998 resultados para Anomalinoides acuta, d13C


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Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM2) occurred ~1.8 Myr after the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) and, like the PETM, was characterized by a negative carbon isotope excursion coupled with warming. We combined benthic foraminiferal and sedimentological records for Southeast Atlantic Sites 1263 (1500 m paleodepth) and 1262 (3600 m paleodepth) to show that benthic foraminiferal diversity and accumulation rates declined more precipitously and severely at the shallower site during peak ETM2. The sites are in close proximity, so differences in surface productivity cannot have caused this differential effect. Instead, on the basis of an analysis of climate modelling experiments, we infer that changes in ocean circulation pattern across ETM2 may have resulted in more pronounced warming at intermediate depths (Site 1263). The effects of more pronounced warming include increased metabolic rates, leading to a decrease in effective food supply and increased deoxygenation, thus potentially explaining the more severe benthic impacts at Site 1263. In response to more severe benthic disturbance, bioturbation may have decreased at Site 1263 as compared to Site 1262, hence differentially affecting the bulk carbonate record. We use a sediment-enabled Earth system model to test whether a reduction in bioturbation and/or the likely reduced carbonate saturation of more poorly ventilated waters can explain the more extreme excursion in bulk d13C and sharper transition in wt% CaCO3 at Site 1263. We find that both enhanced acidification and reduced bioturbation during peak ELMO conditions are needed to account for the observed features. Our combined ecological and modelling analysis illustrates the potential role of ocean circulation changes in amplifying local environmental changes and driving temporary, but drastic, loss of benthic biodiversity and abundance.


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Paleocene benthic and planktonic foraminifers occur throughout a long interval of the sedimentary succession cored at Site 605. A biostratigraphic zonation based on planktonic foraminifers is proposed for this Paleocene section. Zones identified are Subbotina pseudobulloides Zone, Morozovella trinidadensis Zone, M. uncinata Zone, M. pusilla pusilla Zone, Planorotalites pseudomenardii Zone, and M. velascoensis Zone. Fluctuations in the sedimentation rate occurred at Site 605. Rates of deposition were high during the M. pusilla pusilla and P. pseudomenardii zones, and a depositional hiatus may occur at the base of the M. velascoensis Zone. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of benthic foraminiferal assemblages suggests that the Paleocene sediments of Site 605 were deposited near the upper limit of Nuttallides truempyi, that is, approximately in the middle bathyal zone (600 m or more).


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A review of interstitial water samples collected from Sites 1003-1007 of the Bahamas Transect along with a shore-based analysis of oxygen and carbon isotopes, minor and trace elements, and sediment chemistry are presented. Results indicate that the pore-fluid profiles in the upper 100 meters below seafloor (mbsf) are marked by shifts between 20 and 40 mbsf that are thought to be caused by changes in sediment reactivity, sedimentation rates, and the influence of strong bottom currents that have been active since the late Pliocene. Pore-fluid profiles in the lower Pliocene-Miocene sequences are dominated by diffusion and do not show significant evidence of subsurface advective flow. Deeper interstitial waters are believed to be the in situ fluids that have evolved through interaction with sediments and diffusion. Pore-fluid chemistry is strongly influenced by carbonate recrystallization processes. Increases in pore-fluid Cl- and Na+ with depth are interpreted to result mainly from carbonate remineralization reactions that are most active near the platform margin. A lateral gradient in detrital clay content observed along the transect, leads to an overall lower carbonate reactivity, and enhances preservation of metastable aragonite further away from the platform margin. Later stage burial diagenesis occurs at slow rates and is limited by the supply of reactive elements through diffusion.


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Southern Ocean sediments reveal a spike in authigenic uranium 127,000 years ago, within the last interglacial, reflecting decreased oxygenation of deep water by Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). Unlike ice age reductions in AABW, the interglacial stagnation event appears decoupled from open ocean conditions and may have resulted from coastal freshening due to mass loss from the Antarctic ice sheet. AABW reduction coincided with increased North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) formation, and the subsequent reinvigoration in AABW coincided with reduced NADW formation. Thus, alternation of deep water formation between the Antarctic and the North Atlantic, believed to characterize ice ages, apparently also occurs in warm climates.


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Benthic foraminiferal faunas from three bathyal sequences provide a proxy record of oceanographic changes through the mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) on either side of the Subtropical Front (STF), east of New Zealand. Canonical correspondence analyses show that factors related to water depth, latitude and climate cycles were more significant than oceanographic factors in determining changes in faunal assemblage composition over the last 1 Ma. Even so, mid-Pleistocene faunal changes are recognizable and can be linked to inferred palaeoceanographic causes. North of the largely stationary STF the faunas were less variable than to the south, perhaps reflecting the less extreme glacial-interglacial fluctuations in the overlying Subtropical Surface Water. Prior to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 21 and after MIS 15, the northern faunas had fairly constant composition, but during most of the MPT faunal composition fluctuated in response to climate-related food-supply variations. Faunal changes through the MPT suggest increasing food supply and decreasing dissolved bottom oxygen. South of the STF, beneath Subantarctic Surface Water, mid-Pleistocene faunas exhibited strong glacial-interglacial fluctuations, inferred to be due to higher interglacial nutrient supply and lower oxygen levels. The most dramatic faunal change in the south occurred at the end of the MPT (MIS 17- 12). with an acme of Abditodentrix pseudothalmanni, possibly reflecting higher carbon flux and lower bottom oxygen. This study suggests that the mid-Pleistocene decline and extinction of a group of elongate, cylindrical deep-sea foraminifera may have been related to decreased bottom oxygen concentrations as aresult of slower deep-water currents.


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The Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) is a major global climatic phenomenon. Long-term precipitation proxy records of the ISM, however, are often fragmented and discontinuous, impeding an estimation of the magnitude of precipitation variability from the Last Glacial to the present. To improve our understanding of past ISM variability, we provide a continuous reconstructed record of precipitation and continental vegetation changes from the lower Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna catchment and the Indo-Burman ranges over the last 18,000 years (18 ka). The records derive from a marine sediment core from the northern Bay of Bengal (NBoB), and are complemented by numerical model results of spatial moisture transport and precipitation distribution over the Bengal region. The isotopic composition of terrestrial plant waxes (dD and d13C of n-alkanes) are compared to results from an isotope-enabled general atmospheric circulation model (IsoCAM) for selected time slices (pre-industrial, mid-Holocene and Heinrich Stadial 1). Comparison of proxy and model results indicate that past changes in the dD of precipitation and plant waxes were mainly driven by the amount effect, and strongly influenced by ISM rainfall. Maximum precipitation is detected for the Early Holocene Climatic Optimum (EHCO; 10.5-6 ka BP), whereas minimum precipitation occurred during the Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1; 16.9-15.4 ka BP). The IsoCAM model results support the hypothesis of a constant moisture source (i.e. the NBoB) throughout the study period. Relative to the pre-industrial period the model reconstructions show 20% more rain during the mid-Holocene (6 ka BP) and 20% less rain during the Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1), respectively. A shift from C4-plant dominated ecosystems during the glacial to subsequent C3/C4-mixed ones during the interglacial took place. Vegetation changes were predominantly driven by precipitation variability, as evidenced by the significant correlation between the dD and d13C alkane records. When compared to other records across the ISM domain, precipitation and vegetation changes inferred from our records and the numerical model results provide evidence for a coherent regional variability of the ISM from the Last Glacial to the present.