868 resultados para Advertising in tourism


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Purpose - The objective of this paper is to uncover the underlying dimensions of, and examine the similarities and differences in, personal uses of advertising, perceived socio-economic effects of advertising, and consumer beliefs and attitudes toward advertising in Bulgaria and Romania. Moreover, it aims to identify the relative importance of the predictors of attitudes toward advertising in the two countries. Design/methodology/approach - The paper draws upon findings of previous research and theoretical developments by Bauer and Greyser, Sandage and Leckenby, and Pollay and Mittal. The study uses a stratified random sample of 947 face-to-face interviews with adult respondents from major urban areas in Bulgaria (507) and Romania (440). Variables are measured on multi-item scales as a typical application of the reflective indicator model. Findings - Results show that there are significant differences between Romanian and Bulgarian respondents in terms of their attitudes toward advertising. Romanians are more positive about advertising as an institution than the instruments of advertising. Romanians seem to accept the role of advertising in a free market economy, but have less confidence in advertising claims and techniques. Bulgarian respondents seem more sceptical toward advertising in general and are less enthusiastic about embracing the role of advertising as an institution. Moreover, Bulgarians are highly negative towards the instruments advertising uses to convey its messages to consumers. Research limitations/implications - The research findings reflect the views of urban dwellers and may not be generalisable to the wider population of the two countries. Interviewer bias was reduced by eliminating verbal or non-verbal cues to the respondents, and by the use of stratified random sampling. Practical implications - The paper suggests that the regulatory role of codes of advertising practice and industry regulating bodies should be enhanced, and their ability to protect consumers enforced. Marketing campaigns should be more inclusive to involve diverse social groups and reflect generally-accepted social norms. Originality/value - This study reveals that, while general attitudes toward advertising may be similar, attitudes toward the institution and instruments of advertising may differ even in countries with geographic proximity and low cultural distance. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Az állam szerepe napjainkban átalakulóban van, ami az egyes gazdasági területeken más és más szabályozórendszer alkalmazását igényli a szakterület sajátosságainak és az iparág igényeinek, nemzetközi környezetének megfelelően. A turizmus azon gazdasági területek közé tartozik, amelynek szerepe az elmúlt időszakban dinamikusan növekedett, többek között jelentős bruttó hazai termék-előállító, munkaigényes jellegéből, valamint jelentős beruházást gerjesztő hatásából adódóan. A turizmus mint üzleti tevékenység nem nélkülözheti az állam szerepét. Számos olyan externália társul hozzá, ami államilag koordinált esetben a fejlődést magasabb pályára állítja, és társadalmilag hatékonyabb szinten valósul meg. Napjainkban az állam szerepének újraértelmezése, feladatainak újbóli átgondolása és a megfelelő súlypontok megtalálása elengedhetetlenül szükséges annak érdekében, hogy a turizmus pozitív hatásai hosszú távon érvényesüljenek. _______________ Nowadays the role of the government is changing, which needs the usage of different regulatory systems regarding the requirements of the industry and the international environment. Tourism belongs to the economics fields which importance are growing very rapidly because of its effects such as GDP contribution effect, workforce effect and investment exciting effect. Tourism as a business activity needs the significant role of the government. Tourism is in association with a lot of externalise, therefore can secure the coordination of the state the development and the efficiency at a higher level. Nowadays the rethinking of the task of the government is needed on the field of tourism in the interest of the enforcement of its positive effects.


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Tanulmányában a szerző a szakirodalomban fellelhető főbb fogyasztóiérték- és élménymegközelítéseket és kapcsolatokat mutatja be. A turizmus területére fókuszálva kitér az egyes érték és a hozzá szorosan kapcsolódó élménymegközelítéseken belül található nézetkülönbségekre és azonosságokra. A szerző célja, hogy bemutassa a turizmusszektorban tapasztalt fogyasztóiérték-megközelítések sokféleségét, alátámassza a fogalom tudományos szempontú tisztázatlanságát, valamint korábbi empirikus kutatások alapján összesítse a fogyasztói érték lehetséges dimenzióit a turizmusban. ____ In this paper, the author presents consumer value and experience approaches and connections found in literature. Focusing on the area of tourism she introduces value – experience connections, the differences and accordance among approaches of the experts, and the changes of the content of interpretations from time to time. The author set several targets with her work: introducing the diversity of consumer value approaches in tourism; proving the lack of the precisely and scientifically composed concept of consumer value; and based on former empirical researches summarizing the potential consumer value dimensions in tourism.


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Although the theme park has been a major tourism destination in the United States, little research has been done in this industry. The growing economic significance and competition of the theme park industry ensure that the study of theme parks will emerge as a more popular research topic in the years to come. The authors review related articles and identify potential research topics in the theme park industry.


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Abstract Purpose The purpose of the study is to review recent studies published from 2007-2015 on tourism and hotel demand modeling and forecasting with a view to identifying the emerging topics and methods studied and to pointing future research directions in the field. Design/Methodology/approach Articles on tourism and hotel demand modeling and forecasting published in both science citation index (SCI) and social science citation index (SSCI) journals were identified and analyzed. Findings This review found that the studies focused on hotel demand are relatively less than those on tourism demand. It is also observed that more and more studies have moved away from the aggregate tourism demand analysis, while disaggregate markets and niche products have attracted increasing attention. Some studies have gone beyond neoclassical economic theory to seek additional explanations of the dynamics of tourism and hotel demand, such as environmental factors, tourist online behavior and consumer confidence indicators, among others. More sophisticated techniques such as nonlinear smooth transition regression, mixed-frequency modeling technique and nonparametric singular spectrum analysis have also been introduced to this research area. Research limitations/implications The main limitation of this review is that the articles included in this study only cover the English literature. Future review of this kind should also include articles published in other languages. The review provides a useful guide for researchers who are interested in future research on tourism and hotel demand modeling and forecasting. Practical implications This review provides important suggestions and recommendations for improving the efficiency of tourism and hospitality management practices. Originality/value The value of this review is that it identifies the current trends in tourism and hotel demand modeling and forecasting research and points out future research directions.


