993 resultados para CIHEC Finnish National Commission


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This thesis is about the educational purpose of foreign language teaching (FLT) in an increasingly internationalised world.The past 20-30 years have witnessed a fundamental rethinking of the aims of FLT, entailing a shift in emphasis from linguistic competence over communicative competence to intercultural competence. The growing emphasis on cultural issues, called for by research and international curricular documents, places new demandson language teachers. The overall aim of this study is to deepen the knowledge about the attitudes of teachers at the upper level of the Finland-Swedish comprehensive school towards the treatment of culture in English foreign language (EFL) teaching. The questions in focus are: 1) How do teachers interpret the concept"culture" in EFL-teaching?, 2) How do they specify the cultural objectives of their teaching? and 3) What do they do to attain these objectives? The thesis strives to reveal whether or not language teaching today can be describedas intercultural, in the sense that culture is taught with the aim of promotingintercultural understanding, tolerance and empathy. This abductive and largely exploratory study is placed within a constructivist and sociocultural framework,and is inspired by both phenomenography and hermeneutics. It takes its starting-point in language didactics, and can also be regarded as a contribution to teacher cognition research. The empirical data consists of verbatim transcribed interviews with 13 Finland-Swedish teachers of English at grades 7-9. The findings are presented according to three orientations and reviewed with reference to the 2004 Finnish National Framework Curriculum. Within the cognitive orientation, "culture" is perceived as factual knowledge, and the teaching of cultureis defined in terms of the transmission of knowledge, especially about Britain and the USA (Pedagogy of Information). Within the action-related orientation, "culture" is seen as skills of a social and socio-linguistic nature, andthe teaching aims at preparing the students for contacts with people from the target language areas (Pedagogy of Preparation). Within the affective orientation, which takes a more holistic approach, "culture" is seen as a bi-directional perspective. Students are encouraged to look at their own familiar culture from another perspective, and learn to empathise with and show respect for otherness in general, not just concerning representatives of English-speaking countries (Pedagogy of Encounter). Very few of the interviewed teachers represent the third approach, which is the one that can be characterised as truly intercultural. The study indicates that many teachers feel unsure about how to teach culture in an appropriate and up-to-date manner. This is attributed to, among other things, lack of teacher insights as well as lack of time and adequate material. The thesis ends with a set of recommendations as to how EFL could be developed ina more intercultural direction.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on tutkia ekologisen kestävyyden huomioimista Suomen innovaatiojärjestelmässä. Ekologinen kestävyys on osa laajempaa kestävän kehityksen käsitettä, joka syntyi jo 1980-luvun lopulla. Sillä viitataan toimintaan, joka jättää mahdollisuuksia tuleville sukupolville yhtä paljon tai enemmän kuin nykyään on käytettävissä. Kestävyyteen pyritään nykyisin laajalti ja sen toteutumisen turvaamiseksi on laadittu muun muassa EU-maat, Pohjoismaat ja Suomen kattavat strategiat. Ekologisen kestävyyden suurimmat uhat ovat tällä hetkellä ilmastonmuutos, biodiversiteetin pieneneminen ja ravinteiden kierto. Kestävä innovointi ja ympäristöinnovaatiot ovat tärkeitä keinoja ekologiseen kestävyyteen panostettaessa. Näissä innovaatioissa kyse on teknologian, talouden ja ympäristön tasapainosta. Suomen innovaatiotoimintaa tuetaan ja kansallista kilpailukykyä pidetään yllä kansallisen innovaatiojärjestelmän avulla. Suomen innovaatiojärjestelmässä on useita eri tason toimijoita. Tärkeimpinä voidaan pitää päättäjiä, rahoittajia ja tutkimuksen tuottajia. Rahoituksen suuntaaminen vaikuttaa siihen, mistä aihealueista tutkimusta tuotetaan. Suomen Akatemialla, Tekesillä ja Sitralla on ekologista kestävyyttä edistäviä ohjelmia. Lisäksi mm. SHOK:issa on huomioitu ekologisuus. Perustutkimusta rahoitetaan Suomen innovaatiojärjestelmässä huomattavasti soveltavaa tutkimusta vähemmän. Ekologiseen kestävyyteen panostavan tutkimuksen teemoista nousee selkeimmin esiin kestävä energiantuotanto sekä kestävä rakentaminen. Jatkotutkimuksena voisi selvittää, kuinka nämä panostukset ovat vaikuttaneet suomalaiseen rakennusalaan.


