978 resultados para Italian novella
Selostus: Italian raiheinä aluskasvina vähentää typen huuhtoutumista ohranviljelyssä
Kirjoittaja on fil. tri ja museoviraston pääjohtaja. Kirjoitus perustuu esitelmään Tieteen päivillä 8.-12.1.2003.
Anàlisi dels personatges femenins construïts en sis novel·les representatives de l'època de la represa de la novel·la a Catalunya (1923-1939), tot remarcant si hi podem reconèixer trets socials o històrics de l'època, si hi observem trets feministes, i també observant com els tractaven o enfocaven els seus autors.
[Ressource électronique] : open access journal
L’article analitza les causes que van propiciar la traducció al català d’un clàssic del preciosisme francès del xvii, com a resultat de l’establiment de la Mancomunitat de Catalunya, a principi del xx, i amb l’eclosió del noucentisme, moviment artístic que va promoure traduccions de la literatura universal amb l’objectiu d’assajar la configuració d’un llenguatge literari modern propi. Estudia la primera versió catalana de La Princesse de Clèves (1678) de Madame de La Fayette, deguda a Rafel Marquina i publicada el 1923, i la que s’hi va afegir el 1990, que és la retraducció que n’ofereix Josep A. Grimalt, lingüísticament més actual, transparent i més lliure d’artificis noucentistes. Tots dos traductors, això no obstant, són fidels al sentit, al to i a l’estil d’un text que representa l’entrada de la dona, en qualitat d’autora i de protagonista, a la novel·la moderna.
Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is the etiological agent of Johne's disease in ruminants. Recent studies have linked MAP to type 1 diabetes (T1D) in the Sardinian population. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of MAP infection in a T1D cohort from continental Italy compared with healthy control subjects. 247 T1D subjects and 110 healthy controls were tested for the presence of MAP. MAP DNA was detected using IS900-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The presence of antibodies towards a MAP antigen, heparin binding hemoagglutinin (HBHA), was detected by ELISA. We demonstrated a higher MAP DNA prevalence in plasma samples from T1D patients and a stronger immune response towards MAP HBHA, compared with healthy control subjects. Moreover, in the recent onset patients, we observed an association between anti-MAP antibodies and HLA DQ2 (DQA1 0201/DQB1 0202). These findings taken together support the hypothesis of MAP as an environmental risk factor for the development of T1D in genetically predisposed subjects, probably involving a mechanism of molecular mimicry between MAP antigens and pancreatic islet β-cells.
We provide evidence that Formica paralugubris Seifert, 1996, a species of wood and recently described from Switzerland, is present in the Italian Alps. Until 1996, this species was confounded with F.lugubris Zetterstedt, 1838. We examine the wood and collection deposited at the University of Pavia (Italy) and collect new samples within the Italian Alps. Formica paralugubris seems to be more abundant than F.lugubris. Moreover, both species are found in sympatry in some localities
This paper examines a dataset that derives from an observational tracking, in order to analyze where and how middle-class working families spend time at home. We use an ethnographic approach to study the everyday lives of Italian dual-income middle-class families, with the aim to analyze quantitatively the use of home spaces and the types of activities of family members on weekday afternoons and evenings. The different analyses (multiple correspondence analysis, agglomerative hierarchical cluster, discriminant analysis) show how particular spaces and activities in these spaces are dominated by certain family members. We suggest a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies as useful tools to explore in detail the everyday lives of families, and to understand how family members use the domestic spaces. In particular, we consider relevant the use of quantitative analyses to examine ethnographic data, especially in connection with the methodological reflexivity among researchers
Des de la Poètica d'Aristotil (segle IV a. C .. ), que assimila la creació artística a la mímesi, acostumem a oposar els termes de 'ficció' i de 'realitat' com s'oposen la simulació d'aparences (múltiples) a la identitat d'allò que és ver ( i per tant, u). Aquesta aproximació lògica a la relació existent entre l'escriptura i l'ordre de representació de les coses, o entre les dimensions simbòliques de la raó estètica i els seus referents reals, vincula, ho sabem, les paraules i les coses d'una manera molt complexa .
The objective of this work was to assess the effects of the sward structure of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), during the first grazing cycle, on its morphological and bromatological characteristics throughout the growing season, and on the performance of dairy cows. The treatments consisted of two structures obtained as a function of canopy-light interception: high-light interception (HLI) and low-light interception (LLI), with different pre-grazing heights in the first grazing cycle. Pasture was managed under rotational grazing with a herbage allowance not below 30 kg dry matter (DM) per cow per day. Three grazing cycles, with a grazing interval of 30 days, were evaluated. Pre-grazing herbage mass was greater (2,240 vs. 1,656 kg ha-1 DM), but the proportion of leaf blades was smaller (0.35 vs. 0.43) for HLI swards. Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content and organic matter digestibility (OMD) were similar between treatments in the first grazing cycle, but in the second and third ones NDF was greater, and OMD lower, for the HLI swards. Milk yields were greater for cows grazing LLI swards (19.4 vs. 21.1 kg per day). Initial grazing with 90% of light interception promotes greater nutritional value in the subsequent cycles.
The U-Pb ages and the trace element content of zircon U-Pb along with major and trace element whole rock data on gabbroic dikes from the Lanzo lherzolitic massif, N-Italy, have been determined to constrain crustal accretion in ocean-continent transition zones. Three Fe-Ti gabbros were dated from the central and the southern part of the massif providing middle Jurassic ages of 161 +/- 2, 158 +/- 2 and 163 +/- 1 Ma, which argue for magmatic activity over few millions of years. Zircon crystals are characterized by high but variable Th/U ratios, rare earth element patterns enriched in heavy rare earths, pronounced positive Ce and negative Eu-anomalies consistent with crystallization after substantial plagioclase fractionation. The zircon trace element composition coupled with whole rock chemistry was used to reconstruct the crystallization history of the gabbros. A number of gabbros crystallized in situ, and zircon precipitated from trapped, intercumulus liquid, while other gabbros represent residual liquids that were extracted from a cumulus pile and crystallized along syn-magmatic shear zones. We propose a model in which the emplacement mechanism of gabbroic rocks in ocean-continent transition zones evolves from in situ crystallization to stratified crystallization with efficient extraction of residual liquid along syn-magmatic shear zones. Such an evolution of the crystallization history is probably related to the thermal evolution of the underlying mantle lithosphere.
This paper presents an Italian to CatalanRBMT system automatically built bycombining the linguistic data of theexisting pairs Spanish-Catalan andSpanish-Italian. A lightweight manualpostprocessing is carried out in order tofix inconsistencies in the automaticallyderived dictionaries and to add very frequentwords that are missing accordingto a corpus analysis. The system isevaluated on the KDE4 corpus and outperformsGoogle Translate by approximatelyten absolute points in terms ofboth TER and GTM.