978 resultados para Inventory control methods


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Varastojen hallinta sisältää yksinkertaisimmillaan varastotasojen, tilauspisteiden ja tilauseräkokojen määrittämiseen liittyviä päätöksiä ja toimenpiteitä. Perinteisesti näitä päätöksiä on tarkasteltu ainoastaan yhden ohjauspisteen sisäisestä näkökulmasta. Ostoprosessin ja siihen liittyvien toimittajasuhteiden kehittämisen merkitystä varastojen hallinnassa ei ole sen sijaan täysin ymmärretty. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan sekä perinteisiä varastonohjausjärjestelmiä että ostoprosessin kehittämistä teoreettisen viitekehyksen ja empiirisen case-tutkimuksen kautta. Tutkimuksen päätarkoitus on esittää varastonimikkeiden tilausajankohdan ja –eräkoon määrittämiseen liittyviä menetelmiä. Tutkimuksen teoriaosassa muodostetaan viitekehys tuotteiden luokitteluun perustuville varastojen hallinnan menettelytavoille. Varastojen hallinnan päätöksiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä ovat mm. ostoprosessin vaiheiden operatiivinen kehittäminen, toimittajayhteistyön parantaminen toimitusketjun hallinnan ja partnership-suhteiden kautta sekä nimikkeiden kysynnän, toimitusaikojen, varastojen hallinnan kustannusten ja mittarien määrittäminen. Lisäksi kuvataan tukkukauppaan liittyviä erityispiirteitä em. seikkojen osalta. Empiirisessä osassa tarkastellaan ensin terästuotteiden tukkukaupan Oy Kontino Ab:n ostotoiminnan ja varastojen hallinnan nykytilaa. Haastatteluaineiston perusteella esitetään optimaalisia varastotäydennysmenetelmiä luokitelluille nimikkeille. Tutkimuksen mukaan varaston palvelukyvyn mittaaminen on välttämätöntä optimaalisen tilauspisteen ja –eräkoon määrittämisessä. Tukkukaupan varastojen hallintaan soveltuu parhaiten kiinteän tilausvälin järjestelmä, jossa tilaushetki on kiinteä ja eräkoko sekä tilauspiste vaihtelevat. Tutkimuksesta voidaan päätellä, että myös tukkukaupan on pyrittävä varastotasojen alentamiseen parantaakseen varastoinnin tehokkuutta ja palvelukykyä. Parannukset voidaan toteuttaa vain ymmärtämällä varastojen hallinnan ja ostoprosessin välinen läheinen yhteys ja kehittämällä strategista toimittajayhteistyötä.


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Tämän diplomityön päätavoite on selvittää keinoja Woikoski Oy:n jakelulogistiikan kustannustehokkuuden kehittämiseksi. Päätavoite voidaan jakaa osatavoitteisiin, joita ovat varastonohjauksen kehittäminen ja jakelun kuljetustoimintojen tehostaminen. Varastoinnin nykytilaa arvioitiin ABC-analyysin avulla. Saatujen tulosten pohjalta määritettiin luokkakohtaiset varastonohjaussäännöt ja kiertonopeustavoitteet, jotka yhdessä muodostavat yritykselle varastopolitiikan. Havaitut ongelmat kulminoituivat jatkuvan varastoseurannan puuttumiseen, suuriin varastotasoihin sekä kysynnänhallinnan puutteisiin. Toimenpidesuosituksina yrityksen tulee investoida tehokkaaseen varastonhallintajärjestelmään sekä aloittaa systemaattinen kysynnän ennustaminen. Kuljetuksiin liittyviksi toimenpiteiksi ehdotetaan runko- ja jakelukuljetusten reittien sekä jakelualueiden optimointia ja tuloksena saadun jakelumallin käyttöönottoa. Nykyistä jakelurahtien hinnoittelua suositellaan tarkennettavaksi siten, että jakelukustannuksia ja toimitusmääriä eritellään nykyistä tarkemmin ja asiakkaille kohdistetaan rahtikustannuksia todenmukaisin perustein. Lisäksi logistiikkatoimintaa tulee yhtenäistää eri toimipaikkojen kesken ja toimintojen mittaamista on tehostettava organisaatiossa.


