933 resultados para Controle de processos


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nRPN, nRPNSTAT e nRPNDYN são novos índices, propostos nesta dissertação, que quantificam o grau de não-linearidade total, estática e dinâmica, respectivamente, de sistemas dinâmicos não- lineares. Estes novos índices permitem responder se é necessária a utilização de controladores não-lineares ou se simples controladores lineares apresentarão desempenho satisfatório. Além disso, se um controlador não- linear se fizer necessário, quais características este deve apresentar. Nesta dissertação é realizado um estudo acerca das metodologias para determinação do grau de não- linearidade de plant as industriais. Entre as encontradas, a que apresenta as melhores potencialidades é estudada em detalhes, tendo seus atributos e deficiências explorados. As deficiências foram sanadas e um novo conjunto de índices é proposto (nRPN, nRPNSTAT e nRPNDYN), o qual, além de apresentar resultados conclusivos em termos quantitativos, também traz novas informações valiosas para a escolha do controlador adequado, como a parcela estática e dinâmica da não- linearidade. A metodologia proposta é aplicada e testada em um conjunto bastante amplo e complementar de possíveis sistemas dinâmicos não-lineares (tais como: pH, reatores químicos e coluna de destilação de alta pureza) onde o comportamento nãolinear já foi explorado na literatura O desenvolvimento e o estudo do comportamento dinâmico de uma planta laboratorial de cinco tanques acoplados são apresentados. Este sistema possui dinâmica e ganhos variáveis, descontinuidades, inversão no sinal do ganho multivariável e diferentes graus de acoplamento, ilustrando de forma simples vários possíveis comportamentos dinâmicos encontrados em plantas industriais. Devido a esta grande versatilidade a planta foi construída e testada, confirmando os comportamentos previstos nos estudos teóricos.


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A identificação de modelos é determinante no sucesso das modernas técnicas de controle avançado de processos. Um modelo para o sistema pode ser obtido através de modelagem rigorosa, baseada em equações governantes do sistema ou através da modelagem empírica e estimação de parâmetros. Embora mais rápida e fácil, a modelagem empírica necessita de alguns testes de identificação nos quais as variáveis manipuladas são variadas de modo que resultem em variações nas variáveis controladas. Os testes de identificação podem apresentar custos muito elevados tendo em vista que o sistema pode sair de seu ponto normal de operação, gerando produtos com folga de especificação. Este fato ocorre porque usualmente as perturbações aplicadas nas variáveis manipuladas nas indústrias de processos são independentes umas das outras, aumentando a duração do teste de identificação. Desta forma, neste trabalho foi desenvolvida uma nova metodologia de projeto de perturbações simultâneas para a identificação de modelos dinâmicos baseada na direcionalidade do sistema, com o objetivo de fornecer dados mais ricos para se capturar corretamente o comportamento multivariável do sistema e manter o processo no ponto de operação normal. As perturbações são projetadas conforme as características de um modelo simplificado do processo, ou pré-modelo. Este modelo inicial é obtido essencialmente de dados históricos de planta, selecionados através de uma sistemática análise de correlação desenvolvida neste trabalho A metodologia proposta é composta de duas partes: a primeira parte diz respeito à análise dos dados históricos de planta para obtenção de informações prelimirares as quais são utilizadas no planejamento de perturbações, tais como amplitude do ruído de medida, correlação entre as variáveis de processo, constante de tempo do sistema e matriz de ganhos. E a segunda parte consiste no cálculo da amplitude das perturbações baseado nos resultados da primeira etapa do planejamento. Para sistemas mal-condicionados verificou-se que as perturbações planejadas pela metodologia removem menos a planta de seu ponto de operação gerando resultados mais consistentes em relação às perturbações tradicionais. Já para sistemas bem-condicionados, os resultados são semelhantes. A metodologia foi aplicada em uma unidade piloto experimental e numa unidade de destilação da PETROBRAS, cujos resultados apontam pouca remoção dos sistemas do ponto de operação e modelos consistentes. A validação dos modelos também foi contemplada na dissertação, uma vez que foi proposto um novo critério de validação que considera a derivada dos dados de planta e a do modelo e não apenas os dados de planta e os dados da simulação das saídas do modelo.


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Com base em documentos e pronunciamentos representativos, realiza uma retrospectiva da Política Brasileira de Informática, enfatizando o contexto geral em que a política de capacitação tecnológica local foi engendrada, bem como busca descortinar os principais fatores que propiciaram e retardaram a sua execução, até 1983, ano que precede o da decisão pelo Congresso Nacional sobre a preservação/continuidade dessa Política.


