998 resultados para Final Dissertation
Introduction: There is ongoing debate regarding the ideal sequence, volume, and concentration of irrigants, length of time for irrigation, and irrigation technique to achieve debridement of the root canal system. The aim of this study was to verify the impact of the final rinse technique on smear layer removal ability of 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Methods: Sixteen single-rooted human teeth were instrumented and divided into 2 groups at the final rinse step according to the following final rinse techniques used: continuous rinse group, continuous rinse with EDTA during 3 minutes, and rinse and soaking group, rinse with 1 mL of EDTA, soaking of the canal for 2 minutes and 30 seconds, and rinse completion with the remaining 4 mL for 30 seconds. The specimens were split lengthwise and observed under scanning electron microscope. Results: Data were analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests. The continuous rinse group presented more debris-free surfaces when compared with the rinse and soaking group (P <. 01). When the root canal areas were compared within the groups, no statistical differences were found (P > .05). Conclusions: It can be concluded that a continuous rinse with 5 mL of EDTA for 3 minutes can more efficiently remove the smear layer from root canal walls. (J Endod 2010;36:512-514)
Objective. The objective of this study was to assess the influence of different final irrigating solutions on dentin permeability and smear layer removal using the same specimens and relate the results obtained. Study design. Forty anterior human teeth were instrumented and divided into 4 groups (n = 10) at the final rinse step, according to the irrigant used: G I (control) - 1% NaOCl; G II - 17% EDTA; G III - 17% EDTAT; and G IV - Biopure MTAD. The canals were filled with 0.5% methylene blue and maintained in bottles for 48 hours. The roots were transversally split in coronal, middle, and apical fragments. The specimens were photographed and analyzed regarding dye penetration. The fragments were then axially split and prepared for SEM. The photomicrographs were analyzed and qualified by scores. Results. Only the EDTA-T group exhibited statistical difference in which the apical third had less dentin permeability (P < .05). When a decalcifying agent was used, smear layer was removed, which did not happen in the NaOCl group. Regarding smear layer removal, differences were found only in the EDTA group in which the apical third presented more smear layer (P < .05). No correlation was found for both studies (r = 0.4207). Conclusions. There was not an even relationship between the results from both studies, which inferes that higher or lower dentinal permeability does not necessarily correspond to a higher or lower amount of smear layer. The analysis of dentin permeability and smear layer removal was shown to be a feasible procedure using the same specimens. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 107: e47-e51)
Objective. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of different volumes of 17% EDTA for final rinse on smear layer removal on the different areas of the root canal. Study design. Forty single-rooted teeth were instrumented using rotary instruments. The teeth were divided into 3 test groups according to the EDTA volume for final rinse (5 mL, 10 mL, 15 mL) and 1 control group (10 mL of 1% sodium hypochlorite). The roots were axially split into halves, and the smear layer removal from the canals was determined under scanning electron microscope. The data were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis and Dunn tests. Results. The 3 experimental groups showed no statistical difference (P > .05); however, when the test groups were compared to the control group statistically significant differences were found (P < .01). The root canal wall surfaces of teeth in the control group showed the presence of heavy smear layer through the entire length of the root canals. The other groups showed mainly smear layer-free surfaces or a small amount of debris. When coronal, middle and apical thirds were compared, there was no statistically significant difference (P > .05). Conclusions. Based on the results, it appears that a final rinse with 5 mL of EDTA per canal provides good smear layer removal, with root canal walls free of debris and mostly open dentinal tubules in all areas. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008;106:e40-e43)
This study investigates the needs, experiences, behaviours and attitudes of older Queenslanders who participate in gambling. It aims to understand the special needs and circumstances of older Queensland gamblers which might make them particularly vulnerable to problem gambling behaviour, or other negative effects of gambling. The findings of the research will provide an evidence base for the development of initiatives and policies that can address the specific prevention, protection and rehabilitation needs of older gamblers. This is with a particular view to informing the ongoing development and implementation of the Queensland Government’s Responsible Gambling Strategy and its voluntary industry code – the Queensland Responsible Gambling Code of Practice.
The purpose of the project is to identify the role and value of professional services that community pharmacy can provide to people who are at risk of asthma or present with the disease. A literature review has been conducted to inform the development of a Pharmacy Asthma Care Module to pilot in the project
The formation of molecular complexes (prereactive intermediates) between C3O2 and amines (ammonia, dimethylamine, trimethylamine, and 4-(dimethylamino)pyridine) as well as the subsequent transformation of the complexes into C3O2-amine zwitterions in cryogenic matrixes (ca. 40 K) has been observed. In the case of dimethylamine, the formation of tetramethylmalonamide has also been documented. Calculations using density functional theory (B3LYP/6-31G(2d, p)) are used to assign all above species and are in excellent agreement with the IR spectra.
Desde o in??cio de 2000, a Canada School of Public Service (CSPS) e a Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (ENAP) demonstraram interesse na possibilidade de coopera????o para desenvolver capacidades de gest??o de servidores p??blicos brasileiros. Um acordo assinado em 2003, inicialmente foi planejado para ser uma parceria de tr??s anos entre as duas escolas. No entanto, a parceria continua at?? hoje e agora estamos no final do segundo, e ??ltimo projeto de coopera????o t??cnica financiado pela Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) entre Brasil e Canad??, denominado ???Desenvolvimento da Capacidade de Governan??a???. Este relat??rio representa o resultado deste segundo projeto, o qual ampliou o esfor??o de capacita????o da primeira parceria, focando agora em funcion??rios p??blicos mais pr??ximos da "linha de frente" da presta????o de servi??os, aumentando assim a efic??cia do governo nessas ??reas. O projeto mostrou ser bem-sucedido, principalmente, porque seguiu de perto os princ??pios do desenvolvimento eficaz e sustent??vel. Considerando a sua miss??o de desenvolver compet??ncias de servidores p??blicos, a ENAP deu prioridade, dentro deste projeto de coopera????o com o Canad??, a atividades que visam refor??ar a capacidade de governan??a do pa??s, trabalhando em conjunto com escolas em cinco regi??es: Norte, Nordeste, Centro-Oeste, Sudeste e Sul, com especial ??nfase nas ??reas mais pobres do pa??s, localizadas nas regi??es Norte e Nordeste. Foram participantes-chave neste projeto: i) seis escolas brasileiras regionais de administra????o p??blica; ii) uma das principais institui????es acad??micas do Canad?? - Queen's University, e iii) o Minist??rio do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate ?? Fome e tr??s Secretarias de Ra??a, Direitos Humanos e Pol??ticas para as Mulheres. Neste projeto, a CSPS compartilhou suas metodologias em educa????o a dist??ncia, lideran??a e gest??o p??blica. Trabalhando com parceiros brasileiros, ela tamb??m transferiu e adaptou curr??culos e conte??dos de seus cursos. A CIDA forneceu $1.845.000,00 por meio da Programa de Interc??mbio de Conhecimentos para a Promo????o da Eq??idade (PIPE) Brasil-Canad??. A ENAP e as EPBs contribu??ram com $993,752 e a CSPS contribuiu com material de curso, conhecimento e apoio t??cnico no valor de $ 1.000.000