97 resultados para Cartridges
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS
Indiscriminate and inappropriate use of pesticides in agriculture has been pointed out for increasing health problems and environmental damage. Considering that water resources are the principal destiny of those compounds after application, the present study presents optimization and validation of two simple and effi cient analytical methods for pesticides quantifi cation in both surface and groundwater. Were selected the pesticides more commonly used at Dourados (MS - Brazil), region with intense agricultural activity. Pesticides were preconcentrated by solid-phase extraction using C18 (500 mg) cartridges and then divided in two groups for elution and quantifi cation: 2.4-D and 2.4-DCP were eluted with methanol and quantifi ed by high performance liquid chromatography with ultra-violet detector (HPLC-UV) while atrazine, DIA, DEA, trifl uralin and methyl parathion were eluted with ethylacetate (1:1, v/v) and quantifi ed by gas chromatography with thermionic specifi c detector (GC-TSD). The methods showed satisfactory accuracy (76-107%) and precision (<12%) for the substances analyzed at the fortifi ed levels selected for the study, except for DIA (<51%). Study of pesticide stability also presented good results: C18 cartridges could be stored for at least for 21 days at -20ºC with no signs of the compounds degradability. Both methods limits of quantifi cation of the pesticides (0.22 - 0.48 μg L-1) are in accordance to the levels currently established by the Brazilian national legislation for pesticides in water. Although only the pesticide 2.4-D has been detected in two distinct collection points in the study period of time, this work warns for the requirement of systematical analysis of pesticides presence in water destined to human consume, principally in areas of intense agriculture activity. Such monitoring can provide subsidies for public environmental policies.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Abstracts : The development of analytic methods more selective and sensitive is of great importance for a better quality in the determination of chemical species, therefore increasing the reliability of the results. In this way, the optimization of separation/concentration is still necessary. The use of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers - MIPs have demonstrated to be an efficient tool of analysis with a great potential in minimizing limitations of separation/concentration techniques traditionally employed. In general, the MIPs are obtained by polymerization in the presence of a template to be imprinted so that a polymeric skeleton is formed around the future analyte. In the present work, the template used is Estradiol Valerate (EV), compound used in the hormone replacement therapy (HRT) during climacteric. After the polymerization in bulk and in an anaerobic environment using MAA, EGDMA, AIBN, acetonitrile and VE, the obtained MIP was powdered, sifted (<120 μm) and placed in a soxhlet system containing ethanol at 60 °C, in order to remove the imprinted molecule through six successive washes in periods of 24 hours. The water used in the washings was analyzed using HPLC and spectrophotometry UV/Vis. Then, the obtained MIP was dried at room temperature and 150 mg was inset in SPE cartridges in order to evaluate the polymer's efficiency in the analyte pre-concentration and extraction. To do so, 100,0 mL of VE standard solution (2mg L-1) were pre-concentrated at 4,0 mL min-1 and eluted with 10,0 mL ethanol at 1,0 mL min-1, obtaining recoveries of 53%. Additionally, a NIP (non-imprinting polymer) was prepared to compare the obtained results, in which the recovery was 80%. In the same way, studies were conducted using commercial Strata™-X cartridges, obtaining 53% recovery. Since, the results did not reflect that than was expected, in relation with the MIP efficiency in the recovery, a computational ...
Background: Ayahuasca is a psychoactive plant beverage originally used by indigenous people throughout the Amazon Basin, long before its modern use by syncretic religious groups established in Brazil, the USA and European countries. The objective of this study was to develop a method for quantification of dimethyltryptamine and beta-carbolines in human plasma samples. Results: The analytes were extracted by means of C18 cartridges and injected into LC-MS/MS, operated in positive ion mode and multiple reaction monitoring. The LOQs obtained for all analytes were below 0.5 ng/ml. By using the weighted least squares linear regression, the accuracy of the analytical method was improved at the lower end of the calibration curve (from 0.5 to 100 ng/ml; r(2)> 0.98). Conclusion: The method proved to be simple, rapid and useful to estimate administered doses for further pharmacological and toxicological investigations of ayahuasca exposure.
