986 resultados para Illumination globale


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Photolysis of microcystins by UV irradiation and the effects of different environmental factors on efficiency of UV degradation were studied. The results indicated that the rates of the photolytical degradation reactions of microcystin-LR and RR-follow pseudo-first-order kinetic process. The results also showed that the concentrations of two microcystin variants decreased significantly by UV-C Irradiation; the wavelength and intensitiy of UV irradiation are two very important factors affecting the rate of degradation; temperature and pH value could also affect the half life of degradation rates. When irradiated by weaker UV-Iight, isomerization could be detected in the course of photolytical degradation. The concentrations of two isomers transformed from microcystin-LR reached its maximum at the third minute and decreased with the time afterwards. To simulate photolysis of microcystins in the field water body, microcystins with low concentration were used. It was found that UV-C illumination was capable of decomposing over 95% of microcystins within 40 min. In the presence of humic substances the photodecomposition slowed down to a certain extent. These results are valuable in using UV irradiation for elimination microcystins from raw water.


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The photocurrent curves of reflection-mode GaAs photocathodes as a function of time, when were illuminated by white light with an intensity of 0, 33 and 100 Ix, respectively, were measured using a multi-information measurement system. The calculated lifetimes of cathodes are 320, 160 and 75 min, respectively, showing that the stability of cathodes degraded with the increase of light intensity. The lifetime of cathode, illuminated by white light with an intensity of 100 Ix, while no photocurrent was being drawn during the illumination, was 100 min. Through comparison, we found that the influence of illumination on cathodes stability is greater than that of photocurrent. The quantum-yield curves of cathodes as a functions of time, when illuminated by white light with an intensity of 33 Ix, were measured also. The measured results show that the shape of the yield curves changes with increasing illumination time due to the faster quantum-yield degradation rate of low energy photons. Based on the revised quantum-efficiency equations for the reflection-mode cathodes, the variation of yield curves are analyzed to be due to the intervalley diffusion of photoelectrons and the evolution of the surface potential barrier profile of the photocathodes during degradation process.


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An effective face detection system used for detecting multi pose frontal face in gray images is presented. Image preprocessing approaches are applied to reduce the influence of the complex illumination. Eye-analog pairing and improved multiple related template matching are used to glancing and accurate face detecting, respectively. To shorten the time cost of detecting process, we employ prejudge rules in checking candidate image segments before template matching. Test by our own face database with complicated illumination and background, the system has high calculation speed and illumination independency, and obtains good experimental results.


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The beating patterns in the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillatory magnetoresistance originating from zero-field spin splitting of two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) in In0.52Al0.48As/InxGa1-xAs/In0.52Al0.48As quantum wells with silicon delta doped on the upper barrier layer have been investigated by means of magnetotransport measurements before and after illumination. Contrary to the expectation, after each illumination, the beating nodes induced by the zero-field spin-splitting effect shift to lower and lower magnetic field due to the decrease in the zero-field spin-splitting energy of the 2DEGs. The anomalous phenomenon of the shift of the beating nodes and the decrease in spin-orbit coupling constants after illumination cannot be explained by utilizing the previous linear Rashba model. It is suggested that the decrease in the zero-field spin-splitting energy and the spin-orbit coupling constant arise from the nonlinear Rashba spin splitting.


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The dynamic process of light illumination of GaAs is studied numerically in this paper to understand the photoquenching characteristics of the material. This peculiar behavior of GaAs is usally ascribed to the existence of EL2 states and their photodriven metastable states. To understand the conductivity quenching, we have introduced nonlinear terms describing the recombination of the nonequilibrium free electrons and holes into the calculation. Though some photoquenching such as photocapacitance, infrared absorption, and electron-paramagnetic-resonance quenching can be explained qualitatively by only considering the internal transfer between the EL2 state and its metastability, it is essential to take the recombination into consideration for a clear understanding of the photoquenching process. The numerical results and approximate analytical approach are presented in this paper for the first time to our knowledge. The calculation gives quite a reasonable explanation for n-type semiconducting GaAs to have infrared absorption quenching while lacking photoconductance quenching. Also, the calculation results have allowed us to interpret the enhanced photoconductance phenomenon following the conductance quenching in typical semi-insulating GaAs and have shown the expected thermal recovery temperature of about 120 K. The numerical results are in agreement with the reported experiments and have diminished some ambiguities in previous works.


