964 resultados para Algal Secondary Metabolites


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Plant secondary metabolites are a group of naturally occurring compound classes biosynthesized by differing biochemical pathways whose plant content and regulation is strongly susceptible to environmental influences and to potential herbal predators. Such abiotic and biotic factors might be specifically induced by means of various mechanisms, which create variation in the accumulation or biogenesis of secondary metabolites. Hence the dynamic aspect of bioactive compound synthesis and accumulation enables plants to communicate and react in order to overcome imminent threats. This contribution aims to review the most important mechanisms of various abiotic and biotic interactions, such as pathogenic microorganisms and herbivory, by which plants respond to exogenous influences, and will also report on time-scale variable influences on secondary metabolite profiles. Transmission of signals in plants commonly occurs by 'semiochemicals', which are comprised of terpenes, phenylpropanoids, benzenoids and other volatile compounds. Due to the important functions of volatile terpenes in communication processes of living organisms, as well as its emission susceptibility relative to exogenous influences, we also present different scenarios of concentration and emission variations. Toxic effects of plants vary depending on the level and type of secondary metabolites. In farming and cattle raising scenarios, the toxicity of plant secondary metabolites and respective concentration shifts may have severe consequences on livestock production and health, culminating in adverse effects on crop yields and/or their human consumers, or have an adverse economic impact. From a wider perspective, herbal medicines, agrochemicals or other natural products are also associated with variability in plant metabolite levels, which can impact the safety and reliable efficacy of these products. We also present typical examples of toxic plants which influence livestock production using Brazilian examples of toxicity of sapogenins and alkaloids on livestock to highlight the problem. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Benzoxazinoids (BXs), such as 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-2H-1,4-benzoxazin-3(4H)-one (DIMBOA), are secondary metabolites in grasses. The first step in BX biosynthesis converts indole-3-glycerol phosphate into indole. In maize (Zea mays), this reaction is catalyzed by either BENZOXAZINELESS1 (BX1) or INDOLE GLYCEROL PHOSPHATE LYASE (IGL). The Bx1 gene is under developmental control and is mainly responsible for BX production, whereas the Igl gene is inducible by stress signals, such as wounding, herbivory, or jasmonates. To determine the role of BXs in defense against aphids and fungi, we compared basal resistance between Bx1 wild-type and bx1 mutant lines in the igl mutant background, thereby preventing BX production from IGL. Compared to Bx1 wild-type plants, BX-deficient bx1 mutant plants allowed better development of the cereal aphid Rhopalosiphum padi, and were affected in penetration resistance against the fungus Setosphaeria turtica. At stages preceding major tissue disruption, R. padi and S. turtica elicited increased accumulation of DIMBOA-glucoside, DIMBOA, and 2-hydroxy-4,7-dimethoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one-glucoside (HDMBOA-glc), which was most pronounced in apoplastic leaf extracts. Treatment with the defense elicitor chitosan similarly enhanced apoplastic accumulation of DIMBOA and HDMBOA-glc, but repressed transcription of genes controlling BX biosynthesis downstream of BX1. This repression was also obtained after treatment with the BX precursor indole and DIMBOA, but not with HDMBOA-glc. Furthermore, BX-deficient bx1 mutant lines deposited less chitosan-induced callose than Bx1 wild-type lines, whereas apoplast infiltration with DIMBOA, but not HDMBOA-glc, mimicked chitosan-induced callose. Hence, DIMBOA functions as a defense regulatory signal in maize innate immunity, which acts in addition to its well-characterized activity as a biocidal defense metabolite.