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This paper describes the cost-benefit analysis of digital long-term preservation (LTP) that was carried out in the context of the Finnish National Digital Library Project (NDL) in 2010. The analysis was based on the assumption that as many as 200 archives, libraries, and museums will share an LTP system. The term ‘system’ shall be understood as encompassing not only information technology, but also human resources, organizational structures, policies and funding mechanisms. The cost analysis shows that an LTP system will incur, over the first 12 years, cumulative costs of €42 million, i.e. an average of €3.5 million per annum. Human resources and investments in information technology are the major cost factors. After the initial stages, the analysis predicts annual costs of circa €4 million. The analysis compared scenarios with and without a shared LTP system. The results indicate that a shared system will have remarkable benefits. At the development and implementation stages, a shared system shows an advantage of €30 million against the alternative scenario consisting of five independent LTP solutions. During the later stages, the advantage is estimated at €10 million per annum. The cumulative cost benefit over the first 12 years would amount to circa €100 million.


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The ninth annual Suomenlinna seminar, organised by the Department of Strategic and Defence Studies, Finnish National Defence College, was held in May 2006. It brought together a representative group of specialists in security studies for two days of presentations and discussion about the most pressing issues of today – the challenges facing European Union’s crisis management in Africa.


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Diplomityössä on tutkittu tieliikennetelematiikkalaitteiden huoltoon liittyvän verkoston toiminnan kehittämistä. Tutkittuun verkostoon kuuluvat Valtti-yksikkö (Valtakunnallinen liikennetelematiikka ja liikenteenhallinnan tietopalvelut), ELYkeskukset, tieliikennekeskukset, hallinta- ja valvontatoimija sekä huoltotoimijat. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, kuinka verkoston toiminnan tehokkuutta voidaan parantaa. Tähän sisältyi verkoston toimijoiden tunnistaminen sekä toimijoiden roolien ja vastuiden määrittäminen. Lisäksi on tutkittu kuinka verkoston toimijoiden välistä tiedonkulkua voidaan parantaa ja kuinka ITIL-viitekehys soveltuu verkoston toimintaan. Diplomityötä varten on haastateltu verkoston toimijoiden edustajia heidän näkemyksistään verkoston toiminnasta ja sen kehittämistarpeista.


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Raportissa esitellään Kainuun suoselvitys -projektin keskeisimpiä tuloksia ja niistä vedettyjä johtopäätöksiä. Vuosina 2010–2012 toteutetun projektin tarkoituksena on ollut parantaa tietopohjaa Kainuun soista, ja sitä kautta luoda edellytyksiä soiden eri käyttömuotojen yhteensovittamiselle ja samalla nostaa esille Kainuun soihin liittyviä mahdollisuuksia. Soiden käyttö nähtiin projektissa laajasti, sisältäen paitsi erilaiset taloudellisen hyödyntämisen muodot myös soiden merkityksen ihmisten virkistykselle ja hyvinvoinnille sekä luonnon monimuotoisuudelle ja monille sääteleville toiminnoille. Taustana projektille on samaan aikaan laadittu kansallinen suostrategia. Sen mukaan soiden luonnontilaa muuttavien toimintojen, maa-, metsä- ja turvetalouden, tulisi jatkossa toimia jo ojitetuilla tai muuten merkittävästi muuttuneilla soilla. Näin soiden luonnontilaisuudesta hyötyville soiden käytön muodoille ja ekosysteemipalveluille jää paremmin tilaa toimia. Kainuu on Suomen kolmanneksi soisin maakunta. Suot ovat keskeinen osa sen luontoa ja maisemaa ja myös monipuolinen luonnonvara. Valtaosa Kainuun suopinta-alasta on ojitettu. Uutta tietoa on projektissa tuotettu paikkatietomenetelmin ja kohdennetuin maastoselvityksin. Raportin aihepiirejä ovat Kainuun soiden käyttö, jäljellä olevat ojittamattomat suot, suojeltujen soiden vesitaloudellinen eheys, metsätalouden käytöstä poistuvat ojitetut suot, soiden merkitys virkistyksen ja matkailun kannalta sekä maastossa tutkittujen 143 suon arviointi turpeennoston ja luonnon monimuotoisuuden kannalta. Raportissa esitetään, että kansallisen suostrategian tavoite soiden kestävästä ja vastuullisesta käytöstä ja suojelusta on mahdollista saavuttaa eri toimijoiden yhteistyön ja maankäytön ohjauksen avulla. Se edellyttää sitoutumista suostrategian linjauksiin sekä tietopohjan parantamista soista ja eri toimintojen vaikutuksista. Kainuun suoselvitys -projektissa on osaltaan tuotettu tätä tietoa ja myös kehitelty menetelmiä sen hankkimiseksi.


