977 resultados para Branding de lugar
En el marco de un acuerdo interinstitucional, se investiga e indaga acerca de la formación matemática de estudiantes de bachillerato tecnológico. Se aplicaron dos cuestionarios a 39 estudiantes de tercer semestre, uno sobre los fundamentos del tema de lugar geométrico de la recta en el plano y otro sobre los conocimientos requeridos para acceder a su enseñanza. Además, se entrevistó a dos estudiantes individualmente acerca de sus respuestas en el primer cuestionario. Los datos obtenidos revelaron deficiencias en la identificación y cálculo de una pendiente, en la expresión verbal, gráfica o simbólica de lugares geométricos simples, confusión entre segmento de recta y recta, desconocimiento de procedimientos geométricos elementales, de operatividad algebraica y falta de identificación de términos de expresiones simbólicas. La enseñanza de la recta en el curso de Geometría Analítica tuvo que enfrentar estas condiciones desde el principio.
This paper reports on a stakeholder consultation exercise that examined the tourism industry's perception of developing a local tourism branding scheme within the South Downs' protected areas in south-east England. The research shows that such schemes could offer potential benefits that are recognisable by the tourism industry, while helping to meet the statutory aims of the protected area. The paper records the perceptions of small tourism businesses, their fears, awareness of tourism impacts, perceptions of sustainable tourism and of local branding, and key criteria connected to the future organisation of a local tourism branding scheme. The conclusion lists the recommendations for the implementation of a local branding scheme, including grassroots stakeholder consultation that encourages ownership and participation, institutional frameworks that support capacity-building and the importance of developing core values within a local brand.
Young people are less explored in museum audience research; this is a paradoxical situation when considering its strategic location in the cultural reproduction and if considering the high performing cultural consumption compared with other sectors. The phenomenon of museums consumption by young Chileans who are self recognized as public and non-public museums is explored from a qualitative approach. It was conducted with focus groups in the three largest cities in Chile (Santiago, Valparaíso and Concepción). They identify the museum as a cultural institution in full force. However, in questioning museums activity youth reveal the specificity of their cultural matrix. This is referred to a social temporality based on the fragment, the discourse of familiarity, proximity and instead of breaking and critical. They claim a museum aesthetic / historical experience based on pleasure and enjoyment. An overview is proposed to further clarify the youth cultural consumption to characterize more precisely the place of the museum in the set, to design more effective policies museums.
This paper responds to recent calls for more academic research and critical discussion on the relationship between spatial planning and city branding. Through the lens of Liverpool, the article analyses how key planning projects have delivered major transformations in the city's built environment and cultural landscape. More specifically, in concentrating on the performative nature of spatial planning it reveals the physical, symbolic and discursive re-imaging of Liverpool into a 'world class city'. Another aspect of the paper presents important socioeconomic datasets and offers a critical reading of the re-branding in showing how it presents an inaccurate representation of Liverpool. The evidence provided indicates that a more accurate label for Liverpool is a polarised and divided city, thereby questioning the fictive spectacle of city branding. Finally, the paper ends with some critical commentary on the role of spatial planning as an accessory to the sophistry of city branding.
Purpose: Given the emergent nature of i-branding as an academic field of study and a lack of applied research output, the aim of this paper is to explain how businesses manage i-branding to create brand equity.
Design/methodology/approach: Within a case-study approach, seven cases were developed from an initial sample of 20 food businesses. Additionally, utilising secondary data, the analysis of findings introduces relevant case examples from other industrial sectors.
Findings: Specific internet tools and their application are discussed within opportunities to create brand equity for products classified by experience, credence and search characteristics. An understanding of target customers will be critical in underpinning the selection and deployment of relevant i-branding tools. Tools facilitating interactivity – machine and personal – are particularly significant.
Research limitations/implications: Future research positioned within classification of goods constructs could provide further contributions that recognise potential moderating effects of product/service characteristics on the development of brand equity online. Future studies could also employ the i-branding conceptual framework to test its validity and develop it further as a means of explaining how i-branding can be managed to create brand equity.
