986 resultados para Inverse methods


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Second-rank tensor interactions, such as quadrupolar interactions between the spin- 1 deuterium nuclei and the electric field gradients created by chemical bonds, are affected by rapid random molecular motions that modulate the orientation of the molecule with respect to the external magnetic field. In biological and model membrane systems, where a distribution of dynamically averaged anisotropies (quadrupolar splittings, chemical shift anisotropies, etc.) is present and where, in addition, various parts of the sample may undergo a partial magnetic alignment, the numerical analysis of the resulting Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectra is a mathematically ill-posed problem. However, numerical methods (de-Pakeing, Tikhonov regularization) exist that allow for a simultaneous determination of both the anisotropy and orientational distributions. An additional complication arises when relaxation is taken into account. This work presents a method of obtaining the orientation dependence of the relaxation rates that can be used for the analysis of the molecular motions on a broad range of time scales. An arbitrary set of exponential decay rates is described by a three-term truncated Legendre polynomial expansion in the orientation dependence, as appropriate for a second-rank tensor interaction, and a linear approximation to the individual decay rates is made. Thus a severe numerical instability caused by the presence of noise in the experimental data is avoided. At the same time, enough flexibility in the inversion algorithm is retained to achieve a meaningful mapping from raw experimental data to a set of intermediate, model-free


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Magnetism and magnetic materials have been an ever-attractive subject area for engineers and scientists alike because of its versatility in finding applications in useful devices. They find applications in a host of devices ranging from rudimentary devices like loud speakers to sophisticated gadgets like waveguides and Magnetic Random Access Memories (MRAM).The one and only material in the realm of magnetism that has been at the centre stage of applications is ferrites and in that spinel ferrites received the lions share as far as practical applications are concerned.It has been the endeavour of scientists and engineers to remove obsolescence and improve upon the existing so as to save energy and integrate in to various other systems. This has been the hallmark of material scientists and this has led to new materials and new technologies.In the field of ferrites too there has been considerable interest to devise new materials based on iron oxides and other compounds. This means synthesising ultra fine particles and tuning its properties to device new materials. There are various preparation techniques ranging from top- down to bottom-up approaches. This includes synthesising at molecular level, self assembling,gas based condensation. Iow temperature eo-precipitation, solgel process and high energy ball milling. Among these methods sol-gel process allows good control of the properties of ceramic materials. The advantage of this method includes processing at low temperature. mixing at the molecular level and fabrication of novel materials for various devices.Composites are materials. which combine the good qualities of one or more components. They can be prepared in situ or by mechanical means by the incorporation of fine particles in appropriate matrixes. The size of the magnetic powders as well as the nature of matrix affect the processability and other physical properties of the final product. These plastic/rubber magnets can in turn be useful for various applications in different devices. In applications involving ferrites at high frequencies, it is essential that the material possesses an appropriate dielectric permittivity and suitable magnetic permeability. This can be achieved by synthesizing rubber ferrite composites (RFC's). RFCs are very useful materials for microwave absorptions. Hence the synthesis of ferrites in the nanoregirne.investigations on their size effects on the structural, magnetic, and electrical properties and the incorporation of these ferrites into polymer matrixes assume significance.In the present study, nano particles of NiFe204, Li(!5Fe2S04 and Col-e-O, are prepared by sol gel method. By appropriate heat treatments, particles of different grain sizes are obtained. The structural, magnetic and electrical measurements are evaluated as a function of grain size and temperature. NiFel04 prepared in the ultrafine regime are then incorporated in nitrile rubber matrix. The incorporation was carried out according to a specific recipe and for various loadings of magnetic fillers. The cure characteristics, magnetic properties, electrical properties and mechanical properties of these elastomer blends are carried out. The electrical permittivity of all the rubber samples in the X - band are also conducted.


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Electromagnetic tomography has been applied to problems in nondestructive evolution, ground-penetrating radar, synthetic aperture radar, target identification, electrical well logging, medical imaging etc. The problem of electromagnetic tomography involves the estimation of cross sectional distribution dielectric permittivity, conductivity etc based on measurement of the scattered fields. The inverse scattering problem of electromagnetic imaging is highly non linear and ill posed, and is liable to get trapped in local minima. The iterative solution techniques employed for computing the inverse scattering problem of electromagnetic imaging are highly computation intensive. Thus the solution to electromagnetic imaging problem is beset with convergence and computational issues. The attempt of this thesis is to develop methods suitable for improving the convergence and reduce the total computations for tomographic imaging of two dimensional dielectric cylinders illuminated by TM polarized waves, where the scattering problem is defmed using scalar equations. A multi resolution frequency hopping approach was proposed as opposed to the conventional frequency hopping approach employed to image large inhomogeneous scatterers. The strategy was tested on both synthetic and experimental data and gave results that were better localized and also accelerated the iterative procedure employed for the imaging. A Degree of Symmetry formulation was introduced to locate the scatterer in the investigation domain when the scatterer cross section was circular. The investigation domain could thus be reduced which reduced the degrees of freedom of the inverse scattering process. Thus the entire measured scattered data was available for the optimization of fewer numbers of pixels. This resulted in better and more robust reconstructions of the scatterer cross sectional profile. The Degree of Symmetry formulation could also be applied to the practical problem of limited angle tomography, as in the case of a buried pipeline, where the ill posedness is much larger. The formulation was also tested using experimental data generated from an experimental setup that was designed. The experimental results confirmed the practical applicability of the formulation.