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Harmful algal blooms are mainly caused by marine dinoflagellates and are known to produce potent toxins that may affect the ecosystem, human activities and health. Such events have increased in frequency and intensity worldwide in the past decades. Numerous processes involved in Global Change are amplified in the Arctic, but little is known about species specific responses of arctic dinoflagellates. The aim of this work was to perform an exhaustive morphological, phylogenetical and toxinological characterization of Greenland Protoceratium reticulatum and, in addition, to test the effect of temperature on growth and production of bioactive secondary metabolites. Seven clonal isolates, the first isolates of P. reticulatum available from arctic waters, were phylogenetically characterized by analysis of the LSU rDNA. Six isolates were further characterized morphologically and were shown to produce both yessotoxins (YTX) and lytic compounds, representing the first report of allelochemical activity in P. reticulatum. As shown for one of the isolates, growth was strongly affected by temperature with a maximum growth rate at 15 °C, a significant but slow growth at 1 °C, and cell death at 25 °C, suggesting an adaptation of P. reticulatum to temperate waters. Temperature had no major effect on total YTX cell quota or lytic activity but both were affected by the growth phase with a significant increase at stationary phase. A comparison of six isolates at a fixed temperature of 10 °C showed high intraspecific variability for all three physiological parameters tested. Growth rate varied from 0.06 to 0.19 per day, and total YTX concentration ranged from 0.3 to 15.0 pg YTX/cell and from 0.5 to 31.0 pg YTX/cell at exponential and stationary phase, respectively. All six isolates performed lytic activity; however, for two isolates lytic activity was only detectable at higher cell densities in stationary phase.


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Aspergillus nidulans contains two functionally distinct fatty acid synthases (FASs): one required for primary fatty acid metabolism (FAS) and the other required for secondary metabolism (sFAS). FAS mutants require long-chain fatty acids for growth, whereas sFAS mutants grow normally but cannot synthesize sterigmatocystin (ST), a carcinogenic secondary metabolite structurally and biosynthetically related to aflatoxin. sFAS mutants regain the ability to synthesize ST when provided with hexanoic acid, supporting the model that the ST polyketide synthase uses this short-chain fatty acid as a starter unit. The characterization of both the polyketide synthase and FAS may provide novel means for modifying secondary metabolites.


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Kelp forests are strongly influenced by macroinvertebrate grazing on fleshy macroalgae. In the North Pacific Ocean, sea otter predation on macroinvertebrates substantially reduces the intensity of herbivory on macroalgae. Temperate Australasia, in contrast, has no known predator of comparable influence. These ecological and biogeographic patterns led us to predict that (i) the intensity of herbivory should be greater in temperate Australasia than in the North Pacific Ocean; thus (ii) Australasian seaweeds have been under stronger selection to evolve chemical defenses and (iii) Australasian herbivores have been more strongly selected to tolerate these compounds. We tested these predictions first by measuring rates of algal tissue loss to herbivory at several locations in Australasian and North Pacific kelp forests. There were significant differences in grazing rates among sea otter-dominated locations in the North Pacific (0-2% day-1), Australasia (5-7% day-1), and a North Pacific location lacking sea otters (80% day-1). The expectations that chronically high rates of herbivory in Australasia have selected for high concentrations of defensive secondary metabolites (phlorotannins) in brown algae and increased tolerance of these defenses in the herbivores also were supported. Phlorotannin concentrations in kelps and fucoids from Australasia were, on average, 5-6 times higher than those in a comparable suite of North Pacific algae, confirming earlier findings. Furthermore, feeding rates of Australasian herbivores were largely unaffected by phlorotannins, regardless of the compounds' regional source. North Pacific herbivores, in contrast, were consistently deterred by phlorotannins from both Australasia and the North Pacific. These findings suggest that top-level consumers, acting through food chains of various lengths, can strongly influence the ecology and evolution of plantherbivore interactions.


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Harmful algal blooms (HABs) have increased in abundance and severity in recent decades. Whereas the implications for human impacts and intoxication resulting from blooms have been extensively studied, the ecological implications of these microalgae are less well understood. Many HAB species produce biologically active, secondary metabolites and the fate of these toxins through the foodweb is generally not well understood unless it culminates in extensive fish mortalities or human poisonings. This review focusses on one HAB species, the cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula, and presents a hypothetical role for its involvement in fibro-papillornatosis (FP), a neoplastic disease of marine turtles. FP is expressed as benign tumours that grow both internally and externally on marine turtles, preventing vision, movement and organ function. The aetiology of FP is currently not conclusively understood, but virus material has been associated with tumours and previous studies have suggested a role for naturally produced tumour promoters. In this review, we present a hypothesis regarding the involvement of L. majuscula in FP, either through direct intoxication and action of tumour-promoting compounds or indirectly by causing seagrass loss and compromised immune function, thus leaving the turtles more susceptible to disease.


