541 resultados para 1512


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We verify that the magnetic suppression of intersubband LO or LA phonon scattering can give rise to a noticeable nonthermal occupation in higher-lying subbands. This is clearly determined by the relative intensity ratio of the interband photoluminescence spectra for the E-2 - HH1 and E-1 - HH1 transitions. The observed phenomenon may provide an effective method to control the intersubband scattering rate, which is a key factor of the so-called quantum cascade lasers. This is helpful for the population inversion between both the subbands in quantum wells.


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Penaeid shrimp, as an invertebrate, relies on the innate immunity to oppose the microbial invaders. Antimicrobial peptides (AMP) are an integral component of the innate immune system in most organisms and function as an early first line of defense against pathogens, but the knowledge about the pathways to regulate the shrimp AMP gene expression is still absent up to date. In the current study, a Relish homolog (FcRelish) was cloned from Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis. The full length cDNA of FcRelish consists of 2157 bp, including 1512 bp open reading frame, encoding 504 amino acids. The predicted molecular weight of FcRelish is 57 kDa, and the theoretical PI is 7.00. Spatial expression profiles showed that FcRelish had the highest expression levels in the hemocytes and lymphoid organ. Both Vibrio anguillarium and Micrococcus lysodeikticus stimulation to shrimp can affect the transcription profile of FcRelish. Silencing of FcRelish through DsRNA interference can greatly change the transcription profile of AMP. Therefore, we suggest that FcRelish identified in the present study is closely related to the transcription of AMP, and then we inferred that Imd pathway might exist in shrimp. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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对虾流行病爆发以来,我国乃至世界的对虾产业一直受到各种虾病的困扰,对虾养殖业严重受阻。解决这一问题的关键是加强对虾免疫机制的研究,并在此基础上寻找对虾疾病防治的有效方法。Rel/NF-κB是一类核转录因子,在无脊椎动物的先天性免疫中,起着极为重要的作用。 本论文根据其他无脊椎动物中NF-κB家族基因Relish和Dorsal的保守氨基酸序列分别设计简并引物,从中国明对虾血细胞cDNA中先后克隆到了Relish和Dorsal基因的部分片段,并结合SMART-RACE技术分别获得了中国明对虾Relish基因(FcRelish)和Dorsal基因(FcDorsal)的cDNA 全长。 FcRelish的cDNA 全长为2157个碱基,其中开放阅读框为1512个碱基,编码504个氨基酸;FcRelish蛋白的推导分子量为57373.5 Da,理论等电点为7.00。FcDorsal基因的cDNA 全长为1627个碱基,其中开放阅读框为1071个碱基,编码357个氨基酸;FcDorsal蛋白的推导分子量为39780.7 Da,理论等电点为8.85。 分析了FcRelish基因和FcDorsal基因的在血细胞、淋巴器官、肠和肌肉等12个组织中的表达水平。组织表达结果表明FcRelish和FcDorsal在淋巴器官和血细胞中表达水平明显高于其他组织,而淋巴器官和血细胞是对虾免疫系统中最重要的两个组织,由此可以推测中国明对虾中的Relish和Dorsal可能与免疫关系密切。 本论文还利用实时荧光定量PCR技术,对灭活鳗弧菌刺激,以及WSSV病毒刺激后,对虾血细胞和淋巴器官中FcRelish基因和FcDorsal基因的转录水平进行了研究。FcRelish基因在WSSV病毒刺激后,在血细胞和淋巴器官中都出现了波浪形变化,说明FcRelish对WSSV病毒刺激产生了应答。在灭活鳗弧菌刺激后,FcRelish在血细胞中变化不明显,而在淋巴器官中出现了两次明显的下调上调交替,出现这种现象的具体原因有待探究。在WSSV病毒刺激后,血细胞和淋巴器官中FcDorsal的转录表达呈波浪形变化。而在鳗弧菌刺激后,FcDorsal在血细胞和淋巴器官中的转录均在短时间内出现明显的上调表达,说明FcDorsal对鳗弧菌非常敏感。 作为核转录因子的NF-κB蛋白的转录激活作用需要在细胞质中通过蛋白水解作用来激活,为了进一步阐明NF-κB对病菌感染的应答机制,需要进一步研究这两种转录因子在蛋白水平的变化,以便从分子水平阐明NF-κB在对虾天然免疫中的作用。