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A adoção de uma governança voltada para resultados na administração pública surgiu como uma abordagem de gestão organizacional, fazendo parte de um amplo movimento da nova gestão pública (NGP). No Brasil, as empresas públicas têm se preocupado em buscar melhores mecanismos de controle da gestão no sentido de lograr bons resultados na prestação dos serviços públicos para os clientes e à sociedade usuária dos serviços. O termo "Gestão de Desempenho Organizacional" refere-se a qualquer abordagem integrada e sistemática que vise melhorar o desempenho para alcançar objetivos estratégicos e promover a missão e os valores da organização. Assim, esta pesquisa estuda práticas relacionadas à gestão de desempenho organizacional, que possibilitem o direcionamento dos esforços na melhoria dos processos chaves, levando em consideração as particularidades inerentes à natureza pública. Outro aspecto de relevância deste trabalho advém dos estudos da Gestão por Objetivos e da Gestão para Resultados, adotando a compreensão de Gerenciar por Objetivos para se conquistar os Resultados. Deste modo, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica para identificar os principais frameworks sobre desempenho organizacional. Após esta etapa, foi estabelecida uma análise crítica dos frameworks, observando as principais contribuições e pontos fortes. E por último, foi construído um modelo de avaliação com o propósito de fazer um diagnóstico dos processos gerenciais, e qualificar em qual estágio a empresa objeto deste estudo se encontra, sob o enfoque da governança para resultados. O resultado desta avaliação refletiu as percepções dos funcionários e gestores sobre o desempenho e seus determinantes.


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The IT capability is a organizational ability to perform activities of this role more effectively and an important mechanism in creating value. Its building process (stages of creation and development) occurs through management initiatives for improvement in the performance of their activities, using human resources and IT assets complementary responsible for the evolution of their organizational routines. This research deals with the IT capabilities related to SIG (integrated institutional management systems), built and deployed in UFRN (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte) to realization and control of administrative, academic and human resources activities. Since 2009, through cooperative agreements with federal and educational institutions of direct administration, UFRN has supported the implementation of these systems, currently involving more than 30 institutions. The present study aims to understand how IT capabilities, relevant in the design, implementation and dissemination of SIG, were built over time. This is a single case study of qualitative and longitudinal nature, performed by capturing, coding and analysis from secondary data and from semi-structured interviews conducted primarily with members of Superintenência de Informática, organizational unit responsible for SIG systems in UFRN. As a result, the technical, of internal relationship and external cooperation capabilities were identified as relevant in the successful trajectory of SIG systems, which have evolved in different ways. The technical capacity, initiated in 2004, toured the stages of creation and development until it reached the stage of stability in 2013, due to technological limits. Regarding the internal relationship capability, begun in 2006, it toured the stages of creation and development, having extended its scope of activities in 2009, being in development since then. Unlike the standard life cycle observed in the literature, the external cooperation capability was initiated by an intensity of initiatives and developments in the routines in 2009, which were decreasing to cease in 2013 in order to stabilize the technological infrastructure already created for cooperative institutions. It was still identified the start of cooperation in 2009 as an important event selection, responsible for changing or creating trajectories of evolution in all three capacities. The most frequent improvements initiatives were of organizational nature and the internal planning activity has been transformed over the routines of the three capabilities. Important resources and complementary assets have been identified as important for the realization of initiatives, such as human resources technical knowledge to the technical capabilities and external cooperation, and business knowledge, for all of them, as well as IT assets: the iproject application for control of development processes, and the document repository wiki. All these resources and complementary assets grew along the capacities, demonstrating its strategic value to SINFO/UFRN


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This work proposes the specification of a new function block according to Foundation Fieldbus standards. The new block implements an artificial neural network, which may be useful in process control applications. The specification includes the definition of a main algorithm, that implements a neural network, as well as the description of some accessory functions, which provide safety characteristics to the block operation. Besides, it also describes the block attributes emphasizing its parameters, which constitute the block interfaces. Some experimental results, obtained from an artificial neural network implementation using actual standard functional blocks on a laboratorial FF network, are also shown, in order to demonstrate the possibility and also the convenience of integrating a neural network to Fieldbus devices


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This paper describes the design, implementation and enforcement of a system for industrial process control based on fuzzy logic and developed using Java, with support for industrial communication protocol through the OPC (Ole for Process Control). Besides the java framework, the software is completely independent from other platforms. It provides friendly and functional tools for modeling, construction and editing of complex fuzzy inference systems, and uses these logical systems in control of a wide variety of industrial processes. The main requirements of the developed system should be flexibility, robustness, reliability and ease of expansion