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Direct torque control (DTC) is a new control method for rotating field electrical machines. DTC controls directly the motor stator flux linkage with the stator voltage, and no stator current controllers are used. With the DTC method very good torque dynamics can be achieved. Until now, DTC has been applied to asynchronous motor drives. The purpose of this work is to analyse the applicability of DTC to electrically excited synchronous motor drives. Compared with asynchronous motor drives, electrically excited synchronous motor drives require an additional control for the rotor field current. The field current control is called excitation control in this study. The dependence of the static and dynamic performance of DTC synchronous motor drives on the excitation control has been analysed and a straightforward excitation control method has been developed and tested. In the field weakening range the stator flux linkage modulus must be reduced in order to keep the electro motive force of the synchronous motor smaller than the stator voltage and in order to maintain a sufficient voltage reserve. The dynamic performance of the DTC synchronous motor drive depends on the stator flux linkage modulus. Another important factor for the dynamic performance in the field weakening range is the excitation control. The field weakening analysis considers both dependencies. A modified excitation control method, which maximises the dynamic performance in the field weakening range, has been developed. In synchronous motor drives the load angle must be kept in a stabile working area in order to avoid loss of synchronism. The traditional vector control methods allow to adjust the load angle of the synchronous motor directly by the stator current control. In the DTC synchronous motor drive the load angle is not a directly controllable variable, but it is formed freely according to the motor’s electromagnetic state and load. The load angle can be limited indirectly by limiting the torque reference. This method is however parameter sensitive and requires a safety margin between the theoretical torque maximum and the actual torque limit. The DTC modulation principle allows however a direct load angle adjustment without any current control. In this work a direct load angle control method has been developed. The method keeps the drive stabile and allows the maximal utilisation of the drive without a safety margin in the torque limitation.


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Asiakkaiden vaatimusten täyttäminen käytössä olevilla resursseilla edellyttää yrityksiltä usein varastojen pitämistä. Varastot aiheuttavat kuluja ja niihin sitoutuu pääomaa, joten niiden hallinta on yritysten mielenkiinnon kohde. Diplomityön tavoitteena on tutkia Peikko Finland Oy:n Teräsosatehtaan varastonohjausmallin toimivuutta sekä luoda ylläpitokelpoinen tapa tuotannonohjausmuodon ja varastoparametrien päivittämiseen. Yritysten käytössä olevien resurssien ollessa rajallisia tulee tärkeiden tuotteiden hallintaan keskittyä. Vähäpätöisempiä nimikkeitäkin on ohjattava, mutta yksinkertaisempien mallien avulla kuin tärkeitä tuotteita. Tuotannon- ja varastonohjauksen tavoitteena on löytää tasapaino pääoman sitoutumisen, asiakkaiden palvelun sekä kapasiteetin käytön väliltä. Niihin vaikuttavat tekijät tulee huomioida mahdollisimman kattavasti tuotannonohjausta ja varastonhallintaa suunniteltaessa, jolloin päästään koko yritystä hyödyttävään lopputulokseen. Yrityksen toimintaympäristö kehittyy jatkuvasti, joten kerran määritetyt tekijä eivät ole relevantteja loputtomiin vaan jatkuvan kehittämisen ja tietojen päivittämisen tulee olla osa yrityksen jokapäiväistä toimintaa. Työssä kehitettiin helposti päivitettävä malli, jonka avulla kohdeyritys pystyy päivittämään nimikkeiden tuotannonohjausmuodot ja varastonohjauksen parametrit.


