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本文通过对渤海泥质区不同位置岩芯的粒度、矿物、化学元素等方面的分析,结合浅地层地震剖面、AMS 14C测年、微体古生物分析、稳定同位素测量、古地磁数据等,对全新世渤海泥质区中沉积物物质组成特征、物质来源、形成历史其环境响应进行了探讨。 结果显示,在早全新世期间黄河曾流经渤海南部,其携带泥沙对渤海沉积作用造成一定影响,但不同位置沉积环境及所受黄河影响的大小存在差异。 渤海泥质区的主体部分从约6000 aBP开始形成。当时沉积记录存在突变现象,不仅显示了沉积环境氧化还原条件的改变,而且温度与盐度值的变化以及沉积速率的明显偏高以及浮游有孔虫的出现说明本区开始受到黄海暖流余脉的影响。4500 aBP以来,沉积物中重矿物组合、化学成分等与黄河沉积物已较为接近,说明此时黄河物质对渤海泥质沉积的影响已经占据主导地位。渤海泥质区虽然有着离黄河口较近的特点,但并未出现明显高于陆架其它泥质沉积区的沉积速率,说明受输运机制控制,黄河物质向泥质区的输送量不大,远不如向黄海的输出量。 北部记录着全新世期间发生的两次地磁极漂移,分别发生于2800~3100 aBP(对应Starno事件)和7500~8200 aBP。漂移发生前后,气候、物质来源与海平面均有较大变化,说明地磁极漂移对气候有着重要影响。
本发明涉及一种花锚植物的引种栽培技术,该技术包括种子处理技术和引种栽培技术。本发明通过采用花锚种子的物理和化学处理方法,使花锚种子萌发率达75%以上;通过地膜覆盖技术,即在种子播种前采用地膜覆盖7- 28天,可有效地控制杂草数量和生长,为规模化种植奠定可靠的基础;通过在拔1500 —4500米的原产水浇大田或适宜旱耕地的引种栽培途径,可快速恢复花锚植物的资源量,并有效地保证花锚植物的药材品质和药效成分。
本发明涉及扁蕾植物的引种栽培技术,该技术包括种子处理和引种栽培工艺。本发明通过对扁蕾植物种子进行物理和化学处理,使扁蕾种子萌发率达70%以上;通过地膜覆盖技术,即在种子播种前采用地膜覆盖7-28天,可有效地控制杂草数量和生长,为规模化种植奠定可靠的基础;通过在海拔 1500-4500米的原产水浇大田或适宜旱耕地的引种栽培途径,可快速恢复扁蕾的资源量,并有效地保证扁蕾的药材品质和药效成分。
This thesis focuses on the present-day thermal field features, evolution and their connections to hydrocarbon generation of the three continental margin basins-the Yinggehai (Yingge Sea), Qiongdongnan(southeast Qiong), and Pear River Mouth basins-in northern South China Sea, based on available data from drillings, loggings, seismic cross-sections, BHTs, thermal indicators (Ro%, inclusion, etc) and geopressure measurements. After studying of present-day distribution of geothermal field and thermal disturbance of fluid in the sedimentary strata, the author discovered that the distribution of gas fields in Yinggehai Basin are closely related to the distribution of anomalously high thermal gradient area, whereas it is not the case for the Pear River Mouse Basin. And detailed processing of the fluid inclusion data indicates that geothermal fluids activated frequently in this area, and they may mainly be derived upward from the overpressure and hydrocarbon-generating beds, 3000-4500 m in depth. Therefore, the abnormal gradients in sedimentary beds were mainly caused by the active geothermal fluids related to hydrocarbon migrating and accumulating in this area. Because of the effect of overpressure retarding on vitrinite reflectance, the thermal indicators for thermal history reconstruction should be assessed before put into use. Although some factors, such as different types of kerogen, heating ratio, activities of thermal fluids and overpressure, may have effects on the vitrinite reflectance, under the circumstance that thermal fluids and overpressure co-exist, overpressure retarding is dominant. And the depth and correction method of overpressure retarding were also determined in this paper. On the basis of reviewing the methods of thermal history studies as well as existing problems, the author believes that the combination of thermal-indicator-inversion and tectono-thermal modeling is an effective method of the thermal history reconstruction for sedimentary basins. Also, a software BaTherMod for modeling thermal history of basins was successfully developed in this work. The Yinggehai Basin has been active since Tertiary, and this was obviously due to its tectonic position-the plate transition zone. Under the background of high thermal flow, long-term quick subsidence and fluid activities were the main reasons that lead to high temperature and overpressure in this basin. The Zhujiangkou Basin, a Tertiary fault-basin within the circum-Pacific tectonic realm, was tectonically controlled by the motion of the Pacific Plate and resembles the other petroliferous basins in eastern China. This basin developed early, and characterized intensive extension in the early stage and weak activity in the later stage of its development. Whereas the Qiongdongnan Basin was in a weak extension early and intensity of extension increased gradually. The relative geographical locations and the extensional histories of three basins ilustrate that the northern continental margin of South China Sea spread from south to north. On the other hand, the Qiongdongnan and Yinggehai Basins may have been controlled by the same tectonic regime since later Tertiary, whereas the Zhujiangkou Basin was not meaningfully influenced. So, the tectono-thermal evolution character of the Qiongdonnan basin should be closely to the other two. It may be concluded that the three basins have been developed within the active continental margin since Tertiary, and the local lithosphere might undergo intensive extension-perhaps two or three times of episodic extension occurred. Extension lead to large tectonoc subsidence and extreme thick Tertiary sediments for hydrocarbon generation in the basins. In response to the periodic extension of the basins, the palaeothermal flow were also periodical. The three basins all have the characteristics of multi-phase thermal evolutions that is good for oil-gas generation. And the overpressure expands the depth range of oil-gas habitat, which is meaningful to petroleum exploration in this region.