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Morphology, occlusal surface topography, macrowear, and microwear features of parrotfish pharyngeal teeth were investigated to relate microstructural characteristics to the function of the pharyngeal mill using scanning electron microscopy of whole and sectioned pharyngeal jaws and teeth. Pharyngeal tooth migration is anterior in the lower jaw (fifth ceratobranchial) and posterior in the upper jaw (paired third pharyngobranchials), making the interaction of occlusal surfaces and wear-generating forces complex. The extent of wear can be used to define three regions through which teeth migrate: a region containing newly erupted teeth showing little or no wear; a midregion in which the apical enameloid is swiftly worn; and a region containing teeth with only basal enameloid remaining, which shows low to moderate wear. The shape of the occlusal surface alters as the teeth progress along the pharyngeal jaw, generating conditions that appear suited to the reduction of coral particles. It is likely that the interaction between these particles and algal cells during the process of the rendering of the former is responsible for the rupture of the latter, with the consequent liberation of cell contents from which parrotfish obtain their nutrients.


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Tese de doutoramento em Farmácia (Toxicologia), apresentada à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa, 2009.


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Temperate and tropical seagrasses are susceptible to wasting disease outbreaks caused by pathogenic protists of the genus Labyrinthula. Even though there is an increasing awareness of the environmental conditions that influence the etiology of seagrass-. Labyrinthula disease dynamics, the biochemical basis of seagrass defense responses, in particular chemical defenses, is still vastly understudied. Using an in vitro bioassay, we provide evidence that previously characterized phenolic and potentially novel, undescribed non-phenolic metabolites derived from Thalassia testudinum Banks ex Konig exhibit anti-labyrinthulid activity. All phenolic compounds tested displayed dose-dependent behavior and selected combinations interacted synergistically. The flavone glycoside thalassiolin B was roughly 20-100 times more active than any phenolic acid tested. Based upon values reported in the literature, it was calculated that infected specimens of T. testudinum contain natural concentrations of phenolic acids that are consistently greater than what is required to inhibit Labyrinthula growth. This suggests that while there may be an ample supply of phenolic-based derivatives available to inhibit Labyrinthula growth, they may not be readily bio-accessible.Using a bioactivity-guided approach, a semi-purified chemical fraction from T. testudinum was found to contain anti-labyrinthulid activity. 1H NMR spectra for this fraction lacked aromatic hydrogen signals, suggesting that the bioactive compound was non-aromatic in nature. Furthermore, the LC-MS fragmentation patterns were suggestive of the presence of glycosylated natural products of an unknown structural class. This has the potential to provide a foundation for future chemical investigations.


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Grape metabolites can be affected by many extrinsic and intrinsic factors, such as grape variety, ripening stage, growing regions, vineyard management practices, and edaphoclimatic conditions. However, there is still much about the in vivo formation of grape metabolites that need to be investigated. The winemaking process also can create distinct wines. Nowadays, wine fermentations are driven mostly by single-strain inoculations, allowing greater control of fermentation. Pure cultures of selected yeast strains, mostly Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are added to grape must, leading to more predictable outcomes and decreasing the risk of spoilage. Besides yeasts, lactic acid bacteria also play an important role, in the final wine quality. Thus, this chapter attempts to present an overview of grape berry physiology and metabolome to provide a deep understanding of the primary and secondary metabolites accumulated in the grape berries and their potential impact in wine quality. In addition, biotechnological approaches for wine quality practiced during wine alcoholic and malolactic fermentation will also be discussed.


