994 resultados para Eugenia lutescens


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Streptozotocin-diabetic rats were treated for 17 days with a decoction of Eugenia jambolana (Myrtaceae) leaves (15%, w/v) as a substitute for water. Body weight, food and fluid intake, urine volume, glycemia, urinary glucose and urea were evaluated every 5 days. The animals were sacrificed by decapitation and blood samples collected for the determination of glycemia, serum cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides and angiotensin-converting enzyme. The weight of adipose and muscle tissues was also determined. There were no statistically significant differences between treated and untreated rats for any of the biochemical or physiological parameters. We conclude that, at least in this experimental model, Eugenia jambolana leaf decoction has no antidiabetic activity.


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The world is facing an explosive increase in the incidence of diabetes mellitus and cost-effective complementary therapies are needed. The effects of Eugenia jambolana, a household remedy for diabetes, were studied. Streptozotocin diabetic female albino Wistar rats weighing 150-200 g (N = 6) were fed E. jambolana seed powder (250, 500 or 1000 mg/kg) for 15 days. Diabetic rats fed 500 and 1000 mg/kg seed powder showed an increase in body weight on day 20 in relation to day 5 (6 ± 4.7, 9 ± 7.8 vs diabetic control -16 ± 7.1 g, P < 0.001), a decrease in fasting blood glucose (75 ± 11.9, 123 ± 14.4 vs diabetic control -34 ± 12.1 mg/dl, P < 0.001), a difference in post-treatment fasting and peak blood glucose (38 ± 11.9, 36 ± 14.2 vs diabetic control 78 ± 11.9 mg/dl, P < 0.001), and a difference in liver glycogen (50 ± 6.8, 52 ± 7.5 vs normal control 90 ± 6.6 µg/g of liver tissue, P < 0.001). Tri-terpenoids, tannins, gallic acid, and oxalic acid were the chemical constituents detected in E. jambolana seed. The best results were obtained with an oral dose of 500 mg/kg. Subacute toxicity studies with a single administration of 2.5 and 5.0 g/kg seed powder showed no mortality or abnormality. These data on the antidiabetic effect of E. jambolana seed are adequate for approval of phase 2 clinical trials to evaluate this seed powder as complementary therapy in type 2 and type 1 diabetes.


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The effective diffusivity of clove essential oil in subcritical liquid CO2 was estimated. The experimental apparatus employed was a fixed-bed extractor. The fixed bed was formed with grounded (mesh -32 + 65) and compacted clove buds which were considered a solid element. The effective diffusion coefficient was evaluated by fitting the experimental concentration profile to the unsteady state mass balance equation for unidirectional diffusion in a finite solid medium. The diffusion coefficient was related to the concentration of oil in the solid by an exponential function. The estimated values of the effective diffusion coefficient varied from 3.64 to 5.22x10-10 m2/s. The average relative errors were lower than 3.1%.


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Coalho cheese (a firm but very lightweight cheese produced in Brazil) is widely produced and consumed in the Brazilian Northeast and its production has been mainly related to small farmers. This food has been frequently characterized as having high microbial load posing a risk for the health of consumers. This study aimed to indentify the chemical compounds of the essential oil from Eugenia caryophyllata leaves; to evaluate the inhibitory effect of the oil against coalho cheese contaminating microorganisms; and to assess its efficacy in inhibiting the autochthonous microflora of the cheese during refrigerated storage. Eugenol (74%) was found to be the most prevalent compound in the essential oil. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Cidal Concentration (MCC) in laboratorial broth were in the range of 2.5-5 and 5-20 µg.mL-1, respectively. Vaccum packed coalho cheese added with 5, 10, and 20 µg.g-1 of oil showed a lower growth rate (like-static effect) against mesophilic bacteria during the time intervals evaluated. On the other hand, 2.5-10 µg.g-1 of oil provided a prominent decrease toward fungi count in cheese samples during storage. These results reveal the interesting antimicrobial property of the essential oil from E. caryophyllata leaves against a range of coalho cheese-related microorganisms in laboratorial media and in food matrix.


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This study was carried out to obtain more information about the physicochemical properties, composition, and antioxidant activity of pitanga fruits (Eugenia uniflora L.), particularly fruits from the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Pitanga with different flesh colors (purple, red, and orange) from tree selections cultivated at Embrapa Clima Temperado (RS-Brazil) were analyzed. Only slight differences were observed in the quality parameters and in the proximate and fatty acid compositions among the fruits studied. The extracts from purple-fleshed pitanga had the highest total phenolic and anthocyanin contents along with the highest antioxidant capacity. The antioxidant capacity (DPPH and FRAP assays) of methanolic pitanga extracts was highly correlated with the total phenolic content, but in ethanolic extracts, the anthocyanin content was correlated only with the FRAP antioxidant capacity. Orange fleshed pitanga had higher β-cryptoxanthin and β-carotene levels than those of the red fruit, which had higher lycopene content. The results indicate that the purple-fleshed pitanga, cultivated in Rio Grande do Sul, is a rich source of phenolic compounds and has high antioxidant capacity. The red and orange-fleshed pitanga, on the other hand, are rich sources of carotenoids.


