985 resultados para Chippewa Creek


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The Duck Creek Watershed, the recipient of a 2009 DNR Watershed Management Planning Grant and a focus of an upcoming City of Davenport master plan, is characterized by relatively flat grades and highly impervious areas. Plagued by issues such as high bacteria loads, stream bank erosion and flooding, solving these problems may take generations. The City of Davenport has taken a microwatershed approach to identify the significant contributors to water quality and flooding issues that affect Duck Creek, its tributaries and the surrounding landscape to make inroads into the larger issues. This project is the next phase of a multi-phased project that addresses the microwatershed that includes St Ambrose University. Work here will improve water quality within Duck Creek and address major flooding issues on campus while also reducing downstream flooding. This project will convert an existing parking lot into a green parking area by removing the hard surface and installing below ground facilities for storm water infiltration, detention, and reuse. Permeable pavement, bio­ swales and infiltration areas will be constructed on top of the infiltration facilities. We estimate that this project will capture and treat 1,110,000 gallons (3.5 acre feet) of storm water runoff which accounts to the runoff volume from a 10-year storm event while reducing pollutants by 30-100%.


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The city of Ankeny is submitting this WIRB application for development of green urban stormwater practices on city and private property in the Fourmile Creek watershed. The stormwater project proposed includes stream restoration of the SE Tributary to Fourmile Creek (Tributary B), including weirs, bank shaping, toe protection, trees, and native plantings. The project also includes the creation of a native buffer along the stream channel in the city’s Summerbrook Park, installing four native planting beds, installing a pervious surface trail, installing a series of rain gardens/biorentention cells, and installing educational signage. Polk County Soil and Water Conservation District has committed $17,000 towards the native buffer and rain garden/biorentention cell. The city of Ankeny was also awarded a $100,000 I-JOBS grant from IDNR to complete the stormwater retrofit practices. The largest component of this project is public education. Our vision for this project is to take the entire 281 acre watershed and address it as a whole. We want to make a collaborative watershed that not only addresses the water entering the stream channel through adjacent properties, but takes each individual parcel within the watershed and strives to reduce contributions to the stormwater system. The stormwater issues of concern for Tributary B include stormwater volume, sediment, and nutrients. The stream restoration, best management practices (BMP) at Summerbrook Park, and BMPs on private property should help decrease the volume of stormwater and reduce the amount of sediment and nutrients that enter Tributary B and ultimately Fourmile Creek.


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Walnut Creek is a Class B warm water stream located in northern Poweshiek County. The creek is sixteen miles in length with 26,223 acres of watershed area. Walnut Creek is listed on the 2008 impaired waters list as biologically impaired. Based on results of biological monitoring, no specific causes of the impairment have been identified. This watershed is of particular significance to the Poweshiek SWCD and the state of Iowa because water quality protection efforts can be implemented that will address the impairment. The Poweshiek SWCD received a watershed development grant in 2005, to complete a watershed assessment for the Walnut Creek Watershed. The results of the assessments showed an estimated 23,224 tons of sediment are delivered annually to Walnut Creek, and, about 34% of land in the watershed is delivering nearly 66% of the sediment. Therefore, the acres with more than 1 ton/ac/yr sediment delivery have been prioritized. In Jan. 2008, an implementation grant began. The 1st year’s EQIP matching funds were obligated by July 2008. Specific objectives are to: 1) Reduce sediment delivery by 3,205 tons, by installing conservation practices on the sediment delivery areas of more that 1 ton/ac/yr, and, 2) Develop an information and education program for landowners. The District has prioritized the Walnut Creek watershed for 50% EQIP funding to be combined with 25% WSPF funds. This application is for additional practice funds, utilized as 50% cost-share, to be used with 25% WSPF funds, for eligible soil loss projects (>1 ton/ac), when EQIP funds are not available.


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River Action is requesting funds for a project that offers design, technical and financial assistance to residential and commercial landowners and municipalities for the installation of buffers along Duck Creek and its tributaries. The buffers will improve water quality, reduce erosion on stream banks and provide habitat for wildlife. The projects will be planned and implemented through public meetings and educational workshops. This method of community involvement will increase awareness and education concerning the impairments in Duck Creek in Davenport and Bettendorf in Scott County, Iowa and promote personal responsibility and stewardship of watersheds.


