988 resultados para Hg-II separation


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Aminopolykarboksyylaatteja, kuten etyleenidiamiinitetraetikkahappoa (EDTA), on käytetty useiden vuosikymmenien ajan erinomaisen metalli-ionien sitomiskyvyn vuoksi kelatointiaineena lukuisissa sovelluksissa sekä analytiikassa että monilla teollisisuuden aloilla. Näiden yhdisteiden biohajoamattomuus on kuitenkin herättänyt huolta viime aikoina, sillä niiden on havaittu olevan hyvin pysyviä luonnossa. Tämä työ on osa laajempaa tutkimushanketta, jossa on tavoitteena löytää korvaavia kelatointiaineita EDTA:lle. Tutkimuksen aiheena on kuuden kelatointiaineen metalli-ionien sitomiskyvyn kartoitus. EDTA:a paremmin luonnossa hajoavina nämä ovat ympäristöystävällisiä ehdokkaita korvaaviksi kelatointiaineiksi useisiin sovelluksiin. Työssä tutkittiin niiden kompleksinmuodostusta useiden metalli-ionien kanssa potentiometrisella titrauksella. Metalli-ionivalikoima vaihteli hieman kelatointiaineesta riippuen sisältäen magnesium-, kalsium-, mangaani-, rauta-, kupari-, sinkki-, kadmium-, elohopea-, lyijy- ja lantaani-ionit. Tutkittavat metallit oli valittu tähtäimessä olevien sovellusten, synteesissä ilmenneiden ongelmien tai ympäristönäkökohtien perusteella. Tulokset osoittavat näiden yhdisteiden metallinsitomiskyvyn olevan jonkin verran heikompi kuin EDTA:lla, mutta kuitenkin riittävän useisiin sovelluksiin kuten sellunvalkaisuprosessiin. Myrkyllisten raskasmetallien, kadmiumin, elohopen ja lyijyn kohdalla EDTA:a heikompi sitoutuminen on eduksikin, koska se yhdistettynä parempaan biohajoavuuteen saattaa alentaa tutkittujen yhdisteiden kykyä mobilisoida kyseisiä metalleja sedimenteistä. Useimmilla tutkituista yhdisteistä on ympäristönäkökulmasta etuna myös EDTA:a pienempi typpipitoisuus.


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The complexes of thiophene 2-thiocarboxamide (TTCA) with some metal chlorides and bromides [M = Ni(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), Hg(II) and Cu(I)] are described. Elemental analyses, magnetic susceptibilities and conductance studies, electronic, IR, proton and 13C magnetic resonance spectra are reported. The results suggest exclusive coordination of TTCA through the thiocarbonyl sulfur. The influence of the thiophene ring on the donor properties of the thioamide are discussed.


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The complexes of monothiobiuret with Co(II), Ni(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) chlorides are investigated. The ligand is suggested to be unidentate bonding through sulfur in Co(II) and Hg(II) complexes and bidentate bonding through both sulfur and oxygen atoms in the other two complexes.


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Monothiobenzoate (MTB) (Chemical Equation Presented) complexes with the molecular formulas Cr(MTB)3, [Ni(MTB)2]n, [Zn(MTB)2]n, [Cd(MTB)2]n, [Hg(MTB)2]n, [Cu(MTB)]n, and [Ag(MTB)]n have been prepared and studied. All the complexes are nonionic in acetonitrile. Only the chromium complex is soluble in nitrobenzene and found to be monomeric cryoscopically. The thiobenzoate ligand appears to be asymmetrically chelated in Cr(III) and Cd(II) complexes, with stronger oxygen and sulfur coordination, respectively, while practically symmetrically coordinated in Ni(II) and Zn(II) complexes. These four complexes are assigned distorted octahedral structures around the metal ion. The coordination in Hg(II), Cu(I), and Ag(I) complexes is mainly through sulfur indicating the monodentate nature of the thiobenzoate ligand in these complexes. The coordination of monothiobenzoate ion in the complexes has been rationalized in terms of "hard" and "soft" acid-base concept.


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Experiments have been conducted to obtain the optimum conditions of hydrogen ion concentration of feed and strip phases and concentration of the carrier ALAMINE 336, in the extraction of Cr(VI) and Hg(II) using two different types of liquid membranes-bulk liquid membrane and emulsion liquid membrane. Experiments have also been carried out to find the effect of metal loading and the effect of extraction time on metal flux.