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Due to the outsourcing of manufacturing, Finlayson Oy now has a need to develop its supply chain management as its new ability. This requires development of efficient and flexible procedures and models in order to efficiently manage the company’s floating assets without affecting the reliability of delivery promised for the customer. In this thesis we discuss Finlayson’s supply chain management with a focus on the operations between Finlayson and its suppliers. The aim is to develop these operations and increase the reaction speed of the supply chain in order to response to the changes in demand. In order to do this we discuss different product analysis, material and inventory management and demand forecasting. In the research part of the thesis we design strategies for different products based on product classification analysis. Market behavior of different products will be modeled with demand forecasting methods and inventory control systems will be designed for different product groups based on the nature of their supplier. We will also optimize the costs and resource needs for different suppliers’ order-deliver processes.


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In this doctoral thesis, a power conversion unit for a 10 kWsolid oxide fuel cell is modeled, and a suitable control system is designed. The need for research was identified based on an observation that there was no information available about the characteristics of the solid oxide fuel cell from the perspective of power electronics and the control system, and suitable control methods had not previously been studied in the literature. In addition, because of the digital implementation of the control system, the inherent characteristics of the digital system had to be taken into account in the characteristics of the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). The characteristics of the solid oxide fuel cell as well the methods for the modeling and control of the DC/DC converter and the grid converter are studied by a literature survey. Based on the survey, the characteristics of the SOFC as an electrical power source are identified, and a solution to the interfacing of the SOFC in distributed generation is proposed. A mathematical model of the power conversion unit is provided, and the control design for the DC/DC converter and the grid converter is made based on the proposed interfacing solution. The limit cycling phenomenon is identified as a source of low-frequency current ripple, which is found to be insignificant when connected to a grid-tied converter. A method to mitigate a second harmonic originating from the grid interface is proposed, and practical considerations of the operation with the solid oxide fuel cell plant are presented. At the theoretical level, the thesis discusses and summarizes the methods to successfully derive a model for a DC/DC converter, a grid converter, and a power conversion unit. The results of this doctoral thesis can also be used in other applications, and the models and methods can be adopted to similar applications such as photovoltaic systems. When comparing the results with the objectives of the doctoral thesis, we may conclude that the objectives set for the work are met. In this doctoral thesis, theoretical and practical guidelines are presented for the successful control design to connect a SOFC-based distributed generation plant to the utility grid.


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Adaptive control systems are one of the most significant research directions of modern control theory. It is well known that every mechanical appliance’s behavior noticeably depends on environmental changes, functioning-mode parameter changes and changes in technical characteristics of internal functional devices. An adaptive controller involved in control process allows reducing an influence of such changes. In spite of this such type of control methods is applied seldom due to specifics of a controller designing. The work presented in this paper shows the design process of the adaptive controller built by Lyapunov’s function method for the Hydraulic Drive. The calculation needed and the modeling were conducting with MATLAB® software including Simulink® and Symbolic Math Toolbox™ etc. In the work there was applied the Jacobi matrix linearization of the object’s mathematical model and derivation of the suitable reference models based on Newton’s characteristic polynomial. The intelligent adaptive to nonlinearities algorithm for solving Lyapunov’s equation was developed. Developed algorithm works properly but considered plant is not met requirement of functioning with. The results showed confirmation that adaptive systems application significantly increases possibilities in use devices and might be used for correction a system’s behavior dynamics.


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This thesis aims to redesign the supply chain system in an automotive industry in order to obtain space reduction in the inventory by using tailored logistics network. The redesigning process by tailored supply chain will combine all possible shipment methods including direct shipment, milk-run, milk-run via distribution center and Kanban delivery. The current supply chain system in Nissan goes rather well when the production volume is in moderate level. However, when the production volume is high, there is a capacity problem in the warehouse to accommodate all delivered parts from suppliers. Hence, the optimization of supply chain system is needed in order to obtain efficient logistics process and effective inventory consumption. The study will use primary data for both qualitative and quantitative approach as the research methods. Qualitative data will be collected by conducting interviews with people related to procurement and inventory control. Quantitative data consists of list of suppliers with their condition in several parameters which will be evaluated and analyzed by using scoring method to assign the most suitable transportation network to each suppliers for improvement of inventory reduction in a cost efficient manner.