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Auf dem Gebiet der Strukturdynamik sind computergestützte Modellvalidierungstechniken inzwischen weit verbreitet. Dabei werden experimentelle Modaldaten, um ein numerisches Modell für weitere Analysen zu korrigieren. Gleichwohl repräsentiert das validierte Modell nur das dynamische Verhalten der getesteten Struktur. In der Realität gibt es wiederum viele Faktoren, die zwangsläufig zu variierenden Ergebnissen von Modaltests führen werden: Sich verändernde Umgebungsbedingungen während eines Tests, leicht unterschiedliche Testaufbauten, ein Test an einer nominell gleichen aber anderen Struktur (z.B. aus der Serienfertigung), etc. Damit eine stochastische Simulation durchgeführt werden kann, muss eine Reihe von Annahmen für die verwendeten Zufallsvariablengetroffen werden. Folglich bedarf es einer inversen Methode, die es ermöglicht ein stochastisches Modell aus experimentellen Modaldaten zu identifizieren. Die Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung eines parameter-basierten Ansatzes, um stochastische Simulationsmodelle auf dem Gebiet der Strukturdynamik zu identifizieren. Die entwickelte Methode beruht auf Sensitivitäten erster Ordnung, mit denen Parametermittelwerte und Kovarianzen des numerischen Modells aus stochastischen experimentellen Modaldaten bestimmt werden können.


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Synechocystis PCC 6803 is a photosynthetic bacterium that has the potential to make bioproducts from carbon dioxide and light. Biochemical production from photosynthetic organisms is attractive because it replaces the typical bioprocessing steps of crop growth, milling, and fermentation, with a one-step photosynthetic process. However, low yields and slow growth rates limit the economic potential of such endeavors. Rational metabolic engineering methods are hindered by limited cellular knowledge and inadequate models of Synechocystis. Instead, inverse metabolic engineering, a scheme based on combinatorial gene searches which does not require detailed cellular models, but can exploit sequence data and existing molecular biological techniques, was used to find genes that (1) improve the production of the biopolymer poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) and (2) increase the growth rate. A fluorescence activated cell sorting assay was developed to screen for high PHB producing clones. Separately, serial sub-culturing was used to select clones that improve growth rate. Novel gene knock-outs were identified that increase PHB production and others that increase the specific growth rate. These improvements make this system more attractive for industrial use and demonstrate the power of inverse metabolic engineering to identify novel phenotype-associated genes in poorly understood systems.


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Aquesta tesi presenta un nou mètode pel disseny invers de reflectors. Ens hem centrat en tres temes principals: l’ús de fonts de llum reals i complexes, la definició d’un algoritme ràpid pel càlcul de la il•luminació del reflector, i la definició d’un algoritme d’optimització per trobar més eficientment el reflector desitjat. Les fonts de llum estan representades per models near-field, que es comprimeixen amb un error molt petit, fins i tot per fonts de llum amb milions de raigs i objectes a il•luminar molt propers. Llavors proposem un mètode ràpid per obtenir la distribució de la il•luminació d’un reflector i la seva comparació amb la il•luminació desitjada, i que treballa completament en la GPU. Finalment, proposem un nou mètode d’optimització global que permet trobar la solució en menys passos que molts altres mètodes d’optimització clàssics, i alhora evitant mínims locals.