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Glassy carbon electrodes (GCE) and carbon paste electrodes (CPE) were modified with imidazole functionalized polyaniline with the aim to develop a sensor for lead (II) in both acidic and basic aqueous solution. The electrodes were characterized by cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse adsorptive stripping voltammetry. The limit of detections obtained with glassy carbon electrode and carbon paste electrode are 20 ng mL(-1) and 2 ng mL(-1) of lead ion, respectively. An interference study was carried out with Cd(II), As(III), Hg(II) and Co(II) ions. Cd(II) ions interfere significantly (peak overlap) and As(III) has a depressing effect on the lead signal. The influence of pH was investigated indicating that bare and modified GCE and CPE show optimum response at pH 4.0 +/- 0.05.


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Cation sensing properties of the three positional isomers of rhodamine based sensors (1-3) are studied in water. The sensors differ only in the position of pyridine's nitrogen. The chemosensor 1, with pyridine nitrogen at ortho-position, showed a selective colorimetric detection of Cu(II) ions in water, at physiological pH 7.4 and also in medium containing BSA (bovine serum albumin) and blood serum. Notably the compound 2 and 3, with pyridine end located at meta-and para-positions did not show any color change with Cu(II) ions, although both the compounds showed turn-on change both in color and fluorescence with Hg(II) ions specifically. All the probes showed ratiometric changes with the specific metal ions. The changing position of nitrogen also changed the complexation pattern of the sensors with the metal ions. Probe 1 showed 2 : 1 complexation with Cu(II), whereas 2 and 3 showed 1 : 1 complexation with Hg(II) ions. The mechanism investigation showed that the change in color upon addition of metal ions is due to the ring-opening of the spirolactam ring of the probes. Cu(II) interacted with ligand 1 through a three-point interaction mode comprising carbonyl oxygen, amido nitrogen and pyridine nitrogen end. But in case of 2 and 3, Hg2+ only interacted through pyridine nitrogen ends. Quantitative estimation of Cu2+ and Hg2+ in complex biological media such as bovine albumin protein (BSA) and human blood serum were performed using these sensors. Rapid on-site detection as well as discrimination of these toxic ions was demonstrated using easily prepared portable test-strips.


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This thesis is in two parts. In Part I the independent variable θ in the trigonometric form of Legendre's equation is extended to the range ( -∞, ∞). The associated spectral representation is an infinite integral transform whose kernel is the analytic continuation of the associated Legendre function of the second kind into the complex θ-plane. This new transform is applied to the problems of waves on a spherical shell, heat flow on a spherical shell, and the gravitational potential of a sphere. In each case the resulting alternative representation of the solution is more suited to direct physical interpretation than the standard forms.

In Part II separation of variables is applied to the initial-value problem of the propagation of acoustic waves in an underwater sound channel. The Epstein symmetric profile is taken to describe the variation of sound with depth. The spectral representation associated with the separated depth equation is found to contain an integral and a series. A point source is assumed to be located in the channel. The nature of the disturbance at a point in the vicinity of the channel far removed from the source is investigated.


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In this paper, the photochemical reduction process of Hg (II) in aqueous solution containing ferric iron and oxalate (Ox) has been studied. Under the radiation of a low-pressure mercury lamp (lambda = 253.7 nm, 8W), Fe(III)-oxalate complexes undergo photolysis to produce ferrous ions and other organic reductive species, which reduce Hg(II) subsequently. For 0.1 mg/L Hg (II), the photoreduction efficiency is comparatively higher in the solution at pH 5.0 than that over the range of 3.0 similar to 8.0. The photoreduction efficiency of Ho (II) in aqueous solution increases with increasing, initial concentration of ferric ions from 0.02 mmol/L to 0.2 mmol/L and initial concentration of oxalate from 0.96 mmol/L to 4.8 mmol/L and then gradually approaches to a steady state. CH3OH also contributes the reduction of Hg (II). We investigate the increase of the ferric, oxalate and CH3OH concentrations resulting from the increase of reduction efficiency of Hg (II). It can be seen that ferrous ions and other reactive species are reductants of Hg (II), and the reaction product with oxalate is mainly volatile metallic mercury.


