970 resultados para CORREO ELECTRONICO


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A presente dissertação tem como propósito a elaboração de um inventário relativo às estruturas de correção torrencial construídas no concelho do Funchal. Na sequência da aluvião do dia 20 de fevereiro de 2010, resultante de um período prolongado de chuva na ilha da Madeira, aliada ao facto desta ter um relevo muito pronunciado e extremamente acidentado, originaram-se os movimentos de vertente que, na sua grande maioria, são responsáveis pela ocorrência de cheias rápidas. Pois as bacias hidrográficas da ilha são de pequena dimensão e consequentemente as suas ribeiras, dão origem a tempos de concentração muito reduzidos. Desta forma, as ribeiras que são alimentadas pelo escoamento líquido e sólido, tornam-se num agente erosivo e potenciam um rasto de destruição. Esta aluvião teve consequências devastadoras em toda a vertente sul da ilha da Madeira, no entanto, este trabalho, focou-se apenas no concelho do Funchal, no qual existem três ribeiras onde foram implantadas as estruturas de correção torrencial, designadas por açudes, que constituem o âmago deste estudo, através da inventariação destas estruturas e posterior elaboração de uma ficha de inventário relativa a cada uma delas. Inicialmente, procedeu-se à identificação de todos os açudes, à verificação e análise das condições dos locais intervencionados, além de um levantamento fotográfico para execução posterior de um enquadramento geográfico dos mesmos. Foram abordadas algumas considerações de caráter hidrológico, hidráulico e transporte de caudal sólido, que são a base dimensional e a razão da execução dos referidos açudes. Numa fase posterior, foi elaborada uma base de dados com a informação disponível dos vários açudes identificados, munida de valor ímpar para futuros desenvolvimentos nesta área no curso de engenharia civil na Universidade da Madeira. Por fim, são expostas algumas considerações relativamente aos diferentes modelos de estruturas de correção torrencial encontrados na pouca bibliografia especializada e implantados no terreno.


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The materials engineering includes processes and products involving several areas of engineering, allowing them to prepare materials that fulfill the needs of various new products. In this case, this work aims to study a system composed of cement paste and geopolymers, which can contribute to solving an engineering problem that directly involves the exploitation of oil wells subject to loss of circulation. To correct it, has been already proposed the use of granular materials, fibers, reducing the drilling fluid or cement paste density and even surface and downhole mixed systems. In this work, we proposed the development of a slurry mixed system, the first was a cement-based slurry and the second a geopolymer-based slurry. The cement-based slurry was formulated with low density and extenders, 12.0 ppg (1.438 g/cm ³), showing great thixotropic characteristics. It was added nano silica at concentrations of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 gps (66.88, 133.76 and 200.64 L/m3) and CaCl2 at concentrations of 0.5, 1, 0 and 1.5%. The second system is a geopolymer-based paste formulated from molar ratios of 3.5 (nSiO2/nAl2O3), 0.27 (nK2O/nSiO2), 1.07 (nK2O/nAl2O3) and 13.99 (nH2O/nK2O). Finally, we performed a mixture of these two systems, for their application for correction of circulation lost. To characterize the raw materials, XRD, XRF, FTIR analysis and titration were performed. The both systems were characterized in tests based on API RP10B. Compressive strength tests were conducted after curing for 24 hours, 7 and 28 days at 58 °C on the cement-based system and the geopolymer-based system. From the mixtures have been performed mixability tests and micro structural characterizations (XRD, SEM and TG). The results showed that the nano silica, when combined with CaCl2 modified the rheological properties of the cement slurry and from the concentration of 1.5 gpc (200.64 L / m³) it was possible to obtain stable systems. The system mixture caused a change in the microstructure of the material by favoring the rate of geopolymer formation to hinder the C3S phase hydration, thus, the production of CSH phases and Portlandite were harmed. Through the mixability tests it can be concluded that the system, due to reduced setting time of the mixture, can be applied to plug lost circulation zones when mixed downhole