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Carotenoids occur in all photosynthetic organisms where they protect photosystems from auto-oxidation, participate in photosynthetic energy-transfer and are secondary metabolites. Of the more than 600 known plant carotenoids, few can be converted into vitamin A by humans and so these pro-vitamin A carotenoids (pVAC) are important in human nutrition. Phytoene synthase (PSY) is a key enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of pVACs and plays a central role in regulating pVAC accumulation in the edible portion of crop plants. Bananas are a major commercial crop and serve as a staple crop for more than 30 million people. There is natural variation in fruit pVAC content across different banana cultivars, but this is not well understood. Therefore, we isolated PSY genes from banana cultivars with relatively high (cv. Asupina) and low (cv. Cavendish) pVAC content. We provide evidence that PSY in banana is encoded by two paralogs (PSY1 and PSY2), each with a similar gene structure to homologous genes in other monocots. Further, we demonstrate that PSY2 is more highly expressed in fruit pulp compared to leaf. Functional analysis of PSY1 and PSY2 in rice callus and E. coli demonstrate that both genes encode functional enzymes, and that Asupina PSYs have approximately twice the enzymatic activity of the corresponding Cavendish PSYs. These results suggest that differences in PSY enzyme activity contribute significantly to the differences in Asupina and Cavendish fruit pVAC content. Importantly, Asupina PSY genes could potentially be used to generate new cisgenic or intragenic banana cultivars with enhanced pVAC content.


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Bacterial siderophores are a group of chemically diverse, virulence-associated secondary metabolites whose expression exerts metabolic costs. A combined bacterial genetic and metabolomic approach revealed differential metabolomic impacts associated with biosynthesis of different siderophore structural families. Despite myriad genetic differences, the metabolome of a cheater mutant lacking a single set of siderophore biosynthetic genes more closely approximate that of a nonpathogenic K12 strain than its isogenic, uropathogen parent strain. Siderophore types associated with greater metabolomic perturbations are less common among human isolates, suggesting that metabolic costs influence success in a human population. Although different siderophores share a common iron acquisition function, our analysis shows how a metabolomic approach can distinguish their relative metabolic impacts in E.coli.


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Many fungi, lichens, and bacteria produce xanthones (derivatives of 9H-xanthen-9-one, “xanthone” from the Greek “xanthos”, for “yellow”) as secondary metabolites. Xanthones are typically polysubstituted and occur as either fully aromatized, dihydro-, tetrahydro-, or, more rarely, hexahydro-derivatives. This family of compounds appeals to medicinal chemists because of their pronounced biological activity within a notably broad spectrum of disease states, a result of their interaction with a correspondingly diverse range of target biomolecules. This has led to the description of xanthones as “privileged structures”.(1) Historically, the total synthesis of the natural products has mostly been limited to fully aromatized targets. Syntheses of the more challenging partially saturated xanthones have less frequently been reported, although the development in recent times of novel and reliable methods for the construction of the (polysubstituted) unsaturated xanthone core holds promise for future endeavors. In particular, the fascinating structural and biological properties of xanthone dimers and heterodimers may excite the synthetic or natural product chemist.


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Mycotoxins – from the Greek μύκης (mykes, mukos) “fungus” and the Latin (toxicum) “poison” – are a large and growing family of secondary metabolites and hence natural products produced by fungi, in particular by molds (1). It is estimated that well over 1,000 mycotoxins have been isolated and characterized so far, but this number will increase over the next few decades due the availability of more specialized analytical tools and the increasing number of fungi being isolated. However, the most important classes of fungi responsible for these compounds are Alternaria, Aspergillus (multiple forms), Penicillium, and Stachybotrys. The biological activity of mycotoxins ranges from weak and/or sometimes positive effects such as antibacterial activity (e.g. penicillin derivatives derived from Penicillium strains) to strong mutagenic (e.g. aflatoxins, patulin), carcinogenic (e.g. aflatoxins), teratogenic, neurotoxic (e.g. ochratoxins), nephrotoxic (e.g. fumonisins, citrinin), hepatotoxic, and immunotoxic (e.g. ochratoxins, diketopiperazines) activities (1, 2), which are discussed in detail in this volume.