934 resultados para Health Consequences
Este reportaje aborda el desarrollo de la política colombiana para la gestión de residuos de teléfonos celulares, tabletas y computadores, desde la perspectiva de los actores implicados en el proceso y el impacto social de la problemática.
Introducción: Las deficiencias de micronutrientes continúan siendo un problema de salud pública en la población infantil, dentro de las ellas se ha encontrado a la deficiencia de zinc causa importante de morbi-mortalidad en los países en desarrollo, la nutrición adecuada de zinc es esencial para un crecimiento adecuado, inmunocompetencia y desarrollo neuroconductual; se dispone de información insuficiente sobre el estado de zinc en la población preescolar lo cual dificulta la expansión de las intervenciones para el control de su deficiencia. Colombia presenta una deficiencia de este micronutriente, considerándose a nivel mundial como un problema de salud pública moderado a severo. Una evaluación sobre la prevalencia y factores determinantes asociados puede proporcionar datos sobre el riesgo de deficiencia de zinc en una población, considerando factores demográficos, sociales y nutricionales que podrían predisponer a la población preescolar colombiana a sufrir este déficit. Metodología: Estudio observacional de corte transversal que incluyó 4275 niños entre 1 y 4 años, utilizando datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Situación Nutricional (ENSIN-2010). Se realizaron análisis bivariados y multivariados para determinar factores asociados positiva y negativamente con deficiencia de zinc. Resultados: El 49,1% de los niños encuestados cursaban con deficiencia de zinc. Los factores de riesgo asociados a deficiencia de zinc encontrados fueron menor edad, peso y talla bajos, vivir en región Atlántica, región Central, Territorios Nacionales, vivienda en área de población dispersa, pertenencia a etnia afrocolombiana, pertenencia a etnia indígena, estar afiliado a régimen subsidiado, no estar afiliado a ningún régimen de salud, madre sin educación, no asistencia a programa de alimentación dirigido y el grado severo de inseguridad Conclusiones: El déficit de zinc en los niños entre 1 y 4 años de edad es multifactorial, siendo un reflejo probable de la situación de inequidad de la población colombiana, en especial, la más pobre y vulnerable. Palabras clave: Zinc, Deficiencia de zinc, factores asociados, niños entre 1 y 4 años, Colombia
INTRODUCCION. En Colombia y a nivel mundial la vacunación es una estrategia que ha reducido la mortalidad infantil, sin embargo existen bajas coberturas en algunas zonas del país, dentro de las causas de la no vacunación se encuentra el bajo peso al nacer, tema de gran importancia y poco estudiado, encontrándose como una causa controlable y que permitiría a la población acceder a la protección frente a enfermedades inmunoprevenibles. MATERIALES Y METODOS. Se realizó un estudio de tipo observacional de corte trasversal, la muestra fue tomada de la ENDS realizada por Profamilia en el año 2010, se tomó el número total de los encuestados que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión, en total fueron 9694 registros a los que se les realizo; análisis descriptivo, bivariado y multivariado. RESULTADOS. Los niños con bajo peso al nacer tienen menor probabilidad de estar vacunados con el esquema completo con respecto a los niños con peso normal, OR 0762 (IC 95% 0,650; 0,895), se observó que las vacunas en forma individual tienen un comportamiento similar al esquema completo, específicamente en la aplicación en el tiempo indicado para su aplicación, exceptuando triple viral donde no se encontró asociación. CONCLUSION. El bajo peso es un factor determinante en la vacunación a tiempo de los menores y del cumplimiento posterior del esquema, se encontraron variables asociadas al no cumplimiento como el lugar del parto, el índice de pobreza y pertenecer a la etnia afrodescendiente.
