08018-010 Walnut Creek Final Report

Autoria(s): Desconhecido



In 2004 Walnut Creek was placed on the 303d list of impaired water bodies for lack of aquatic life with biological causes. Sediment from farmland as well as the stream banks was listed as the most likely stressor. In response to this listing a preliminary watershed assessment was completed by the six counties which have land in the Walnut Creek watershed. Walnut Creek flows through portions of Shelby, Pottawattamie, Montgomery, Mills, Page, and Fremont Counties before reaching its confluence with the West Nishnabotna River. The preliminary study assessed resource concerns and evaluated anticipated landowner participation levels for the six Huc 12 sub-watersheds which divide the Walnut Creek basin. These preliminary assessments revealed a priority sub-watershed which lies between US Hwy 6 and Hwy 34. A development grant was then funded by the Division of Soil Conservation to conduct a detailed assessment of this area. The detailed assessment involved an assessment of the uplands as well as the stream itself. A better understanding of the resource concerns was gained through the assessment, allowing for a comprehensive watershed plan to be developed. A variety of best management practices will be necessary for our project to be a success, many of which will be funded by other sources besides the WIRB. This grant is the first request for funding submitted by the East Pottawattamie and Montgomery SWCDs’. This grant will serve as the first critical step in building what is destined to be a true watershed success story.





(2012) 08018-010 Walnut Creek Final Report. Agriculture and Land Stewardship





Palavras-Chave #Water quality #Watersheds

Departmental Report