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The intermittent illumination treatment by white light at elevated temperature is proved to be a convenient and efficient method for the improvement of the stability of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) films. The effect of the treatment on electrical properties, light-induced degradation, and gap states of undoped a-Si:H films has been investigated in detail. With the increase of cycling number, the dark- as well as photo-conductivities in annealed state and light-soaked state approach each other, presenting an unique irreversible effect. The stabilization and ordering processes by the present treatment can not be achieved merely by annealing under the same conditions. It is shown that the treatment proposed here results in a shift to higher values of the energy barriers between defects and their precursors, and hence an improved stability of a-Si:H films. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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Shrimps Litopenaeus vannamei with initial body weight of 2.108 +/- 0.036 g were sampled for specific growth rates (SGR) and body color measurements for 50 days under different light sources (incandescent lamp, IL; cool-white fluorescent lamp, FL; metal halide lamp, MHL; and control without lamp) and different illumination methods (illumination only in day, IOD, and illumination day and night, IDN). Body color of L. vannamei was measured according to the free astaxanthin concentration (FAC) of shrimp. The SGR, food intake (FI), feed conversion efficiency (FCE) and FAC of shrimps showed significant differences among the experimental treatment groups (P < 0.05). Maximum and minimum SGR occurred under IOD by MHL and IDN by FL, respectively (difference 56.34%). The FI of shrimp for the control group did not rank lowest among treatments, confirming that shrimp primarily use scent, not vision, to search for food. FI and FCE of shrimps were both the lowest among treatment groups under IDN by FL and growth was slow, thus FL is not a preferred light source for shrimp culture. Under IOD by MHL, shrimps had the highest FCE and the third highest FI among treatment groups ensuring rapid growth. FAC of shrimp were about 3.31 +/- 0.20 mg/kg. When under IOD by MHL and IDN by FL, FAC was significantly higher than the other treatments (P < 0.05). To summarize, when illuminated by MHL, L. vannamei had not only vivid body color due to high astaxanthin concentration but also rapid growth. Therefore, MHL is an appropriate indoor light source for shrimp super-intensive culture. SGR of shrimp was in significantly negative correlation to FAC of shrimp (P < 0.05). Thus, when FAC increased, SGR did not always follow, suggesting that the purpose of astaxanthin accumulation was not for growth promotion but for protection against intense light. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Humans recognize optical reflectance properties of surfaces such as metal, plastic, or paper from a single image without knowledge of illumination. We develop a machine vision system to perform similar recognition tasks automatically. Reflectance estimation under unknown, arbitrary illumination proves highly underconstrained due to the variety of potential illumination distributions and surface reflectance properties. We have found that the spatial structure of real-world illumination possesses some of the statistical regularities observed in the natural image statistics literature. A human or computer vision system may be able to exploit this prior information to determine the most likely surface reflectance given an observed image. We develop an algorithm for reflectance classification under unknown real-world illumination, which learns relationships between surface reflectance and certain features (statistics) computed from a single observed image. We also develop an automatic feature selection method.


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Under normal viewing conditions, humans find it easy to distinguish between objects made out of different materials such as plastic, metal, or paper. Untextured materials such as these have different surface reflectance properties, including lightness and gloss. With single isolated images and unknown illumination conditions, the task of estimating surface reflectance is highly underconstrained, because many combinations of reflection and illumination are consistent with a given image. In order to work out how humans estimate surface reflectance properties, we asked subjects to match the appearance of isolated spheres taken out of their original contexts. We found that subjects were able to perform the task accurately and reliably without contextual information to specify the illumination. The spheres were rendered under a variety of artificial illuminations, such as a single point light source, and a number of photographically-captured real-world illuminations from both indoor and outdoor scenes. Subjects performed more accurately for stimuli viewed under real-world patterns of illumination than under artificial illuminations, suggesting that subjects use stored assumptions about the regularities of real-world illuminations to solve the ill-posed problem.


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This paper describes a machine vision system that classifies reflectance properties of surfaces such as metal, plastic, or paper, under unknown real-world illumination. We demonstrate performance of our algorithm for surfaces of arbitrary geometry. Reflectance estimation under arbitrary omnidirectional illumination proves highly underconstrained. Our reflectance estimation algorithm succeeds by learning relationships between surface reflectance and certain statistics computed from an observed image, which depend on statistical regularities in the spatial structure of real-world illumination. Although the algorithm assumes known geometry, its statistical nature makes it robust to inaccurate geometry estimates.


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A novel approach for real-time skin segmentation in video sequences is described. The approach enables reliable skin segmentation despite wide variation in illumination during tracking. An explicit second order Markov model is used to predict evolution of the skin-color (HSV) histogram over time. Histograms are dynamically updated based on feedback from the current segmentation and predictions of the Markov model. The evolution of the skin-color distribution at each frame is parameterized by translation, scaling and rotation in color space. Consequent changes in geometric parameterization of the distribution are propagated by warping and resampling the histogram. The parameters of the discrete-time dynamic Markov model are estimated using Maximum Likelihood Estimation, and also evolve over time. The accuracy of the new dynamic skin color segmentation algorithm is compared to that obtained via a static color model. Segmentation accuracy is evaluated using labeled ground-truth video sequences taken from staged experiments and popular movies. An overall increase in segmentation accuracy of up to 24% is observed in 17 out of 21 test sequences. In all but one case the skin-color classification rates for our system were higher, with background classification rates comparable to those of the static segmentation.


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An improved technique for 3D head tracking under varying illumination conditions is proposed. The head is modeled as a texture mapped cylinder. Tracking is formulated as an image registration problem in the cylinder's texture map image. To solve the registration problem in the presence of lighting variation and head motion, the residual error of registration is modeled as a linear combination of texture warping templates and orthogonal illumination templates. Fast and stable on-line tracking is then achieved via regularized, weighted least squares minimization of the registration error. The regularization term tends to limit potential ambiguities that arise in the warping and illumination templates. It enables stable tracking over extended sequences. Tracking does not require a precise initial fit of the model; the system is initialized automatically using a simple 2-D face detector. The only assumption is that the target is facing the camera in the first frame of the sequence. The warping templates are computed at the first frame of the sequence. Illumination templates are precomputed off-line over a training set of face images collected under varying lighting conditions. Experiments in tracking are reported.