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From Bildung to Civilisation. Conception of Culture in J. V. Snellman’s Historical Thinking The research explores Johan Vilhelm Snellman’s (1806–1881) conception of culture in the context of his historical thinking. Snellman was a Finnish, Swedish-speaking journalist, teacher and thinker, who held a central position in the Finnish national discourse during the nineteenth century. He has been considered as one of the leading theorists of a Finnish nation, writing widely about the themes such as the advancement of the national education, Finnish language and culture. Snellman is already a widely studied person in Finnish intellectual history, often characterised as a follower of G. W. F. Hegel’s philosophical system. My own research introduces a new kind of approach on Snellman’s texts, emphasising the conceptual level of his thought. With this approach, my aim is to broaden the Finnish research tradition on conceptual history. I consider my study as a cultural history of concepts, belonging also to the field of intellectual history. My focus is on one hand on the close reading of Snellman’s texts and on the other hand on contextualising his texts to the European intellectual tradition of the time. A key concept of Snellman’s theoretical thinking is his concept of bildning, which can be considered as a Swedish counterpart of the German concept of Bildung. The Swedish word incorporated all the main elements of the German concept. It could mean education or the so-called high culture, but most fundamentally it was about the self-formation of the individual. This is also the context in which Snellman’s concept of bildning has often been interpreted. In the study, I use the concept of bildning as a starting point of my research but I broaden my focus on the cognate concepts such as culture (kultur), spirit (anda) and civilisation. The purpose of my study is thus to illustrate how Snellman used and modified these concepts and from these observations to draw a conclusion about the nature of his conception of culture. Snellman was an early Finnish philosopher of history but also interested in the practice of the writing of history. He did not write any historical presentations himself but followed the publications in the field of history and introduced European historical writing to the Finnish, Swedish-speaking reading audience in his newspapers. The primary source material consists of different types of Snellman’s texts, including philosophical writings, lecture material, newspaper articles and private letters. I’m reading Snellman’s texts in the context of other texts produced both by his Finnish predecessors and contemporaries and by Swedish, German and French writers. Snellman’s principal philosophical works, Versuch einer spekulativen Entwicklung der Idee der Persönlichkeit (1841) and Läran om staten (1842), were both written abroad. Both of the works were contributions to contemporary debates on the international level, especially in Germany and Sweden. During the 1840s and 1850s Snellman had two newspapers of his own, Saima and Litteraturblad, which were directed towards the Swedish-speaking educated class. Both of the newspapers were very popular and their circulations were among the largest of their day in Finland. The topics of his articles and reviews covered literature, poetry, philosophy and education as well as issues concerning the economic, industrial and technical development in Finland. In his newspapers Snellman not only brought forth his own ideas but also spread the knowledge of European events and ideas to his readers. He followed very carefully the cultural and political situation in Western Europe. He also followed European magazines and newspapers and was well acquainted with German, French and also English literature – and of course Swedish literature to with which he had the closest ties. In his newspapers Snellman wrote countless number of literary reviews and critics, introducing his readers to European literature. The study consists of three main chapters in which I explore my research question in three different, yet overlapping contexts. In the first of these chapters, I analyse Snellman’n theoretical thinking and his concepts of bildning, kultur, anda and civilisation in the context of earlier cultural discourse in Finland as well as the tradition of German idealistic philosophy and neo-humanism. With the Finnish cultural discourse I refer to the early cultural discussion in Finland, which emerged after the year 1809, when Finland became an autonomous entity of its own as a Grand Duchy of Russia. Scholars of the Academy of Turku opened a discussion on