838 resultados para Electronic commerce -- Australia.
Commerce is essentially the exchange of goods and services in various forms between sellers and buyers, together with associated financial transactions. Electronic Commerce (EC) is the process of conducing commerce through electronic means, including any electronic commercial activity supported by IT (information technology) (Adam and Yesha, 1996; Kambil, 1997; Yen, 1998). In this sense, EC is not totally new. Industries have used various EC platforms such as advertising on TV and ordering by telephone or fax. Internet Commerce (IC), or Web Commerce, is a specific type of EC (Maddox, 1998; Minoli D. and Minoli E., 1997). While some traditional EC platforms such as TV and telephone have been used to build “TV-gambling” and “telephone-betting” systems for conducting lottery business, Internet Lottery Commerce (ILC) has been assessed as the most promising type of EC in the foreseeable future. There are many social and moral issues relating to the conduct of lottery business on-line. However, this chapter does not debate these but deals only with business and technology issues. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a structured guide to senior executives and strategic planners who are planning on, or interested in, ILC deployment and operation. The guide consists of several stages: (1) an explanation of the industry segment’s traits, value chain, and current status; (2) an analysis of the competition and business issues in the Internet era and an evaluation of the strategic resources; (3) a planning framework that addresses major infrastructure issues; and (4) recommendations comprising the construction of an ILC model, suggested principles, and an approach to strategic deployment. The chapter demonstrates the case for applying the proposed guideline within the lottery business. Faced with a quickly changing technological context, it pays special attention to constructing a conceptual framework that addresses the key components of an ILC model. ILC fulfils the major activities in a lottery commerce value chain—advertising, selling and delivering products, collecting payments for tickets, and paying prizes. Although the guideline has been devised for lottery businesses, it can be applied to many other industry sectors.
Business-to-business (B2B) electronic commerce (e-commerce) has become an increasingly important initiative among organisations. The factors affecting the adoption decisions have been well-documented but there is a paucity of empirical studies that examine the adoption of e-commerce in developing economies in the Arab world. The aim of our study is to provide insights into the salient e-commerce adoption issues by focusing on Saudi Arabian businesses. We developed a conceptual model for B2B e-commerce adoption incorporating six factors. Survey data from 450 businesses were used to test the model and hypotheses. The analysis demonstrates that, (1) when e-commerce preliminary adoption is investigated, organizational IT readiness, management support and regulatory environment emerge as the strongest factor, (2) pressure from customers may not have much effect on the preliminary adoption of e-commerce by companies, but does significantly influence on the utilisation of e-commerce by firms, and (3) Saudi Arabia has a strong ICT infrastructure for supporting e-commerce practices. Taken together, these findings on the multi-dimensionality of e-commerce adoption show that preliminary adoption and utilisation of ecommerce are not only different measures of ecommerce adoption, but also have different determinants. The implications of the findings are discussed and suggestions for future inquiry are presented.
Electronic commerce (e-commerce) has become an increasingly important initiative among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as both a great opportunity and as a source of competition. The factors affecting adoption decisions of e-commerce by SMEs have been well documented, but there is a paucity of empirical studies that examine the adoption of e-commerce in the Arab world. The aim of this chapter is to provide insights into the salient e-commerce adoption issues by focusing on Saudi Arabian businesses. This chapter investigates the state of e-commerce adoption and analyses the factors that determine the extent to which SMEs in Saudi Arabia are inclined towards deploying e-commerce technologies. This research was designed using a qualitative approach through exploratory case studies selected from firms in Saudi Arabia. The findings contribute towards a better conceptual and practical understanding of the main factors driving SMEs to adopt e-commerce. The study has found that the level of e-commerce implementation has yet to mature and customer readiness for Internet shopping has to improve before e-commerce reaches the levels of maturity seen in other regions of the world. This study highlights several directions for future inquiry and implications for policymakers and managers who are involved in efforts to introduce complex innovations such as e-commerce into their organisations or are interested in expanding their e-commerce applications and generating more revenue.
This paper reports on a system for automated agent negotiation, based on a formal and executable approach to capture the behavior of parties involved in a negotiation. It uses the JADE agent framework, and its major distinctive feature is the use of declarative negotiation strategies. The negotiation strategies are expressed in a declarative rules language, defeasible logic, and are applied using the implemented system DR-DEVICE. The key ideas and the overall system architecture are described, and a particular negotiation case is presented in detail.
