921 resultados para Food Systems
As the world`s population is constantly growing, food security will remain on the policy Agenda, particularly in Africa. At the same time, global food systems experience a new wave focusing on local foods and food sovereignty featuring high quality food products of verifiable geographical origin. This article argues that Geographical Indications (GI´s) hold the potential to help transform the Tanzanian agriculture-dependent economy through the tapping of value from unique products, attributing taste and colour to place or regional geography. This study aims to identify the existence and characteristics of food origin products in Tanzania that have potential for GI certification. The hypothesis was that there are origin products in Tanzania whose unique characteristics are linked to the area of production. Geographical indications can be useful policy instruments contributing to food security and sovereignty and quality within an efficient marketing system with the availability of government support, hence the need to identify key candidates for GI certification. Five Tanzanian origin products were selected from 14 candidate agricultural products through a scoping study. Rice from Kyela, Aloe vera, Coffee and Sugar from Kilimanjaro and Cloves from Zanzibar are some of the product cases investigated and provides for in-depth case study, as ´landscape´ products incorporating ´taste of place´. Interviews were conducted to collect quantitative and qualitative data. Data was collected on the production area, product quality perceived by the consumer in terms of taste, flavour, texture, aroma, appearance (colour, size) and perceptions of links between geography related factors (soil, land weather characteristics) and product qualities. A qualitative case study analysis was done for each of the (five) selected Tanzanian origin products investigated with plausible prospects for Tanzania to leapfrog into exports of Geographical Indications products. Framework conditions for producers creating or capturing market value as stewards of cultural and landscape values, environments, and institutional requirements for such creation or capturing to happen, including presence of export opportunities, are discussed. Geographical indication is believed to allow smallholders to create employment and build monetary value, while stewarding local food cultures and natural environments and resources, and increasing the diversity of supply of natural and unique quality products and so contribute to enhanced food security.
Food security is defined as a situation that exists when “all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life. It is a multilevel concept, which includes four main dimensions: availability related to food supply; accessibility in order to ensure the physical and economic access to food; adequacy to meet nutritional needs in quantity and quality while respecting individual food preferences and cultural issues (utilization); and, lastly, stability of the guarantee of food security over time. According to the food security definition, it is abroad concept where all these dimensions are largely affected by a considerable number of factors related to: public policies of different sectors, food production/industry/distribution food systems, marketing and advertising of food, social support networks and individual determinants related to food choice behaviour.
There are a variety of reasons and motivations for people to subscribe to community-supported agriculture (CSA) schemes, many of which include social, ethical, environmental, and economical benefits. The global rise of food allergies and food related health issues in recent years has led to a growing number of initiatives particularly in developing countries to raise more awareness of the current situation amongst individuals, organisations, and government bodies, and to plan for its implications for the existing food and health systems. Based on a mixed method research conducted in Australia, this paper argues that personal health matters are one of the key motivators for consumers to seek out alternative food systems, particularly CSA initiatives. In addition, it presents the willingness for consumers to seek out information about the food they consume and proposes that technology plays a key role in being used as a conduit to share and investigate information relating to alternative food systems. Further research is required to determine the variety of benefits and opportunities alternative food systems can provide consumers with food related health issues.
Recent scholarship has considered the implications of the rise of voluntary private standards in food and the role of private actors in a rapidly evolving, de-facto ‘mandatory’ sphere of governance. Standards are an important element of this globalising private sphere, but are an element that has been relatively peripheral in analyses of power in agri-food systems. Sociological thought has countered orthodox views of standards as simple tools of measurement, instead understanding their function as a governance mechanism that transforms many things, and people, during processes of standardisation. In a case study of the Australian retail supermarket duopoly and the proprietary standards required for market access this paper foregrounds retailers as standard owners and their role in third-party auditing and certification. Interview data from primary research into Australia’s food standards captures the multifaceted role supermarkets play as standard-owners, who are found to impinge on the independence of third-party certification while enforcing rigorous audit practices. We show how standard owners, in attempting to standardize the audit process, generate tensions within certification practices in a unique example of ritualism around audit. In examining standards to understand power in contemporary food governance, it is shown that retailers are drawn beyond standard-setting into certification and enforcement, that is characterized by a web of institutions and actors whose power to influence outcomes is uneven.