the themes such as the state of national consciousness, the need for national education and the development of the Finnish language as a national language of Finland. Many of these academics were also Snellman’s teachers in the early years of his academic career and Snellman clearly formulated his own ideas in the footsteps of these Finnish predecessors. In his theoretical thinking Snellman was a collectivist; according to him an individual should always be understood in connection with the society, its values and manners, as well as to the traditions of a culture where an individual belongs to. In his philosophy of the human spirit Snellman was in many ways a Hegelian but his notion of education or ‘bildning’ includes also elements that connect him with the wider tradition of German intellectual history, namely the neo-humanist tradition and, at least to some extent, to the terminology of J. G. Herder or J. G. Fichte, for example. In this chapter, I also explore Snellman’s theory of history. In his historical thinking Snellman was an idealist, believing in the historical development of the human spirit (Geist in German language). One can characterise his theory of history by stating that it is a mixture of a Hegelian triumph of the spirit and Herderian emphasis on humanity (Humanität) and the relative nature of ‘Bildung’. For Snellman, the process of ‘bildning’ or ‘Bildung’ is being realised in historical development through the actions of human beings. Snellman believed in the historical development of the human civilization. Still Snellman himself considered that he had abandoned Hegel’s idea about the process of world history. Snellman – rightly or wrongly – criticised Hegel of emphasising the universal end of history (the realisation of the freedom of spirit) at the expense of the historical plurality and the freedom of each historical era. Snellman accused Hegel of neglecting the value and independency of different historical cultures and periods by imposing the abstract norm, the fulfilment of the freedom of spirit, as the ultimate goal of history. The historicist in Snellman believed in the individuality of each historical period; each historical era or culture had values, traditions and modes of thought of its own. This historicist in Snellman could not accept the talk about one measure or the end of history. On the other hand Snellman was also a universalist. He believed that mankind had a common task and that task was the development of ‘Bildung’, freedom or humanity. The second main chapter consists of two parts. In the first part, I explore the Finnish nationalistic discourse from the cultural point of view by analysing the notions such as a nation, national spirit or national language and showing how Snellman formulated his own ideas in a dialogic situation, participating in the Finnish discourse but also reacting to international discussions on the themes of the nation and nationality. For Snellman nationality was to a great extent the collective knowledge and customs or practices of the nation. Snellman stated that nationality is to be considered as a form of ‘bildning’. This could be seen not simply as affection for the fatherland but also for the mental identity of the nation, its ways of thinking, its practices, national language, customs and laws, the history of the nation. The simplest definition of nationality that Snellman gives is that nationality is the social life of the people. In the second part of the chapter I exam Snellman’s historical thinking and his understanding about historical development, interaction between different nations and cultures in the course of history, as well as the question of historical change; how do cultures or civilisations develop and who are the creators of culture? Snellman did not believe in one dominating culture but understood the course of history as a dialogue between different cultures. On the other hand, his views are very Eurocentric – here he follows the ideas of Hegel or for example the French historian François Guizot – for Snellman Europe represented the virtue of pluralism; in Europe one could see the diversity of cultures which, on the other hand, were fundamentally based on a common Christian tradition. In the third main chapter, my focus is on the writing of history, more precisely on Snellman’s ideas on the nature of history as a science and on the proper way of writing historical presentations. Snellman wrote critics on the works of history and introduced his readers to the writing of history especially in France, Sweden and German-speaking area – in some extend also in Britain. Snellman’s collectivistic view becomes evident also in his reviews on historical