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The integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the tourism industry is an essential element for the success of any tourism enterprise. ICTs provide access to information of tourism products from anywhere and at any time. Tour companies may also reach out to target customers around the world through a series of emerging technologies. This paper aims to make a review of the main key factors of ICT in Tourism. Aspects such as the quality of the website, Digital Marketing, Social Networking, Multimedia, Mobile Technologies and Intelligent Environments are discussed.


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SummaryContestation is a central element of heritage tourism. This chapter examines issues of contestation in relation to material cultural heritage with special attention given to the built environment, and archaeological and architectural sites. The relationship between tourism and material heritage is characterised by contestation in multiple ways and different scales and includes concerns over values, over space, over materials, over meanings, and over ownership. Using examples drawn from emerging economies as well as more developed destinations the chapter emphasizes the need to pursue these issues through a number of analytical lenses that draw upon different conceptual understandings of heritage and tourism and pursue a range of methodological strategies capable of unearthing the complexities of the contested relationship between tourism and material culture.


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Estimate the amount of alcohol advertising in sport vs. non-sport programming in Australian free-to-air TV and identify children's viewing audience composition at different times of the day. Alcohol advertising and TV viewing audience data were purchased for free-to-air sport and non-sport TV in Australia for 2012. We counted alcohol advertisements in sport and non-sport TV in daytime (6 am-8.29 pm) and evening periods (8.30 pm-11.59 pm) and estimated viewing audiences for children and young adults (0-4 years, 5-13 years, 14-17 years, 18-29 years). During the daytime, most of the alcohol advertising (87%) was on sport TV. In the evening, most alcohol advertising (86%) was in non-sport TV. There was little difference in the mean number of children (0-17 years) viewing TV in the evening (N = 273,989), compared with the daytime (N = 235,233). In programs containing alcohol advertising, sport TV had a greater mean number of alcohol adverts per hour (mean 1.74, SD = 1.1) than non-sport TV (mean 1.35, SD = .94). Alcohol advertising during the daytime, when large numbers of children are watching TV, is predominantly in free-to-air sport TV. By permitting day-time advertising in sport programs and in any programs from 8.30 pm when many children are still watching TV, current regulations are not protecting children from exposure to alcohol advertising.


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Introduction and Aims The aim of this study was to determine changes in advertising expenditures across eight media channels for the four main alcohol beverage types and alcohol retailers in Australia. Design and Methods Yearly advertising expenditures between January 1997 and December 2011 obtained from a leading media-monitoring company. Media channels assessed were: free-to-air television, newspapers, magazines, radio, outdoors (billboards), cinema, direct mail (from 2005) and online (from 2008). Data were categorised into alcohol retailers (e.g. supermarkets, off-licences) or four alcoholic beverage types (beer, wine, spirits, premixed spirits/cider). Regression analyses examined associations between year and expenditure. Results Total alcohol advertising expenditure peaked in 2007, then declined to 2011 (P&thinsp;=&thinsp;0.02). Television advertising expenditure declined between 2000 and 2011 (P&thinsp;<&thinsp;0.001), while outdoor advertising expenditure increased between 1997 and 2007. Alcohol retailers' advertising expenditure increased over time (P&thinsp;<&thinsp;0.001), and from the mid-2000s exceeded expenditure for any single beverage category. For both beer and spirits, television advertising expenditure declined over time (beer: P&thinsp;<&thinsp;0.001; spirits: P&thinsp;<&thinsp;0.001) while outdoor advertising expenditure increased (beer: P&thinsp;<&thinsp;0.001; spirits: P&thinsp;=&thinsp;0.02). However, the number of advertised beer (P&thinsp;<&thinsp;0.001), spirits (P&thinsp;<&thinsp;0.001) and wine (P&thinsp;=&thinsp;0.01) products increased over time. Discussion and Conclusions Retailers are playing an increasing role in advertising alcohol. As our study excluded non-traditional advertising media (e.g. sponsorships, in-store) we cannot determine whether declines in television advertising have been offset by increases in advertising in newer media channels. However, our findings that media channels used for alcohol advertising have changed over time highlights the need for adequate controls on alcohol advertising in all media channels.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.


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The proposition underpinning this study is engaging in meaningful dialogue with previous visitors represents an efficient and effective use of resources for a destination marketing organization (DMO), compared to above the line advertising in broadcast media. However there has been a lack of attention in the tourism literature relating to destination switching, loyalty and customer relationship management (CRM) to test such a proposition. This paper reports an investigation of visitor relationship marketing (VRM) orientation among DMOs. A model of CRM orientation, which was developed from the wider marketing literature and a prior qualitative study, was used to develop a scale to operationalise DMO visitor relationship orientation. Due to a small sample, the Partial Least Squares (PLS) method of structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data. Although the sample limits the ability to generalise, the results indicated the DMOs’ visitor orientation is generally responsive and reactive rather than proactive.