Introducción: La OMS revela que en 2010 alrededor de 43 millones de niños menores de 5 años presentan sobrepeso. En Colombia según la Encuesta Nacional de Situación Nutricional en Colombia en su versión 2005, mostraba una prevalencia general de sobrepeso de 3.1% niños de 0 a 4 años. Es una condición de salud de origen multifactorial en la que interviene factores genéticos, ambientales, maternos y perinatales. Objetivo: Establecer la asociación de riesgo entre el bajo peso al nacer y el desarrollo de sobrepeso y obesidad en niños de 4 a 5 años. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo retrospectivo de corte transversal con los datos nutricionales, maternos y perinatales de la Encuesta Nacional de Demografía en Salud del año 2010 en Colombia. Se analizó la asociación entre la variable independiente bajo peso al nacer con el desenlace sobrepeso y obesidad en menores de 4 a 5 años, usando como medida el IMC según la edad. Se realizaron análisis univariados, bivariados y de regresión logística con un modelo de riesgo según las variables que inciden en el desenlace y la variable independiente. Resultados: La muestra obtenida para el estudio fue de 2166 niños de 4 a 5 años de edad quienes cumplían los criterios de inclusión. La prevalencia de sobrepeso u obesidad en la primera infancia fue de 21.8% (472) y el bajo peso al nacer. Los resultados sugieren la asociación de bajo peso y sobrepeso u obesidad es de ORajustado= 0.560 (0.356 – 0.881). Conclusiones: Los resultados sugieren que existe una asociación como factor protector entre el bajo peso y el sobrepeso u obesidad en la primera infancia. Sin embargo, debido al comportamiento de las variables consideradas en la muestra no hay suficiente información para rechazar completamente la hipótesis nula.
El interés de este estudio de caso es analizar el Programa Conjunto de UNFPA y UNICEF sobre MGF/E en Kenia bajo la luz de los postulados poscolonialistas. Partiendo de la idea de que la MGF es una manifestación de las desigualdades de género, se argumenta que el PC reproduce la imagen de la mujer keniana como una víctima del poder masculino. A partir de esta imagen se deslegitima el orden cultural de los grupos que siguen esta tradición, afectando las lógicas de unidad y cohesión de la sociedad. El análisis de este tipo de dinámicas permite comprender mejor los procesos de intervención de las organizaciones internacionales sobre las estructuras sociales de actores frágiles del sistema internacional.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The use of crack cocaine has given rise to an intense discussion in society. Research has contributed to the characterization of users and the negative consequences of its use. However, few studies have conducted in-depth study of the social and cultural contexts in which crack cocaine is used. Thus, this study seeks to discuss the ritual of crack cocaine use and its social and health consequences for the user. It is a qualitative study developed in the Psychosocial Care Centers for Alcohol and Drugs (Portuguese acronym: Caps-ad). The individuals were selected in two groups of keyinformants: crack cocaine users undergoing treatment and health professionals. Data was obtained by means of semi-structured interviews. The results revealed that the use of crack cocaine is not dissociated with the current organizational structure of society. There is a link between the use of this substance and the social organization for its use. By using crack cocaine, the individuals try to be part of a consumer market, actively participating in what society perceives as new. The forms and locations of use are directly related to users' health, making it necessary for healthcare services to detect, approach and make health interventions in these locations of use.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In the presence of developmental dyslexia, there is high probability of motor difficulties being present as well purposes: The purposes of this study were to characterize and compare the motor performance of students with dyslexia with students with good academic performance and to identify the presence of the DCD (developmental coordination disorder) co-occurring with developmental dyslexia. A total of 79 students participated in the research, both genders, from 8 to 11 years old, from 3rd to 5th grades, and were divided into Group I: 19 students with developmental dyslexia and Group II: 60 students with good academic performance. All the students were assessed using “The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency” (second edition), to measure the motor skills and the pattern and differences between groups. The results of this study showed that the motor performance of Group II students was superior to the performance of students of Group I in almost all motor areas assessed but both groups performed less well than they should have for their chronological age. The results of this study indicate that occupational therapists, speech therapists and educators need to be aware of the presence of motor impairments and the need for early intervention in both the academic and clinical environments, in order to ensure that early identification and diagnosis of possible co-occurrences, such as DCD, and the impact on learning to guarantee more appropriate clinical and educational assistance for this population. This may also indicate that increased exposure to movement may be important to limit some of the secondary health consequences in children in Brazil.