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The rheological behavior of Brazilian Cherry (Eugenia uniflora L.) pulp in the range of temperatures used for pasteurization (83 to 97 °C) was studied. The results indicated that Brazilian Cherry pulp presented pseudoplastic behavior, and the Herschel-Bulkley model was considered more adequate to represent the rheological behavior of this pulp in the range of temperatures studied. The fluid behavior index (n) varied in the range from 0.448 to 0.627. The effect of temperature on the apparent viscosity was described by an equation analogous to Arrhenius equation, and a decrease in apparent viscosity with an increase in temperature was observed.


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Abstract The aim of this study was to assess the anti-quorum sensing activity of phenolic extracts from grumixama (Eugenia brasiliensis), also known as Brazilian cherry, in concentrations that did not interfere with bacterial growth. The pulp phenolic compounds were extracted by using solid phage extraction in a mini-collumn C18 and quantified by spectrophotometry. The anti-quorum sensing activity was evaluated by testing the inhibition of violacein production in Chromobacterium violaceum and by evaluating the swarming motility in Aeromonas hydrophila and Serratia marcescens, both phenotypes regulated by quorum sensing. The phenolic extract strongly inhibited the production of violacein in C. violaceum, reducing its production in comparison with a control with no extract. No inhibition of growth was observed at the concentrations tested for quorum sensing inhibition. Confirming the quorum sensing inhibition phenotype, the extract was also able to inhibit swarming motility in S. marcescens and in A. hydrophila, although in the later the effect was marginal. Overall, these results indicate that phenolic extract from E. brasiliensis presents quorum sensing inhibitory activity most likely due to the presence of fruit phenolics which have been implicated as quorum sensing inhibitors in Gram negative bacteria.


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Eugenia involucrata, E. uniflora and E. brasiliensis, espécies arbóreas tropicais do Brasil, podem ser utilizadas em programas de reflorestamento e em áreas urbanas e seus frutos apresentam potencialidade de uso industrial. Contudo, apesar da elevada porcentagem de germinação, a produção de sementes dessas espécies é insuficiente para obtenção de mudas em escala comercial. No presente trabalho são estudados o comportamento germinativo de sementes de três espécies de Eugenia, E. involucrata DC. (cereja), E. uniflora L. (pitanga) e E. brasiliensis Lam. (grumixama), submetidas ao fracionamento. As sementes das três espécies foram submetidas a fracionamentos, mantendo-se metade do seu tamanho original. Dessa forma, além do controle (sem fracionamento), obtiveram-se frações com o hilo íntegro, sem o hilo ou com metade do hilo. As sementes íntegras e as frações foram colocadas para germinar sob temperatura constante de 30 ºC, luz natural e semeadas em vermiculita. Nas três espécies, sementes fracionadas ao meio, contendo pelo menos a metade do hilo, mantêm elevada capacidade de iniciar o processo germinativo e de produzir plântulas normais. Os resultados indicam que, por meio do fracionamento, é possível obter mais de uma plântula normal a partir de cada semente.


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Há grande demanda por pesquisas com espécies arbóreas nativas do Brasil, principalmente quanto à qualidade fisiológica de suas sementes. Visando avaliar o grau de tolerância à dessecação e a capacidade de armazenamento das sementes de grumixameira (Eugenia brasiliensis), frutos maduros foram coletados em Mogi-Guaçu, SP. Após a colheita, as sementes foram extraídas, lavadas e secas a 36ºC, reduzindo seu teor de água inicial de 48,9% (base úmida) para até 23,6% (última secagem), totalizando cinco níveis de secagem. Amostras de sementes de cada nível de secagem foram armazenadas em sacos plásticos, a 7ºC, até 270 dias. Os resultados mostraram que a redução do teor de água para valores inferiores a 43,1% prejudicou tanto a germinabilidade quanto a capacidade de conservação em armazenamento das sementes. Sementes com 48,9% de água apresentaram 60% de germinação após 180 dias de armazenamento e 19% após 270 dias, quando mantidas em sacos plásticos e em câmara fria. Concluiu-se que sementes de E. brasiliensis podem ser armazenadas por 180 dias a 7ºC e são sensíveis à secagem a 36ºC.