Originality/value: While previous research has focused on specific aspects of i-branding, this paper utilises a conceptual framework to explain how diverse i-branding tools combine to create brand equity. The literature review integrates fragmented literature around a conceptual framework to produce a more coherent understanding of extant thinking. The location of this study within a classification of goods context proved critical to explaining how i-branding can be managed.
Branding strategies for high technology products: The effects of consumer and product innovativeness
Choice of an appropriate branding strategy is a critical determinant of new product success. Prior work on fast-moving-consumer-goods (FMCG) prescribes that new products carry new (vs. existing) brand names to appeal to earlier adopters - a critical target for new products. However, such a prescription may not be prudent for high-technology (HT) products, as they often involve considerably more consumer perceived risk than FMCG. By drawing on Dowling and Staelin's (1994) framework of perceived-risk handling, we propose that both earlier and later adopters will favor existing brands to cope with the elevated risk associated with an innovative HT product. Two studies - one conducted in an experimental setting and the other in a field setting - support the proposition that both earlier and later adopters respond more favorably to existing (vs. new) brands on innovative HT products.
O presente trabalho situa a investigação em torno do marketing, particularmente do branding, territorial numa perspectiva holística e consubstanciadora de comportamentos, identidade e desenvolvimento territorial. Nesse âmbito, focaliza-se na problemática da amplitude e heterogeneidade de actores com capacidade de impacte na construção e transmissão da marca territorial e na necessidade da sua contemplação nos pressupostos de branding para a sustentação efectiva das marcas territoriais. A tese defendida advoga a relevância de empreender marcas territoriais assentes na colaboração e integração dos stakeholders no processo construtivo, de forma a potenciar a relação directa entre o branding, a identidade e comportamento territorial e aumentar o output da marca. Nesse sentido, essa orientação é consubstanciada sob a edificação conceptual de Stakeholders Based Branding e procede-se à exploração e aferição de contributos para o seu desenvolvimento e modelização. Empiricamente e tendo por base uma abordagem descritiva e exploratória, a investigação orienta-se a um trabalho de natureza qualitativa e interpretativa que estuda, neste âmbito e através da metodologia de Grounded Theory, 6 casos de estudo de municípios portugueses, através de 48 entrevistas em profundidade realizadas a líderes políticos e stakeholders territoriais e dados secundários. Os resultados obtidos em campo demonstram a relação entre a integração de stakeholders e o sentimento de branding e imagem territorial, reiterando que quanto mais envolvidos os stakeholders se sentem no processo construtivo da marca territorial, mais tendem a assumir a sua auto-imputação e que os territórios com posturas mais colaborativas na construção de branding são os que tendem a possuir auto-imagens e imagens públicas mais positivas. Paralelamente permitem aferir um conjunto de factores impulsores, implementados e/ou idealizados, tidos como relevantes para promover uma orientação de Stakeholders Based Branding, nos respectivos territórios. Do percurso investigativo emana um constructo de Stakeholders Based Branding, com carácter indutivo, respeitando os pressupostos da Grounded Theory e assente na modelização e constituição de proposições teóricas que visam contribuir para orientar a construção de marcas territoriais alicerçadas na integração e colaboração de stakeholders.
O presente trabalho propõe-se reflectir sobre o efeito transgeracional do Holocausto, responsável pela formação de traumas e sentimentos de culpa, como se testemunham tanto em estudos psicológicos como em textos literários. Trata-se de um factor nuclear da problemática identitária verificada junto da geração de indivíduos, nascidos após o final da ditadura nacionalsocialista. Embora esta geração não tenha vivido durante os anos da ditadura hitleriana, recai sobre ela uma herança histórica que, inevitavelmente, deixa marcas profundas no processo de construção e consolidação da identidade de cada um: se os filhos dos sobreviventes se debatem com o sentimento de "culpa pela sobrevivência" sentido pelos pais, aos filhos dos criminosos é imputada uma culpa moral pela barbárie perpetrada pelos progenitores. Esta reflexão assenta no estudo da obra dos escritores Jan Koneffke e Doron Rabinovici, jovens autores de expressão alemã, que representam os conceitos de trauma, identidade e memória no contexto histórico, político e social da actualidade.