Trade liberalization policies in Guatemala have impacted agricultural production. This thesis focuses on how trade liberalization has happened, what have been the impacts at a national level and describes how a community has adapted to the implementation of these policies. The implementation of trade was influenced by several, international and national institutions. Among the international institutions are the World Bank, the World Trade Organization and the United States Agency for International Development. At the national level the institutions that have partaken in shaping the trade policies are the military and the owners of capital and labor. The implementation of trade policies at a national level has affected national corn prices, population level diets and to some extent reduced poverty levels. At a local level trade liberalization policies have impacted land holdings, increased intensification of agriculture, including agrochemical, machinery and crop plantations per year, and consumption rates of corn have been affected. Maximization of the benefits and minimization of the detrimental effects can happen with the implementation of policies that promote food security, improve access to health and education, and prevent environmental and human health consequences from the intensification of agriculture and at the same time continue with the production of non-traditional agricultural products.
Assessing Pathogenicity for Novel Mutation/Sequence Variants: The Value of Healthy Older Individuals
Improvement in DNA technology is increasingly revealing unexpected/unknown mutations in healthy persons and generating anxiety due to their still unknown health consequences. We report a 44-year-old healthy father of a 10-year-old daughter with bilateral coloboma and hearing loss, but without muscle weakness, in whom a whole-genome CGH revealed a deletion of exons 38-44 in the dystrophin gene. This mutation was inherited from her asymptomatic father, who was further clinically and molecularly evaluated for prognosis and genetic counseling (GC). This deletion was never identified by us in 982 Duchenne/Becker patients. To assess whether the present case represents a rare case of non-penetrance, and aiming to obtain more information for prognosis and GC, we suggested that healthy older relatives submit their DNA for analysis, to which several complied. Mutation analysis revealed that his mother, brother, and 56-year-old maternal uncle also carry the 38-44 deletion, suggesting it an unlikely cause of muscle weakness. Genome sequencing will disclose mutations and variants whose health impact are still unknown, raising important problems in interpreting results, defining prognosis, and discussing GC. We suggest that, in addition to family history, keeping the DNA of older relatives could be very informative, in particular for those interested in having their genome sequenced.
This study investigates the influence of neighbourhood socioeconomic conditions on women's likelihood of experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Data from 940 women who were interviewed as part of the WHO multi-country study on women's health and domestic violence against women, and census data for Sao Paulo City, were analyzed using multilevel regression techniques. A neighbourhood socioeconomic-level scale was created, and proxies for the socioeconomic positions of the couple were included. Other individual level variables included factors related to partner's behaviour and women's experiences and attitudes. Women's risk of IPV did not vary across neighbourhoods in Sao Paulo nor was it influenced by her individual socioeconomic characteristics. However, women in the middle range of the socioeconomic scale were significantly more likely to report having experienced violence by a partner. Partner behaviours such as excessive alcohol use, controlling behaviour and multiple sexual partnerships were important predictors of IPV. A women's likelihood of IPV also increased if either her mother had experienced IPV or if she used alcohol excessively. These findings suggest that although the characteristics of people living in deprived neighbourhoods may influence the probability that a woman will experience IPV, higher-order contextual dynamics do not seem to affect this risk. While poverty reduction will improve the lives of individuals in many ways, strategies to reduce IPV should prioritize shifting norms that reinforce certain negative male behaviours. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nella tesi si analizzano le principali fonti del rumore aeronautico, lo stato dell'arte dal punto di vista normativo, tecnologico e procedurale. Si analizza lo stato dell'arte anche riguardo alla classificazione degli aeromobili, proponendo un nuovo indice prestazionale in alternativa a quello indicato dalla metodologia di certificazione (AC36-ICAO) Allo scopo di diminuire l'impatto acustico degli aeromobili in fase di atterraggio, si analizzano col programma INM i benefici di procedure CDA a 3° rispetto alle procedure tradizionali e, di seguito di procedure CDA ad angoli maggiori in termini di riduzione di lunghezza e di area delle isofoniche SEL85, SEL80 e SEL75.
