993 resultados para Carrier State


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A new evanescently-coupled uni-traveling-carrier photodiode (EC-UTC PD) based on a multimode diluted waveguide (MDW) structure is fabricated, analysed and characterized. Optical and electrical characteristics of the device are investigated. The excellent characteristics are demonstrated such as a responsivity of 0.36 A/W, a bandwidth of 11.5 GHz and a small-signal 1-dB compression current greater than 18 mA at 10 GHz. The saturation current is significantly improved compared with those of similar evanescently-coupled pin photodiodes. The radio frequency (RF) bandwidth can be further improved by eliminating RF losses induced by the cables, the probe and the bias tee between the photodiode and the spectrum analyzer.


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A detailed model for semiconductor linear optical amplifiers (LOAs) with gain clamping by a vertical laser field is presented, which accounts the carrier and photon density distribution in the longitudinal direction as well as the facet reflectivity. The photon iterative method is used in the simulation with output amplified spontaneous emission spectrum in the wide band as iterative variables. The gain saturation behaviors and the noise figure are numerically simulated, and the variation of longitudinal carrier density with the input power is presented which is associated with the ON-OFF state of the vertical lasers. The results show that the LOA can have a gain spectrum clamped in a wide wavelength range and have almost the same value of noise figure as that of conventional semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs). Numerical results also show that an LOA can have a noise figure about 2 dB less than that of the SOA gain clamped by a distributed Bragg reflector laser.


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The photon iterative numerical technique, which chooses the outputs of the amplified spontaneous emission spectrum and lasing mode as iteration variables to solve the rate equations, is proposed and applied to analyse the steady behaviour of conventional semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) and gain-clamped semiconductor optical amplifiers (GCSOAs). Numerical results show that the photon iterative method is a much faster and more efficient algorithm than the conventional approach, which chooses the carrier density distribution of the SOAs as the iterative variable. It is also found that the photon iterative method has almost the same computing efficiency for conventional SOAs and GCSOAs.


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In this paper, we have calculated and discussed in detail the nonlinear effect induced by three carrier effects: free-carrier absorption, bandgap filling, and bandgap shrinkage. The central wavelength of response of resonant-cavity-enhanced (RCE) photodetectors shifts according to the change of the refractive index, and the response of a given optical wavelength simultaneously changes.With an increasing As composition of ln(1-x)Ga(x)As(y)P(1-y) and the spacer thickness, the nonlinear effect increases, but the -1-dB input saturation optical power and the -1-dB saturation photocurrent decrease. Bistable-state operation occurs when the input optical power is in the proper bistable region.


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Double-state lasing phenomena are easily observed in self-assembled quantum dot (QD) lasers. The effect of inter-level relaxation rate and cavity length on the double-state lasing performance of QD lasers is investigated on the basis of a rate equation model. Calculated results show that, for a certain cavity length, the ground state (GS) lasing threshold current increases almost linearly with the inter-level relaxation lifetime. However, as the relaxation rate becomes slower, the ratio of excited state (ES) lasing threshold current over the GS one decreases, showing an evident exponential behavior. A relatively feasible method to estimate the inter-level relaxation lifetime, which is difficult to measure directly, is provided. In addition, fast inter-level relaxation is favorable for the GS single-mode lasing, and leads to lower wetting layer (WL) carrier occupation probability and higher QD GS capture efficiency and external differential quantum efficiency. Besides, the double-state lasing effect strongly depends on the cavity length. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate that the carrier capture and relaxation processes in InAs/GaAs quantum dots can be detected by a simple degenerate pump-probe technique. We have observed a rising process in the transient reflectivity, following the initial fast relaxation in a GaAs matrix, and assigned this rising process to the carrier capture from the GaAs barriers to the InAs layers. The assignment was modeled using the Kramers-Kronig relations. The capture time was found to depend strongly on the InAs layer thickness as well as on the excitation density and photon energy. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The novel design of a silicon optical switch on the mechanism of a reverse p-n junction is proposed. The figuration of contact regions at slab waveguides and the ion implantation technology for creation of junctions are employed in the new design. The two-layer rib structure is helpful for reduction of optical absorption losses induced by metal and heavily-doped contact. And more, simulation results show that the index modulation efficiency of Mach-Zehnder interferometer enhances as the concentrations of dopants in junctions increase, while the trade-off of absorption loss is less than 3 dB/mu m. The phase shift reaches about 5 x 10(-4) pi/mu m at a reverse bias of 10V with the response time of about 0.2ns. The preliminary experimental results are presented. The frequency bandwidth of modulation operation can arrive in the range of GHz. However, heavily-doped contacts have an important effect on pulse response of these switches. While the contact region is not heavily-doped, that means metal electrodes have schottky contacts with p-n junctions, the operation bandwidth of the switch is limited to about 1GHz. For faster response, the heavily-doped contacts must be considered in the design.


