993 resultados para França História eclesiástica
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
It should be noted that the studies for some time been considering the historical importance of objects and space as components of memory - or “places of memory” in the words of Pierre Nora. The memory would thus be defi ned as an imaginary dimension of society, a mental universe that acquires and social substance that creates the individual with a “social whole” in an open line of work by M. Halbwachs. And this notion of memory allows us to grasp the question sheet. This cult of memory had its place also rise through the delimitation of national heritage - as Françoise Choay, since the establishment of categories of historical monuments in France in 1837. The discussion on equity has progressed in recent decades, as it is conceived as objects, spaces, knowledge and events become “intangible heritage” because it has reference value to the community. It is considered that the references are the property constituting the objects of memory formation, forms of work-life past or present. Anyway, heritage presents itself as the embodiment of a discourse about the past.
Les premières pièces de Victor Hugo ont été les responsables d'une véritable révolution dans l'histoire de las Litterature Française, mais elles n'ont pas eu une acceptation immédiate de la part de la critique, qui s'est partagée entre les partidaires des romantiques et, par conséquent, de nouvelles idées diffusées par le Cénacle et les classiques, les adversaires des jeunes écrivains qui ont embrassé les concepts hugoliens, Au Brésil, la réacrion a été postérieure, mais identique. Qualqu'on ne trouve pas dans les journaux des discussions à propos de la nouvelle école, des nouvelles idées ont été, au début, rejetées par les intellectuels brésiliens et, quelque temps plus tard, adoptées par les écrivains désirant créer un théâtre national basé sur les prinipes défendus par Victor Hugo, le porte-parole du mouvement romantique.
Bordéus, 1940 Cidade de salvamento de uma Europa assolada e aflita pela barbaria nazista e a fúria de Hitler, Bordéus é a segunda casa de um homem a quem, por toda a eternidade, a França e o resto do mundo serão gratos: Aristides de Sousa Mendes. O cônsul Português teve a coragem de desobedecer às ordens proíbitivas de Salazar, salvando assim trinta mil pessoas, incluindo dez mil judeus, dos campos de concentração e extermínio. Sem distinção de sexo, raça, crenças religiosas ou políticas, de facto, assinou outros tantos vistos e passaportes para a liberdade a homens, mulheres e crianças. Por ocasião do 70º aniversário de este ato de generosidade, altruísmo e amor sem limites, a popularidade póstuma de Sousa Mendes ainda está a crescer, sobretudo graças ao empenho e à autoridade de órgãos como a Comissão Nacional Francesa em homenagem a Aristides de Sousa Mendes. Trata-se de glorificar o heroísmo de um Justo entre as Nações como Aristides de Sousa Mendes, cujo nome ressoará para sempre na história como sinónimo do epíteto de Cônsul Desobediente.
The implementation of the railway in Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba helped to develop the area and connexion with other states: São Paulo, Goiás and Mato Grosso. The railway used to transport people and goods throughout many train stations in urban and rural areas and some major railroad complexes. There were many factors that led to the decline and abandonment of these properties: governmental policies which were in favour of road transportation and automotive industry, the replacement of the steam locomotive for electric and electric-diesel locomotives, changing part of the railway plan, removal of railways and loss of function of the buildings, extinction of passenger trains, which led the stations to lose its main purpose: people transport. 53% of the stations built inside the study area were demolished and most of them are in rural areas. There are several situations: stations on a precarious conservation state, most of them in the city s rural area, stations being used in urban and rural areas with new uses, stations working with cargo and goods transportation. The stations in Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba area in Minas Gerais are the object of this dissertation, wherein the main interest lies on the stations that are in operation, 21 buildings, seeking to verify their conservation state, their agents and role in preserving the train memory. Maps, charts and tables were made for this collection s understanding, having visited the stations that are listed by the cultural heritage and the ones that are in operation with new functions. Field records were made allowing the understanding of these properties in operation. It is observed that only the buildings listing, despite ensuring the non-demolition, does not help on the use and preservation of these stations, because there are some buildings that have this protection level, but are abandoned and in disrepair. The use of these stations by a train company, operating with cargo and goods transportation do not also guarantee the buildings preservation, as they are not treated with any preservation interest, their maintenance are precarious. The using by these companies are various, however, only a few stations have internal spaces dedicated to the railroad memory. Most of the stations did not have preservation projects with architects and specialists participation and the major concern, during maintenance process, is on the building s external part. The stations conservation begins on the local government interest, that preserve these properties, most of them are in urban areas, the major challenge is on their using definition and occupancy, especially in the countryside, wherein the buildings uses must be sustainable, as regards the appreciation and management of this heritage.
Apresenta depoimentos de servidores que ajudaram a implantar a gestão ambiental da Câmara dos Deputados.
Apresenta, com detalhes, aspectos históricos do constitucionalismo contemporâneo brasileiro. Partindo do período pós-1964, quando diversos processos de reforma ou ruptura alteraram as regras relativas a mudanças constitucionais, é apresentado um desenho dos principais instrumentos jurídicos utilizados pelo regime militar a fim de garantir a sua hegemonia política e jurídica. A análise passa pelo processo constituinte de 1987-1988, para verificar em que medida se rompeu com o paradigma instaurado pela ditadura, e investiga as principais tentativas de, sob a vigência da nova Carta Magna, alterar o processo de reforma constitucional.
Esboça estratégias didáticas para a elaboração de planos de ensino e intervenções pedagógicas na área de Ciência Política. Nosso objetivo específico será o de fornecer instrumentos que auxiliem no planejamento de aulas de história política brasileira para cursos de formação política.
Consultoria de Orçamento e Fiscalização Financeira, Núcleo de Saúde.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XIX - Ciência Política, Sociologia Política, História, Relações Internacionais.