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Chemical admixtures, when properly selected and quantified, play an important role in obtaining adequate slurry systems for quality primary cementing operations. They assure the proper operation of a well and reduce costs attributed to corrective cementing jobs. Controlling the amount lost by filtering through the slurry to permeable areas is one of the most important requirements in an operation, commonly controlled by chemical admixtures, such as carboxymethylcellulose (CMC). However, problems related to temperature, salttolerance and the secundary retarding effect are commonly reported in the literature. According to the scenario described above, the use of an aqueous dispersion of non-ionic poliurethane was proposed to control the filter loss, given its low ionic interaction with the free ions present in the slurries in humid state. Therefore, this study aims at assessing the efficiency of poliurethane to reduce filter loss in different temperature and pressure conditions as well as the synergistic effect with other admixtures. The temperatures and pressures used in laboratory tests simulate the same conditions of oil wells with depths of 500 to 1200 m. The poliurethane showed resistance to thermal degradation and stability in the presence of salts. With the increase in the concentration of the polymer there was a considerable decrease in the volume lost by filtration, and this has been effective even with the increase in temperature


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Neste estudo, após a edição dos dados, foram utilizadas 87.372 informações de escores visuais de conformação (C), precocidade (P) e musculatura (M) à desmama de animais Nelore, provenientes de rebanhos comerciais. Os objetivos, neste trabalho, foram estudar os efeitos da idade da vaca ao parto (IDV), data Juliana de nascimento (DJN) e idade à desmama (ID) sobre C, P e M e estimar os fatores de correção para os mesmos. Os modelos utilizados incluíram os efeitos fixos de grupo contemporâneo (rebanho, retiro, ano e mês de nascimento, sexo e grupo de manejo ao nascimento e à desmama) e, como covariáveis, os efeitos de idade da vaca (para cada sexo do bezerro), de data juliana de nascimento e da idade do bezerro à desmama. Para a idade da vaca, usou-se um polinômio segmentado quadrático-quadrático. Para a data juliana de nascimento, foi utilizado um polinômio segmentado com três segmentos quadráticos, enquanto, para a idade do bezerro à desmama, foi empregado um polinômio ordinário quadrático. Todos os efeitos considerados no modelo influenciaram significativamente os escores visuais. A simples inclusão da estação ou do mês de nascimento no grupo contemporâneo não foi suficiente para corrigir diferenças em escores decorrentes do efeito da data de nascimento. Para avaliação genética dos animais para escores visuais à desmama, os mesmos devem ser ajustados para idade da vaca ao parto, data juliana de nascimento e idade do bezerro à desmama.


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Neste trabalho foram estudados os efeitos de idade e peso sobre o perímetro escrotal (PE) de touros jovens da raça Nelore e estimados os fatores de correção (FC) do PE para esses efeitos. As informações utilizadas pertencem aos Registros de Produção da Associação Paraguaia dos Criadores de Nelore, obtidos entre 1986 e 1997, de 110 criatórios, totalizando 7458 observações. Os coeficientes de regressão que permitiram o cálculo dos FCs para o PE foram estimados pelo método dos quadrados mínimos, empregando-se um modelo que considerou o grupo contemporâneo (animais nascidos no mesmo ano, estação, rebanho, avaliados na mesma data e do mesmo grupo de manejo alimentar na desmama e no sobreano), o efeito linear da idade em dias e os efeitos linear e quadrático do peso aos 570 dias de idade (P570). O efeito da idade sobre o PE foi igual a 0,0383(±0,0024) cm/dia e do P570 sobre o PE corrigido para essa idade, 0,0708(±0,0049) cm/kg, efeito linear, e -0,0000413(±0,0000074) cm/kg², efeito quadrático. A idade e o peso do animal foram importantes fontes de variação a serem removidas do PE, como indicativo da precocidade sexual de touros de sobreano.


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This study developed software rotines, in a system made basically from a processor board producer of signs and supervisory, wich main function was correcting the information measured by a turbine gas meter. This correction is based on the use of an intelligent algorithm formed by an artificial neural net. The rotines were implemented in the habitat of the supervisory as well as in the habitat of the DSP and have three main itens: processing, communication and supervision


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This work presents a set of intelligent algorithms with the purpose of correcting calibration errors in sensors and reducting the periodicity of their calibrations. Such algorithms were designed using Artificial Neural Networks due to its great capacity of learning, adaptation and function approximation. Two approaches willbe shown, the firstone uses Multilayer Perceptron Networks to approximate the many shapes of the calibration curve of a sensor which discalibrates in different time points. This approach requires the knowledge of the sensor s functioning time, but this information is not always available. To overcome this need, another approach using Recurrent Neural Networks was proposed. The Recurrent Neural Networks have a great capacity of learning the dynamics of a system to which it was trained, so they can learn the dynamics of a sensor s discalibration. Knowingthe sensor s functioning time or its discalibration dynamics, it is possible to determine how much a sensor is discalibrated and correct its measured value, providing then, a more exact measurement. The algorithms proposed in this work can be implemented in a Foundation Fieldbus industrial network environment, which has a good capacity of device programming through its function blocks, making it possible to have them applied to the measurement process