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The control of industrial processes has become increasingly complex due to variety of factory devices, quality requirement and market competition. Such complexity requires a large amount of data to be treated by the three levels of process control: field devices, control systems and management softwares. To use data effectively in each one of these levels is extremely important to industry. Many of today s industrial computer systems consist of distributed software systems written in a wide variety of programming languages and developed for specific platforms, so, even more companies apply a significant investment to maintain or even re-write their systems for different platforms. Furthermore, it is rare that a software system works in complete isolation. In industrial automation is common that, software had to interact with other systems on different machines and even written in different languages. Thus, interoperability is not just a long-term challenge, but also a current context requirement of industrial software production. This work aims to propose a middleware solution for communication over web service and presents an user case applying the solution developed to an integrated system for industrial data capture , allowing such data to be available simplified and platformindependent across the network


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The area of research and development involving the PID tune of controllers is an active area in the academic and industrial sectors yet. All this due to the wide use of PID controllers in the industry (96% of all controllers in the industry is still PID). Controllers well tuned and tools to monitor their performance over time with the possibility of selftuning, become an item almost obligatory to maintain processes with high productivity and low cost. In a globalized world, it is essential for their self survival. Although there are several new tools and techniques that make PID tune, in this paper will explore the PID tune using the relay method, due its good acceptance in the industrial environment. In addition, we will discuss some techniques for evaluation of control loops, as IAE, ISE, Goodhart, the variation of the control signal and index Harris, which are necessary to propose new tuning for control loops that have a low performance. Will be proposed in this paper a tool for tuning and self tuning PID. Will be proposed in this paper a PID auto-tuning software using a relay method. In particular, will be highlighted the relay method with hysteresis. This method has shown tunings with satisfactory performance when applied to the didactic, simulated and real plants


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The quantitative chemical characterization of the inorganic fraction of scale products is very relevant in studying, monitoring and controlling corrosive processes of oil pipelines. The X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) is a very versatile analytical technique, which can be used in quantitative analysis in solid samples at low concentrations of the chemical element, in the order of few ppm. A methodology that involves sample preparation diluted in the proportion of 1:7 (one portion of the sample for seven of wax), pressed as pellets was used in the XRF calibration for chemical analysis of scale products from oil pipelines. The calibration involved the preparation of reference samples from mixtures of P.A. reagents, aiming to optimize the time consumed in the steps of sample preparation and analysis of Al, Ba, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, S, Si, Sr and Ti, using the same pressed pellet for trace and major elements analysis


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This dissertation the results of a research developed in the area of São Bento do Norte and Caiçara do Norte, northern coast of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, during the period of June of 2000 to August of 2001, in the ambit of the projects MAMBMARÉ (CNPq/CTPETRO) and PROBRAL (CAPES/DAAD). The objective principal of this research was the characterization of the sedimentary dynamics of this coast, with base in data of coastal process (winds, currents, waves and tides), with topographical risings (beach profiles and dunes), satellite images and sedimentary analyses. The more specific objectives were accomplished the coastal monitoring of this coast, to verify the maintenance of an erosive tendency or progradacional after the groynes construction for contention of the erosion in the beach of Caiçara do Norte, as well as to verify the influence of the features of bottom of the platform interns adjacent on the pole petroliferous of Guamaré. The executed monitoramento allowed to identify that the movement of the sediments, along the year, in that area, is cyclical, reaching the largest oscillations during the months of winter (deposition) and they will summer (erosion). The sedimentologic studies indicated a general tendency for sands quartzosas, with gravel presence, moderately to good selected, with asymmetry predominantly negative. In agreement with the parameter of Dean (1957), used in the identification of the state morfodinâmico of the beaches, monitored beaches, are basically reflectivas with tendency to middlemen, what frames that space of the coast norte-riograndense, as a space strongly vulnerable to erosive processes. The studies developed in the platform, it interns of this area, allowed to visualize for the first time, in large scale, the distribution of the features of the submarine bottom to the batométrico coat of 25 meters. Being pointed out the presence of a high one topographical submerged, with about 5 meters of height, 1 km of width and more than 24 meters of extension, located in the platform it interns in front of São Bento do Norte; coincident with the trend of the system of flaws of Carnaubais. This feature relay an important paper on the control of the sedimentary processes and oceanographic, as well as in the coastal evolution of this area of the RN state, and they affect the area of the pole petroliferous of Guamaré directly. These results contribute to a better knowledge of the processes in the area, and consequently as subsidies implantation of measures of coastal and environmental protection for the cities of São Bento do Norte and Caiçara do Norte, as well as to understand how the geological-sedimentary processes and oceanographic, in this area, are influencing the characteristics geoambientais of the pole petroliferous of Guamaré


