976 resultados para Digital audio broadcasting


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This paper proposes a novel high capacity robust audio watermarking algorithm by using the high frequency band of the wavelet decomposition at which the human auditory system (HAS) is not very sensitive to alteration. The main idea is to divide the high frequency band into frames and, for embedding, to change the wavelet samples depending on the average of relevant frame¿s samples. The experimental results show that the method has a very high capacity (about 11,000 bps), without significant perceptual distortion (ODG in [¿1 ,0] and SNR about 30dB), and provides robustness against common audio signal processing such as additive noise, filtering, echo and MPEG compression (MP3).


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El treball de fi de carrera "Estudi digital per a guitarra" fa una anàlisi d'un tipus de programari dedicat a la música, i més concretament a l'instrument de la guitarra. En ell s'analitzen programes per gravar àudio, editors de partitures, estudis d'àudio digital, efectes, emuladors, etc., tot muntat sobre un sistema GNU/Linux.


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Many educators and educational institutions have yet to integrate web-based practices into their classrooms and curricula. As a result, it can be difficult to prototype and evaluate approaches to transforming classrooms from static endpoints to dynamic, content-creating nodes in the online information ecosystem. But many scholastic journalism programs have already embraced the capabilities of the Internet for virtual collaboration, dissemination, and reader participation. Because of this, scholastic journalism can act as a test-bed for integrating web-based sharing and collaboration practices into classrooms. Student Journalism 2.0 was a research project to integrate open copyright licenses into two scholastic journalism programs, to document outcomes, and to identify recommendations and remaining challenges for similar integrations. Video and audio recordings of two participating high school journalism programs informed the research. In describing the steps of our integration process, we note some important legal, technical, and social challenges. Legal worries such as uncertainty over copyright ownership could lead districts and administrators to disallow open licensing of student work. Publication platforms among journalism classrooms are far from standardized, making any integration of new technologies and practices difficult to achieve at scale. And teachers and students face challenges re-conceptualizing the role their class work can play online.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Workshop at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Resumen basado en la publicación


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Resumen basado en la publicación


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A video podcast plus MP3 of a 30 minute presention on the use of Twitter to build a digital presence.


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Muestra cómo la aplicación de las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación (TIC) mejoran la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa, enriquecen las habilidades de los alumnos e, introducen nuevos métodos educativos. Los estudios de varios colaboradores de Europa, Australia y América del Norte, consideran que tanto la utilización del material audiovisual tradicional: videos, películas, cintas de audio, cómo la de recursos más recientes: juegos de ordenador, recursos en línea, son materiales valiosos para la práctica educativa.


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La narrativa digital es una narración con texto generado a través de ordenador y con contenidos multimedia, pues tanto la web 2.0 como las herramientas de que disponen la mayoría de los ordenadores, permiten a los estudiantes producir historias digitales que combinan texto, música, imágenes, sonidos, narración en audio y formato video. Este recurso proporciona a los educadores recursos, ideas y directrices par la utilización de herramientas digitales para crear, producir y construir relatos y otros contenidos a través de un medio electrónico.


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En anexo se incluyen las encuestas de valoración para primaria y para secundaria y los test de nivel y en los CD los ejercicios de audio y vídeo


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El uso de la tecnología musical en el aula es fruto de múltiples investigaciones alrededor del mundo. El objetivo de este taller es mostrar las inmensas posibilidades didácticas de un tipo de software que no está inicialmente diseñado para la educación musical: el Secuenciador de Audio-MIDI. Un Secuenciador2 de Audio-MIDI es un tipo de software musical que puede grabar y gestionar información musical en, generalmente, dos soportes: el MIDI y el audio digital. El uso combinado de estas dos posibilidades más un interface gráfico altamente moldeable, hacen del Secuenciador una potente herramienta musical


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This dissertation examines auditory perception and audio-visual reception in noise for both hearing-impaired and normal hearing persons, with a goal of determining some of the noise conditions under which amplified acoustic cues for speech can be beneficial to hearing-impaired persons.


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For the past few decades, researchers have increased our understanding of how sound functions within various audio–visual media formats. With a different focus in mind, this study aims to identify the roles and functions of sound in relation to the game form Audio Games, in order to explore the potential of sound when acting as an autonomous narrative form. Because this is still a relatively unexplored research field, the main purpose of this study is to help establish a theoretical ground and stimulate further research within the field of audio games. By adopting an interdisciplinary approach to the topic, this research relies on theoretical studies, examinations of audio games and contact with the audio game community. In order to reveal the roles of sound, the gathered data is analyzed according to both a contextual and a functional perspective. The research shows that a distinction between the terms ‘function’ and ‘role’ is important when analyzing sound in digital games. The analysis therefore results in the identification of two analytical levels that help define the functions and roles of an entity within a social context, named the Functional and the Interfunctional levels. In addition to successfully identifying three main roles of sound within audio games—each describing the relationship between sound and the entities game system, player and virtual environment—many other issues are also addressed. Consequently, and in accordance with its purpose, this study provides a broad foundation for further research of sound in both audio games and video games.