An increasing concern over the sustainability credentials of food and fiber crops require that farmers and their supply chain partners have access to appropriate and industry-friendly tools to be able to measure and improve the outcomes. This article focuses on one of the sustainability indicators, namely, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and nine internationally accredited carbon footprint calculators were identified and compared on an outcomes basis against the same cropping data from a case study cotton farm. The purpose of this article is to identify the most “appropriate” methodology to be applied by cotton suppliers in this regard. From the analysis of the results, we subsequently propose a new integrated model as the basis for an internationally accredited carbon footprint tool for cotton and show how the model can be applied to evaluate the emission outcomes of different farming practices.
The Australian food system significantly contributes to a range of key environmental issues including harmful greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, soil desertification, biodiversity loss and water scarcity. At the same time, the Australian s food system is a key cause of public health nutrition issues that stem from the co-existence of over- and under-consumption of dietary energy and nutrients. Within these challenges lie synergies and opportunities because a diet that has a lower environmental impact generally aligns with good nutrition. Australian State and Federal initiatives to influence food consumption patterns focus on individual body weight and ‘soft law’ interventions. These regulatory approaches, by focusing on select symptoms of food system failures, are fragmented, reductionist and inefficient. In order to illustrate this point, this paper will explore Australian regulatory responses to diet-related illnesses. The analysis will support the argument that only when regulatory responses to diets become embedded within reform of the current food system will substantial improvements to human and planetary health be achieved.
With one of the most concentrated food retail sectors in the world dominated by the supermarket duopoly, the barriers to making it easy to buy local food in Australia are significant. It is time for Australia to learn from the example of other countries and provide assistance to rebuild local food systems.” – The Australian Greens. However, the percentage of market share controlled by the two major supermarkets, Coles and Woolworths, depends on which groceries you include.
Adaptation of global food systems to climate change is essential to feed the world. Tropical cattle production, a mainstay of profitability for farmers in the developing world, is dominated by heat, lack of water, poor quality feedstuffs, parasites, and tropical diseases. In these systems European cattle suffer significant stock loss, and the cross breeding of taurine x indicine cattle is unpredictable due to the dilution of adaptation to heat and tropical diseases. We explored the genetic architecture of ten traits of tropical cattle production using genome wide association studies of 4,662 animals varying from 0% to 100% indicine. We show that nine of the ten have genetic architectures that include genes of major effect, and in one case, a single location that accounted for more than 71% of the genetic variation. One genetic region in particular had effects on parasite resistance, yearling weight, body condition score, coat colour and penile sheath score. This region, extending 20 Mb on BTA5, appeared to be under genetic selection possibly through maintenance of haplotypes by breeders. We found that the amount of genetic variation and the genetic correlations between traits did not depend upon the degree of indicine content in the animals. Climate change is expected to expand some conditions of the tropics to more temperate environments, which may impact negatively on global livestock health and production. Our results point to several important genes that have large effects on adaptation that could be introduced into more temperate cattle without detrimental effects on productivity.