writing. For Snellman history was not about the actions of the states and their heads, nor about the records of ruling families and battles fought. He repeatedly stressed that history is a discipline that seeks to provide a total view of a phenomenon. A historian should not only collect information on historical events, since this information touches only the surface of a certain epoch or civilisation; he has to understand an epoch as totality. This required an understanding about the major contours in history, connections between civilisations and an awareness of significant turning points in historical development. In addition, it required a holistic understanding about a certain culture or historical era, including also the so-called inner life of a specific nation, a common people and their ways of life. Snellman wrote explicitly about ‘cultural history’ in his texts, referring to this kind of broad understanding of a society. In historical writing Snellman found this kind of broader view from the works of the French historians such as François Guizot and Jules Michelet. In all of these chapters, I elaborate the conceptual dimension of Snellman’s historical thinking. In my study I argue that Snellman not only adopted the German concepts of Bildung or Kultur in his own thinking but also developed the Swedish concepts in a way that include personal and innovative aspects. Snellman’s concept of bildning is not only a translation from ‘Bildung’ but he uses the Swedish concept in a versatile way that includes both the moral aspect of human development and social dimension of a human life. Along with ‘bildning’ Snellman used also the terms ‘kultur’ and ‘civilisation’ when referring to the totality of a certain nation or historical era, including both the so-called high culture (arts, science, religion) and the modes of thought as well as ways of life of the people as a whole. Unlike many of his Finnish contemporaries, Snellman did not use civilisation as a negative concept, lacking the moral essence of German term ‘Bildung’ or ‘Kultur’. Instead, for Snellman civilisation was a neutral term and here he comes close to the French tradition of using the term. In the study I argue that Snellman’s conception of culture in fact includes a synthesis of the German tradition of ‘Bildung’ and the French tradition of ‘civilisation’.


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Tutkielmassa selvitetään Euroopan Parlamentin sähköisestä tunnistamisesta ja sähköisiin transaktioihin liittyvistä luottamuspalveluista antaman asetusehdotuksen merkitystä sähköisessä tunnistamisessa ja sähköisissä transaktioissa osakeyhtiöiden näkökulmasta yritysten välisessä liiketoiminnassa huomioiden Suomen tämänhetkinen kansallinen lainsäädäntö ja sen kautta omaksutut toimintatavat. Tutkielmassa käytetty pääasiallinen tutkimusmenetelmä on lainoppi. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään myös oikeustaloustieteestä regulaatioteorian normatiivista lähestymistapaa. Tutkielmaa varten on myös haastateltu viranomaisten ja yritysten edustajia. Asetusehdotuksen tavoitteena on edistää rajat ylittävää sähköistä toimintaa. Tätä pyritään lisäämään muun muassa sillä, että jäsenvaltioiden tulee hyväksyä toisessa jäsenvaltiossa käytössä olevia EU:lle ilmoitettuja tunnistusmenetelmiä. Nykyiset direktiivipohjaiseen sääntelyyn perustuvat kansalliset tulkinnat eivät ole johtaneet tavoiteltuun lopputulokseen, joten asetusmuotoinen sääntely on perusteltu. Toimijoina luonnolliset henkilöt ja oikeushenkilöt, kuten osakeyhtiöt, asettavat erilaisia vaatimuksia sähköiselle tunnistamiselle ja sopimusprosessille. Nykymuodossaan asetusehdotus ei sisällöllisesti välttämättä ole taloudellisesti kannattava vaihtoehto yksittäisen EU-valtion kannalta eikä se näin ollen kannusta ilmoittamaan EU:lle tunnistusmenetelmiä eikä yritysten väliseen sähköiseen liiketoimintaan. Tämä johtaa siihen, ettei asetusehdotuksen tavoite välttämättä toteudu.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on ollut selvittää opetuskäyttöön tulevan biodiesellaitteis-ton hankintaprosessi sekä toteuttaa laitteiston hankinta ja käyttöönotto. Ensiksi on pereh-dytty Euroopan Unionin ja Suomen kansallisiin uusiutuvien polttoaineiden käytön tavoit-teisiin. Toiseksi on perehdytty julkisten hankintojen hankintaprosessiin ja koulutuskun-tayhtymän hankintamenettelyyn. Tarjousmenettelyn päätteeksi on valittu vaihtoesteröinti-menetelmään perustuva kasvi- tai kalaöljyä raaka-aineena käyttävä biodiesellaitteisto, jonka toimintaan ja tuotantoprosessiin on perehdytty opetuksellisesta näkökulmasta. Työssä on kiinnitetty erityistä huomioita työturvallisuuteen ja biodiesellaitteiston käyttöturvalli-suuteen.