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O teste de raios X é uma ferramenta útil para avaliar a qualidade física de sementes florestais, que pode ser afetada pela ocorrência de sementes vazias, infestação por insetos e alterações físicas. Objetivou-se, com este estudo, verificar a eficiência do teste de raios X na avaliação dos danos internos em sementes de Eugenia pleurantha, bem como examinar a conseqüência destes danos na germinação. Sementes de Eugenia pleurantha foram colocadas em suportes de isopor e expostas a diversas intensidades de radiação (35, 45, 50 e 60 Kvp), com duração de 45 e 60 segundos para determinar o padrão de raios X. De acordo com a anatomia visualizada nas radiografias, as sementes foram classificadas em Sementes Cheias e Sementes Infestadas. Em seguida, as sementes foram submetidas ao teste de germinação em substrato sobre areia a 30ºC sob luz branca constante. A intensidade de radiação de 50 Kvp no tempo de exposição aos raios X de 60 segundos permitiu a visualização nítida dos danos internos causados por infestação de insetos nas sementes. Os danos internos causados por larvas observados nas radiografias impedem a germinação das sementes de Eugenia pleurantha.


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The aim of this study was to assess the desiccation tolerance and DNA integrity in Eugenia pleurantha seeds dehydrated to different moisture contents (MCs). Seeds extracted from mature fruits were submmited to drying in silica gel and evaluated at every five percentual points of decrease from the initial MC (35.5%, fresh weight basis). The effects of dehydration on seeds were verified through germination tests and DNA integrity assessment. Undried seeds achieved 87% germination, value reduced to 36% after being dried to 9.8% MC. When dried slightly more, to 7.4% MC, seeds were no longer able to germinate, suggesting an intermediate behavior in relation to desiccation tolerance. It was observed DNA degradation in seeds with 7.4% MC, which might have contributed to the loss of seed germination.


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The aim of this study was to assess the desiccation tolerance and DNA integrity in Eugenia pleurantha seeds dehydrated to different moisture contents (MCs). Seeds extracted from mature fruits were dried in silica gel and evaluated at every five percentual points of decrease from the initial MC (35.5%, fresh weight basis). The effects of dehydration on seeds were verified through germination tests and DNA integrity assessment. Undried seeds achieved 87% germination, value reduced to 36% after being dried to 9.8% MC. When dried slightly more, to 7.4% MC, seeds were no longer able to germinate, suggesting an intermediate behavior in relation to desiccation tolerance. DNA degradation was observed in seeds with 7.4% MC, which might have contributed to the loss of seed germination.


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Estudos de germinação após o fracionamento de sementes monoembriônicas de diversas espécies de Eugenia demonstraram seu potencial regenerativo. Entretanto, a formação de novas plântulas não ocorre de maneira espontânea em sementes intactas, sugerindo a presença de inibidores de germinação na semente germinante. Para investigar a presença de possíveis inibidores, seis concentrações de extratos de sementes de pitangueira (Eugenia uniflora) foram utilizados em testes de germinação, além do controle (água pura). O possível efeito osmótico desses extratos foram aferidos com soluções de PEG 6000 e de NaCl, de -0,05 a -0,40 MPa. Os extratos de pitanga não apresentaram inibição de germinação para a própria espécie. Contudo, para aquênios de alface e para sementes de feijão os resultados apresentaram diferenças significativas, revelando potencial inibidor da germinação e do desenvolvimento inicial das plântulas. Simulando-se os potenciais hídricos dos extratos de pitanga que causaram inibição da germinação, quando as soluções foram preparadas com PEG 6000 houve semelhante inibição, mas não quando as soluções foram preparadas com NaCl. Esta diferença de comportamento apresentada pelos diferentes solutos sugere que soluções de PEG 6000 resultem em alterações não apenas do potencial hídrico.


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A conservação de sementes intolerantes à dessecação como as do gênero Eugenia é realizada com alto grau de umidade, favorecendo o ataque de microrganismos. Essa interação da semente com fungos de armazenamento pode acelerar consideravelmente a velocidade de deterioração das mesmas. O tratamento com fungicidas pode contaminar o meio ambiente com resíduos tóxicos, tornando necessário o desenvolvimento de métodos alternativos como os tratamentos térmicos e osmóticos. No presente trabalho, objetivou-se analisar a influência da redução do teor de água e a eficiência de tratamentos térmicos (imersão das sementes em água, de 35 °C a 75 °C, por 30 a 150 min), osmóticos (imersão contínua em solução osmótica a -1,5 MPa a -4,0 MPa) e químicos (fungicidas carboxin+tiram, captan e carbendazin+tiram) na redução do potencial de inóculo inicial de fungos. Os tratamentos químicos foram os mais eficientes para o controle de Penicillium sp., Cladosporium sp., Fusarium sp., Pestalotiopsis sp. e Alternaria sp., detectados com mais frequência em sementes de Eugenia brasiliensis (grumixameira), E. pyrifomis (uvaieira) e E. uniflora (pitangueira). Tratamentos térmicos e osmóticos demonstram grande potencial de controle, mas necessitam ajustes metodológicos, incluindo-se a associação de ambos e a reaplicação dos tratamentos durante o armazenamento.


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Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias, con especialidad en Morfología). U. A. N. L.