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本论文较系统地研究了Naf:on聚合物薄膜冠醚修饰电极阳极溶出伏安法在分析中的应用。首次将Naf:on薄膜冠醚类化合物修饰电极应用于铊、银和铅三种离子的测定,得到了高灵敏度的分析方法亦用于实际样品测定。用涂层法制备了Naf:on聚合物薄膜冠醚(二环已基18-冠-6)化学修饰电极,用这种修饰电极测定金属离子的高灵敏度来源于将Naf:on对大阳离子的强离子交换能力、冠醚类化合物络合金属阳离子形成大阳离子的能力与溶出伏安法的高灵敏度三者的结合,冠醚化合物中性分子可与金属阳离子络合形成大络阳离子:M~(n+)+qC=(MC_q)~(n+) Naf:on膜由于其具有的对大阳离子的强交换能力而将冠醚与和金属离子形成的大阳离子络合并吸附于电极表面,在溶出伏安法的富集过程中,电位置于是以令(MCq)~(n+)还原的位置以使(MCq)~(n+)还原:(MCq)~(n+)+ne=M+qC 析出的零价态的金属可在Naf:on膜内固定,同时又放出冠醚分子成为新的未被占据的络合吸附中心,继续捕获溶液中的阳离子从而起到富集作用。由于使用溶出伏安法排除电极表面络合吸附饱和的问题,从而使本方法灵敏度大大高于一般的使用化学修饰电极进行预富集的分析测定方法。提出了Naf:on薄膜冠醚修饰电极阳极溶出伏安法测定水溶液中Te(I)的方法,在电位为-1.30 Vvs.Ag/Ag ce处0.1高氯酸锂溶液中,用该修饰电极富集30分钟,检测下限可低至2×10~(-12)M(0.4 ppt)。溶液中Te(I)浓度在5×10(-12)M~1×10(-8)M范围内与溶出峰电流成良好的线性关系且通过原点,可以用标准加入法测定。常见共存元素Zn(II),Su(II),Cu(II),Fe(II),Co(II),Ni(II),In(III)等无干扰。Pb(II)与Cd(II)共存时对Te(I)有干扰,同1×10~(-3)M EDTA掩蔽可有消除干扰。测定了合成样品中的Te(I)含量,平行测定七组样品相对标准偏差4.2%。本文法是目前Te(I)的分析中最灵敏的电化学方法之一。提出了Naf:on薄膜冠醚修饰电极阳极溶出伏安法测定水溶液中Ag(I)的方法。在0.01MHNO_3 4~7×10~(-3)M Cl混合溶液中,检测电位在-0.30Vvs.SCE富集30分钟,检出下限可低至2×10~(-12)M,是迄今所见Ag(I)的分析中灵敏度最高的电分析方法。Ag(I)浓度在2×10~(-11)M~1×10~(-8)M范围内与溶出峰电流成良好的线性关系且通过原点。五到十倍量的Hg(II)和Au(II)有干扰。用本法测定了分析纯硝酸铵中的银含量为0.000048%,平行测定七组样品相对标准偏差为3.7%。提出用Naf:on薄膜冠醚修饰电极阳极溶出伏安法测定水样中铅的方法。在0.lMLiNO_3底液中,电位在-1.10Vvs.SCE富庥3分钟检测限达5×10~(-10)M,方法快速灵敏。Pb(II)浓度在1×10~(-9)~1×10~(-7)M范围内与溶出峰电流呈线性关系。1×10~(-6)以上Cu(II)存在使Pb(II)的峰电流时显增加。用本方法测定了自来水样中的铅含量,平行测定七组样品相对标准偏差8.0%。该修饰电极在K~+浓度为1×10~(-5)~1×10~(-7)M范围内对K~+有能斯特响应。本工作为铊、铅、银的痕量分析提供了高灵敏度的方法,为溶出伏安法摆脱汞污染的问题做出了贡献,为化学修饰电极用于分析化学领域提供了新的途径。