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Pöyry Finland Oy:n energialiiketoimintaryhmässä on havaittu viimeisimpien voimalaitostoteutusprojektien yhteydessä, että julkiset hankinnat asettavat tiettyjä pakollisia raameja hankintatoimen johtamiselle. Julkista hankintaa säätelee Suomessa kansallinen hankintalaki, joka on melko heikosti tunnettu. Pöyryllä on tunnistettu tarve selvittää julkisen hankinnan mahdollistamia vaikutuskeinoja hankintatoimessa ja tehdä niistä insinöörin insinöörille rakentama ohjeistus, jota voidaan hyödyntää projektikohtaisena yleisen hankintaohjeen tukena, koskien julkisten hankintojen osuutta. Tässä diplomityössä suoritetaan yleinen katsaus julkisten hankintojen tämän hetkiseen tilanteeseen ja luodaan ohjeistus julkisten hankintojen keskeisimpien vaiheiden läpiviemiselle. Työssä kuvataan julkiselle hankinnalle ominaisimpia vaiheita, joissa tulee noudattaa erityistä tarkkuuta valituksien välttämiseksi. Tarkoituksena on luoda Pöyrylle ohjeistus, miten toimia, kussakin julkisen hankinnan vaiheessa, hankintalain mukaisesti ilman valituksia markkinaoikeuteen. Vuoteen 2016 mennessä on Suomen julkaistava uudistettu kansallinen hankinta lainsäädäntö, perustuen alkuvuonna 2014 uudistettuihin EU:n hankintadirektiiveihin. Tällä hetkellä hankintalaki on hyvin tulkinnanvarainen ja parhaiten vastauksia askarruttaviin kysymyksiin löytyy alan lakia tulkitsevasta kirjallisuudesta. Kirjoittajan projektikokemuksen perusteella, hankintalakiin liittyviin kysymyksiin saa pahimmillaan eri lakia tulkitsevilta asiantuntijoilta hyvinkin erilaisia tulkintoja. Tästä johtuen ei ole ihme, että hankintalakia ei tunneta kovin hyvin niin hankintayksikön kuin osallistuja/tarjoajakandidaatin puolellakaan.


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The control and monitoring of radioactive elements in foodstuffs is fundamental for human health maintenance. This work presents procedures to measure radioactivity levels in powdered milk samples and also a brief discussion of radionuclide transference from the environment to mankind. The measurements were performed utilizing a high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometer using an HPGe detector. The results allowed the quantification of 40K, 137Cs and 208Tl radionuclides. For 40K the average activity was 482 ± 37 Bq/kg and for 137Cs and 208Tl the lower level of detection was, respectively, 3.7 ± 1.1 and 0.5 ± 0.2 (Bq/kg). The results obtained for the milk samples were compared to data found in the literature and to the limits established by the Brazilian National Commission of Nuclear Energy (CNEN) to assure its safety to human consuption.