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This dissertation the results of a research developed in the area of São Bento do Norte and Caiçara do Norte, northern coast of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, during the period of June of 2000 to August of 2001, in the ambit of the projects MAMBMARÉ (CNPq/CTPETRO) and PROBRAL (CAPES/DAAD).The objective principal of this research was the characterization of the sedimentary dynamics of this coast, with base in data of coastal process (winds, currents, waves and tides), with topographical risings (beach profiles and dunes), satellite images and sedimentary analyses. The more specific objectives were accomplished the coastal monitoring of this coast, to verify the maintenance of an erosive tendency or progradacional after the groynes construction for contention of the erosion in the beach of Caiçara do Norte, as well as to verify the influence of the features of bottom of the platform interns adjacent on the pole petroliferous of Guamaré. The executed monitoramento allowed to identify that the movement of the sediments, along the year, in that area, is cyclical, reaching the largest oscillations during the months of winter (deposition) and they will summer (erosion). The sedimentologic studies indicated a general tendency for sands quartzosas, with gravel presence, moderately to good selected, with asymmetry predominantly negative. In agreement with the parameter of Dean (1957), used in the identification of the state morfodinâmico of the beaches, monitored beaches, are basically reflectivas with tendency to middlemen, what frames that space of the coast norteriograndense, as a space strongly vulnerable to erosive processes. The studies developed in the platform, it interns of this area, allowed to visualize for the first time, in large scale, the distribution of the features of the submarine bottom to the batométrico coat of 25 meters. Being pointed out the presence of a high one topographical submerged, with about 5 meters of height, 1 km of width and more than 24 meters of extension, located in the platform it interns in front of São Bento do Norte; coincident with the trend of the system of flaws of Carnaubais. This feature relay an important paper on the control of the sedimentary processes and oceanographic, as well as in the coastal evolution of this area of the RN state, and they affect the area of the pole petroliferous of Guamaré directly. These results contribute to a better knowledge of the processes in the area, and consequently as subsidies implantation of measures of coastal and environmental protection for the cities of São Bento do Norte and Caiçara do Norte, as well as to understand how the geological-sedimentary processes and oceanographic, in this area, are influencing the characteristics geoambientais of the pole petroliferous of Guamaré


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The Atlantic Forest biome occupies much of the Atlantic coast of Brazil, in addition to portions of Paraguay and Argentina. Due mainly to its biodiversity which falls in the group of global hotspots, i.e., areas that have high priority for conservation. Although currently there are some available devices that assist in their protection in the course of the history of occupation and exploitation of the Brazilian territory, this biome has gone, and is still going through, an intense process of devastation, caused mainly by the pressure from economic activities, culminating in a significant reduction of its area and consequent fragmentation of the landscape, which brings with hosts a series of problems at various scales and aspects. As in most municipalities included in the reach area of the biome, the situation of forest fragmentation in Tibau do Sul / RN is quite critical, reflecting on a truly diverse landscape with broad typology of land uses. Among the alternatives aimed at the conservation of this biome include the creation of protected areas and the creation of ecological corridors, the latter being more efficient by connecting the remaining forests, increasing landscape connectivity, providing significant gains in relation to biodiversity. However, a major problem on implementation of Ecological Corridors projects is related to the selection of areas for this purpose, in this sense Geography can provide important contributions through the integrated study of landscape in the light of the geosystemic approach and the use of Geographical Information System (GIS) in order to permit assessment of reality having as a base the integration of ecological, biological and man-made aspects. Thus, this research aims to indicate potential areas and propose scenarios delimitation of Ecological Corridors in the municipality of Tibau do Sul / RN through Geographic Inference techniques in GIS platform. Therefore, the methodology adopted is based on the Geosystemic approach. From these elements were created 4 models to indicate potential areas for implementation of Ecological Corridors from the environmental perspective (potential erosion), socioeconomic (cover and land prices), legislative (areas protected by environmental legislation) and integrated (combination of environmental factors, socioeconomic and legislative), which in turn served as a basis for proposing scenarios aimed at this purpose. The results showed that all models can be quite useful in indicating potential areas for the establishment of ecological corridors, especially when based on an integrated approach between environmental and anthropogenic. The Corridors delimitation proposes shown may perform duties beyond the establishment of connectivity between fragments, since they also may have usefulness in controlling erosion and protecting fragile environments. Among the models developed, the integrated constituted itself as the best option because it enabled the interconnection of a larger number of fragments from a better use of the potentialities present in the landscape


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)