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Audit report of the Honey Creek Resort Operations Account managed by Central Group Management, LLC (Honey Creek Resort) as of and for the year ended June 30, 2014


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Audit report on the Honey Creek Resort Operations Account maintained by Central Group Management, LLC for the year ended June 30, 2014


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A network of 25 sonic stage sensors were deployed in the Squaw Creek basin upstream from Ames Iowa to determine if the state-of-the-art distributed hydrological model CUENCAS can produce reliable information for all road crossings including those that cross small creeks draining basins as small as 1 sq. mile. A hydraulic model was implemented for the major tributaries of the Squaw Creek where IFC sonic instruments were deployed and it was coupled to CUENCAS to validate the predictions made at small tributaries in the basin. This study demonstrates that the predictions made by the hydrological model at internal locations in the basins are as accurate as the predictions made at the outlet of the basin. Final rating curves based on surveyed cross sections were developed for the 22 IFC-bridge sites that are currently operating, and routine forecast is provided at those locations (see IFIS). Rating curves were developed for 60 additional bridge locations in the basin, however, we do not use those rating curves for routine forecast because the lack of accuracy of LiDAR derived cross sections is not optimal. The results of our work form the basis for two papers that have been submitted for publication to the Journal of Hydrological Engineering. Peer review of our work will gives a strong footing to our ability to expand our results from the pilot Squaw Creek basin to all basins in Iowa.


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Staff and Beaver Creeks are two tributaries of the Upper Iowa River (UIR). Additional acres that drain directly into the UIR bring the size of the project area to 41,328 acres. The goal of the project is to reduce sediment loading and excess nutrients from reaching the streams which ultimately reach the UIR. Staff/Beaver Water Quality Project initially received funding as part of the FY 2005 WSPF/319 grant application cycle. Tremendous progress has been accomplished towards the original goals of the project. Due to the large number of Best Management Practices (BMPs) installed and the continued high interest for those practices, more work remains to be done. The heavy rains received in 2008 caused severe erosion and has dramatically increased interest in conservation practices. A thorough watershed assessment was completed in the fall of 2008. Data from this assessment indicates additional work is needed. The initial grant funding will be exhausted within fiscal year 2009. Therefore, the Howard Soil and Water Conservation District is seeking 3 years of funding. The District believes interest in the water quality project is at an all time high and that with an additional three years of funding, even more progress can be achieved in reducing sediment delivery and excess nutrients to these priority streams.


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In 2004 Walnut Creek was placed on the 303d list of impaired water bodies for lack of aquatic life with biological causes. Sediment from farmland as well as the stream banks was listed as the most likely stressor. In response to this listing a preliminary watershed assessment was completed by the six counties which have land in the Walnut Creek watershed. Walnut Creek flows through portions of Shelby, Pottawattamie, Montgomery, Mills, Page, and Fremont Counties before reaching its confluence with the West Nishnabotna River. The preliminary study assessed resource concerns and evaluated anticipated landowner participation levels for the six Huc 12 sub-watersheds which divide the Walnut Creek basin. These preliminary assessments revealed a priority sub-watershed which lies between US Hwy 6 and Hwy 34. A development grant was then funded by the Division of Soil Conservation to conduct a detailed assessment of this area. The detailed assessment involved an assessment of the uplands as well as the stream itself. A better understanding of the resource concerns was gained through the assessment, allowing for a comprehensive watershed plan to be developed. A variety of best management practices will be necessary for our project to be a success, many of which will be funded by other sources besides the WIRB. This grant is the first request for funding submitted by the East Pottawattamie and Montgomery SWCDs’. This grant will serve as the first critical step in building what is destined to be a true watershed success story.


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The Muchakinock Creek Watershed Project began in February of 2005 to treat upland soil erosion in the creek that has lead to a 303(d) impairment. The Mahaska SWCD is currently administering this cost-share program to promote terraces, basins, and grade stabilization structures. The District is seeking funding from WIRB to treat specific abandoned mine lands in the Muchakinock Creek Watershed. These areas contribute sediment to the creek at levels second only to agricultural lands as well as acid mine drainage from open pits mines that have been left to decay across the county. The WIRB funding would be used to compliment Federal Abandoned Mine Land (AML) funding in the reclamation of these areas.