Cancer is disease of aging that disproportionately affects older adults and often results in considerable public health consequences. This study evaluated gender-age-specific cancer mortality risk factors in older adults in Switzerland with attention to the most common types of cancer.
Prospective cohort studies have provided evidence on longer-term mortality risks of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), but due to their complexity and costs, only a few have been conducted. By linking monitoring data to the U.S. Medicare system by county of residence, we developed a retrospective cohort study, the Medicare Air Pollution Cohort Study (MCAPS), comprising over 20 million enrollees in the 250 largest counties during 2000-2002. We estimated log-linear regression models having as outcome the age-specific mortality rate for each county and as the main predictor, the average level for the study period 2000. Area-level covariates were used to adjust for socio-economic status and smoking. We reported results under several degrees of adjustment for spatial confounding and with stratification into by eastern, central and western counties. We estimated that a 10 µg/m3 increase in PM25 is associated with a 7.6% increase in mortality (95% CI: 4.4 to 10.8%). We found a stronger association in the eastern counties than nationally, with no evidence of an association in western counties. When adjusted for spatial confounding, the estimated log-relative risks drop by 50%. We demonstrated the feasibility of using Medicare data to establish cohorts for follow-up for effects of air pollution. Particulate matter (PM) air pollution is a global public health problem (1). In developing countries, levels of airborne particles still reach concentrations at which serious health consequences are well-documented; in developed countries, recent epidemiologic evidence shows continued adverse effects, even though particle levels have declined in the last two decades (2-6). Increased mortality associated with higher levels of PM air pollution has been of particular concern, giving an imperative for stronger protective regulations (7). Evidence on PM and health comes from studies of acute and chronic adverse effects (6). The London Fog of 1952 provides dramatic evidence of the unacceptable short-term risk of extremely high levels of PM air pollution (8-10); multi-site time-series studies of daily mortality show that far lower levels of particles are still associated with short-term risk (5)(11-13). Cohort studies provide complementary evidence on the longer-term risks of PM air pollution, indicating the extent to which exposure reduces life expectancy. The design of these studies involves follow-up of cohorts for mortality over periods of years to decades and an assessment of mortality risk in association with estimated long-term exposure to air pollution (2-4;14-17). Because of the complexity and costs of such studies, only a small number have been conducted. The most rigorously executed, including the Harvard Six Cities Study and the American Cancer Society’s (ACS) Cancer Prevention Study II, have provided generally consistent evidence for an association of long- term exposure to particulate matter air pollution with increased all-cause and cardio-respiratory mortality (2,4,14,15). Results from these studies have been used in risk assessments conducted for setting the U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for PM and for estimating the global burden of disease attributable to air pollution (18,19). Additional prospective cohort studies are necessary, however, to confirm associations between long-term exposure to PM and mortality, to broaden the populations studied, and to refine estimates by regions across which particle composition varies. Toward this end, we have used data from the U.S. Medicare system, which covers nearly all persons 65 years of age and older in the United States. We linked Medicare mortality data to (particulate matter less than 2.5 µm in aerodynamic diameter) air pollution monitoring data to create a new retrospective cohort study, the Medicare Air Pollution Cohort Study (MCAPS), consisting of 20 million persons from 250 counties and representing about 50% of the US population of elderly living in urban settings. In this paper, we report on the relationship between longer-term exposure to PM2.5 and mortality risk over the period 2000 to 2002 in the MCAPS.