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伯胺由于其特殊的结构(R-NH_2),使它具有和仲、数胺不相同的一些性质。有较强的和矿物酸HX结合形成RNH_3X的能力,从而以离子交换机理萃取金属离子;也可以-NH_2上的氮、氢原子同以高价存在的过渡金属含氧酸以氢键方式相结合;另外,RNH_2也可通过氮原子以配位键形式与一些属于软酸类的过度金属离子形成配合物。通过伯胺萃取金属离子行为的研究,可发现新的萃取体系,扩大我国自行设计的伯胺N_(1923)萃取剂的应用领域,为金属离子的分离提纯工艺提供基本参数。我们实验室过去曾对伯胺N_(1923)萃取稀土(III)、Fe(III)、Zn (II)、Cd(II)、Ag(I)、Sc(III)等的机理进行了比较系统的研究。本工作是在此基础上,进一步完善及扩大N_(1923)对周期表中各族元素的萃取及应用。为此,我们选择了文献尚未报道的Ti(IV)、HgCl_2、Hg(CH_3COO)_2、Cu(CH_3COO)_2为研究对象,对它们的萃取机理进行了较详细的研究。结果表明,自由的N_(1923)或其盐对上述体系具有良好的萃取性能,并初步讨论了N_(1923)在金属离子萃取分离中的应用。一、伯胺N_(1923)萃取HgCl_2的机理 微量汞的萃取及分离对环境保护具有重要的实际意义。我们的研究结果表明,在pH值为3-4.5范围内,即使Cl~-浓度很低时,伯胺N_(1923)也能几乎定量地萃取HgCl_2,其盐酸盐亦能有效地萃取Hg(II),但两者的萃取机理不同。自由伯胺RNH_2可与HgCl_2形成配合物,其萃取机理为:RHN_(2(0)) + HgCl_2 <-> Hg(RNH_2)Cl_(2(0))对伯胺盐,实验证明其机理主要为加合反应,但当Cl~-浓度较高时,则为阴离子交换反应:加合反应:2RNH_3Cl_((0)) + HgCl_2 <-> (RNH_3Cl)_2HgCl_(2(0))交换反应:2RNH_3Cl_((0)) + HgCl_4~(2-) <-> (RNH_3)_2HgCl_(4(0)) + 2Cl~-通过考察温度对配位萃取反应的影响,求得反应的热效应ΔH = -48.82 KJ/mol,并分析了萃合物的IR、NMR谱。二、伯胺N_(1923)萃取Hg(CH_3COO)_2的机理 与HgCl_2体系相似,自由伯胺或其盐均能萃取Hg(CH_3COO)_2,萃取机理分别为:RNH_(2(0)) + Hg(CH_3CCO)_2 <-> Hg(RNH_2)(CH_3COO)_(2(0)) (CH_3COONH_3R)_(2(0)) + Hg(CH_3COO)_2 <-> (CH_3COONH_3R)_2Hg(CH_3COO)_(2(0))。在不同的萃取剂浓度下,上述反应的表观平衡常数基本不随萃取剂浓度的变化而改变,其对数值分别为:11.85、8.11。三、伯胺N_(1923)萃取Cu(CH_3COO)_2的机理 水相酸度对萃取反应的影响表明,RNH_2在近中性体系中具有很好的萃取性能,而在乙酸浓度较高的条件下,Cu(II)几乎不被RNH_2所萃取。说明自由伯胺能以配位机理的形式萃取Cu(Oh_3coo)_2,经确定,萃取反应式为:2RNH_(2(0)) + Cu(CH_3COO)_2 <-> Cu(RNH_2)_2(CH_3COO)_(2(0))并对该反应的表观平衡常数及热力学函数进行了计算。通过分析萃合物的IR谱,认为Cu(RNH_2)_2(CH_3COO)_2为平面型四配位的配合物。四、(RNH_3)_2SO_4从硫酸溶液中萃取Ti(IV)的研究 在低酸度(pH:0.84)的H_2SO_4溶液中,伯胺N_(1923)对Ti(IV)具有很强的萃取能力。用化学平衡法确定其反应式为:3(RNH_3)_2SO_(4(0)) + Ti(OH)_3~+ + SO_4~(2-) <-> 2(RNH_3)_3Ti(OH_3)(SO_4)_(2(0))我们用正十二胺代替N_(1923),合成了上述萃合物的模拟物,经元素分析确定了萃合物的分子式:(RNH_3)_3Ti(OH)_3(SO_4)_2。并较详细地分析了萃合物的NMR、IR谱。变温NMR的结果表明,萃合物中存在两种含有活泼氢的基团,用D_2O交换后的NMR的结果亦证明了这一点。从萃合物的IR谱中,可得到SO_4~(2-)是以单齿配位形式同Ti(IV)相结合的信息。这些结果为所提出的萃取机理提供了直接的证据。并求出了上述萃取反应的表观平衡常数,其对数值为10.15,该值基本不随萃取剂浓度的变化而发生改变。反应的热效应ΔH = 66.49 KJ/mol,由计算得出的ΔG值可知,上述萃取反应有很大的向右进行的趋势。五、伯胺N_(1923)在萃取分离中的应用 为了扩大N_(1923)的应用,通过上述研究,我们对其在萃取分离中的应用进行了讨论,认为在以下几方面有可能得到应用:1、从环境废水中除Hg(II);2、Hg(II)和Zn(II)、Cd(II)在CH_3COOH体系中的分离;3、CH_3COOH体系中Cu(II)、Co(II)、Ni(II)的萃取分离;4、在较高浓度的H_2SO_4体系中,应用(RNH_3)_2SO_4进行了Ti(IV)-Fe(II)的分离。