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在实验室内建立了Oshima 提出的针对麻痹性贝毒毒素的高效液相色谱分析方法,并根据实验室条件对分析过程进行了完善.同时对另一重要的麻痹性贝毒分析方法-Thielert分析方法进行了改进,在保持原方法对neoSTX, dcSTX 和STX等毒素较高分辩率和检出限的基础上, 提高了原方法中GTX1 和GTX4,GTX3和GTX2的分辩率,使之可以分析已知的大多数麻痹性贝毒毒素.应用建立的高效液相色谱技术对从中国南海海域分离的两株塔玛亚历山大藻ATHK 和ATCI03的毒素含量及组成进行了分析,结果表明两株塔玛亚历山大藻均能产生毒素,但在毒素组成和含量方面存在明显差别。批次培养结果表明每细胞毒素含量在对数生长期初期最高,之后逐渐降低。以两株有毒藻中毒素含量较高的ATHK 作为模型,研究了光照强度、盐度以及营养盐(N,P)对有毒藻生长和毒素产生的影响。结果表明在实验光照强度内(2100lux-4700lux),塔玛亚历山大藻的生长速率随光照强度的增加而增加,对相同细胞密度的藻采样分析结果表明毒素含量在场300Lux最大;而在同一天取样分析的结果表明毒草素含量随光照强度的降低而增加。在实验盐度下相差不大。而毒素含量在职4S相对偏低。一次培养结果表明,在氮、磷营养盐充足的条件下,毒素今是在对数生长初期达到最高,之后逐渐降低,起始时较低的氮浓度对对数生长初期毒素含量影响不大,但对数生长期中后期的细胞内毒素含量明显降低。而起始时较低的磷浓度则使对数期中后期的细胞内毒素含量保持稳定或逐渐增加。培养液中氮、磷的供应情况直接决定细胞骨毒素含量的变化;而培养液起始磷比在决定细胞毒素含量弯化方面也有一定的作用。半连续培养结果表明氮限制恒化培养使每细胞毒素含量降低,而磷限制恒化培养使每细胞毒素含量升高,营养充足的恒浊培养得到的藻细胞毒素今是介于二者之间。通过分析氮、磷限制下半连续恒化培养的塔玛亚历山大藻细胞内毒素含量、精氨酸水平、谷氨酰胺/谷氨酸比值(Gln/Glu)等,研究了营养盐对毒素产生的影响机制。结果表明,细胞内毒素含量与精氨酸水平以及Gln/Glu比值存在明显相关关系。在此基础上提出了氮、磷对毒素产生可能的影响机制。即外界环境中的氮通过影响细胞内精氨酸水平而影响毒素含量;磷则是通过改变细胞的氮代谢途径而影响毒素的合成。磷的缺乏可能导致细胞正常的代谢停滞,为缓解细胞内氮过剩造成的毒性效应,作为氨基酸合成重要中间产物的谷氨酰氨转向合成精氨酸,造成精氨酸累积,累积的精氨酸双进一步生成麻痹性贝毒毒素。缺磷条件下毒素含量的增加很可能是对磷缺乏导致的细胞内氨积累的一种缓解措施.