The present dissertation focuses on the measurement of nonmethane organic carbon compounds (NMOC) and their exchange by biosphere-atmosphere interactions. To access the accuracy, precision, and reproducibility of NMOC analysis, two intercomparison experiments were carried out during the present study. These experiments comprised the sampling of NMOCs on graphitised carbon blacks, followed by gas-chromatographic analysis. Furthermore, they comprised the sampling of short chain carbonyl compounds on solid phase extraction cartridges and their analysis by high pressure liquid chromatography. To investigate the exchange of NMOCs between vegetation and the atmosphere, plant enclosure studies were performed on two European deciduous tree species. These measurements were conducted during two consecutive summer seasons by utilisation of the above specified techniques on sunlit and shaded leaves of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L., monoterpene emitter) and sunlit leaves of English oak (Quercus robur L., isoprene emitter). According to its broad geographical distribution, the impact of European beech on the European monoterpene budget was characterized by a model simulation. Complementary an instrument was developed, that is capable of measuring the amount of total NMOC that is exchanged by biosphere-atmosphere interactions. The instrument was tested under laboratory conditions and was evaluated versus an independent method performing branch enclosure measurements.
Valutazione della presenza di contaminanti perfluoroalchilici in alimenti destinati al consumo umano
Le sostanze perfluoralchiliche (PFAS), composti fluorurati ampiamente utilizzati negli ultimi anni in diverse applicazioni industriali e commerciali, sono ritrovati diffusamente nell’ambiente e in diverse specie animali. Recentemente i PFAS hanno destato preoccupazione anche per la salute umana. Il rischio di esposizione è principalmente legato alla dieta (i prodotti ittici sembrano essere gli alimenti più contaminati). Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di valutare la presenza del perfluorottanosulfonato (PFOS) e dell’acido perfluorottanoico (PFOA), in diverse matrici alimentari: latte vaccino commercialmente disponibile in Italia, latte materno italiano, diverse specie di pesce commercialmente disponibili in Italia e 140 branzini di diverse aree (principalmente Mediterraneo). I campioni di latte sono stati trattati con estrazione liquido-liquido seguita da due fasi di purificazione mediante cartucce SPE prima dell’iniezione nell’UPLC-MS/MS. L’analisi del latte vaccino ha evidenziato una contaminazione diffusa di PFOS, ma a basse concentrazioni (fino a 97 ng/L), mentre il PFOA è stato ritrovato raramente. In questo studio, in grado di individuare anche i livelli delle ultra-tracce, sono state osservate nel latte materno concentrazioni di 15-288 ng/L per il PFOS e di 24-241 ng/LPFOA. Le concentrazioni e le frequenze più alte, per entrambi i PFAS, sono stati ritrovate in campioni di latte forniti da donne primipare, suggerendo un rischio di esposizione per i primogeniti. Il metodo utilizzato per i campioni di pesce era basato su un’estrazione con solvente organico seguita da due fasi di purificazione: una con i sali e una con fase solida dispersiva. L’estratto, analizzato in UPLC-MS/MS, ha confermato la contaminazione di questa matrice a livelli significativi, ma anche l’alta variabilità delle concentrazioni misurate. Il monitoraggio monospecie ha mostrato una contaminazione rilevante (PFOS 11,1- > 10000 ng/L; PFOA < 9-487 ng/L), soprattutto nei branzini pescati, rispetto a quelli allevati.