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维生素B_1(V_(B_1))是一种动物体内不可缺少的生物催化剂,它的生物功能只有在某些二价金属离子存在时才能得以发挥。本工作制备了维生素B_1与Mn(II),Co(II),Cu(II),Zn(II),Cd(II),Hg(II)等六种过渡金属的络合物,对其进行了元素分析及红外光谱,核磁共振增,紫外一可见光谱,萤光光谱,X-射线晶体结构,热重等性质的测定。研究了上述络合物的结构特性及生成机理。结果表明。V_(B_1)与上述金属离子可以生成三种类型的络合物—离子型、M-N 配位型号以及M-O配位与离子键共存型。其中最后一种类型的V_(B_1)—金属络合物是本工作中新的发现。我们首次制得了属于M-O配位与离子键共存类型的V_(B_1)-Hg络全物并测定了它的晶体结构,首次测定了Zn-V_(B_1)络合物的晶体结构。根据光谱学,波谱学性质推测了其他络合物的化学结构。本工作还制备了维生素P的主要组分芦丁和四氯四碘萤光素二个系列各十三种稀土元素 络合物并对其进行了元素分析及热重,电导,红外光谱、紫外—可见光谱等性质的测定,研究了这些络合物的化学结构及生成机理。


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PVC based membranes of a double armed crown ether, N, N'-dibenzyl, 1,4,10,13-tetraoxa-7, 16-diaza cyclooctadecane (I) as ionophore with sodium tetra phenyl borate (NaTPB) as anion excluder and with many plasticizing solvent mediators have been prepared and used for Hg(II) ion determination. The membrane with DBBP (dibutyl butyl phosphonate ) as plasticizer with various ingredients in the ratio PVC: I: NaTPB: DBBP (150: 12: 2: 100) shows the best results in terms of working concentration range (3.1x10-5-1.0x10-tM) with a Nernstian slope (29.0′0.5 mV/decade of activity). The electrode works in the pH range 2.1-4.5. The response time of the sensor is 15s and it can be used for about 4 months in aqueous as well as in non-aqueous medium. It has good stability and reproducibility. The potentiometric selectivity coefficient values for mono-, di-, and trivalent cations are tabulated. The sensor is highly selective for Hg2+ in the presence of normal interferents like cadmium, silver, sodium and iron.


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The sorption on humic acid (HA) of metals from an aqueous solution containing Hg(II). Fe(III), Pb, Cu, Al, Ni, Cr(III), Cd, Zn, Co and Mn, was investigated with special emphasis on effects of pH, metal concentration and HA concentration. The sorption efficiency tended to increase with rise in pH, decrease in metal concentration and increase in HA concentration of the equilibrating solution. At pH 2.4. the order of sorption was: Hg Fe Pb Cu=Al Ni Cr=Zn=Cd=Co=Mn. At pH 3.7. the order was: Hg and Fe were always most readily removed, while Co and Mn were sorbed least readily. There were indications of competition for active sites (CO2H and phenolic OH groups) on the HA between the different metals. We were unable to find correlations between the affinities of the eleven metals to sorb on HA and their atomic weights, atomic numbers, valencies, and crystal and hydrated ionic radii. The sorption of the eleven metals on the HA could be described by the equation Full-size image (1K), where Y = % metal removed by HA; X = mgHA; and A and B are empirical constants


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A simple approach to sensor development based on encapsulating a probe molecule in a cellulose support followed by regeneration from an ionic liquid solution is demonstrated here by the codissolution of cellulose and 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride followed by regeneration with water to form strips which exhibit a proportionate (1 : 1) response to Hg(II) in aqueous solution.