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Geothermal resource is rich in Guanzhong Basin, but as to its cycle characteristic, there has been lack of systematic study so far. Blind exploitations lead to water-temperature reducing, the decrease of spring flow rate and so on. Based on groundwater system and hydrogeological and hydrological geochemical theory, this paper studied the recycling type of geothermal water and analyzed the resources of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and sulfate. The origin of the internal geothermal water is ice and snow in Qinling Mountain and Liupan Mountain above 1400m. The precipitation and surface water entered the deep part of the basin along piedmont faults, heated and water-expansion increased. The karst groundwater comes from meteoric water of the bare carbonate rock area in the North Mountains. Geothermal-water DIC mainly came from the dissolution of carbonate rock in the deep part of Guanzhong Basin, sulfate of Xi’an depression and Lishan salient came from the dissolution of continental evaporate , and sulfate of Gushi depression and Xianli salient came from co-dissolution of continental and marine evaporate. The above results supply science basis for reasonable exploitation and sustainable utilization of the geothermal water in Guanzhong Basin.


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A method for reconstruction of 3D polygonal models from multiple views is presented. The method uses sampling techniques to construct a texture-mapped semi-regular polygonal mesh of the object in question. Given a set of views and segmentation of the object in each view, constructive solid geometry is used to build a visual hull from silhouette prisms. The resulting polygonal mesh is simplified and subdivided to produce a semi-regular mesh. Regions of model fit inaccuracy are found by projecting the reference images onto the mesh from different views. The resulting error images for each view are used to compute a probability density function, and several points are sampled from it. Along the epipolar lines corresponding to these sampled points, photometric consistency is evaluated. The mesh surface is then pulled towards the regions of higher photometric consistency using free-form deformations. This sampling-based approach produces a photometrically consistent solution in much less time than possible with previous multi-view algorithms given arbitrary camera placement.


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The aim of this thesis is to examine if a difference exists in income for different categories of drinkers in Ireland using the 2007 Slán data set. The possible impact of alcohol consumption on health status and health care utilisation is also examined. Potential endogeneity and selection bias is accounted for throughout. Endogeneity is where an independent variable included in the model is determined within the context of the model (Chenhall and Moers, 2007). An endogenous relationship between income and alcohol and between health and alcohol is accounted for by the use of separate income equations and separate health status equations for each category of drinker similar to what was done in previous studies into the effects of alcohol on earnings (Hamilton and Hamilton, 1997; Barrett, 2002). Sample selection bias arises when a sector selection is non-random due to individuals choosing a particular sector because of their personal characteristics (Heckman, 1979; Zhang, 2004). In relation to alcohol consumption, selection bias may arise as people may select into a particular drinker group due to the fact that they know that by doing so it will not have a negative effect on their income or health (Hamilton and Hamilton, 1997; Di Pietro and Pedace, 2008; Barrett, 2002). Selection bias of alcohol consumption is accounted for by using the Multinomial Logit OLS Two Step Estimate as proposed by Lee (1982), which is an extension of the Heckman Probit OLS Two Step Estimate. Alcohol status as an ordered variable is examined and possible methods of estimation accounting for this ordinality while also accounting for selection bias are looked at. Limited Information Methods and Full Information Methods of estimation of simultaneous equations are assessed and compared. Findings show that in Ireland moderate drinkers have a higher income compared with abstainers or heavy drinkers. Some studies such as Barrett (2002) argue that this is as a consequence of alcohol improving ones health, which in turn can influence ones productivity which may ultimately be reflected in earnings, due to the fact that previous studies have found that moderate levels of alcohol consumption are beneficial towards ones health status. This study goes on to examine the relationship between health status and alcohol consumption and whether the correlation between income and the consumption of alcohol is similar in terms of sign and magnitude to the correlation between health status and the consumption of alcohol. Results indicate that moderate drinkers have a higher income than non or heavy drinkers, with the weekly household income of moderate drinkers being €660.10, non drinkers being €546.75 and heavy drinkers being €449.99. Moderate Drinkers also report having a better health status than non drinkers and a slightly better health status than heavy drinkers. More non-drinkers report poor health than either moderate or heavy drinkers. As part of the analysis into the effect of alcohol consumption on income and on health status, the relationship between other socio economic variables such as gender, age, education among others, with income, health and alcohol status is examined.