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Brief Project Summary (no greater than this space allows): This project is located in the Ludlow Creek Watershed, a 9,827 acre sub-watershed of the Yellow River. Ludlow Creek is extremely fragile and unique because it is a karst watershed, containing an estimated 1,188 sinkholes and depressions. Ludlow Creek may arguably contain more sinkholes per acre than any other watershed in Iowa. Water sampling data shows sediment delivery and E.coli as being water quality impairments in Ludlow Creek. The goals of this project are to 1) Reduce sediment delivery by 40%, 2) Reduce animal waste run-off which may include E.coli and nutrients by 40%, and 3) Reduce the water quality impact that sinkholes have on this watershed. The following Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be implemented to target Ludlow Creek's water quality impairments: no-till, terraces, grade stabilization structures, manure systems, strearnbank stabilization, pasture management, and both sinkhole and stream buffers. Our goal is to implement a combination of approximately 62 BMPs in the Ludlow Creek Watershed. These landowners will receive 75% cost-share for each one of these practices. If we receive funding from this grant, we will reach this 75% cost-share allocation by leveraging WHIP or EQIP funds when available, for most of these practices. This application has been reviewed and approved by the Allamakee County Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioners.


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This project brings together rural and urban partners to address the impairment of Miners Creek, a cold water trout stream in Northeast Iowa. It eliminates point source pollution contributions from the City of Guttenberg, decreases non-point source pollution and increases in-stream and near stream habitat in the Miners Creek Watershed. It specifically eliminates sewage and storm water runoff from the City of Guttenberg into Miners Creek; it develops, enhances and preserves wetlands; reduces direct livestock access to the. stream through rotational grazing systems; completes stream bank stabilizatio11 and in-stream habitat creation; targets upland land treatment; and promotes targeted application of continuous CRP and forestry practices. This project recognizes that non-point source pollution improvements could be hampered by point source pollutants ihat inhibit biologic reproduction and survival. It takes appropliate measures to improve all aspects of the stream ecosystem.


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Plagued for nearly a century by the perennial flooding of Indian Creek, the City begins construction on a massive channelization project designed to confine the creek to its banks. Funded largely through a grant from the recently established Public Works Administration (PWA), the Indian Creek Channel, upon its completion two years later, would become the largest PWA undertaking in the State of Iowa. Though it did not completely end flooding in Council Bluffs, construction of the Indian Creek Channel did substantially reduce both the number and severity of the city's subsequent floods. It also profoundly impacted the residential and commercial development of Council Bluffs, as well as the city's sanitary conditions. The effects of the Indian Creek channelization, both practical and historical, are still realized today. In 2009, plans for a City road and bridge construction project at the intersection of North Broadway Street and Kanesville Boulevard proposed to replace a 221-foot-long segment of the Indian Creek Channel with a concrete box culvert. In compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act, a cultural resources study was conducted at the proposed construction site, the findings of which concluded that the historic character of the Indian Creek Channel would be compromised by the impending construction. As a means of mitigating these damages, an agreement was reached among the City, the Iowa State Historic Preservation Office, and the Federal Highway Administration that resulted in detailed research and documentation of the historical significance of the Indian Creek Channel. The findings of that study are summarized in this publication.


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Water-surface-elevation profiles and peak discharges for the floods of June 17, 1990, and July 9, 1993, along Squaw Creek and the South Skunk River, in Ames, Iowa, are presented in this report. The maximum flood-peak discharge of 24,300 cubic feet per second for the streamflow-gaging station on Squaw Creek at Ames, Iowa (station number 05470500) occurred on July 9, 1993. This discharge was 80 percent larger than the 100-year recurrence-interval discharge and exceeded the previous record flood-peak discharge of June 17, 1990, by 94 percent. The July 9, 1993, flood-peak discharge of 26,500 cubic feet per second on the South Skunk River below Squaw Creek (station number 05471000) was also a peak of record, exceeding the previous record flood-peak discharge of June 27,1975, by 80 percent, and the 100-year recurrence-interval discharge by 60 percent. A flood history describes rainfall conditions for floods that occurred during 1990 and 1993.


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Audit report on the Honey Creek Resort Operations Account maintained by Central Group Management, LLC for the year ended June 30, 2015