09011-008 Walnut Creek Final Report

Autoria(s): Desconhecido



Walnut Creek is a Class B warm water stream located in northern Poweshiek County. The creek is sixteen miles in length with 26,223 acres of watershed area. Walnut Creek is listed on the 2008 impaired waters list as biologically impaired. Based on results of biological monitoring, no specific causes of the impairment have been identified. This watershed is of particular significance to the Poweshiek SWCD and the state of Iowa because water quality protection efforts can be implemented that will address the impairment. The Poweshiek SWCD received a watershed development grant in 2005, to complete a watershed assessment for the Walnut Creek Watershed. The results of the assessments showed an estimated 23,224 tons of sediment are delivered annually to Walnut Creek, and, about 34% of land in the watershed is delivering nearly 66% of the sediment. Therefore, the acres with more than 1 ton/ac/yr sediment delivery have been prioritized. In Jan. 2008, an implementation grant began. The 1st year’s EQIP matching funds were obligated by July 2008. Specific objectives are to: 1) Reduce sediment delivery by 3,205 tons, by installing conservation practices on the sediment delivery areas of more that 1 ton/ac/yr, and, 2) Develop an information and education program for landowners. The District has prioritized the Walnut Creek watershed for 50% EQIP funding to be combined with 25% WSPF funds. This application is for additional practice funds, utilized as 50% cost-share, to be used with 25% WSPF funds, for eligible soil loss projects (>1 ton/ac), when EQIP funds are not available.





(2013) 09011-008 Walnut Creek Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship





Palavras-Chave #Water quality #Watersheds

Departmental Report
