Authigenic uranium, mass accumulation rates, benthic d13C and SST during the last interglacial period of ODP Site 177-1094

Autoria(s): Hayes, Christoper T; Martinez-Garcia, Alfredo; Hasenfratz, Albin; Jaccard, Samuel L; Hodell, David A; Sigman, Daniel M; Haug, Gerald H; Anderson, Robert F

LATITUDE: -53.180350 * LONGITUDE: 5.130333 * DATE/TIME START: 1998-01-20T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1998-01-20T00:00:00




Southern Ocean sediments reveal a spike in authigenic uranium 127,000 years ago, within the last interglacial, reflecting decreased oxygenation of deep water by Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). Unlike ice age reductions in AABW, the interglacial stagnation event appears decoupled from open ocean conditions and may have resulted from coastal freshening due to mass loss from the Antarctic ice sheet. AABW reduction coincided with increased North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) formation, and the subsequent reinvigoration in AABW coincided with reduced NADW formation. Thus, alternation of deep water formation between the Antarctic and the North Atlantic, believed to characterize ice ages, apparently also occurs in warm climates.


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Supplement to: Hayes, Christoper T; Martinez-Garcia, Alfredo; Hasenfratz, Albin; Jaccard, Samuel L; Hodell, David A; Sigman, Daniel M; Haug, Gerald H; Anderson, Robert F (2014): A stagnation event in the deep South Atlantic during the last interglacial period. Science, 346(6216), 1514-1517, doi:10.1126/science.1256620

Palavras-Chave #177-1094; Acc rate U aut; Accumulation rate, sediment, mean; Accumulation rate, uranium, authigenic; Age; AGE; Age model; average MAR integrated between age model tie points; average MAR U aut integrated between age model tie points; C. wuellerstorfi d13C; Calculated from TEX86 (Kim et al., 2010); Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, d13C; COMPCORE; Composite Core; corrected for detrital U based on measured Th-232; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Focus fac; Focusing factor; instantaneous estimate; Joides Resolution; ka BP; Leg177; MAR; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; Sea surface temperature, annual mean; South Atlantic Ocean; SST (1-12); Th-230 based focusing factor, ratio of excess Th-230 inventory to water column Th-230 production calculated as averages between age model tie-points; U aut; Uranium, authigenic; vs. VPDB, size fraction >150 µm