Lihaluujauho muodostaa maatilojen myytävien kasvi- ja eläinperäisten tuotteiden jälkeen tärkeimmän agroekosysteemeistä poispäin suuntautuvan ravinnevirran. Se sisältää runsaasti pääkasvinravinteita typpeä, fosforia ja kalsiumia (N ~8%, P ~5%, Ca yleensä ~10-15% luuaineksen määrästä riippuen), sekä kaliumia n.1% tai alle. Lihaluujauho on todettu tehokkaaksi lannoitteeksi useilla viljelykasveilla ja sen käyttö on sallittu myös luomuviljelyssä EU-alueella. Lihaluujauhoon ja erityisesti sen rehukäyttöön liittyvistä riskeistä merkittävin on TSE-tautien riski (naudan BSE-, lampaiden ja vuohien scrapie-, sekä ihmisen vCJD-taudit). Rehukäyttöä on monissa maissa rajoitettu 1980-luvulla puhjenneen BSE-kriisin myötä. BSE-taudin leviäminen yhdistettiin tilanteeseen, jossa nautaperäistä lihaluujauhoa käytettiin nautaeläinten rehun ainesosana. Myös lihaluujauhon käytössä turkiseläinrehuna saattaa piillä BSE:n tai muun TSE-taudin riski. Oikein käsitellyn lihaluujauhon lannoitekäyttöön ei kuitenkaan näytä tarkastelemieni tutkimusten perusteella sisältyvän huomattavaa TSEriskiä, jos huolehditaan asianmukaisista varotoimista ja menettelyistä sekä tuotteen valmistusprosessissa, että käytettäessä lannoitetta. Lihaluujauhon lannoitekäytön lisääminen edistäisi ruokajärjestelmämme ravinnekierron sulkemista etenkin fosforin osalta. Lihaluujauho on uusiutuva luonnonvara, jonka lannoitekäytöllä voitaisiin korvata huomattava osa lannoiteaineena kulutettavista fosforipitoisista kiviaineista. Sokerijuurikkaan lannoituskokeissa Varsinais-Suomen Kaarinassa vuosina 2008 ja 2009 lihaluujauhokäsittelyt eivät menestyneet aivan yhtä hyvin satotasovertailussa kuin kontrollikäsittelyiden NPK-väkilannoitteet, mutta laatuominaisuuksiltaan (sokeripitoisuus, amino-N, K, ja Na-pitoisuudet) joiltakin osin kontrollikäsittelyjä paremmin. Kokeissa käytetyt lajikkeet olivat ’Jesper’ vuonna 2008 ja ’Lincoln’ vuonna 2009. Käytetty lihaluujauholannoite oli Honkajoki Oy:n Viljo Yleislannoite 8-4-3, joka sisälsi noin 10% kaliumsulfaatin ja kasviperäisten sivutuotteiden seosta. Viljo-lannoitetta käytettiin sekä yksistään, että yhdistettynä 10-25%:iin väkilannoitetta. Vuoden 2009 Viljo-koejäseniin vielä lisättiin kaliumsulfaattilannoitetta (42% K, 18% S), jotta päästiin annetun kaliumin määrässä päästiin lannoitussuosituksen (60 kg K/ha) tasolle. Pelkkä Viljo-lannoite tuotti merkitsevästi alhaisemmat sadot kuin kontrollikäsittelyt molempina vuosina. Kuitenkin kun Viljolannoitteen ohella käytettiin väkilannoitetta (10-25% kasvin typentarpeesta) päästiin varsin lähelle kontrollikäsittelyiden satotasoja. Myös pelkän LLJ-lannoitteen tuottamat satotasot olivat kuitenkin selvästi paremmat kuin Suomen keskimääräiset juurikassadot. Viljo-käsittelyillä oli selvästi positiivinen vaikutus laatutekijöihin amino-N, K ja Na vuonna 2008, mutta vuonna 2009 näiden pitoisuudet jäivät kontrollikäsittelyjen tasolle. Viljo-käsittelyiden sokeripitoisuudet olivat vuonna 2008 kontrollikäsittelyn luokkaa ja Viljo77%+NK1:n osalta kontrollia merkitsevästi paremmat. Vuoden 2009 sokeripitoisuudet olivat kaikilla koejäsenillä erinomaiset, ja käsittelyiden välillä ei ilmennyt merkitseviä eroja. Kokeiden perusteella kaliumsulfaatilla täydennetty lihaluujauho on hyvin toimiva lannoite sokerijuurikkaalla Suomen olosuhteissa, etenkin yhdistettynä väkilannoitteeseen.