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Tämä kandidaatintutkielma tarkastelee, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat teollisuusyrityksen varastonhallinnan ja materiaalinohjauksen kokonaiskustannuksiin. Kokonaistavoitteena on tunnistaa kohdeyritykselle sopivat varaston- ja materiaalinohjauksen menetelmät sekä tunnistaa kehityskohteita tulevaisuuden kehittämistä varten. Tutkielman teoriaosassa käsitellään varastoinnin motiiveja, kustannustekijöitä ja erilaisia täydennysmenetelmiä sekä esitetään materiaalitarvelaskennan perusteita. Tältä pohjalta tutkielman empiirisessä osiossa tutkitaan kolmen eri raaka-ainetoimittajan osalta tilattavien nimikkeiden vuosikustannusten komponentit erilaisilla vuositilauslukumäärillä ja tilauseräko’oilla. Tuloksena kustannuskomponenttien tarkastelusta saadaan suuntaa antavat vuosikustannukset eri tilausmäärillä tai tilausväleillä. Tulokset pohjautuvat kuitenkin hyvin yksinkertaistettuihin taustaoletuksiin, joten suoraan tulosten pohjalta ei tule toimintatapoja muodostaa. Tutkielman perusteella voidaan todeta, että varastonhallinnan tekijät ovat keskenään ristiriitaisia, mutta oikein valituilla menetelmillä voidaan saavuttaa taloudellisia säästöjä ja kehittää toimintaa sujuvammaksi. Erityisesti materiaalitarvelaskentaan siirtyminen materiaalinhallinnassa ja ajantasainen varastokirjanpito tunnistettiin tärkeiksi jatkokehityskohteiksi.


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A closed-form solution formula for the kinematic control of manipulators with redundancy is derived, using the Lagrangian multiplier method. Differential relationship equivalent to the Resolved Motion Method has been also derived. The proposed method is proved to provide with the exact equilibrium state for the Resolved Motion Method. This exactness in the proposed method fixes the repeatability problem in the Resolved Motion Method, and establishes a fixed transformation from workspace to the joint space. Also the method, owing to the exactness, is demonstrated to give more accurate trajectories than the Resolved Motion Method. In addition, a new performance measure for redundancy control has been developed. This measure, if used with kinematic control methods, helps achieve dexterous movements including singularity avoidance. Compared to other measures such as the manipulability measure and the condition number, this measure tends to give superior performances in terms of preserving the repeatability property and providing with smoother joint velocity trajectories. Using the fixed transformation property, Taylor's Bounded Deviation Paths Algorithm has been extended to the redundant manipulators.


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La present tesi intenta obtenir noves dades referents a la biologia i ecologia de la formiga argentina que poden arribar a ser cabdals per al disseny o millora de noves metodologies de control de l'expansió de la plaga en ecosistemes naturals. Així doncs, l'estudi de l'activitat de cerca d'aliment i del seu espectre dietari en ecosistemes naturals, juntament amb el de les fluctuacions estacionals de la densitat de reines en nius naturals, obre les portes a la millora de mètodes de control de la plaga mitjançant esquers tòxics d'efecte retardat i a l'aplicació de noves metodologies de control sense l'ús d'agents químics basats en l'eliminació massiva de reines. La tesi també aporta noves dades sobre la fisiologia reproductiva de l'espècie en relació a la temperatura, la qual cosa permet la integració de l'aspecte fisiològic en models de predicció del rang potencial d'establiment de la plaga en ecosistemes naturals, aspecte fins ara pràcticament oblidat en aquest tipus de models predictius.