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Many recent inverse scattering techniques have been designed for single frequency scattered fields in the frequency domain. In practice, however, the data is collected in the time domain. Frequency domain inverse scattering algorithms obviously apply to time-harmonic scattering, or nearly time-harmonic scattering, through application of the Fourier transform. Fourier transform techniques can also be applied to non-time-harmonic scattering from pulses. Our goal here is twofold: first, to establish conditions on the time-dependent waves that provide a correspondence between time domain and frequency domain inverse scattering via Fourier transforms without recourse to the conventional limiting amplitude principle; secondly, we apply the analysis in the first part of this work toward the extension of a particular scattering technique, namely the point source method, to scattering from the requisite pulses. Numerical examples illustrate the method and suggest that reconstructions from admissible pulses deliver superior reconstructions compared to straight averaging of multi-frequency data. Copyright (C) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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For the very large nonlinear dynamical systems that arise in a wide range of physical, biological and environmental problems, the data needed to initialize a numerical forecasting model are seldom available. To generate accurate estimates of the expected states of the system, both current and future, the technique of ‘data assimilation’ is used to combine the numerical model predictions with observations of the system measured over time. Assimilation of data is an inverse problem that for very large-scale systems is generally ill-posed. In four-dimensional variational assimilation schemes, the dynamical model equations provide constraints that act to spread information into data sparse regions, enabling the state of the system to be reconstructed accurately. The mechanism for this is not well understood. Singular value decomposition techniques are applied here to the observability matrix of the system in order to analyse the critical features in this process. Simplified models are used to demonstrate how information is propagated from observed regions into unobserved areas. The impact of the size of the observational noise and the temporal position of the observations is examined. The best signal-to-noise ratio needed to extract the most information from the observations is estimated using Tikhonov regularization theory. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A recent report in Consciousness and Cognition provided evidence from a study of the rubber hand illusion (RHI) that supports the multisensory principle of inverse effectiveness (PoIE). I describe two methods of assessing the principle of inverse effectiveness ('a priori' and 'post-hoc'), and discuss how the post-hoc method is affected by the statistical artefact of,regression towards the mean'. I identify several cases where this artefact may have affected particular conclusions about the PoIE, and relate these to the historical origins of 'regression towards the mean'. Although the conclusions of the recent report may not have been grossly affected, some of the inferential statistics were almost certainly biased by the methods used. I conclude that, unless such artefacts are fully dealt with in the future, and unless the statistical methods for assessing the PoIE evolve, strong evidence in support of the PoIE will remain lacking. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Many scientific and engineering applications involve inverting large matrices or solving systems of linear algebraic equations. Solving these problems with proven algorithms for direct methods can take very long to compute, as they depend on the size of the matrix. The computational complexity of the stochastic Monte Carlo methods depends only on the number of chains and the length of those chains. The computing power needed by inherently parallel Monte Carlo methods can be satisfied very efficiently by distributed computing technologies such as Grid computing. In this paper we show how a load balanced Monte Carlo method for computing the inverse of a dense matrix can be constructed, show how the method can be implemented on the Grid, and demonstrate how efficiently the method scales on multiple processors. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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There are many published methods available for creating keyphrases for documents. Previous work in the field has shown that in a significant proportion of cases author selected keyphrases are not appropriate for the document they accompany. This requires the use of such automated methods to improve the use of keyphrases. Often the keyphrases are not updated when the focus of a paper changes or include keyphrases that are more classificatory than explanatory. The published methods are all evaluated using different corpora, typically one relevant to their field of study. This not only makes it difficult to incorporate the useful elements of algorithms in future work but also makes comparing the results of each method inefficient and ineffective. This paper describes the work undertaken to compare five methods across a common baseline of six corpora. The methods chosen were term frequency, inverse document frequency, the C-Value, the NC-Value, and a synonym based approach. These methods were compared to evaluate performance and quality of results, and to provide a future benchmark. It is shown that, with the comparison metric used for this study Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency were the best algorithms, with the synonym based approach following them. Further work in the area is required to determine an appropriate (or more appropriate) comparison metric.


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We investigate the error dynamics for cycled data assimilation systems, such that the inverse problem of state determination is solved at tk, k = 1, 2, 3, ..., with a first guess given by the state propagated via a dynamical system model from time tk − 1 to time tk. In particular, for nonlinear dynamical systems that are Lipschitz continuous with respect to their initial states, we provide deterministic estimates for the development of the error ||ek|| := ||x(a)k − x(t)k|| between the estimated state x(a) and the true state x(t) over time. Clearly, observation error of size δ > 0 leads to an estimation error in every assimilation step. These errors can accumulate, if they are not (a) controlled in the reconstruction and (b) damped by the dynamical system under consideration. A data assimilation method is called stable, if the error in the estimate is bounded in time by some constant C. The key task of this work is to provide estimates for the error ||ek||, depending on the size δ of the observation error, the reconstruction operator Rα, the observation operator H and the Lipschitz constants K(1) and K(2) on the lower and higher modes of controlling the damping behaviour of the dynamics. We show that systems can be stabilized by choosing α sufficiently small, but the bound C will then depend on the data error δ in the form c||Rα||δ with some constant c. Since ||Rα|| → ∞ for α → 0, the constant might be large. Numerical examples for this behaviour in the nonlinear case are provided using a (low-dimensional) Lorenz '63 system.