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This work deals with the development of an experimental study on a power supply of high frequency that provides the toch plasmica to be implemented in PLASPETRO project, which consists of two static converters developed by using Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT). The drivers used to control these keys are triggered by Digital Signal Processor (DSP) through optical fibers to reduce problems with electromagnetic interference (EMI). The first stage consists of a pre-regulator in the form of an AC to DC converter with three-phase boost power factor correction which is the main theme of this work, while the second is the source of high frequency itself. A series-resonant inverter consists of four (4) cell inverters operating in a frequency around 115 kHz each one in soft switching mode, alternating itself to supply the load (plasma torch) an alternating current with a frequency of 450 kHz. The first stage has the function of providing the series-resonant inverter a DC voltage, with the value controlled from the power supply provided by the electrical system of the utility, and correct the power factor of the system as a whole. This level of DC bus voltage at the output of the first stage will be used to control the power transferred by the inverter to the load, and it may vary from 550 VDC to a maximum of 800 VDC. To control the voltage level of DC bus driver used a proportional integral (PI) controller and to achieve the unity power factor it was used two other proportional integral currents controllers. Computational simulations were performed to assist in sizing and forecasting performance. All the control and communications needed to stage supervisory were implemented on a DSP


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The use of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) for development of digital control strategies for power electronics applications has aroused a growing interest of many researchers. This interest is due to the great advantages offered by FPGA, which include: lower design effort, high performance and highly flexible prototyping. This work proposes the development and implementation of an unified one-cycle controller for boost CFP rectifier based on FPGA. This controller can be applied to a total of twelve converters, six inverters and six rectifiers defined by four single phase VSI topologies and three voltage modulation types. The topologies considered in this work are: full-bridge, interleaved full-bridge, half-bridge and interleaved half-bridge. While modulations are classified in bipolar voltage modulation (BVM), unipolar voltage modulation (UVM) and clamped voltage modulation (CVM). The proposed project is developed and prototyped using tools Matlab/Simulink® together with the DSP Builder library provided by Altera®. The proposed controller was validated with simulation and experimental results


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste artigo foi analisar, nas interações realizadas por escrito dentro de um chat educacional, os tipos de operacionalização para o processo da correção - enquanto procedimento de reformulação, de acordo com a Perspectiva Textual-Interativa. O corpus, constituído por 31 sessões e por 17 participantes (1 professor e 16 alunos), mostrou a presença de quatro tipos de operacionalização da correção: autocorreção autoiniciada, autocorreção heteroiniciada, heterocorreção autoiniciada e heterocorreção heteroiniciada. O maior número de ocorrências foi o da autocorreção autoiniciada. Esse resultado sugere que: i) os participantes, nesse contexto, parecem se preocupar em preservar a auto-imagem, já que a correção não era essencial à compreensão do texto; ii) os escreventes conhecem as regras e, por isso, se monitoram; iii) a própria ferramenta chat contribui para a autocorreção autoiniciada; e iv) a preferência pela autocorreção autoiniciada parece evitar que o professor assuma o papel de corretor do curso de língua. Foram identificados, ainda, padrões de reformulação com e sem marcadores inscritos na materialidade do texto.


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To prevent large errors in the GPS positioning, cycle slips should be detected and corrected. Such procedure is not trivial, mainly for single frequency receivers, but normally it is not noticed by the users. Thus, it will be discussed some practical and more used methods for cycle slips detection and correction using just GPS single-frequency observations. In the detection, the triple (TD) and tetra differences were used. In relation to the correction, in general, each slip is corrected in the preprocessing. Otherwise, other strategies should be adopted during the processing. In this paper, the option was to the second option, and two strategies were tested. In one of them, the elements of the covariance matrix of the involved ambiguities are modified and new ambiguity estimation starts. In the one, a new ambiguity is introduced as additional unknown when a cycle slip is detected. These possibilities are discussed and compared in this paper, as well as the aspects related to the practicity, implementation and viability of each one. Some experiments were carried out using simulated data with cycle slips in different satellites and epochs of the data. This allowed assessing and comparing the results of different occurrence of cycle slip and correction in several conditions.