Die pneumatische Zerstäubung ist die häufigste Methode der Probenzuführung von Flüssigkeiten in der Plasmaspektrometrie. Trotz der bekannten Limitierungen dieser Systeme, wie die hohen Probenverluste, finden diese Zerstäuber aufgrund ihrer guten Robustheit eine breite Anwendung. Die flussratenabhängige Aerosolcharakteristik und pumpenbasierte Signalschwankungen limitieren bisher Weiterentwicklungen. Diese Probleme werden umso gravierender, je weiter die notwendige Miniaturisierung dieser Systeme fortschreitet. Der neuartige Ansatz dieser Arbeit basiert auf dem Einsatz modifizierter Inkjet-Druckerpatronen für die Dosierung von pL-Tropfen. Ein selbst entwickelter Mikrokontroller ermöglicht den Betrieb von matrixkodierten Patronen des Typs HP45 mit vollem Zugriff auf alle essentiellen Betriebsparameter. Durch die neuartige Aerosoltransportkammer gelang die effiziente Kopplung des Tropfenerzeugungssystems an ein ICP-MS. Das so aufgebaute drop-on-demand-System (DOD) zeigt im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen und miniaturisierten Zerstäubern eine deutlich gesteigerte Empfindlichkeit (8 - 18x, elementabhängig) bei leicht erhöhtem, aber im Grunde vergleichbarem Signalrauschen. Darüber hinaus ist die Flexibilität durch die große Zahl an Freiheitsgraden des Systems überragend. So ist die Flussrate über einen großen Bereich variabel (5 nL - 12,5 µL min-1), ohne dabei die primäre Aerosolcharakteristik zu beeinflussen, welche vom Nutzer durch Wahl der elektrischen Parameter bestimmt wird. Das entwickelte Probenzuführungssystem ist verglichen mit dem pneumatischen Referenzsystem weniger anfällig gegenüber Matrixeffekten beim Einsatz von realen Proben mit hohen Anteilen gelöster Substanzen. So gelingt die richtige Quantifizierung von fünf Metallen im Spurenkonzentrationsbereich (Li, Sr, Mo, Sb und Cs) in nur 12 µL Urin-Referenzmaterial mittels externer Kalibrierung ohne Matrixanpassung. Wohingegen beim pneumatischen Referenzsystem die aufwändigere Standardadditionsmethode sowie über 250 µL Probenvolumen für eine akkurate Bestimmung der Analyten nötig sind. Darüber hinaus wird basierend auf der Dosierfrequenz eines dualen DOD-Systems eine neuartige Kalibrierstrategie vorgestellt. Bei diesem Ansatz werden nur eine Standard- und eine Blindlösung anstelle einer Reihe unterschiedlich konzentrierter Standards benötigt, um eine lineare Kalibrierfunktion zu erzeugen. Zusätzlich wurde mittels selbst entwickelter, zeitlich aufgelöster ICP-MS umfangreiche Rauschspektren aufgenommen. Aus diesen gelang die Ermittlung der Ursache des erhöhten Signalrauschens des DOD, welches maßgeblich durch das zeitlich nicht äquidistante Eintreffen der Tropfen am Detektor verursacht wird. Diese Messtechnik erlaubt auch die Detektion einzeln zugeführter Tropfen, wodurch ein Vergleich der Volumenverteilung der mittels ICP-MS detektierten, gegenüber den generierten und auf optischem Wege charakterisierten Tropfen möglich wurde. Dieses Werkzeug ist für diagnostische Untersuchungen äußerst hilfreich. So konnte aus diesen Studien neben der Aufklärung von Aerosoltransportprozessen die Transporteffizienz des DOD ermittelt werden, welche bis zu 94 Vol.-% beträgt.
In contact shots, all the materials emerging from the muzzle (combustion gases, soot, powder grains, and metals from the primer) will be driven into the depth of the entrance wound and the following sections of the bullet track. The so-called "pocket" ("powder cavity") under the skin containing soot and gunpowder particles is regarded as a significant indicator of a contact entrance wound since one would expect that the quantity of GSR deposited along the bullet's path rapidly declines towards the exit hole. Nevertheless, experience has shown that soot, powder particles, and carboxyhemoglobin may be found not only in the initial part of the wound channel, but also far away from the entrance and even at the exit. In order to investigate the propagation of GSRs under standardized conditions, contact test shots were fired against composite models of pig skin and 25-cm-long gelatin blocks using 9-mm Luger pistol cartridges with two different primers (Sinoxid® and Sintox®). Subsequently, 1-cm-thick layers of the gelatin blocks were examined as to their primer element contents (lead, barium, and antimony as discharge residues of Sinoxid® as well as zinc and titanium from Sintox®) by means of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. As expected, the highest element concentrations were found in the initial parts of the bullet tracks, but also the distal sections contained detectable amounts of the respective primer elements. The same was true for amorphous soot and unburned/partly burned powder particles, which could be demonstrated even at the exit site. With the help of a high-speed motion camera it was shown that for a short time the temporary cavitation extends from the entrance to the exit thus facilitating the unlimited spread of discharge residues along the whole bullet path.