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Physical, cultural and biological methods for weed control have developed largely independently and are often concerned with weed control in different systems: physical and cultural control in annual crops and biocontrol in extensive grasslands. We discuss the strengths and limitations of four physical and cultural methods for weed control: mechanical, thermal, cutting, and intercropping, and the advantages and disadvantages of combining biological control with them. These physical and cultural control methods may increase soil nitrogen levels and alter microclimate at soil level; this may be of benefit to biocontrol agents, although physical disturbance to the soil and plant damage may be detrimental. Some weeds escape control by these methods; we suggest that these weeds may be controlled by biocontrol agents. It will be easiest to combine biological control with. re and cutting in grasslands; within arable systems it would be most promising to combine biological control (especially using seed predators and foliar pathogens) with cover-cropping, and mechanical weeding combined with foliar bacterial and possibly foliar fungal pathogens. We stress the need to consider the timing of application of combined control methods in order to cause least damage to the biocontrol agent, along with maximum damage to the weed and to consider the wider implications of these different weed control methods.


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CBPP is an important transboundary disease in sub-Saharan Africa whose control is urgent. Participatory data collection involving 52 focus group discussions in 37 village clusters and key informant interviews, a cross-sectional study involving 232 households and a post-vaccination follow up involving 203 households was carried out in 2006-2007 in Narok South district of Kenya. This was to investigate knowledge, attitudes, perceptions and practices (KAPP) associated with control of CBPP as well as the adverse post-vaccination reactions in animals in order to advice the control policy. The community perceived trans-boundary CBPP threat to their cattle. They had traditional disease coping mechanisms and were conversant with CBPP prevention and control with 49.8% (95%CI: 42.8-56.7%) giving priority to CBPP control. However, 12.9% (95%CI: 9.0-18.1%) of pastoralists had no knowledge of any prevention method and 10.0% (95%CI: 6.5-14.7%) would not know what to do or would do nothing in the event of an outbreak. Although 43.5% (95%CI: 37.1-50.2%) of pastoralists were treating CBPP cases with antimicrobials, 62.5% (95%CI: 52.1-71.7%) of them doubted the effectiveness of the treatments. Pastoralists perceived vaccination to be the solution to CBPP but vaccination was irregular due to unavailability of the vaccine. Vaccination was mainly to control outbreaks rather than preventive and exhibited adverse post-vaccination reactions among 70.4% (95%CI: 63.6-76.5%) of herds and 3.8% (95%CI: 3.5-4.2%) of animals. Consequently, nearly 25.2% (95%CI: 18.5-33.2%) of pastoralists may resist subsequent vaccinations against CBPP. Pastoralists preferred CBPP vaccination at certain times of the year and that it is combined with other vaccinations. In conclusion, pastoralists were not fully aware of the preventive measures and interventions and post-vaccination reactions may discourage subsequent CBPP vaccinations. Consequently there is need for monitoring and management of post vaccination reactions and awareness creation on CBPP prevention and interventions and their merits and demerits. CBPP vaccine was largely unavailable to the pastoralists and the preference of the pastoralists was for vaccination at specified times and vaccine combinations which makes it necessary to avail the vaccine in conformity with the pastoralists preferences. In addition, planning vaccinations should involve pastoralists and neighbouring countries. As the results cannot be generalized, further studies on CBPP control methods and their effectiveness are recommended.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Here, a simplified dynamical model of a magnetically levitated body is considered. The origin of an inertial Cartesian reference frame is set at the pivot point of the pendulum on the levitated body in its static equilibrium state (ie, the gap between the magnet on the base and the magnet on the body, in this state). The governing equations of motion has been derived and the characteristic feature of the strategy is the exploitation of the nonlinear effect of the inertial force associated, with the motion of a pendulum-type vibration absorber driven, by an appropriate control torque [4]. In the present paper, we analyzed the nonlinear dynamics of problem, discussed the energy transfer between the main system and the pendulum in time, and developed State Dependent Riccati Equation (SDRE) control design to reducing the unstable oscillatory movement of the magnetically levitated body to a stable fixed point. The simulations results showed the effectiveness of the (SDRE) control design. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.