Aquaculture is the fastest-growing food production sector globally, with production projected to double within the next 15–20 years. Future growth of aquaculture is essential to providing sustainable supplies of fish in national, regional and global fish food systems; creating jobs; and maintaining fish at affordable levels for resource-poor consumers. To ensure that the anticipated growth of aquaculture remains both economically and ecologically sustainable, we need to better understand the likely patterns of growth, as well as the opportunities and challenges, that these trends present. This knowledge will enable us to better prioritize investments that will help ensure the sustainable development of the sector. In Indonesia, WorldFish and partners have applied a unique methodology to evaluate growth trajectories for aquaculture under various scenarios, as well as the opportunities and challenges these represent. Indonesia is currently the fourth largest aquaculture producer globally, and the sector needs to grow to meet future fish demand. The study overlapped economic and environmental models with quantitative and participatory approaches to understand the future of aquaculture in Indonesia. Such analyses, while not definitive, have provided new understanding of the future supply and demand for seafood in Indonesia stretching to 2030. The learning from this research provides a foundation for future interventions in Indonesian fish food systems, as well as a suite of methodologies that can be applied more widely for insightful analyses of aquaculture growth trajectories in other countries or regions.
Fish and fishery products are regarded as healthy foods and there has been a significant increase in their global trade. Besides that, trade liberalization policies, globalization of food systems and technological innovations have furthered the increase in international trade in fish and fishery products.Fish and fishery product exports have a significant place in the export basket of India. Export earnings of India from fishery products increased from ` 4 crores in 1960-61to ` 12901.47 crores in 2010-11(MPEDA, 2012). The share of export earnings from fish and fishery products as a percentage of total agricultural exports of India increased from a low of 1.76 percent in 1960-61 to a high of 25.06 percent in 1994-95. But its share declined to 16.60 percent in the following year. Though its share in agricultural exports of the country has declined since then, in 2010-11, marine product exports accounted for 9.61 percent of total agricultural exports of India representing a significant share.
Los conceptos relacionados con el término comunidad y las relaciones estratégicas comunitarias en el sector agrícola son abordados en este documento. El énfasis que se hace es respecto a la posible unión entre los objetivos de las agroindustrias y de las comunidades donde estas operan. Se propone que las diferentes estrategias comunitarias ya sean coalición, empoderamiento o liderazgo comunitario son implementadas por empresas del sector agrícola para asegurar tanto desarrollo comunitario como la perdurabilidad de la empresa. A través de un estudio descriptivo y tomando una empresa del sector como unidad de análisis se estudiaron las relaciones estratégicas comunitarias implementadas por dicha empresa buscando encontrar la utilidad de las estrategias y el marketing en el sector. Se encontró que la información referente al sector es insuficiente, sin embargo al evaluar la empresa seleccionada como unidad de análisis fue posible percibir como las estrategias de coalición, liderazgo comunitario y empoderamiento permiten no solo el desarrollo de la comunidad local sino que aseguran la permanencia de una empresa competitiva en el mercado. Las estrategias comunitarias lograron una vinculación de valores, cultura e historia entre la empresa y la comunidad que a su vez permitió la unión de intereses y la responsabilidad compartida para el logro de los mismos. Además, hubo una transformación positiva del entorno social donde desempeña las operaciones la empresa del sector agrícola.
Carotenoids are a class of natural pigments familiar to all through the orange-red to yellow colors of many fruits, vegetables, and flowers, as well as for the provitamin A activity that some of them possess. A body of scientific evidence suggests that carotenoids may scavenge and deactivate free radicals, acting thereby as antioxidants both in food systems (in vitro) and in the human organism (in vivo). Overall, epidemiological evidence links higher carotenoid intakes and tissue concentrations with reduced cancer and cardiovascular disease risk. However, research has also shown that the antioxidant activity of carotenoids may shift to a prooxidant character depending mainly on the biological environment in which they act. A summary of the antioxidant potential of natural carotenoids both in oil model systems and in vivo is presented in this article.