Daihai Lake, a graben-type closed lake, lies ca. 10 km east of Liangcheng County, Inner Mongolia, north-central China. For its location at the transition of semi-humid and semi-arid areas, and in the north edge of the East Asian monsoon, the lake is sensitive to changes in climate and environment. Based on analyses of total inorganic carbon (TIC), total organic carbon (TOC) and the ratio of total organic carbon to total nitrogen (C/N ratio) of DH99a core sediments recovered in the central part of Daihai Lake, the data suggest Holocene climatic history of the lake region is reconstructed. In this paper, the TIC and TOC contents of the lake sediments are closely related to climate changes. 1) Changes in TIC content of the lake sediments is closely related to climate, which directly reflect changes of temperature in the lake region, i.e., higher TIC content is linked with warmer temperature and stronger evaporation; 2) Changes in TOC and C/N ratio reflect the regional precipitation, i.e., relatively higher TOC content and C/N ratio indicate higher rainfall which results in stronger river flow and more organic matter entering into the lake. Data of the TIC content, TOC content and C/N ratio of DH99a core sediments suggest that climatic history of the Daihai Lake region is characterized by 4 stages. During the interval of ca. 11200-7500 a BP, higher TIC content, relatively lower TOC content and C/N ratio value indicate a warmer and slight dry condition over the lake area. From ca. 7500 to 4500 a BP, high values of TIC content, with an increase in TOC content and C/N ratio suggest the climate was warm and humid. Changes of TIC content, TOC content show that both temperature and precipitation displayed obvious fluctuations during the period, i.e., slightly cool and humid ca. 7500-6700 a BP, warm and moist ca. 6700-5300a BP, mild and comparatively humid ca. 5300-4500a BP. Between ca. 4500 and 2900 a BP, TIC content and TOC content decreased gradually while fluctuating, C/N ratio displayed a decreasing trend. These data imply that the climate generally became cooler and drier than the preceding period. The lowest values of TIC content, TOC content and C/N ratio during the interval of ca. 2900-0 a BP, demonstrate that the climate was severe, and became cool and dry. However the relative higher values of TIC content, TOC content and C/N ratio between ca. 1700 and 1300 a BP may denote an increase both in temperature and in precipitation. Data of TIC content, TOC content and C/N ratio in Daihai DH99a core sediments indicate that the warm period was asynchronous with the humid time, the warm interval began in ca. 11200 a BP, and ended in ca. 2900 a BP. The humid period was ca. 7500-2900 a BP. During ca. 7500^500 a BP, the climate was warm and humid, which was the climatic optimum of the Holocene Epoch in the Daihai Lake region. Data of TIC content, TOC content and C/N ratio in Daihai DH99a core sediments imply that the Holocene climate was unstable, the fluctuating events happened occasionally. Such as the cold and dry climate in ca. 4400-4200a BP, the warm and humid climatic condition in the period between ca.1700 and 1300a BP.
Este trabalho foi realizado pela Embrapa Cerrados em uma fazenda particular, objetivando desenvolver estrategias de suplementacao alimentar de bovinos com Misturas Multiplas. Utilizou-se a ureia como substituto da proteina natural e o milho, como fonte de energia, em B. brizantha cv. Marandu, estabelecida em um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro, textura argilosa. O experimento foi conduzido durante a seca de 1997 e durou 84 dias. Empregou-se 160 novilho Nelore, com peso medio de 175 kg arranjados em sistemas de pastejo continuo em quatro pastos, em delineamento experimental completamente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos: 1- Sal mineralizado com 38% de superfosfato triplo (Testemunha); 2- Milho triturado 30%, farelo de soja 15%, ureia 10%, sal mineralizado 35%, sal comum 10%; 3- Milho triturado 36,4%, farelo de soja 7,5%, ureia 11,1%, sal mineralizado 35%, sal comum 10%; 4- Milho triturado 42,7%, ureia 12,3%, sal mineralizado 35%, sal comum 10%. A disponibilidade de forragem, nos pastos durante o experimento, permaneceu acima 4500 kg de MS/ha. A pressao de pastejo variou de 7% a 8%, e a taxa de lotacao media foi de 1.0 UA/ha. O conteudo de proteina bruta baixou para menos de 6% em agosto, mas elevou-se acima desse valor nos demais meses. A menor digestibilidade (DIVMS) ocorreu em agosto, e a fibra em detergente neutro variou de 60% em junho e 72% em agosto. Os animais, suplementados com a mistura multipla da Embrapa Cerrados, ganharam peso semelhante aos que consumiram as outras misturas e superior aquelas que receberam apenas sal mineralizado. A suplementacao com Mistura Multipla da Embrapa Cerrados aumentou o lucro liquido por animal em 46%, com retorno de US$ 3.59 por dolar aplicado.
