844 resultados para Illinois School for the Deaf
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Ce mémoire propose d’étudier l’articulation entre l’identité ethnique (à l’adolescence) et l’ambition scolaire – ici définie comme l’ensemble des motivations, des moyens de persévérance et du niveau scolaire – notamment à travers les concepts d’assimilation et de la résistance culturelle (McAndrew 2008). Nous nous intéressons aux jeunes issus de l’immigration latino-américaine à Montréal. Il s’agit d’une analyse qualitative, plus précisément d’analyse de discours qui nous a permis de comprendre comment leurs expériences et leurs représentations des Latinos et des Québécois influencent leur identification ethnique ainsi que leurs perceptions et décisions en milieu scolaire. Les résultats de cette étude démontrent que l’identification ethnique, en corrélation avec le statut socio-économique et le genre, semble être liée à l’ambition scolaire. Malgré une certaine confirmation de la relation classique entre statut socio-économique et niveau de scolarité, les discours des participants ont permis de faire ressortir une particularité ethnique susceptible de contribuer à expliquer le choix de continuer aux études supérieures. Cet impact est plus important chez les jeunes femmes de notre échantillon; celles avec le niveau de scolarité le moins élevé, ont un statut socio-économique moindre et s’identifient davantage à la culture latino, en contraste avec celles les plus éduquées ayant aussi un statut socio-économique supérieur et qui s’identifiaient davantage à la culture québécoise.
This paper makes use of a short, sharp, unexpected health shock in the form of the 2010 Colombian Dengue outbreak to examine the direct and indirect impact of negative health shocks on behaviour of households in affected areas. Our analysis combines data from several sources in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of the influence of the outbreak, and furthermore to understand the underlying mechanisms driving the effects. Our initial analysis indicates that the outbreak had a substantial negative effect on the health status of adults and adversely affected their ability to function as usual in their daily lives. In our aggregated school data, in areas with high levels of haemorrhagic Dengue we observe a reduction innational exam attendance (last year of secondary school) and on enrolment rates in primary education. Further analysis aims to exploit detailed individual level data to gain a more in depth understanding of the precise channels through which this disease influenced the behaviour and outcomes of the poor in Colombia.
Resumen tomado de la publicación. Monográfico con el título: Nuevas tecnologías y educación en medios
This paper examines the importance of vision screening for hearing-impaired children and proposes and evaluates a vision screening program for the Central Institute for the Deaf.
This paper discusses the influence of rhythm in teaching of hearing impaired children.
This paper discusses mainstreaming for the hearing impaired.
This paper discusses a study to demonstrate improvement in vowel articulation ability by direct acoustic measurement of the format frequencies of vowels before and after training.
This paper presents a catalogue of assistive listening devices (including descriptions, photographs and descriptions) available at the assistive listening device center at Central Institute for the Deaf.
This paper reviews a study to compare two commercially available single-channel tactile aids for the deaf.
This paper discusses the effectiveness of a remedial reading program for hearing impaired children.
This paper discusses whether participation in creative art affects the hearing impaired child's self expression in written language.
Surveys addressing the issues of burnout among teachers of the deaf were sent to teachers in private oral schools. Forty-seven surveys were returned, providing insight into specific factors contributing to burnout.
This paper presents the implementation of a writer's workshop at Central Institute for the Deaf, as a method of developing the writing skills of hearing impaired children.
This paper discusses the effect of play on the personality of hearing impaired children.