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Cleavages have been central in understanding the relationship between political parties and voters but the credibility of cleavage approach has been increasingly debated. This is because of decreasing party loyalty, fewer ideological differences between the parties and general social structural change amongst other factors. By definition, cleavages arise when social structural groups recognize their clashing interests, which are reflected in common values and attitudes, and vote for parties that are dedicated to defend the interests of the groups concerned. This study assesses relevance of cleavage approach in the Finnish context. The research problem in this study is “what kind of a cleavage structure exists in Finland at the beginning of the 21st century? Finland represents a case that has traditionally been characterized by a strong and diverse cleavage structure, notable ideological fragmentation in the electorate and an ideologically diverse party system. Nevertheless, the picture of the party-voter ties in Finland still remains incomplete with regard to a thorough analysis of cleavages. In addition, despite the vast amount of literature on cleavages in political science, studies that thoroughly analyze national cleavage structures by assessing the relationship between social structural position, values and attitudes and party choice have been rare. The research questions are approached by deploying statistical analyses, and using Finnish National Election Studies from 2003, 2007 and 2011as data. In this study, seven different social structural cleavage bases are analyzed: native language, type of residential area, occupational class, education, denomination, gender and age cohorts. Four different value/attitudinal dimensions were identified in this study: economic right and authority, regional and socioeconomic equality, sociocultural and European Union dimensions. This study shows that despite the weak overall effect of social structural positions on values and attitudes, a few rather strong connections between them were identified. The overall impact of social structural position and values and attitudes on party choice varies significantly between parties. Cleavages still exist in Finland and the cleavage structure partly reflects the old basis in the Finnish party system. The cleavage that is based on the type of residential area and reflected in regional and socioeconomic equality dimensions concerns primarily the voters of the Centre Party and the Coalition Party. The linguistic cleavage concerns mostly the voters of the Swedish People’s Party. The classic class cleavage reflected in the regional and socioeconomic equality dimension concerns in turn first and foremost the blue-collar voters of the Left Alliance and the Social Democratic Party, the agricultural entrepreneur voters of the Centre Party and higher professional and manager voters of the Coalition Party. The conflict with the most potential as a cleavage is the one based on social status (occupational class and education) and it is reflected in sociocultural and EU dimensions. It sets the voters of the True Finns against the voters of the Green League and the Coalition Party. The study underlines the challenges the old parties have met after the volatile election in 2011, which shook the cleavage structure. It also describes the complexity involved in the Finnish conflict structure and the multidimensionality in the electoral competition between the parties.


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Pertussis or whooping cough is a human respiratory tract infection and a vaccine-preventable disease that is caused by Bordetella pertussis bacteria. Pertussis vaccination has been part of the Finnish national vaccine program since 1952. Despite extensive vaccinations, the incidence of pertussis has increased in many countries during the last decades. Large epidemics have been observed also in countries with high vaccine coverage. Inter-individual variation in immune responses is always encountered after vaccination. Low vaccine responses may cause vulnerability to pertussis even straight after vaccination. Reasons for low responses are not fully understood. The innate immune system is responsible for the initial recognition of pathogens and vaccine antigens. The role of innate immunity on pertussis immunity has not been thoroughly investigated. Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) and toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) are important molecules of the innate immune system and in the recognition of pathogens. Cytokines form a signaling network that have a notable role in immune responses after infections as well as after vaccinations. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is common in genes encoding these molecules and the polymorphisms have been reported to affect vaccine response after viral and bacterial vaccines. This study investigated the gene polymorphisms of MBL2, TLR4 and interleukin (IL)-10 promoter and their association with vaccine responses after acellular pertussis (aP) vaccination in Finnish adolescents and infants. Cell-mediated immune responses were investigated ten years after the previous pertussis vaccinations in young adults. In addition, the role of MBL deficiency in pertussis infection susceptibility was evaluated. The results of this study show that subjects with TLR4 polymorphism had lower antibody production and persistence after aP vaccination compared with normal allele. A specific SNP in the TLR4 gene was associated with decreased antibody responses and persistence in adolescents after aP booster vaccination. Cell-mediated immune responses were partly detected ten years after the previous vaccination; booster vaccine clearly enhanced the responses. In addition, subjects with IL-10 polymorphism had altered cell-mediated immune responses. MBL deficiency was found to be more frequent in pertussis patients than healthy controls but the polymorphism of MBL2 was not associated with antibody responses after acellular pertussis vaccination. The novel finding of this study was that genetic variation in the innate immune system seems to play a role in altered pertussis vaccine responses as well as in pertussis infection. These new findings enlighten the mechanisms behind the low responses after pertussis vaccination and help to predict risk factors related to this phenomenon.