Rationale, aims and objectives Continuing health education is essential but challenged. in 2006, the Brazilian Cochrane Center, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, launched a mass teaching initiative in evidence-based health care (EBH) for public-sector professionals via teleconferencing. This 152-hour, interactive EBH course has enrolled over 4500 professionals. This study aimed to assess the acquisition EBH knowledge and skills, as well as the attitudes and perceptions of a sample of students enrolled in the 2009 course via teleconferencing.Methods This prospective cohort study analyzed three aspects of this 152-hour EBH course that recruited 1040 volunteer participants, all public health sector employees working in 131 different hospitals or health agencies. Pre- and post-course tests using a modified version of the Berlin questionnaire with 20 multiple-choice questions were used to examine knowledge acquisition in a sample of 297 students. Tests were completed upon registration and at course completion. the research projects submitted by 872 participants were evaluated to assess skill acquisition. Answers to an anonymous survey assessed the attitudes and perceptions of 914 participants.Results There was a significant increase in knowledge from baseline to course completion (mean scores 8.2 +/- 3.3 versus 13.7 +/- 3.0, P < 0.001). Over 90% of the research projects were judged to be of adequate quality (appropriate rationale for the study, well-formulated research question and feasible execution); over 95% of the participants were satisfied with the course.Conclusion the Brazilian EBH course via teleconference improved the knowledge and skills of public-sector health professionals and was approved by the vast majority of students.
Wydział Biologii i Hodowli Zwierząt Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
O estudo é uma pesquisa-ação, na área da Informática na Educação Matemática, sobre a forma de aprender a aprender cooperativamente, segundo os Estudos Sociológicos de Piaget, no espaço de aprendizagem digital da Matemática, desenvolvida no IFRS – Osório, em 2011 e 2012, com 60 estudantes do ensino médio técnico em informática. A questão central é como analisar e compreender o processo de aprendizagem cooperativa dos conceitos de Matemática neste espaço. A definição deste espaço e de aprendizagem cooperativa é resultado desta pesquisa. Além disso, demonstra-se a construção dos conceitos de Matemática, e a mobilização dos estudantes em aprender incorporando-se as tecnologias digitais online às aulas de Matemática, sob a autonomia e responsabilidade de cada estudante e/ou de seu grupo.
In the scheduling literature, the notion of machine non availability periods is well known, for instance for maintenance. In our case of planning chemical experiments, we have special periods (the week-ends, holidays, vacations) where the chemists are not available. However, human intervention by the chemists is required to handle the starting and termination of the experiments. This gives rise to a new type of scheduling problems, namely problems of finding schedules that respect the operator non availability periods. These problems are analyzed on a single machine with the makespan as criterion. Properties are described and performance ratios are given for list scheduling and other polynomial-time algorithms.
The one-pot synthesis of the fungicide fenpropimorph has been achieved using two different synthetic strategies in an ionic liquid. The first pathway consists of a Heck coupling followed by reductive amination; the second pathway consists of an aldol condensation followed by hydrogenation/reductive amination. Homogeneous and heterogeneous palladium catalysts have been utilised in the ionic liquid to provide a catalyst/solvent system that is suitable for recycling and process optimisation.
We present an analysis of the Northern Irish bog oak record presented in Turney et al. (2005) for the last 4500 years. The record is compared with a compiled peatland water table record from the same region and palaeohydrological data from northern England and mid-latitude Europe. It is apparent that there is no consistent relationship between the population frequency of Irish bog oaks and the palaeohydrological reconstructions, illustrating that the record is not reflecting wetness changes in peatlands. We suggest that the bog oaks should be scrutinised on a within-site and a site-by-site basis to assess the spatial coherency of the shifts in tree populations and the synchronicity of phases of germination and dying off (GDO). Further work is needed to critically examine the controls on the establishment and demise of bog oaks on Irish peatlands before these data can be used as a palaeoclimate proxy. Only then can they be used to test solar forcing of Holocene climate change.