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We report on chip-scale optical gates based on the integration of evanescent waveguide unitraveling-carrier photodiodes (EC-UTC-PDs) and intra-step quantum well electroabsorption modulators (IQW-EAMs) on n-InP substrates. These devices exhibit simultaneously 2.1 GHz and -16.2 dB RF-gain at 21 GHz with a 450 Omega thin-film resistor and a bypass capacitor integrated on a chip.


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Experimental and theoretical study of the self-heating effect on the two-state lasing behaviors in 1.3-mu m self-assembled InAs-GaAs quantum dot (QD) lasers is presented. Lasing spectra under different injected currents, light-current (L-I) curves measured in continuous and pulsed regimes as well as a rate-equation model considering the current heating have been employed to analyze the ground-state (GS) and excited-state (ES) lasing processes. We show that the self-heating causes the quenching of the GS lasing and the ES lasing by the increased carrier escape rate and the reduced maximum modal gain of GS and ES.


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ZnO nanorod arrays with different morphologies were grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The diameters of nanorods range from 150 nm to 20 nm through changing the carrier gas flux during the growth process. Measurements such as scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman scattering and photoluminescence (pL) spectrum were employed to analyze the differences of these nanorods. It was found that when both carrier gas flux of Zn and O reactant are 1 SLM, we can obtain the best vertically aligned and uniform nanorods. Furthermore, the PL spectrum reveals a blueshift of UV emission peak, which may be assigned to the increase of surface effect.


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The effects of the concentration of 10-(2-benzothiazolyl)-2,3,6,7-tetrahydro-1,1,7,7-tetramethyl-1H, 5H, 11H-(1)-benzopyropyrano(6, 78-i,j)quinolizin-11-one (C545T) as dopant in polyfluorene (PFO) on the charge-carrier transport and electroluminescence (EL) performance were investigated by steady-state and transient EL measurements. A fully green emission from C545T was observed and the EL performance depends strongly on the C545T concentration. The mobility in the C545T-doped PFO film was determined by transient EL. The dopant concentration dependence of the current-voltage relationship indicated clearly the carrier trapping by the C545T molecules. The mobility in C545T:PFO changed significantly with the C545T concentration, and showed a nontrivial dependence on the doping level. The behavior may be understood in terms of the formation of an additional energy disorder due to potential fluctuation caused by the Coulomb interaction of the randomly distributed doping molecules.


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The effects of doped fluorescent dye 4-(dicyanomethylene)-2-i-propyl-6-(1, 1, 7, 7-tetramethyljulolidyl-9-enyl)-4H-pyran (DCJTI) on the charge carrier injection, transport and electroluminescence (EL) performance in polyfluorene (PFO)-based polymer light-emitting diodes (PLEDs) were investigated by steady-state current-voltage (I-V) characteristics and transient EL measurements. A red EL from DCJTI was observed and the EL performance depended strongly on the DCJTI concentration. The analysis of the steady-state I-V characteristics at different DCJTI concentrations found that three regions was shown in the I-V characteristics, and each region was controlled by different processes depending on the applied electric field. The effect of the dopant concentration on the potential-barrier height of the interface is estimated using the Fowler-Nordheim model. The dopant concentration dependence of the current-voltage relationship indicated clearly the carrier trapping by the DCJTI molecules. The mobility in DCJTI: PFO changed significantly with the DCJTI concentration, and showed a nontrivial dependence on the doping level. The behavior may be understood in terms of the formation of an additional energy disorder due to potential fluctuation caused by the Coulomb interaction of the randomly distributed doping molecules.