In this study, we examine an important factor that affects consumers' acceptance of business-to-commerce (B2C) electronic commerce - perceived risk. The objective of this paper is to examine the definition of perceived risk in the context of B2C electronic commerce. The paper highlights the importance of perceived risk and the interwoven relation between perceived risk and trust. It discusses the problem of defining perceived risk in prior B2C research. This study proposes a new classification of consumers' perceived risk based on sources. It highlights the importance of identifying the sources of consumer's risk perceptions in addition to the consequences dimensions. Two focus group discussion sessions were conducted to verify the proposed classification. Results indicate that Internet consumers perceive three sources of risk in B2C electronic commerce: technology, vendor, and product. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Quais as funcionalidades necess??rias aos sistemas de compras eletr??nicas no ambiente da administra????o p??blica? Que par??metros s??o relevantes para a an??lise e a avalia????o desses sistemas? O trabalho aborda a aplica????o da tecnologia da informa????o ??s compras governamentais, focalizando o caso do Sistema Integrado de Administra????o de Servi??os Gerais (Siasg) e seu portal na Internet, o Comprasnet, desenvolvido pela Administra????o P??blica Federal brasileira. Contextualiza a emerg??ncia do com??rcio eletr??nico e sua aplica????o ?? administra????o p??blica. Sistematiza as fases e os procedimentos do processo de compras e contrata????es na administra????o p??blica brasileira, indicando os componentes e as funcionalidades que devem compor os sistemas de compras eletr??nicas governamentais. Prop??e par??metros de an??lise para a avalia????o desses sistemas: abrang??ncia, inser????o e impacto na transforma????o da gest??o. A aplica????o desses par??metros ao estudo de caso evidencia que o Siasg/Comprasnet apresenta abrang??ncia ainda incompleta, inser????o consolidada e impacto transformador mais acentuado sobre as compras realizadas por meio de modalidades de licita????o eletr??nicas.
This article will present a preliminary survey of the status of web banking in Brazil, preeeded by an explanation about some seeurity problems on the Internet and some advantages and impaets of banking serviees through the web. It will end with suggestions for further Web banking studies.
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática
Desde o seu aparecimento, a Internet teve um desenvolvimento e uma taxa de crescimento quase exponencial. Os mercados de comércio electrónico têm vindo a acompanhar esta tendência de crescimento, tornando-se cada vez mais comuns e populares entre comerciantes ou compradores/vendedores de ocasião. A par deste crescimento também foi aumentando a complexidade e sofisticação dos sistemas responsáveis por promover os diferentes mercados. No seguimento desta evolução surgiram os Agentes Inteligentes devido à sua capacidade de encontrar e escolher, de uma forma relativamente eficiente, o melhor negócio, tendo por base as propostas e restrições existentes. Desde a primeira aplicação dos Agentes Inteligentes aos mercados de comércio electrónico que os investigadores desta área, têm tentado sempre auto-superar-se arranjando modelos de Agentes Inteligentes melhores e mais eficientes. Uma das técnicas usadas, para a tentativa de obtenção deste objectivo, é a transferência dos comportamentos Humanos, no que toca a negociação e decisão, para estes mesmos Agentes Inteligentes. O objectivo desta dissertação é averiguar se os Modelos de Avaliação de Credibilidade e Reputação são uma adição útil ao processo de negociação dos Agente Inteligentes. O objectivo geral dos modelos deste tipo é minimizar as situações de fraude ou incumprimento sistemático dos acordos realizados aquando do processo de negociação. Neste contexto, foi proposto um Modelo de Avaliação de Credibilidade e Reputação aplicável aos mercados de comércio electrónico actuais e que consigam dar uma resposta adequada o seu elevado nível de exigência. Além deste modelo proposto também foi desenvolvido um simulador Multi-Agente com a capacidade de simular vários cenários e permitir, desta forma, comprovar a aplicabilidade do modelo proposto. Por último, foram realizadas várias experiências sobre o simulador desenvolvido, de forma a ser possível retirar algumas conclusões para o presente trabalho. Sendo a conclusão mais importante a verificação/validação de que a utilização de mecanismos de credibilidade e reputação são uma mais-valia para os mercado de comércio electrónico.
Mestrado em Controlo de Gestão e dos Negócios
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização Orientação pela Professora Doutora: Ana Azevedo Manuela Patrício