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Ohjelmoinnin opettaminen yleissivistävänä oppiaineena on viime aikoina herättänyt kiinnostusta Suomessa ja muualla maailmassa. Esimerkiksi Suomen opetushallituksen määrittämien, vuonna 2016 käyttöön otettavien peruskoulun opintosuunnitelman perusteiden mukaan, ohjelmointitaitoja aletaan opettaa suomalaisissa peruskouluissa ensimmäiseltä luokalta alkaen. Ohjelmointia ei olla lisäämässä omaksi oppiaineekseen, vaan sen opetuksen on tarkoitus tapahtua muiden oppiaineiden, kuten matematiikan yhteydessä. Tämä tutkimus käsittelee yleissivistävää ohjelmoinnin opetusta yleisesti, käy läpi yleisimpiä haasteita ohjelmoinnin oppimisessa ja tarkastelee erilaisten opetusmenetelmien soveltuvuutta erityisesti nuorten oppilaiden opettamiseen. Tutkimusta varten toteutettiin verkkoympäristössä toimiva, noin 9–12-vuotiaille oppilaille suunnattu graafista ohjelmointikieltä ja visuaalisuutta tehokkaasti hyödyntävä oppimissovellus. Oppimissovelluksen avulla toteutettiin alakoulun neljänsien luokkien kanssa vertailututkimus, jossa graafisella ohjelmointikielellä tapahtuvan opetuksen toimivuutta vertailtiin toiseen opetusmenetelmään, jossa oppilaat tutustuivat ohjelmoinnin perusteisiin toiminnallisten leikkien avulla. Vertailututkimuksessa kahden neljännen luokan oppilaat suorittivat samankaltaisia, ohjelmoinnin peruskäsitteisiin liittyviä ohjelmointitehtäviä molemmilla opetus-menetelmillä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää alakouluoppilaiden nykyistä ohjelmointiosaamista, sitä minkälaisen vastaanoton ohjelmoinnin opetus alakouluoppilailta saa, onko erilaisilla opetusmenetelmillä merkitystä opetuksen toteutuksen kannalta ja näkyykö eri opetusmenetelmillä opetettujen luokkien oppimistuloksissa eroja. Oppilaat suhtautuivat kumpaankin opetusmenetelmään myönteisesti, ja osoittivat kiinnostusta ohjelmoinnin opiskeluun. Sisällöllisesti oppitunneille oli varattu turhan paljon materiaalia, mutta esimerkiksi yhden keskeisimmän aiheen, eli toiston käsitteen oppimisessa aktiivisilla leikeillä harjoitellut luokka osoitti huomattavasti graafisella ohjelmointikielellä harjoitellutta luokkaa parempaa osaamista oppitunnin jälkeen. Ohjelmakoodin peräkkäisyyteen liittyvä osaaminen oli neljäsluokkalaisilla hyvin hallussa jo ennen ohjelmointiharjoituksia. Aiheeseen liittyvän taustatutkimuksen ja luokkien opettajien haastatteluiden perusteella havaittiin koulujen valmiuksien opetussuunnitelmauudistuksen mukaiseen ohjelmoinnin opettamiseen olevan vielä heikolla tasolla.


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Este trabajo se enmarcará en la primera presidencia de George W. Bush y más específicamente entre el 11 de septiembre de 2001 cuando se dio el ataque a las torres gemelas y la invasión a Afganistán el 7 de octubre de este mismo año. En consecuencia lo que se busca con este estudio es demostrar que el gobierno estadounidense se ayuda de herramientas y elementos como la comunicación política, la fijación de agenda y el discurso para la inscripción del concepto terrorismo en la agenda gubernamental. Es así como genera un gran poder de influencia a nivel local logrando que los ciudadanos se tornen hacia el Estado y al mismo tiempo logra apoyo internacional generando el clima perfecto para legitimar la guerra anti-terrorista como una respuesta a los hechos ocurridos.