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Zinc(II)-2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)benzothiazolate complex is an excellent white-light-emitting material. Despite some studies devoted to this complex, no information on the real origin of the unusually broad electroluminescent (EL) emission is available. Therefore, we investigate photoluminescent and EL properties of the zinc complex. Orange phosphorescent emission at 580 nm was observed for the complex in thin film at 77 K, whereas only fluorescent emission was obtained at room temperature. Molecular orbitals, excitation energy, and emission energy of the complex were investigated using quantum chemical calculations. We fabricated the device with a structure of ITO/F16CuPc(5.5 nm)/Zn-complex/Al, where F16CuPc is hexadecafluoro copper phthalocyanine. The EL spectra varied strongly with the thickness of the emissive layer. We observed a significant change in the emission spectra with the viewing angles. Optical interference effects and light emission originating both from fluorescence and from phosphorescence can explain all of the observed phenomena, resulting in the broad light emission for the devices based on the Zn complex. We calculated the charge transfer integral and the reorganization energy to explain why the Zn complex is a better electron transporter than a hole transporter.


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The TiO2 nanoparticle thin films have been sensitized in situ with CdS nanoparticles. The SPS measurement showed that large surface state density was present on the TiO2 nanoparticles and the surface state can be efficiently decreased by sensitization as well as selecting suitable heat treatment, Both the photocurrent response and the charge recombination kinetics in TiO2 thin films were strongly influenced by trapping/detrapping of surface states. The slow photocurrent response of TiO2 nanoparticulate thin films upon the illumination was attributed to the trap saturation effects, The semiconductor sensitization made the slow photoresponse disappeared and the steady-state photocurrent value increased drastically, which suggested that the sensitization of TiO2 thin films with CdS could get a better charge separation and provide a simple alternative to minimize the effect of surface state on the photocurrent response.


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A supported ionic liquid phase (SILP) catalyst prepared from [PrMIM][Ph2P(3-C6H4SO3)] (PrMIM = 1-propyl-3-methylimidazolium), [Rh(CO)(2)(acac)] (acacH = 2,4-pentanedione) [OctMIM]NTf2 (OctMIM = 1-n-octyl-3-methylimidazolium, Tf = CF3SO2) and microporous silica has been used for the continuous flow hydroformylation of 1-octene in the presence of compressed CO2. Statistical experimental design was used to show that the reaction rate is neither much affected by the film thickness (IL loading) nor by the syngas: substrate ratio. However, a factor-dependent interaction between the syngas: substrate ratio and film thickness on the reaction rate was revealed. Increasing the substrate flow led to increased reaction rates but lower overall yields. One of the most important parameters proved to be the phase behaviour of the mobile phase, which was studied by varying the reaction pressure. At low CO2 pressures or when N-2 was used instead of CO2 rates were low because of poor gas diffusion to the catalytic sites in the SILP. Furthermore, leaching of IL and Rh was high because the substrate is liquid and the IL had been designed to dissolve in it. As the CO2 pressure was increased, the reaction rate increased and the IL and Rh leaching were reduced, because an expanded liquid phase developed. Due to its lower viscosity the expanded liquid allows better transport of gases to the catalyst and is a poorer solvent for the IL and the catalyst because of its reduced polarity. Above 100 bar (close to the transition to a single phase at 106 bar), the rate of reaction dropped again with increasing pressure because the flowing phase becomes a better and better solvent for the alkene, reducing its partitioning into the IL film. Under optimised conditions, the catalyst was shown to be stable over at least 40 h of continuous catalysis with a steady state turnover frequency (TOF, mol product (mol Rh)(-1)) of 500 h(-1) at low Rh leaching (0.2 ppm). The selectivity of the catalyst was not much affected by the variation of process parameters. The linear: branched (1:b) ratios were ca. 3, similar to that obtained using the very same catalyst in conventional organic solvents.