musical preferences based on age, gender, marital status and educational attainment; identify contexts, periods and the most common activities during music listening; recognize the music as one of the most important leisure activities for the group studied; know which are the most frequent reasons given by the subjects to listen to music; study the perception that people have about the influence of music on violence and substance use; check whether the subjects consider the musical preferences as a major factor that reveals information about personality; assess the impact and relationship of musical preferences with the personality and see which pairs of most common emotions are felt during music listening, and its respective intensity. Methods: The sample consisted of 320 individuals aged between 18 and 38 years being the most common age group of between 24 to 29 years, mostly female, single, Portuguese, holders or to attend a higher education in the areas of social / services or exact science. Participants voluntarily agreed to answer a battery of tests (QCS, EPI, QMQEC and STOMP-PT). To characterize the sample, they were determined absolute and relative frequencies and mean values and standard deviations. The normality of the average scores of the instruments has been validated with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with Lilliefors correction. Internal consistency was studied using Cronbach's alpha and Kuder Richardson formula. Differences between groups were assessed using an ANOVA, intensity and magnitude of the relationship between variables was determined by Eta squared coefficient and the Pearson correlation coefficient evaluated the association between the study variables. Results: It was observed that the energetic music is the most usual among the younger age groups, and the rebel pierces all generations, revealing the older ones a strong preference for reflective music. The musical choices do not seem to be influenced by sex and marital status. The less educated individuals seems to prefer the energetic type songs, excluding conventional, holders of higher qualifications prefer reflective and rebellious styles. It is at home, in the room, on the weekends and when they are alone that participants listen more music, making this the most common leisure activity, the essential for existence, not calling for violence and substance use and revealing aspects of personality. We found significant differences between the dimensions of music preferences and personality traits, with the energetic music standing out in extraversion and neuroticism on rebel. We did not get significant results among the types of music and emotions. Conclusions: The results should be viewed under test and has introductory , however following the reported in the literature both in terms of preferences by age, sex and education level , both in terms of the context in which it is heard, still follows music preference dimensions and personality traits .


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Os fluxos migratrios das ltimas dcadas tm contribudo para que as comunidades de falantes de português se estabeleam um pouco por todo o mundo, nomeadamente, nos pases escandinavos. Um desses pases de acolhimento, a Finlndia, tem desenvolvido esforos para a integrao dos imigrantes que a se estabelecem, designadamente, atravs da promoo de polticas de língua, que visam o ensino da língua de herana aos alunos em idade escolar. Tem sido neste contexto que as pequenas comunidades lusfonas, a viverem no pas, tm podido facultar aos filhos, imigrantes de primeira e segunda geraes, acesso ao ensino formal da sua língua de herana, o português. Os sujeitos da nossa amostra fazem parte de uma dessas pequenas comunidades e residem em Tampere, na Finlndia, onde frequentam escolas cuja língua de ensino o finlands. O presente trabalho pretende, por um lado, dar conta da realidade sociocultural daqueles alunos de Português Língua No-Materna, e, por outro, visa refletir sobre a aquisio/ aprendizagem da competncia pragmtica por parte destes sujeitos, falantes de herana, atravs da realizao que fazem de atos ilocutrios diretivos de pedido e de ordem , bem como, sobre o grau de formalizao das expresses de delicadeza que fazem. Por conseguinte, elabormos uma Ficha Sociolingustica para recolha de dados referentes ao contexto familiar, sociocultural e lingustico dos alunos. Posteriormente, elabormos e aplicmos um teste lingustico, de Tarefas de Elicitao do Discurso, com vista recolha de dados para a construo de um corpus lingustico que nos permitisse desenvolver o presente estudo. A aplicao do teste lingustico e consequente tratamento dos dados recolhidos revelaram que as escolhas pragmticas dos sujeitos so condicionadas pelo contexto sociocultural e lingustico em que esto imersos. Constatmos, igualmente, que a generalidade dos alunos recorre a duas estratgias de mitigao do discurso, pelo uso de duas expresses de delicadeza: a frmula se faz favor/por favor e o verbo modal poder.